Woosim System WSP I350 User Manual

(3inch Industrial Printer)
WOOSIM SYSTEMS Inc. #501, Daerung Technotown 3th, 448, Gasan-Dong, GeumChun-Ku, Seoul, Korea Tel : +82-2-2107-3700 Fax : +82-2-2107-3707 URL: http://www.woosim.com
WSP-i350 3inch Industrial printer operator’s manual.
Copyright 2009 by Woosim Systems Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained in this manual is the property of Woosim Systems Inc. and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Woosim Systems Inc.
All other trademark are the properties of their respective companies.
Some semiconductor devices are easily damaged by static electricity. You should turn the printer “OFF”, before you connect or removed the cable on the rear side, in order to guard the printer against the static electricity. If the printer is damaged by the static electricity, you should turn the printer “OFF”
a registered trademark of Woosim Systems Inc.
The WSP-i350 is the ideal solution for Mobile banking system , Retail, point of sales, Credit card Transaction, other traveling and mobile computing etc.
The general features of WSP-i350 printer are as follows:
X Pocket size (120×130.5×58.3mm) X Light weight(520g) for true mobility X Very silent printing thru direct thermal printing method X High speed (60mm/sec, MAX) X UART(RS-232C or TTL), IrDA Ver1.1, Bluetooth Ver2.0 interface
Wireless LAN interface(IEEE802.11b/g)
X Support Magnetic Stripe Reader X Support Graphic LCD(128×32dots) with Blue LED Backlight X Support text and graphic printing X Support bit-image(logo), firmware download X Easier paper roll loading by CLAMSHELL design X One touch paper cover X Printer door open & Paper-out sensor X Microsoft Windows 98/ME/XP/2000 compatible. X In field programming – Update Firmware, Download Fonts and Logos X Support bit-image(logo) download. X Flow control : Software (XON/XOFF)
Hardware flow control not supported in printer.
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OOppeerraattiinngg PPrreeccaauuttiioonns
Please follow the precautions below to enjoy and maintain the full performance of
the printer.
X Using the Printer
Be careful not to drop or bump the printer on a hard surface.
Do not install the printer in direct sunlight or such areas.
Suitable environment for the use of th e printer is as follows: Operating temperature : -10°C to 50°C
Relative humidity : 10% to 90% (No condensation)
Do not install the printer near devices that generate strong
electromagnetic fields such as a copy machine.
Do not open the platen cover during printing .
Do not remove or reinstall the communication cable during printing
or transmission.
Do not touch the connectors of the communication during printing.
Switch the POWER OFF when not in use.
Do not use alcohol or other solvent.
The AC adapter, the battery charger and the battery pack may
become warm when in use. This is normal and is not a malfunction.
When the battery pack is used at low temperature, the length of time
the printer can be used may be shortened.
X Thermal Paper Handling
Store the the rmal paper in a cool, dry and dark place.
Do not rub the paper with hard object.
Do not leave the paper with hard object.
Do not allow plastic film, erasers, or adhesive tape to touch the paper
for long periods.
Do not stack the thermal paper with diazo copies immediately
after copying or wet-type copies.
Do not use chemical glue.
Al ways use the clean thermal paper.
Copyright ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Trademark .................................................................................................................................... 2
Caution......................................................................................................................................... 2
Operating Precautions
1. Outline. ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Model classifications. ............................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Product Part Number System. ................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Specifications. ........................................................................................................................... 7
2. Setting up the printer. .................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Printer & Accessories ............................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Printer Features ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Replacing paper roll. ............................................................................................................... 11
2.4. Power supply .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.4.1. Specified power supply. ................................................................................................... 12
2.4.2. Installing the battery and the belt strap ............................................................................ 12
2.4.3. Recharging the battery pack ............................................................................................. 13
2.5. Set operation mode. ................................................................................................................ 14
................................................................................................ 4
3. Interface. ........................ .. .. ............................. .............................. .......................... ...................... 18
3.1. UART(RS-232C or TTL) ...................... .. .. ... ............................. ............................. ................. 18
3.2. Infrared data communication .................................................................................................. 19
3.3. Bluetooth ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.4. Wireless LAN ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.1 wLAN SETTING .............................................................................................................. 22
4. Using the printer. ................................. .. .. .. .............................. ............................. ....................... 30
4.1. Control panel. ......................................................................................................................... 30
4.2. The self test. ............................................................................................................................ 31
5. Consumable Parts. ..................................... .. .. .............................. ............................. ................... 32
5.1. Recommended paper. .............................................................................................................. 32
5.2. Printing position. ..................................................................................................................... 32
11.. OOuuttlliinnee..
11..11.. MMooddeell ccllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonnss..
WSP-i350 ( ) ( )
11..22.. PPrroodduucctt PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr SSyysstteemm..
Example) 1. Porti-S40 Serial/Bluetooth Part No. S40/A1
2. Porti-SC30 Bluetooth Only Part No. SC30/Z1
Model name / Interface Spec.
Wired Wireless
A RS-232C 1 Bluetooth B TTL 2 IrDA C USB 0 None
D RS-485
E Parallel
Z None
None: UART/Bluetooth
None : DC 8.4V
11..33.. SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss..
Item Specifications
Print method Characters per line
Direct thermal line p r inting 64cpl (MAX)
Character size
Optional Characters
Eng. : 9×24dots, 12×24dots Kor. : 16×24dots, [24×24dots]
Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Cyrillic, Russian, Tukish, Greek, Japanese, Persian, Latin9 and Others upon request.
Resolution Print width Print speed
Paper roll
H/W Spec. Receive buffer size MSR LCD Battery Battery duration
Battery charger
Environment conditions
MCBF(Mean Cycle Between Failure)
203dpi, 8dots/mm 3-inch (72mm, 576dots) 60mm / sec (MAX) 120×130.5×58.3 mm 520g (Including battery & roll paper)
UART(RS-232C or TTL), IrDA Ver1.1, Bluetooth Ver 2.0 Wireless LAN interface(IEEE802.11b/g)
Thermal roll paper (80mm wide, 50ø)
1-dimension : Code128, EAN 128, Code39, I2/5, Code93 UPC, EAN, KAN,
2-dimension : PDF417, QR Code, DATA Matrix MCU : 32bits RISC, FLASH : 4Mbytes, RAM : 8Mbytes
1M bytes
ISO 7810 / 7811 / 7812 1&2 or 2&3 Track Reading 128×32 Dots FSTN (Blue LED Backlight) Rechargeable 7.4V DC
1 hour continuous printing Input (100~250V AC, 50~60Hz)
Output(8.4VDC/0.8A), 4hours full charge time
-10°C ~ 50°C (operating)
-20°C ~ 60°C (storage) 30% - 80% (operating)
10% - 90% (storage)
Mechanical 37,000,000 lines
Head Approximately 50 Km
22.. SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee pprriinntteerr..
22..11.. PPrriinntteerr && AAcccceessssoorriieess
Your printer box should include these items. If any items are damaged or missing, please
contact your dealer for assistance.
Battery Pack Paper Roll
Communication Cable
Battery Charger
Shoulder band MSR
22..22.. PPrriinntteerr FFeeaattuurreess
Part Name
22..33.. RReeppllaacciinngg ppaappeerr rroollll..
Note :
Be sure to use paper rolls that meet the specifications.
Do not use paper rolls that have the paper g lued to the core because the printer cannot detect the paper end correctly.
1. Make sure that the printer is not receiving data; otherwise, data may be lost.
2. Open the paper cover by placing your fingers under the paper cover lock and pull a paper cover lock open.
3. Insert a new paper roll as shown.
4. Tear the excess paper off using the edge of paper door as a tear bar.
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