This manual describes installation and operation of the WJ Communications UHF Stationary RFID Portal
Readers. A description of the installation and use of the demonstration Graphical User Interface is also
provided. The Application Programmer’s Interface to the Apollo-series devices using a serial
communications port is summarized; use of the Ethernet port to control the reader is described in a separate
1.2.2 Audience
This manual assumes that the reader is generally familiar with Windows personal computers. An
introduction to RFID technology is provided for readers who are new to the field.
1.2.3 RFID System Quickstart
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic waves to exchange information between a tag,
containing (at least) a number uniquely identifying that physical tag and by implication the object to which
it is attached, and a reader. RFID tags are analogous to bar codes, but can contain more information and
are more versatile.
The WJ Communications Stationary Portal Readers are UHF readers, operating at a frequency of roughly
902-928 MHz. These readers are compatible with EPCglobal Class 0 and EPCglobal Class 1 RFID tags,
as well as class 0+ tags and ISO 18000-B tags. They are not compatible with HF (13.56 MHz) tags
generally used in Smart Cards, or LF (125/134 KHz) tags generally used in animal identification. The
stationary portal readers are configured to use either an RS232 serial port or an Ethernet interface to
communicate with a host computer; direct optically-isolated I/O ports are also provided. With an
appropriate host and appropriate external antennas, a stationary portal reader can be used to acquire the
unique identification number (UID) of one or more compatible tags in its reading range. When multiple
tags are present in the field, collision resolution algorithms are applied to allow effectively simultaneous
reading of all the readable tags.
A more detailed discussion of RFID technology can be found in section 1.4.
1.2.4 Product Description
The Stationary portal reader is a self-contained RFID reader configured for use at 902-928 MHz. Eight
antenna connections using mini-UHF connectors, normally configured as four pairs of (transmit – receive),
are provided on the back of the unit. Each pair can be connected to a WJ Communications model AN-120
antenna pair, or to other approved antennas. Communications with a host controller is achieved through a
conventional RS232 serial port. Optically-isolated direct I/O, and an Ethernet interface using a
conventional RJ45 connector, are also available.
1.2.5 Unpacking and Inspection
Box Contents:
• SR2200 Stationary Portal Reader
• A CD containing this User’s Manual and Demonstration Software
• AC power adaptor
• RS232 Serial Cable
• USB-to-serial adaptor
• Ethernet cable
• 50 ohm mini-UHF terminators (6)
• I/O port terminator
• Mounting hardware
Contents may vary slightly depending on the model number and options purchased.
1.2.6 Product Installation
The Stationary portal reader should be installed in a location protected from physical impact. The reader
may support up to 4 transmit-receive antenna pairs. The antennas should not be located more than 5 meters
(15 feet) from the reader. The reader should be securely mounted using the four mounting holes provided,
preferably in a vertical orientation allowing air to flow along the length of the cooling fins. At least 12 cm
(5 inches) of clearance should be provided in all directions from the reader. The reader and antennas
should not be located close to a strong source of RF interference such as a cordless telephone or 900-MHz
wireless local area network (WLAN) basestation. The antennas should not have any conductive (metallic)
obstructions within 50 cm in the direction in which tag reading is to be performed.
A possible installation sequence is as follows:
1. Mount the reader to a secure, stable surface, with adequate clearance and air flow.
2. Attach the antenna cables to the relevant mini-UHF connectors at the reader, and N-type
connectors at the antenna. Terminate unused mini-UHF connectors with 50 ohm loads.
3. Connect the RS232 serial control cable to the reader and the host computer.
4. Connect the 24 VDC power supply cable to the reader.
5. If the I/O port is not used, it must be terminated using the I/O terminator provided.
6. Place one or more appropriate RFID tags in front of one of the antenna pairs, within 1-2 meters.
It is important to note that transmit and receive antennas must be connected in pairs to corresponding
connectors. Thus, if only one antenna pair is employed, the transmit antenna may be connected to any of
the transmit connectors (e.g. TX1), but the receiving antenna must then be connected to the corresponding
receive connection (RX1 in this case). Antenna ports not used should be terminated with the 50 ohm
terminations provided. If separate transmit and receive antennas are employed, it is important that they be
oriented so as to view the same illuminated area, and preferably be coplanar so as to minimize coupling
between the antennas.
At this point the reader should be ready for operation using the demonstration graphical interface software,
or other custom control software.
1.3 Installation and Operation of demonstration Graphical User
The following description assumes the host computer is operating under Microsoft Windows XP; slightly
different screens will be visible if another operating system is employed.
1.3.1 Minimum System Requirements
This software requires a host computer running Microsoft Windows 98, NT, 2000 or XP, with a Pentiumcompatible PC and at least 128MB RAM, 50 MB available hard disk space, and 800x600 resolution or
higher. The configuration described presumes that an RS232-capable serial port or emulated serial port is
available. If the host computer is not equipped with a serial port connection, a USB-to-serial converter can
be employed. The converter may require additional driver software, not provided here.
1.3.2 Installation
1. Double-click on the file ‘rfiddemo_2.3.3_setup.exe’ or run the file from the START menu ‘run’
2. The installer should display the startup-screen:
3. The installation-type screen gives you the option of installing the software so that it is available to
all users of the host computer (‘Common’), or only to the login name under which the installation
is performed (‘Personal’).
4. The installer asks where you would like to install the program. The default location is on the local
C disk in the Program folder. If you change the location of the program it is important to note
where it is installed, as you will need to access this folder to make modifications to the reader
5. You are provided with the option of installing a demo icon in the Program folder, and a shortcut
on the desktop.
6. The installer then provides a summary of the selected parameters for you to review prior to actual
installation of the software. Click ‘Back’ if you decide to change any of the settings. Click ‘Next’
to begin the installation.
7. The installer copies the requisite files; progress is displayed in the installer window. This process
may take a few minutes.
8. When the installer is finished the Installation Complete screen appears. Click ‘Finish’ to exit the
The RFID Demo is an application for demonstrating the capabilities of the RFID hardware and Java API.
The demo consists of three individual demonstration modules: a Location Demo, an Inventory Demo, and
a Retail Demo. Each demo demonstrates different aspects and areas where the RFID hardware and API
can be applied. More details concerning each demo are described in later sections.
Running the Demos
Before starting the software, ensure that the reader is powered up and connected to one or more pairs of
antennas. Any antenna ports that are not used should be terminated by a 50-ohm load. The reader serial
port should be connected to the physical or emulated serial port on the host computer.
Start the demo software from the START menu or the desktop shortcut. Select the demo to run from the
Select the tag type to read from the menu bar.
Press the 'Start' button to start the demo and begin reading tags. Press ‘Stop’ to stop tag reading.
Press the 'Clear' button to clear the data for the current demo. Press the 'Exit' button to exit the application.
The Location Demo is for demonstrating basic RFID functionality. It consists of four panels, which each
represent a location (typically configured as a pair of antennas; thus there are four possible locations
corresponding to the four antenna pairs supported by the unit). For this demo, one location directly
correlates to one antenna pair.
The top bar contains the location name (Location 1-4). It will show 'No Location' if that location is not set
for the selected reader. The bottom bar contains the count of tags being read.
The middle section displays the tags read either in graphic or text format, which can be selected from the
display options in the lower left corner of the application. The options are disabled if the demo is currently
When the 'Graphics' option is selected, the panel will display one box for each tag read at that location. A
sample is shown below with three tags read.
When the 'Tag ID' option is selected, the panel will display a list of all tag IDs that are being read. A
sample is shown below.
When the middle section is dark gray as shown below, there is no communication between the application
and antenna. Either an antenna fault or response error has occurred.
The Inventory Demo simulates an inventory supply of incoming and outcoming goods. It demonstrates the
pairing of antennas as two locations: IN & OUT. Tags read at an IN location are added to the inventory.
Tags read at an OUT location are removed from the inventory. The demo consists of three areas.
The top bar displays the four antennas and their respective location IN or OUT. The antenna background
will be blue if the antenna is responding. It will be black if the antenna is not responding. 'No Location' will
be displayed if that antenna is not set for the selected reader.
Next to the antenna name is the location type. When an antenna section is pressed, it will switch that
antenna from IN to OUT and vice versa as shown below.
When a tag is read at an IN location, an item is added to the inventory table for that tag as shown below.
When a tag is read at an OUT location, the item corresponding to that tag is removed from the inventory
table as shown below.
The bottom bar displays the inventory counters. It displays the overall count of items that have been added
to and removed from the inventory. It also displays the current count of items that still remain in inventory.
The time buffer filters consecutive tag events between IN and OUT locations. This is to demonstrate the
filtering of invalid reads between close proximity antennas.
When the time buffer is enabled, a tag read at an IN location will be ignored at an OUT location until a
span of 3 seconds has elapsed without being read again at the IN location. The time buffer is reset to 3
seconds every time the tag is read again at an IN location within the time window. Once the time buffer for
a tag has expired, the tag will not be ignored if read again at an OUT location. The same concept applies to
tags read first at an OUT location.
Retail Demo
The Retail Demo is very similar to the Inventory Demo
. It also simulates an inventory supply of incoming
and outgoing goods. The difference is that outgoing goods leave via the sales transaction checkout station.
The left section containing the table works almost exactly like the Inventory Demo
. Tags read at an IN
location are immediately added to the inventory. The difference is with tags read at an OUT location, which
is described below.
The right section or sales transaction section represents a retail checkout station. Tags read at an OUT
location are ignored until the 'Scan' button is pressed (shown below).
When the 'Scan' button is pressed, the sales transaction buttons will become 'Undo' and 'Checkout' as
shown below. Now when a tag is read at an 'Out' location, the item corresponding to that tag is removed
from the inventory and added to the sales transaction list also shown below.