Module Datasheet
General Description
The SWA13-TX module is part of a family of
products that represents a new level of system
integration offering customers fast time to market
with a point-to-point or point-to-multi-point,
mono, or stereo, wireless connections. These
modules are optimized for low-cost, high-quality
and ease-of-use.
The SWA13-TX module serves as the sender in
point-to-multipoint wireless audio networks.
The module incorporates Avnera’s proprietary
wireless audio protocol, designed from the ground
up specifically for audio. It features low fixed
latency, uncompressed CD quality mono or stereo
audio, superior interference immunity and
industry leading coexistence with WiFi – even at
close proximity to a WiFi device.
The SWA13-TX module integrates all features
necessary to complete a wireless stereo or mono
link, including AV6301 Wireless Audio Sender Chip,
printed diversity antenna, flash memory, interface
connector and all passive components. Just supply
5 Volts and an I2S interface and you are ready to
create a wireless audio link.
The module measures just 26 x 60 x 3.5 mm and is
provided with a 24 pin FPC connector or pin
header for connection to the system board.
Wireless Subwoofers
Stereo Wireless Rear Speakers
Soundbar / Audio Video Receiver / BluRay
Mono/Stereo Audio Channel Transmission
Audio Interfaces
I2S Digital Input interface with >94dB end-
to-end digital audio path
> 15m range
Frequency range: 2.4 GHz ISM band, continuous
dynamic frequency selection
Forward error correction coding, error detection,
and audio-specific error concealment
Dual printed PCB diversity antennas for
multipath and fading mitigation
Auto-search/synch and dynamic channel
Low and fixed latency <17 ms
24 pin FPC or pin header connector
The module is certified to FCC and CE standards.
Sample rate converter:
Over-the-air firmware update capability
Customizable firmware for simple,
General purpose over-the-air (OTA) serial
> 2 kbps, bi-directional, full duplex
Support for amplifier control data, meta-
data, and remote control commands
SWA13-TX Module Datasheet Rev 0.1
1. SWA13-TX Functional
The SWA13-TX module is available in a single incarnation; digital input transmitter module. There are two I2S ports, a
separate I2S port for digital audio input and an I2S out port is available for future applications. I2S may be configured to
be a master or a slave. In addition, MCLK can be generated from the module, or input to the module as required by the
system application.
錯誤! 找不到參照來源。 shows the block diagram of the SWA13-TX module.
The highly integrated nature of the AV6301 transceiver IC results in few external components being required for the
SWA13 module design. 2 PCB antennas are used to achieve increased range through antenna diversity. The simple RF
path consists only of the antennas, associated tuning components, an RF switch and a balun connected to the AV6301
IC. A 16MHz crystal generates the AV6301 system clock signal used as the basis for all RF and digital audio signals.
A 2Mb flash memory stores the factory based firmware, as well as firmware upgrade images and configuration
parameters. The module firmware enables upgrades to be performed by the I2C slave interface or over-the-air. The
module can be controlled from an external host device via the I2C interface. The I2C master port allows the module to
control other system devices such without having to add another MCU to the product design. Up to a maximum of 17
GPIOs are supported with the SWA13 module including I2C and I2S signals. This large number of GPIOs can be
leveraged to implement low cost sub-woofer designs as outlined below.
The SWA13-TX module offers both standard latency and low-latency firmware with different over the air sample rate.
While the standard 22.2KSps over the air sample rate optimizes audio quality and WiFi co-existence performance;
Lower audio latency can be achieved by using the low-latency 44.4KSps over the air sample rate.
SWA13-TX Module Datasheet Rev 0.1
Single +5V +/10% supply rail to the module
Active low reset input. This pin is driven from an open collector/drain device such that it can pull
to ground for the active reset state but, when released, must go to a high impedance state. If this
input is driven high the internal reset circuit on the module will not operate correctly.
The I2S input port can be configured as a master or slave. Consequently BCLK and WCLK can be
either inputs or outputs. In addition, MCLK can be generated by the module on pin 16, or used as
an input. Typically, as the AV6301 IC contains a sample rate converter, MCLK is not required to be
supplied to the module when it is an I2S slave. CMOS 3.3 logic levels are used for all I2S signals.
The I2C slave port is used for external host communication and during module test. It is assumed
that external pull up resistors are connected at the I2C master communicating with the module.
The I2C master port is used to communicate with external audio devices such as a sub-woofer
amplifier. The SDA and SCL signal lines have pull ups internal to the module.
3.3V CMOS logic level GPIOs available to connect to other devices, or to use as UI supporting
GPIOs for LED and button support. All supported GPIOs can be configured as inputs or outputs.
Multi-Client Implementation:
1.1. SWA13-TX Module Connections
SWA13-TX Module Datasheet Rev 0.1
Function defined by firmware application.
Driven from open drain external source. Can
be left open.
I2C slave or SPI slave port
I2C slave or SPI slave port
Function defined by firmware application.
Function defined by firmware application.
Function defined by firmware application.
Function defined by firmware application.
Function defined by firmware application.
Function defined by firmware application.
USB 2.0 positive transceiver I/O
USB 2.0 negative transceiver I/O
2. SWA13-TX Connector Information
Table 1-1 SWA13-TX Connector Information