Wireless Inc. FCC ID: EV9N2-4XE1-5G7
EXHIBIT 1: Letter Requesting Confidentiality under Sec. 0.457(d)
EXHIBIT 2: Product Description and Operation Overview
EXHIBIT 3: Information for which Confidentiality is Requested
EXHIBIT 4: Product Photographs
EXHIBIT 5: User Manual and FCC ID Label
EXHIBIT 6: RF Hazard Information per Sec. 1.1307
EXHIBIT 7: Report of Measurements
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Wireless Inc. FCC ID: EV9N2-4XE1-5G7
EXHIBIT 1: Letter Requesting Confidentiality under Sec. 0.457(d)
- refer to separate Word attachment
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Wireless Inc. FCC ID: EV9N2-4XE1-5G7
EXHIBIT 2: Product Description and Operation Overview
General Ove rv iew
The N2-4XE1 is a point to point Wireless Extension operating in the 5.3/5.7 GHz UNII band as
authorized in rule sections 15.401 through 15.407.The unit is enclosed in a weather proof
outdoor enclosure and is intended to provide data links over distances up to 10 km.The radio
in the unit operates full duplex, transmitting and receiving data at the rate of 8.448 Mbps. The
radio is modulated using BPSK.
The product uses two separate 100 MHz bands within the U-NII frequency spectrum. Within
these bands,the N2-4XE1 series operates in one of many independent channels providing for
frequency reuse a nd network flexibility.
Synthesized RF channel selection is field configurable,as are the power output options for the
selec tion of antenna sizes. .
Frequenc y Band:
Frequency Range: 5,250 -5,350 MHz and 5,725 -5,825 MHz
Digital Interface
Capac ity O ptions:4xE1
Type:Based on 4 E-1 inputs
Line rate:4 x 2.048 Mb/s
Line Code:HDB3
Connectors:BNC (75
Frequency Range: 5,250 -5,350 MHz 5,725 -5,825 MHz
Output power: 0 dBm 0 dBm
+4 dBm +4 dBm
unbalanced or optional 120 unbalanced
Full-duplex operation in the UNII band
)or RJ-48C (120 )
5.3 GHz RX( Low Band) 5.7 GHz TX (High Band)
+8 dBm +8 dBm
+12 dBm +12 dBm
A description of the theory of operation and product configuration is found in an attachment to
this application and report.
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Wireless Inc. FCC ID: EV9N2-4XE1-5G7
System Interconnection
- refer to attachment
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Wireless Inc. FCC ID: EV9N2-4XE1-5G7
EXHIBIT 3: Information for which Confidentiality is Requested
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