Wireless N2X5-7S1-16B Users Manual

Corrections to N2-X Ethernet Extender Installation and Operation Manual (12-17-99 .pdf version)
Page viii
Change second paragraph to read:
Referencing OET Bulletin 65 (Edition 97-01, August 1997) from the Federal Communications Commission's Office of Engineering & Technology, limits for the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) to microwave signals have been adopted by the FCC for General Population/Uncontrolled environments. This limit is 1.0 mW/cm2, with averaging time of thirty minutes.
Change 8th paragraph to read
For example, a logarithmic power gain of 17.5 dB is equal to a numeric gain of 56.23.
Change 9th paragraph to read
Assuming (1) maximum output power from the N2-X Ethernet Extender (+12 dBm[15.8 mW]), (2) no signal loss in the cable connecting the N2-X Ethernet Extender to the antenna, and (3) the use of a 17.5 dBi gain flat panel antenna, the 1.0 mW/cm2 MPE power density limit would be reached at a distance of approximately 8.4 cm. The N2-X Ethernet Extender is classified as a fixed installation product, and per FCC policy guidelines regarding MPE, antenna installers must maintain a separation distance of 20 cm or the resulting calculation of distance from transmitter EIRP, whichever is the greater distance.
Page B-2
Make the following changes to Table B.1:
- Eliminate last column , heading: 2.5ft (0.8mm) antenna
- Correct heading of second column to read: 2ft. (0.6m) Antenna
- Correct dimension K, column 2 to read: 24" (610mm)
Page 9
Change footnote to Table 2.3 - Recommended Antennas to read:
*The 4-foot dish antennas are for use outside the USA only, and are not FCC compliant.