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DFCN-4 User manual
Description: NFC reader/writter module compatible
This document contains proprietary information which is the property of Wistron NeWeb Corporation
and is strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed to others in whole or in part, reproduced, copied, or
used as basic for design, manufacturing or sale of apparatus without the written permission of Wistron
NeWeb Corporation.

I. Introduction
DFCN-4 is a kind of NFC (Near Field Communication) module that could be embedded in one IT
system by simply connecting the module through I2C interface and start developing his application
DFCN-4 build a contactless front-end towards contactless applications available on existing system.
Integrated MCU is decoupling the host controller from the timing constrains of RF communication and
allowing autonomous operation, it provides flexible and integrated power management unit for RF
DFCN-4 reference design module consists of the following:
• Reference Design:
When the user wishes to incorporate the DFCN-4 to their device, it is strongly recommended that this
reference design is copied “as is” in the final application board to guarantee optimum performance,
regulatory compliance and lowest development time and design effort.
• MCU FPC/FFC Connector:
Allow user to connect the DFCN-4 module to the host board via FPC/FFC connector.
• Antenna Connector:
Connected to FPC antenna, please note that matching circuitry should designed on antenna.
NFC module Delivery Specification V0.3

III. Hardware Block Diagram
DFCN-4 is a full feature NFC module and compliant with NFC standards (NFC Forum, EMVCo,
ETSI/SCP). DFCN-4 has an optimized architecture for low-power consumption in different
operation modes. The RF contactless front-end is supporting various transmission modes according
to NFCIP-1, NFCIP-2, ISO/IEC14443, ISO/IEC 15693, ISO-14443, MIFARE, and FeliCa
specifications. The major internal components are illustrated in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 NFC module Major Component and System Interface
NFC module Delivery Specification V0.3

IV. Pin Definition
SWP data line to UICC/SIM
Wake up the module from
standby mode or reset the
Firmware download control
The power rail used to power
3.3V for host IO reference
Antenna connection for Card
emulation 2 RXP
Contactless receiver input
Contactless receiver output 1
Contactless receiver output 2
Contactless receiver input
Antenna connection for Card
Host connector
Antenna connector
NFC module Delivery Specification V0.3