Some routers will require cocking one handle in and
partially under the table followed by the other handle, unless the
handles can be removed. ”D” handle or pistol grip routers will
not work on our plate in a table unless the handle is removed.
Our plates are resistant to sagging and flexing during
use. However, long term storage of your router in the
table is not advisable. Prolonged hanging may cause
the plate to sag, proving again that gravity works.
After use, store the router (leave the plate attached) in
an upright position with the plate laying on a flat surface.
Router Plate
Please Read Carefully!
147 OR 147AP INSERT PLATE - PATENT #5,699,844
Be sure the O-ring is installed completely in the groove
of the router plate. We install the O-ring at our factory, but
sometimes they partially work their way out during shipping.
Before installing an insert, first determine which side
of the insert is the bottom. The bottom of the insert has a
machined face that is either black or dull yellow. The insert
snaps into the opening in the plate. Install the insert by
placing a bottom edge of the insert, at an angle, down into
the opening and then pressing the opposite edge into place.
Turn the insert 1/4 turn to be sure it is seated
on the O-ring. Test to be sure that it is held in place
and will not fall out. Extra inserts are available.
To remove the insert, reach underneath the plate and press
up, or insert a flat blade screwdriver in the slot in
the insert from above the plate and pry out.
If the insert falls out, lifts out or turns without
resistance, or the insert will not seat properly in the
opening, then replace the O-ring. The O-ring is a wear
item and will need to be replaced periodically. Always
check that the insert fits properly before using the
router. DO NOT use the plate if the insert is loose!
The starting pin is used with piloted type bits to aid in
starting the cut in an odd or irregular shaped piece where
it is impossible to use a router fence. It is a safety device
and should be used in lieu of trying to start the cut freehand.
If there is more than one starting pin hole in your router
plate, always use the one to the right of the router bit.
Parts List
Quantity Item
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147/147AP
1 . . . . . . . . . .101A Starting Pin
1 . . . . . . .140R O-ring, in plate
Plate Inserts
1 . . . . . . . . . 140B Blank Insert
1 . . . . . . . . 140D 1-3/16" Insert
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140E 2" Insert

If your router base plate is not removable, lay out the
mounting hole locations by carefully measuring. We show some
bolt pattern charts with dimensions on the following page.
Verify all dimensions before marking and drilling the plate.
Some routers should have the handles mounted diagonally.
• Mark and drill from side ”B” (router side).
• Countersink holes from side ”A” (working side).
Please Read Carefully!
Side “B” is the side of the plate the router attaches
to. Side ”A” is the working side of the plate and
must be countersunk for the mounting screws.
If the router base plate from your router is
removable, it can serve as the template for marking the
mounting hole locations on the Woodhaven plate.
Put masking tape on the Woodhaven plate at the
approximate locations of the mounting holes. Remove
the base plate from your router and place the working
side of this plate against side ”B” of the Woodhaven plate
(label side of the 147 or similar table mounted plates,
grooved and unlabed side of the 577P or 578P).
Center the opening in your router base plate
with the opening in the Woodhaven plate. If they
are within 1/32" of being centered to each other that
is usually adequate, except for bushing work.
Verify the handle, switch and other control locations
before marking and drilling the plate. Some routers
should have the handles mounted diagonally.
Tape the router base plate to the Woodhaven plate and
mark the mounting hole locations on the masking tape. Use a
center punch to mark the hole locations on the plate for drilling.
Remove your router’s existing base plate, unless
it’s glued on, or your router’s sub-base has protruding
ribs which prevent the Woodhaven plate from laying flat.
In either of these cases, leave the existing router base
plate on and attach the Woodhaven plate over it.
Use longer flat head mounting screws to compensate
for the additional thickness of the Woodhaven plate. You
should use at least three screws to mount your router (except
trim routers - two screws are adequate) to the plate.
Drilling Pattern
Drill Hole
Plate Center
Side A
Side B
Side A
Side B
Side B
Side A