Quick Installation Guide :
1. Instal l bat tery : Open th e battery cover a nd insert
the batte ry. BM-693 us e 2X AA A Battery
2.Go to the B lue tooth sett ings on your PC / Mac and turn
Bluetoo th on .
3.Turn t he power swi tch t o “on”, pres s and h old the
‘connec t but ton’ on the b ottom of the m ous e for three
seconds , you w ill now see th e scr oll wheel flashi ng blue.
The mo use is now in pa iri ng mode.
Co nne ct bu tto n
Instruction Manual
RF2.4GHz Optical Mouse
4.Your de vice will displ ay “b luetooth m ous e” select pa ir
and then yo ur J. Burrows bl uet ooth mouse w ill c onnect
to your dev ice
5.Compa tib le with Blue too th enabled W ind ows and Mac O S.
This devi ce co mplies wit h Part 15 of the FCC Ru les.
Operati on is subject to th e followin g two c ondition s:
(1) This device ma y not cause harmf ul interfe ren ce, and
(2) This device mu st accept any int erferenc e rec eived,
includi ng in terferen ce that may ca use u ndesired o per ation.
War nin g: Changes o r modificatio ns not expressl y approved by the
party res pon sible for co mpliance coul d void the user's a uthority t o
operate t he eq uipment.
NOTE: This equip ment has bee n tes ted and foun d to co mply with
the limit s for a Class B digit al device, purs uant to Part 1 5 of th e FCC
Rules. These lim its are designe d to provide reas onable protec tion
against h arm ful interf erence in a resid ential instal lation. This
equipme nt ge nerates us es an d can radiat e radio frequen cy energy
and, if not i nstalled and us ed in accordanc e with the ins tru ctions,
may cause h arm ful interf erence to radio c ommunicatio ns.Howev er,
there is no g uar antee that i nterfere nce w ill not occu r in a pa rticular
install ati on. If this eq uipment does ca use harmfu l int erferenc e to
radio or te lev ision rece pti on, which ca n be determined b y turning
the equip men t off and on,the u ser i s encourag ed to t ry to correc t
the inter ference by one or m ore of the fol low ing
measure s:
Reorien t or re locate the r eceiving ante nna.
Increas e the s eparatio n between the equ ipment and r ece iver.
Connect t he eq uipment in to an outlet on a cir cuit different fr om
that to whi ch the receiver i s connected.
Consult t he de aler or an exp eri enced radi o/TV technici an for help.
RF warnin g statement:
The devic e has b een evalua ted to meet gener al RF exposure
require men t. The device can be us ed in portable ex posure
conditi on wi thout rest riction.
CAUTION:To use this device properly,please read
the user’s guide before installation