The WiSilica Energy Efficiency line of products are all Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh devices that can be
controlled or monitored via mobile device or cloud-based platform.
The 0-10V dimming module is powered by 12-24vdc from the auxiliary power of the LED driver and the 010v dimming wires of the dimmable driver connect directly to the dimming module for dual channel
wireless dimming control.
WiSilica Mesh devices can be paired wireless with other WiSilica products like the integrated 4 in 1 microsensor, wireless remote, occupancy sensors, ambient light sensors, real time clocks and more, giving the
building owner tremendous flexibility when optimizing their building to meet energy efficient standards or
The WiSilica Dim series not only controls lighting, it creates a smart mesh which also can be used to track
personnel, assets, patients, or anything that is equipped with or wearing a WiSilica BLE Tag. There are
tremendous possibilities when you think about security, workflow management, inventory management,
and whole building automation.
WiSilica Network Lighting | Control Series
Radio Frequency
(BLE 4.0) 2.4-2.5Ghz
Device Security
AES 128k Encryption with
3 level pairing keys (Network, APP, GUID)
Integrated Antenna
SMA Connector for External Antenna
Technical Specifications
Operating: 0-50°c
Connector Type: Terminal Connection
Enclosure: ABS Plastic
Input Voltage: 06-35VDC
Input Frequency: 50/60Hz
Dim 1 & 2 Control Input: Push in style 18-24AWG
Dim Control Output: 0-10VDC
Dimensions: 60 x 25 x 18.5mm
www.wisili c a . c o m | 23282 Mill Cr e e k D r . # 3 40, Laguna Hil ls , C A 9 2 65 3, USA | +1 9 4 9 3 9 7 9 330 |
info@wisi l i c a . c o m
WC-D-2CH0010V WiSilica Network Lighting | Control Series
Input power supply positive
Grey Input power supply negative
CH1 0 to 10V Analog dimmi
CH2 0 to 10V Analog dimming positive
Product Dimensions
Connector Details
P3 Confidential a n d P r o p rietary to WiS i l i c a , I n c .