Application Sheet
Application: Retherming
Market(s): Schools, institutions, healthcare,
QSR, full service
Product: Cookies
Other Suitable
Food Product(s): Par-baked biscuits, rolls.
Models to Consider: CAT522, CAT529
CVap technology uses a combination of moist and dry heat. This provides
the perfect environment for baking cookies. Because water vapor is such
an efficient method of heat transfer, cookies bake quickly, without
Product Line: CVap
therm & holds
Set Points: Retherm Pre-programmed Channel 3 - Food Temperature 200˚F,
Food Texture 300˚F, Differential 100˚F.
Cook time varies - Soft bake-12 minutes, firm bake-14-15 minutes.
Process: Preheat unit on Channel 3. Place cookies on parchment paper, allowing
approximately 1-1/2” border around edges. A6 x 3 pattern is
recommended, with a capacity of about 28 cookies. When digital
display shows LOAD, place the pans in the CAT522 unit, or first on
oven racks or sheet pans in the CAT529. Cook unit according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Remove product after cook cycle, allow to
DOC070116I Rev 1
rs 3-07-07