GCzumak request part 1: Copy of email to Kwok Chan
Thank you very much for the info, Kwok. Re your comments:
1.(a) The 12/03 upload is correct; the final version w ill incl ude the co- locat ion issue s shown in
the earlier upload
1.(b) The first line of p7 will read 14-34 dBi in the production version of the user manual.
Hope this will do it for getting the grant. Again, thanks for the extra effort in letting me know so
Best regards
>Watkins Johnson, EA 95108 >
>1. Major RF exposure issues have been addressed in latest uploaded files. There are a few
minor items that may need confirmation
>(a) The latest upload on 12/10/99, which is a PDF file for revised page 7 of the Watkins Johnson
manual, does not address co-location issues as indica ted in one of the earlier uplo ads rec eiv ed on
12/03/99. Please confirm the earlier one with co-location info is the correct one. We will include
co-location requirements on the grant comment.
>(b) First line of the revised page 7 should be 14-34 dBi, not 18-34 dBi. Please confirm it will be
revised accordingly to avoid confusion.
>(c) The footnote below Table 2 on revised page 7 identifies the 5 antennas included in this filing
and also indicates "Other antenna types may be used, provided applicable requirements in FCC
rule parts 2 and 15 are met." Greg: Please let me know if there is any conflict in this statement
and the existing rules - are separate approvals or Class II changes needed if there are substantial
changes in antenna type, i.e. is it a Class I type of self-verification to demonstrate meeting Part 2
& 15 requirements or Class II filing is needed. If so, that sentence may need to be modified, such
as, "Other antenna types may require separate approval for meeting FCC requirements, consult
Watkins Johnson etc...."
>Note: the latest reply is requesting a change in output power from 316 mW to 603 mW, to match
measured and MPE info etc. Please see reply response of 12/03/99 under Users Manuals exhibit,
the 6th file from the end, item # 5(a).
>Suggested Grant condition - Antennas used for this transmitter must be professionally installed
on permanent structures for outdoor operations to qualify for categorical exclusion from routine
MPE evaluation. Appropriate installation instructions, requirements and minimum separation
distances, as determined in the filing, must be given to installers to ensure antenna installations
satisfy MPE compliance for fixed transmitter operations. If an antenna is co-located with other
antennas at a site, RF exposure requirements for the site must be satisfied with respect to
1.1307(c). Separate approval for RF exposure compliance is required for all other non-fixed and
indoor operations.

>Kwok Chan
>>>> Tom Cokenias <trephonc@macconnect.com> 12/10/99 09:29AM >>>
>I submitted a .pdf version to the website of the updated MPE and antenna
>installation information - formatted by WJ to fit into the manual.
>Please let me know by return if this is OK as today is the announcement date
>Best regards