Woods Equipment BH7500 User Manual

Woods Backhoe Model: BH6500/7500
mounting to
Kioti Tractor Model: DK40
equipped with
Woods Loaders: 1009 1012 1016 or Kioti Loader: 1470
Includes Hose Kits:
MAN0157 (10/12/01)
Assembly and proper i nstallation of thi s product is the responsibil ity of the WOODS dealer. Read manual instructi ons and safety rules. Make su re all item s on the Dealer ’s Pre- Delivery and Delivery Check L ists in the O perator ’s Ma nual are completed before releasing equipment to the owner.
The dealer must co mplete the Warranty Regi stratio n inc luded in this manu al. Bo th deal er and custome r mus t sign th e registration which cer tifies that all Dealer Check List items have been completed. The de aler is to return the prepaid postage portion to WOODS , give one c op y to the c us tom er, and retain one copy. Note: Warranty credit is subject to
this form being completed and returned. TO THE OWNER:
Read this manual before operating your WOODS equipment. The information presented will prepare you to do a better and safer job. Keep thi s manual handy for ready referenc e. Require all operators to read this m anual carefully and become acquainted with all the adjustment and operating procedures before attempting to operate. Replacement manuals can be obtained from your dealer or, in the United States and Canada, by calling 1-800-319-6637.
The equipment you have purchased has been carefully engineered and manufactured to provide dependable and satisfactory use. Like all mechanical products, it will require cleaning and upkeep. Lubricate the unit as specified. Observe all safety information in this manual and safety decals on the equipment.
For service, your authorized WOODS dealer has trained mechanics, genuine WOODS service parts, and the necessary tools and equipment to handle all your needs.
Use only genuine WOODS serv ice parts. Substitute parts will void the warranty and may not m eet s tandards r equi red for safe and satisfactory operation. Record the model number and serial number of your equipment in the spaces provided:
Model: #1004327 Sub-Frame Mounting Kit Date of Purchase: _____________________ Serial Number: (see Safety Decal section for location) ____________________________________
Provide this information to your dealer to obtain correct repair parts. Throughout this manual, the term IMPORTANT is used to indicate that failure to observe can cause damage to
equipment. The terms CAUTION, WARNING and DANGER are used in conjunctio n with the Safety-Aler t Symbol, (a triangle with an exclamation mark), to indicate the degree of hazard for items of personal safety.
This Safety-Alert Symbol indicates a hazard and means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED!
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury, and includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates that failure to observe can cause damage to equipment.
Indicates helpful information.
Introduction (2/9/01)
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii
SAFETY RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
HYDRAULIC INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
#9261 PUMP KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
#1003179 HOSE KIT (BH6500/7500 & 1009 LOADER). . . . . . . . . . . . 13
#1003179 HOSE KIT (BH6500/7500 & 1012/1016 LOADER) . . . . . . . 18
#1004327 SUB-FRAME MOUNTING KIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
#1003179 HOSE KIT
#1003179 HOSE KIT
BOL T TORQUE CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
BOL T SIZE CHART & ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
PRODUCT WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BACK COVER
REPLACEMENT PARTS WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACK COVER
WITH (#1002657 HOSE KIT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
WITH (#1002656 HOSE KIT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
MAN0157 (10/12/01))
Safety is a primary concern in the design and manufacture of our products. Unfortunately, our efforts to provide safe equipment can be wiped out by an ope rator’s single careless act.
In addition to the design and configuration of equipment, hazard control and accident preven­tion are dependent upon the awareness, concern, judgement, and proper training of personnel involved in the op eration, tran sport, mai ntenance and storage of equipment.
It has been said “The best safety device is an informed, careful operator.” We ask you to be that kind of operator.
This Sub-Frame Mounting Kit is to be used only for the backhoes and tractors specified in the Sub­Frame Mount Installation section of this manual. Any other use or modification of this mounting kit may result in serious injury or death.
Hydraulics must be connected as instructed in this manual. Do not substitute parts, modify, or connect in any other way.
After connecting hoses, check that all control lever positions func tion a s in s truct ed in th e O per a­tor’s Manual. Do not put into service until control lever and equipment movements are correct.
Safety instructions are important! Read all attachment and power unit manuals; follow all safety rules and safety decal information. (Replace­ment manuals are available from dealer or, in the United States and Canada, call 1-8 00-319-6637.) Failure to follow instructions or safety rules can result in serious injury or death.
If you do not understand any part of this manual and need assistance, see your dealer.
Know your controls and how to stop engine and attachment quickly in an emergency.
Keep hands and body away from pressurized lines. Use paper or cardboard, not hands or other body parts to check for leaks. Wear safety goggles. Hydraulic fluid under pressure can easily penetrate skin and will cause serious injury or death.
Make sure that all operating and service person­nel know that if hyd raulic flui d penetrates s kin, it must be surgically removed as soon as possible by
a doctor familiar with this form of injury or gan­grene, serious injury, or death will result. CON­TACT A PHYSICIAN IMME DIATE LY IF FLU ID ENTERS SKIN OR EYES. DO NOT DELAY.
Never allow children or untrained persons to operate equipment.
Check that all hardware is properly installed. Always tighten to torque chart specif ications unless instructed otherwise in this manual.
Air in hydraulic systems ca n cause erratic oper­ation and allows loads or equipment components to drop unexpectedly. When connecting equipment or hoses or performing any hydraulic maintenance, purge any air in hydraulic system by operating all hydraulic functions several times. Do this before putting into service or allowing anyone to approach the equipment.
After connecting hoses, check that all control lever positions func tio n as instructed in the Oper a­tor’s Manual. Do not put into service until control lever and equipment movements are correct.
Protective hose slee ves must cover all hydrau­lic hoses and be secured onto metal hose fittings. Replace hoses or sleeves if damaged or if protec­tive sleeve cannot be properly positioned or secured.
Make sure all hydraulic hoses, fittings, and valves are in good condition and not leaking bef ore starting power unit or using equipment. Check and route hoses carefully to prevent damage. Hoses must not be twisted, bent sharply, kinked, frayed, pinched, or come into c ontact with any moving parts. Operate moveable components through full operational range to check clearances. Replace any damaged hoses immediately.
Always wear relatively tight and belted clothing to avoid entanglement in moving parts. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and protective equipment for eyes, hair, hands, hearing, and head.
Make sure attachment is properly secured, adjusted, and in good operating condition.
The sub-frame mount is designed to provide secure mounting and adequate operator clearance when properly installed. Check clearance dimen­sions shown in figure 1 to be sure you have installed sub-frame correctly. Follow all mounting instructions in this manual. Do not operate back­hoe unless there is adequate clearance. Failure to
BH6500/7500 SFMK 11/1/00
check and comply with these instructions may result in serious injury or death.
Remove seat and upper support assembly before installing or removing backhoe from tractor. Failure to comply may resu lt in equip ment fail ure and/or personal injury.
If tractor is equipped with draft sensing control, set control to “HEAVY” (minimum sensitivity) posi­tion.
On tractors equipped with optional “Draft Con­trol Hitch,” you must install the “Draft Lockout” (provided in sub-frame kit) into position as shown. Failure to install the “Draft Lockout” will allow upper hitch to move during backhoe operation and could result in operator injury.
Make sure all safety decals are installed. Replace if damaged. (See S af ety D ecal s se ct ion for location.)
A minimum 25% of tractor and equipment weight must be on the tractor front wheels when attachments are in transport position. Without this weight, tractor could tip over, causing personal injury or death. The weight may be attained with a loader, front wheel weights, ballast in tires, or front tractor weights. Weigh the tractor and equipment. Do not estimate.
hoe and use extreme care
Always stand between rear tire and backhoe stabilizer arms or along side of tractor to avoid being trapped should the boom swing control be accidentally activated.
Never leave equipment unattended with engine running or with bucket in raised posi tion. Always engage swing and boom transport locks, relieve system pressure by operating controls, and remove ignition key before leaving equipment.
Refer to backhoe manual and follow all mainte­nance safety rules and instructions.
Do not modify or alter or permit anyone else to modify or alter the equipment or any of i ts compo­nents in any way.
Your dealer can supply original equipment hydraulic accessories and repair parts. Substitute parts may not meet original equipment specifica­tions and may be dangerous.
Always wear relatively tight and belted clothing to avoid entanglement in moving parts. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and protective equipment for eyes, hair, hands, hearing, and head.
Do not allow bystanders in the area when o per­ating, attaching, removing, assembling, or servic­ing equipment.
Before operating, make sure stabilizer pads are lowered firmly to the ground. Stabilizer arms pro­vide support for the backhoe and support for the backhoe mounting brackets.
Do not operate equipment while under the influ­ence of alcohol or drugs.
Always comply with all state and local lighting and marking requirements.
Do not allow riders. Do not lift or carry anybody on the power unit or attachments.
The only time the backhoe may be operated from a position other than the operator seat is dur­ing backhoe attachment and removal. Operator must
Read Sub-Frame Mounting Kit Manual instructions on attaching and removing back-
Do not allow bystanders in the area wh en oper­ating, attaching, removing, assembling, or servic­ing equipment.
Make sure attachment is properly secured, adjusted, and in good operating condition.
Keep all persons away from operator control area while performing adjustments, service, or maintenance.
Before working on backhoe, extend boom and dippersti ck and pl ace buc ket on grou nd. Make sur e that all system pressure has been relieved by oper­ating con trols be fore per formi ng maint enance or service or before disconnecting any hydraulic lines.
Tighten all bolts, nuts and screws to torque chart specifications. Check that all cotter pins ar e installed secu rely to ensu re eq uipme nt is i n a sa fe condition before putting unit into service.
BH6500/7500 SFMK 11/1/00
Safety is a primary concern in the design and manufacture of our products. Unfortunately, our efforts to provide safe equipment can be wiped out by an operator’s single careless act.
In addition to the design and configuration of equipment, hazard control and accident preven­tion are dependent upon the awareness, concern, judgement, and proper training of personnel involved in the operatio n, transport, maintena nce and storage of equipment.
It has been said “The best safety device is an informed, careful operator.” We ask you to be that kind of operator.
The sub-frame mount is designed to provide secure mounting and adequa te operator cleara nce when properly installed. Che ck clearance d imen­sions shown in figure 1 to be sure you have installed sub-frame correctly. Follow all mounting instruc­tions in this manual. Do not operate backhoe unless there is adequate clearance. Failure to check and comply with these instructions may result in serious injury or death.
The only time the backhoe may be operated from a position other than the operator seat is during backhoe attachment and removal. Operator must
Read Sub-Frame Mounting Kit Manual instruc­tions on attaching and removing backhoe and use extreme care
Always stand between rear tire and backhoe stabilizer arms or along side of tractor to avoid being trapped should the boom swing control be accidentally activated.
Only use #1004327 Sub-Frame Mounting Kit for
mounting Woods BH6500/7500 backhoe on Kioti DK40 tractor equipped with Woods 1009/1012/1016 loaders or Kioti 147 0 loader. Any other use or mo di­fication of this mounting kit may result in serious injury or death.
Safety instructions are important! Read all attach­ment and power unit manuals; follow all safety rules and safety decal information. (Replacement manuals are available from dealer or, in the United States and Canada, call 1-800-319-6637.) Failure to follow instructions or safety rules c an result in serio us injury or death.
Keep all persons away from operator control area while performing adjustments, servi ce, or main te­nance.
Before working on backhoe, extend boom and dip­perstick an d pla ce buc ket on gr ound. Make s ure tha t all system pressure has been relieved by operating controls before performing maintenance or service or before disconnecting any hydraulic lines.
A minimum 25% of tractor and equipment weight must be on the tractor front wheels when attach­ments are in transport position. Without this weight, tractor could tip over, causing personal injury or death. The weight may be attained with a loader, front wheel weights, ballast in tires, or front tractor weights. Weigh the tractor and equipment. Do not estimate.
Make sure all hydraulic hoses, fittings, and valves are in good condi tion and not le aking befor e starting power unit or using equipment. Check and route hoses carefully to prevent damage. Hoses must not be twisted, bent sharply, kinked, frayed, pinched, or come into contact with any moving parts. Operate moveable components through full operational range to check clearances. Replace any damaged hoses immediately.
4 Installation
MAN0157 (10/12/01)
If you do not understand any part of this man­ual and need assistance, see your dealer.
Always wear relatively tight and belted cloth­ing to avoid entanglement in moving parts. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work sho es and prot ective equipment for eyes, hair, hands, hearing, and head.
1. Refer to the WOODS BH6500/7500 Backhoe
Operator’s Manual for backhoe assembly instruc­tions.
NOTE: For installing this sub-frame, reference to
right, left, forward and rea rward directions are deter­mined from the operator’s position in the tractor seat.
* Operator ’s seat must be located in the lowest an d most forward position to obtain 40” minimum radius.
Figure 1 Sub-Frame Clearance
NOTE: The pins and hardwar e that attach the lower
links to the transmissi on will be needed for the sub­frame installation.
NOTE: Loader mounting kit #111768 or Kioti 1470
loader mount must be installed prior to sub-frame mounting kit #1004327 installation.
2. Remove the tractor top link, 3-point lift lower
arms, and anti-sway links.
Modify PTO Shield.
1. Remove PTO shield from tractor.
2. Cut out right and left corner of PTO shield as
shown in Figure 2.
3. Reinstall PTO shield on tractor. NOTE: Make sure 3-point lower lift pins can be
removed without inte rfering with PTO shield ins talled. Remove more material as needed.
Make sure shields and guards are properly
installed and in good condition. Replace if dam­aged
NOTE: Leave all hardware loose until sub-frame
weldment has been fit up.
Figure 2 Modified PTO Shield.
MAN0157 (10/12/01)
Installation 5
Front Mounting Brackets
Woods 1009, 1012, 1016 Loaders
NOTE: Front mounting bracket (crossmember) is
installed with loader mounting kit #111768, (Figure 3). Backhoe can onl y be installed after load er mounting kit
is installed.
Kioti 1470 Loader
1. Remove cross brace from right and left loader
mounts on the und erside of trac tor. Retain hardware for later use.
2. Position front mount (4) under tractor and secure to
right and left loader m ounts using hardware previously removed, (Figure 4).
Figure 3 Crossmember Installed with LMK #111768
Right Loader Mount
NOTE: Loose n hardware on loader mounts as nee ded
for easier installation of front mount hardware.
3. Secure rear half of mount to tractor frame usi ng two
cap screw (18) and hardened flat washers (15).
4. 1004339 Front mount (Kioti loader)
15. 57816 1/2 Hardened flat washer
18. 65506 M12 x 1.25P x 35mm Cap screw * Loader mount hardware
15 18
Figure 4 Front Mount Installed
Figure 5 Front Mount Installation
Loader Mount Hardware
6 Installation
MAN0157 (10/12/01)
Install Rear Hanger Bracket
1. Install rear hanger bracket (6) to bottom o f tra nsmi s-
sion housing. Po sition bracket with the slo ts to the rear of the tractor. Secure using two cap screws (12) and hardened flat washers (13).
2. Torque these cap screws to 87 lbs.-ft. at this time.
2. 1004329 Rear mount
6. 62977 Rear han ger brack et
12. 16087 M14 x 1.5P x 35mm Cap screw
13. 46070 9/16 Hardened flat washer, thick
Figure 6 Rear Hanger Bracket Installe d
Install Rear Mount
1. Slide round bar of rea r mount (2) into slots of rear
hanger bracket (Figure 6 & Figure 7).
2. Pivot rear mount upward an d secure to tractor with
3-point lower link pins and hardware (Figure 8).
Figure 8 is shown with PTO shield removed for
clarification. Only remove PTO shield for modifica­tions described on 5.
Figure 7 Rear Hanger & Rear Mount
3-Point Lower Link Pin
MAN0157 (10/12/01)
Figure 8 Rear Mount Installed
Installation 7
Sub-Frame Fit-Up
1. Center sub-frame under tractor.
2. Insert cross tube of s ub-frame into channel of rear
mount bracket (2) as shown in Figure 9.
3. Install clevis pins (10) and hair pin s ( 20) to s ec ur e in
rear mounting bracket as shown in Figure 10.
2. 1004329 Rear mount
10. 1002850 Hitch pin, 3/4 x 2-3/4
20. 2688 Hair pin, 5/32
Figure 9 Sub-Frame Fit-Up (Typical)
Figure 10 Clevis Pins Installed
8 Installation
MAN0157 (10/12/01)
Sub-Frame Fit-Up (Cont.)
1. Rotate sub-frame up until locating lugs are posi-
tioned between front mount attached to loader mount.
2. Align holes and install lock pin (17) and klik pin
(16) as shown in Figure 11 & Figure 12.
3. Once sub-frame is secured into position with bent
pin, tighten all hardware to specifications given below.
4. Remove sub-frame from tractor once all hardware
is tightened.
1. 1004314 Crossmember (Woods)
4. 1004339 Front mount (Kioti)
16. 62043 Klik pin 1/4 x 1-3/4
17. 64953 Lock pin.75 x 17.75
Figure 11 Lock Pin Installed
MAN0157 (10/12/01)
Figure 12 Bent Pin Installation
Cap Screw Qty
M12 x 1.25 x 55mm 2 18mm 55 lbs.-ft. (75 N-m) M14 x 1.50 x 35mm 2 21mm 87 lbs.-ft.(118 N-m)
Size Required Torque
Installation 9
+ 25 hidden pages