Chargin g t he batt e r y 4
Set up your Clear 5
Favorites Tray 6
Browse & organize your Home screens 8
Touch & type 10
Type text by speaking 11
What’s New in Android 11
2 Exploring your Clear
Swipe up for Google Now 14
Swipe down for notifications & settings 15
Relax with Google Play 18
Use & customize the lo ck screen 20
Try Face Unlock 21
Share content with Android Beam 21
Change the wallpaper 22
Take a screenshot 23
Connect to keyboards, mice, & other dev ices 23
3 Use the keyboard
Enter & edit text 25
Try Gesture Typing 27
Use keyboard dictionarie s 28
4 Try some apps
Use All Apps 29
Start G m a il 30
Find P e o p le 31
Manage y o ur Cale n d a r 32
Open & use Clock 33
Manage d ow nloads 3 4
5 Google Now & Search
About G o o gle No w 3 5
Use Google Now 38
Turn Google Now on or off 40
Contro l l ocation acce s s , report i n g , & his t o ry 40
Use your voice on Android 42
Voice Actions commands 44
Google Now Card list 44
About G m a il Card s 47
About th e A ctivity s ummary c a r d 47
6 Settings
Setting s 48
7 Accessibility
Access i b i lity 51
8 Warranty
Warran t y 52
9 Troubleshooting
Trouble s h ooting 55
Getting started
Charging the battery
The battery m ay not be fully charged at first. It’s a good idea to fully charge it as soon as you get a
chance, and for at least 6 to 8 hours prior to use. The best way to charge your Clear tablet is by
connecting it to its wall charger ensuring that the charging pin o f the wall charger is carefully
inserted it into the charging port. Do not force the charging tip into the power port or wiggle it
around. Failure to follow these guideli nes will result in damaging your power port and may be
considered incidental, accidental, or physical damage to your tablet which would not be covered
under Winte c Industries’ limited 1 year warranty. Here are some basic guidelines:
Use only the charging unit and micro USB cable that come s with your FileMate Clear.
Using a different charging unit or cable may damage your t ablet. If you nee d a replacement
wall charger, please contact Wintec Industries’ customer support team at 1-866-989-4683.
The best power source is the charging unit that comes with your tablet. Other sources, such
as a laptop, may not work as well or may damage your Clear. Using non-approved or generic
chargers may damage the power port which is not covered under the 1 year limited warranty
with Wintec Industries.
The tablet charges faster when you’re not using it. So, please power your Clear off and let it
Have a charging routine is best. Decide where and when you plan to charge your Clear.
It is not recommended to use and charge your Clear at the same time. There is a possibility
of bending or flexing the charging port causing physical distress or damage.
It is not recommended to charge or use your FileMate Clear while driving. The voltage o utput
from your vehicle is different and may damage your FileMate Clear.
The input voltage range between the wall outlet and this charging unit is AC 100V–240V, and
the charging unit’s output volt-age is DC 5V, 2A.
The Clear’s battery can’t be removed. Don’t attempt to o pen the C l ear.
Openin g your Cle a r will v i o l ate your l imited 1 y ear war r a n ty with W i ntec In d u stries.
Set up your Clear
To turn on your Clear, press the Power button on the top right hand side for a few seconds, and
then release it.
The first time you turn on the tablet, you’ll see a Welcome s creen.
• To choose a different language, touch the menu
• To continue, touchS ta r tand follow the instructions. If you do not completely finish the setup
information per screen, the Clear will not allow you to advance.
IMPORTANT: You must have a Wi-Fi connection to complete the setup process.
When prompted, you can sign in with your Google Acco unt or cre ate one at that time. You can also
choose to skip this step and create one later. An email address that you us e for any of the following
is acceptable as a Googl e A ccount:
• Gmail
• Googl e Apps
• YouTube
• Any other Google product
When you sign in with a Google Account, all the em ail, contacts, calendar events, and other data
associated with that account are automatically synced with your table t. If you have multiple Google
Accounts, you can add the others later.
Favorites Tray
Open folder for
popular apps
View all
your apps
Shop on
Google Play
Every Home screen show s the Favorites tray: another quick way to get to your books, magazines,
apps, movies, and music:
At the bottom of the Clear’s screen, no matter what you’re doing, you’ll always find these three
navigation buttons:
Opens the previous screen you were working in, even if it was in a different app. Once you back up
to the Home s creen, you can’t go back any further in your history.
By tapping on the Home icon, it opens the Home screen. If you’re viewing a left or right Home
screen, it opens the central Home screen. To open Google Now, swipe up. Google Now gives just
what you need to know, right when you need it.
Recent a p p s
Opens a list of thumbnail images of apps you’ve worked with recently. To open an app, touch it. To
re-move a thumbnail from the list, swipe it left or right
If you don’t use these buttons often, they may shrink to dots or fade away, depending on the
current app. To bring them back, touch their location.
On th e All Ap ps screen a vailable from the F avo rites t ray, not ice the Settings ic on. The
Setti ngs icon provide s you with brings you all the dif ferent sett ings opt ions for yo ur Clear . Th is
is wh ere you can turn on the Wi-F i, adjust t he brightne ss of th e s c ree n, turn off scre en lock,
view you r downlo aded app informa tio n, view your bat tery’s char ging inf orm ation, a nd perfo rm a
backup and re set if nece ssa ry. Tak e your time to be fami liar wit h all the d iffer ent options in th e
Setti ngs s cre en.
T I P :
You c an use Quick Settings t o access Wi-Fi set tings, change display brightness, and
more. To open Quick Set-tings, swipe down f rom the top right corner of any screen. At
the t op of the screen you’ll find Google Search, which lets you search yo ur tablet or the
Inter net .
Touch G oog l e to type your searc h terms, or the Micr ophone i con to speak t hem.
Many screens in apps and Setting s i nclude a Menu icon. To uch it to explore additio nal
optio ns, often including a Help ite m t hat provides mo re infor mation a bout tha t sc reen.
Browse & organize your Home screens
Touch any title to
open it.
Touch to
avoid future
like this
Touch to see a
different suggestion
Touch to
learn more
Browse Home screens
To move between Home scr eens, sw ipe left or ri ght. Th ere may not be anythin g there now, but
you c an custo mize your h ome screens to have what you w ant rang ing from any o f t he widgets
that can be foun d i n the widget sec tio n in the Ap ps fo lde r. Keep i n m ind t hat widgets are
short cuts to app lications. Here i s a n exampl e o f t he My Library widget displays mus ic, movies,
magazines, an d book s.
When you’re r eady to sho p for more, try the sug gestions in one of t he Play Rec omm endat ions
To re size a w idget, t ouc h & hold , then let go and drag the blu e dots. To rem ove it, touch & hold,
then drag it to the Remo ve ico n at the top of the scree n.
O r g a n ize H o m e scr e e n s
To ad d an app or widget to a Home screen:
1. Go to the Hom e s creen where you want to place the a pp or wi d get .
2. To uch the All Apps ico n.
3.Sw ipe right, if ne ces sary, to fi n d the ap p or widget yo u want.
4. To uch & ho ld the a pp or widget u ntil the Home screen appears, sli de it into pla ce, and lift
your finger.
To move an app o r widget icon to a different l oca tion on a Home scr een:
1. Touch & hold the icon.
2.Slide your fi nge r to the new positi on.
To move between Home scr eens, sl ide toward the edge of the s c r ee n . To bu mp another ico n
out o f t he way, slide sl owl y into it.
3. Lift your finger. T he ico n drops into its ne w positi on.
To creat e a fold er, slid e o ne icon quick ly over ano ther.
To re nam e a fold er, touc h its name.
Touch & type
To selec t or act ivate somet hing, to uch it. To type so mething, such as a name, pa ssword, or
searc h terms, just touch where you want to type. A keyboard pops up that letsyo u ty p e i n t o t h e f i el d .
O t her c om m o n g e st u r es i nc l u de :
•Touch & hold. Touch & hold an i tem on the scr een by t ouchingit an d n ot lifti ng your finger
until it resp ond s.
•D r ag. Touch & h old an item fo r a moment and t hen, wit hout lif t i ng your finger, mov e y our
fing er on the scre en until yo u reachth e t arget po sition. For example , y ou can move app s around
on the Home screen.
•S w i pe o r s l id e . Quickly mov e your f ing er across the surfa ce of the sc ree n, witho ut pausi ng
when you first t ouc h (so you d on’tdr ag somethin g instea d). For exa mpl e, you c an slide a Hom e
scree n left o r right to vie w the other Home screen s.
•D o ubl e -ta p . Tap qu ickly twice on a webpage, map, or other scree n to zoom. For example,
double-tap a pic ture in Chr ome to zoom in, and double -ta p again to zoo m o ut.
•P i n c h . In som e apps ( such as Maps, Ch rom e, and Gallery), yo u can zoom in a nd out b y p lacing
two fing ers on t he screen a t once and pinchi ng them tog ether (t o z oom out) or sp readi ng them
apart (to zoo m i n).
•Rotate the sc reen. The orienta tion of most s creens r otates with your dev ice as y ou turn it. To
lock or un lock the sc reen’s vertical o rie ntation, sw ipe d own from the t op right of any scr een and
touch the Rotation icon in Quick Se ttings
To change your tablet’s not ifi cation sounds, vo lum es, an d more, go to
S e tti n g s > De v i ce > S o u n d.
To change your tablet’s brightne s s, font s izes, an d more, go to
Se ttings > De vic e > Disp lay .
Type text by speaking
You c an speak to enter text in most pl aces tha t y ou can e nter tex t with the onscree n keyboard.
1. Touch a text field, or a lo cation i n text y ou’ ve alrea dy ent e red in a text fie ld.
2. To uch the Micropho ne key on the ons creen ke yboard.
3. Wh en you s ee the micr ophone i mage, sp eak what you w ant to t y p e .
Say “ comma,”“period, ”“questio n m ark,” “exclam ation mark, ” o r“exc lamation point” to enter
punct uation.
When you paus e, what you sp oke is tran scribed by the spee ch -recog n iti o n s er v i ce a nd
ent e r ed i n t h e t e xt f ie l d, u nde r lin e d. Y o u c a n tou ch the D elete ke y t o erase the
underli ned text. I f you start ty p ing or e nter m ore text by speakin g, the unde rline di sappear s. To
impro ve processi ng of your voi ce input, Google ma y record a fe w s e co n d s o f a m b ie n t
b a c kg r o u n d n o is e in t em p o ra r y me m ory at any ti me. This recordi ng remains on the devi ce
only fleeting ly and is not sent t o G oogle.
To change your tablet’s spe ech settings , go to Sett ings > P ers onal > L anguage &
What’s New in Android
If yo u are ne w t o Android, or perha ps new t o t he versi on that is on your Cle ar, you may want to
check out some ofthe n ew featu res in Andr oid 4.2 (Je lly Bean ). For a l ist of all change s since
Android 4.0, ple ase cl ick belo w:
http: //w ww.andro m/abou t/j elly-b ean/
•Gestu re Typing (Andr oid 4.2)
Inste ad of ty ping eac h l ett er, use Gesture Typing to i nput a word with out li fting your finger . Y ou
don’t need to wo rry about spaces b ecause t hey ’re adde d automatic ally for yo u.
TIP: Glide your finger over the letters you want to type, and lift it after eac h w ord.
•Photo Sphere m ode (An droid 4. 2)
Use P hot o Sphere mo de in the C amera ap p to capture 360 de g ree photos.
TIP: Touch the Camera icon to open th e app, then to uch the mode o pti ons to select
Photo Sp here mode.
• G o ogl e Pl a y w i d ge t s
Ne w w idgets o n your Home sc reens di splay re cently used apps, music, m ovi es, books, o r gam es
you a lready h ave in clu ding pre loaded c ont ent that co mes with yo ur devic e. Other widget s o ffe r
suggestions f or browsing Go ogle Pla y.
TIP: Touch a widget to access its content on Google Play. Touch &hold a w idget to
resiz e it or remove it .
•Q u i ck Set t i n g s (An dro id 4.2)
Use Q uick Set tings to ea sily acce ss Wi- Fi se tti ngs, man age displ ay brightne ss, open th e main
Setti ngs m enu, and more.
TIP: Swipe down from the top ri ght corner of any screen to open Q uic k Settings, an d
then touch one of the boxes to open a sp eci fic s e t t i ng .
•E x pan d a b l e n o ti f i ca t i on s
Expandable no tifica tio ns were introduced in Andro id 4.1, inc luding t he option t o perfo rm
actio ns from the notifica tion its elf . In A ndroid 4.2, yo u can ex pand not ifi cation s more easi ly
with a s wipe of you r fin ger .
TIP: Swipe down the notification shade fro m the top of the scr een, then glide y our
finger down the notifications to expand th em. Touch an i con inside a n oti fication to
handl e a task directly.
•R e arr a nge H om e sc r een s
Slide an icon slowly to mov e other i cons or wid gets gently aside .
Touch & hold an icon and slide slow ly t o t he location of your ch oice and then s lide an icon
quickly over another to cre ate a fo lder.
•S c r ee n m a gn i f ic a tio n
U s ers w i t h v i su a l i m p ai r m ent s c an e nt e r f u l l - s cre e n m a gn i f ic a t io n by t ri p l e- t ap p i n g
t h e s cr e e n.
Go toS e t ti n g s > S y s te m > A c ce s s ib i l it y > M a g n i fi c a ti o n g e s tures to turn on
scree n magnif ication.
•Googl e Now
Googl e Now shows yo u inf ormation at just the r ight tim e, such as to day ’s weath er befor e y ou
start y our day, ho w much t raf fic to e xpect be fore you leave fo r w ork , and even yo ur favorite team’ s s core whi le they’ re playi ng.
Swipe up from th e bottom ce nter of any screen, or touch t he Google Sea rch b ar on any H ome
scree n.
•Say “Googl e” to search
When the Google Now scre en is open, you can sa y “ Goo gle” to ac tivat e a voice s earch.
Open Google N ow, and the n say “Go ogl e” and what it is y ou want to sea rch.
Exploring your Clear
Swipe up for Google Now
Googl e Now is about getti ng you j ust the rig ht informat ion, at jus t th e r ight tim e. It tel ls you
today ’s weather before y ou start yo ur day, how much traffic to ex pect bef ore yo u lea ve for
work, and eve n y our favorit e team’s scor e w hile they’re playing. All of this ha ppens
autom ati cally. G oogle Now brings you the inf orm ation you w ant to see, when yo u want t o s ee it.
No se a rch i ng r eq u i red .
Swip e your f inger up from the bo ttom of any scre en, or touch the Google Se arch bar at the top
of th e Home scre en. Wh en you w ant to see mor e cards, touch
Sh ow more car ds a t t he bot tom of t he screen. When you do n’t need them a nymore , swipe them
out of the way.
You’r e in con trol
When you deci de to us e G oog le Now, you ’re turning o n locati on re porting and locatio n history.
Googl e Now also uses loc ation inf orm ation pr ovi ded by G oogle’ s location service.
If lo cation s ervices are turned on, Goo gle Now use s d ata that yo u may ha ve stored i n other
Googl e produc ts. For exa mple, if yo u have s ear ches sto red in y our Web History, G oog le Now c an
show cards ba sed on sp orts sco res , fl i g ht s ta t u s, a nd s o o n .
Similarly, Go ogle Now ca n use da ta that you ma y have s tor ed in t hi r d -p a r ty p ro d u ct s th a t
Bluetooth, WiFi & Battery and Status
y o u a l low Goo g le t o a c c es s . F o r e x a mp l e , your tablet’s syn ced cale nda r may in clude
entries from non -Go ogl e calend ar pro ducts. If y ou have a s ynced ca len dar e ntr y for a dentist
appointment t hat incl ude s t he de nti st’s addres s, Google N ow can c hec k t raffi c and sug gest when
to le ave .
You’r e in con trol. Yo u c an choose e xactly whic h cards you’d like to se e, adjus t t he details of
what they dis play, an d adjust your p ri v acy set t ing s . For mo re infor mation a bout Google No w
and y our loca tion i nf o rm a t io n , c o n ta c t G o o gl e Su p p or t . w w w . g o og l e .co m /su p por t
Swipe down for notifications & settings
No tif ications al ert you to the arri val of new messages , calendar eve nts, and alarms, as well as
ongoi ng event s, such as video downlo ads.
When a notifi cation arrives, i ts icon appears at the top of the s c ree n . I c on s fo r pe n di n g
n o tif i cat i on s ap p e ar o n t he l e f t a n d system icons sh owing th ings lik e W iFi si gna l or bat ter y
stren gth on the rig ht:
To open the noti fic ation shade , s wipe dow n f rom the top le ft corne r o f any sc reen.
Certa in no tif icatio ns can be e xpanded to show more info rmation, such as email previews o r
calendar even ts. The one at the top is always expa nde d whe n possible.
To open the rela ted app, to uch the not ifi cation ic on on th e left. Some no tificati ons al so allow
you t o t ake spec ific act ions by t ouc h in g ico n s w i th i n t h e no t if i ca t i on . Fo r ex a m ple ,
C a len d a r no tif ications al low you to Sno oze (rem ind you lat er) or s end email t o other gues ts.
When you’re f inished wit h a noti fica tion, just swi pe it aw ay. To dismi ss all n otifications, touch
the d ism iss icon at the top ri ght o f th e n otification shade. You can perf orm th ese acti ons from
the n otification shade
Dismiss All
Touch to
respond to
other guests
Swipe down
using one
finger to
Q u i ck Set t i ng s
Touch to
open all
Touch a
square to
open a
Use Q uick Set tings to ea sily acce ss Wi- Fi se tti ngs, man age displ ay brightne ss, open th e main
Setti ngs m enu, and more. To open Qui ck Setti ngs, swipe dow n fro m t he top righ t corner of any
scree n:
Relax with Google Play
Touch to
avoid future
like this
Touch to
see a
Touch to
learn more
Googl e P lay brings to get her all your fav ori te content in one p lac e – mo vie s, TV sh ows, boo ks,
music , m agazi nes , apps, and more –so yo u can re ach it f rom any of you r device s.
Use G oogle Pl ay widgets
These widgets are ava ila ble on y our Home scree ns:
•M y Li b r ar y . Displays yo ur most recently used music, books, and so on. Touch an y o f the
image s to see yo ur content.
•Recom mende d o n Play. S ug g e st s mu s i c, m ov i e s, a nd o the r content that may interest you.
Touch the sug gestion to lea rn more about it.
•R e c om m end e d a p p s. Recom mends ap ps that you ca n add to you r Home scre en. Touc h t he
recom men dation t o learn mor e a b o ut i t
To re size a w idget, t ouc h & hold , then let go and drag the blu e dots. To rem ove it, touch & hold,
then drag it to the Remo ve ico n at the top of the scree n. To add another Go ogl e Play w idget,
touch the All Ap ps ic on, t h en W i dg e t s, and sw ipe f rom right t o left unti l you se e t he one you
want. Then to uch & hold, an d let go in the Home sc reen loc a tion you wa nt.
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