Wistron NeWeb 03T8726 Users manual

Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
User Manual
lenovo / 03T8726
(Ralink RT5572
2x2 11agn USB Dongle)
Revision: 1
Issue Date: 2011/12/20
This document and the information contained herein is the property of Wistron NeWeb Corporation and reproduction by any means (including, but not limited to, xerographic, chemical, electronic) and distribution is expressly prohibited without prior written consent from Wistron NeWeb Corporation. The document and information contained herein are confidential and may not be divulged without express written consent from Wistron NeWeb Corporation, located at 20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C. Copyright 2010 by Wistron NeWeb Corporation / All rights reserved.
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Edition #
Reason for revision
Issue date
Initial Draft Document
Louis Wu
Revision History
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Radiation Exposure Statement: The product comply with the US portable RF exposure limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and are safe for intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such function is available.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Country Code selection feature to be disabled for products marketed to the US/CANADA SAR compliance has been established in typical laptop computer(s) with USB slot, and
product could be used in typical laptop computer with USB slot. Other application like handheld PC or similar device has not been verified and may not compliance with related RF exposure rule and such use shall be prohibited.
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
The USB dongle transmitter is approved for use in typical laptop computers. To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, it should not be used in other devices or certain laptop and tablet computer configurations where the USB connectors on the host computer are unable to provide or ensure the necessary operating configurations intended for the device and its users or bystanders to satisfy RF exposure compliance requirements.
Operations in the 5.15-5.25GHz band are restricted to indoor usage only.
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Industry Canada statement:
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
(i) the device for operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems;
(ii) the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5470­5725 MHz shall comply with the e.i.r.p. limit; and
(iii) the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the band 5725-5825 MHz shall comply with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for point-to-point and non point-to-point operation as appropriate.
(iv) Users should also be advised that high-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.
(i) les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5 150-5 250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux;
(ii) le gain maximal d’antenne permis pour les dispositifs utilisant les bandes 5 250-5 350 MHz et 5 470-5 725 MHz doit se conformer à la limite de p.i.r.e.;
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
(iii) le gain maximal d’antenne permis (pour les dispositifs utilisant la bande 5 725-5 825 MHz)
doit se conformer à la limite de p.i.r.e. spécifiée pour l’exploitation point à point et non point à
point, selon le cas. (iv) De plus, les utilisateurs devraient aussi être avisés que les utilisateurs de radars de haute
puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux (c.-à-d., qu’ils ont la priorité) pour les bandes 5 250-5 350 MHz et 5 650-5 850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer du brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL.
Radiation Exposure Statement: The product comply with the Canada portable RF exposure limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and are safe for intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such function is available.
Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations: Le produit est conforme aux limites d'exposition pour les appareils portables RF pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Le produit est sûr pour un fonctionnement tel que décrit dans ce manuel. La réduction aux expositions RF peut être augmentée si l'appareil peut être conservé aussi loin que possible du corps de l'utilisateur ou que le dispositif est réglé sur la puissance de sortie la plus faible si une telle fonction est disponible.
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Europe – EU Declaration of Conformity
This device complies with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. The following test methods have been applied in order to prove presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC:
- IEC 60950-1:2005 (Second Edition) + Am 1:2009 Safety of Information Technology Equipment
- EN 62311: 2008 / Article 3(1)(a) and Article 2 2006/95/EC) Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz-300 GHz)
- EN 62209-1: 2006 Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices – Human models, instrumentation, and procedures ­Part 1: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for hand-held devices used in close 13 proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)
- EN 300 328 V1.8.1: 2012-06 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
- EN 301 893 V1.7.1: 2012-06 Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz high performance RLAN; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
- EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2: 2011 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements
- EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1 2012 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment; Part 17: Specific conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems
This product complies with EU requirements regarding restriction of exposure of persons to radio-frequency energy (RF) emitted by telecommunication and radio devices as it is designed and manufactured in such a way as not to exceed the exposure limits indicated by the European Union Commission. The permitted SAR limit for the general population is 2.0
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[Jméno výrobce] tímto prohlašuje, že tento [typ zařízení] je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES.
Undertegnede [fabrikantens navn] erklæ rer herved, at følgende udstyr [udstyrets typebetegnelse] overholder de væ sentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Hiermit erklärt [Name des Herstellers], dass sich das Gerät [Gerätetyp] in Ü bereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet.
Käesolevaga kinnitab [tootja nimi = name of manufacturer] seadme [seadme tüüp = type of equipment] vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
Hereby, [name of manufacturer], declares that this [type of equipment] is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Por medio de la presente [nombre del fabricante] declara que el [clase de equipo] cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Par la présente [nom du fabricant] déclare que l'appareil [type d'appareil] est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.
Con la presente [nome del costruttore] dichiara che questo [tipo di apparecchio] è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
W/Kg. This limit guarantees an ample safety margin that protects all persons regardless of age and health condition.
The highest SAR level recorded for this model was equal to 0.821W/kg. The minimum distance between the user and/or any bystander and the radiating structure of
the transmitter is 20cm. In Italy the end-user should apply for a license at the national spectrum authorities in order to
obtain authorization to use the device for setting up outdoor radio links and/or for supplying public access to telecommunications and/or network services.
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Ar šo [name of manufacturer / izgatavotāja nosaukums] deklarē, ka [type of equipment / iekārtas tips] atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to
saistītajiem noteikumiem.
Šiuo [manufacturer name] deklaruoja, kad šis [equipment type] atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
Nederlands [Dutch]
Hierbij verklaart [naam van de fabrikant] dat het toestel [type van toestel] in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Hawnhekk, [isem tal-manifattur], jiddikjara li dan [il-mudel tal-prodott] jikkonforma mal­ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
Alulírott, [gyártó neve] nyilatkozom, hogy a [... típus] megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.
Niniejszym [nazwa producenta] oświadcza, że [nazwa wyrobu] jest zgodny z
zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy
[Nome do fabricante] declara que este [tipo de equipamento] está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
[Ime proizvajalca] izjavlja, da je ta [tip opreme] v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES.
[Meno výrobcu] týmto vyhlasuje, že [typ zariadenia] spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.
[Valmistaja = manufacturer] vakuuttaa täten että [type of equipment = laitteen tyyppimerkintä] tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä
koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
Wistron NeWeb
Wistron NeWeb Corporation
20 Park Avenue II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 308, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Taiwan 警語
應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。 前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。 低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、 科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。
無線傳輸設備 (UNII) 5.25-5.35 秭赫頻帶內操作之無線資訊傳輸設備,限於室內使用。 (4.7.5)
干擾之虞,始得繼續使用。 (4.7.6)
Wistron NeWeb Confidential Document
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