Winning Moves Games Cir Kis Instructions Manual

Players take turns placing a piece on the board next to the last piece played (the “Leader”). Completing Circles and Stars scores points.
The rst player to score 40 points wins the game. The game can also end if one player plays his nal piece or if no further plays are possible, in which case high score wins.
The CirHKis board, which has a storage compart­ment and scoring track for each player and a central
playing area, and 4 sets of
plastic pieces. Each set
consists of 20 pieces and
a scoring peg.
Arrange the board so that each player is seated behind a corner. Select a set of pieces. Put your scoring peg in the “0” hole near your compart­ment. Arrange your pieces on the table (this makes it easier for all to
see which pieces haven’t been played).
The youngest player is first to place a piece. At least part of it must be inside the Center Ring or Center Star.
Pieces can only be pl ayed where they fit. They “snap” into place when
placed properly. Play passes to the left throughout the game.
• FOLLOW THE LEADER. There is only one rule when placing a piece: Each new piece must touch the last piece played (the Leader).
Pieces “touch” when edge-to-edge, or even just point-to-point, like Purple’s # 2 piece in the illustration above.
There are three ways you may gain a free turn:
1. You place a piece in a space whose adjacent spaces are all lled.
2. You complete the central Star.
3. You place the rst Sliver piece. No subsequent Sliver piece is awarded a free turn. (Note: the two Sliver spaces adjacent to a
star touch point-to-point.)
2-4 Players
The next four pieces
“Follow the Leader” as shown.
Green plays first
All spaces enclosed by
the line touch
Green’s piece.
Purple plays next as shown.
His piece touches Green’s.
Purple’s piece becomes
the new Leader.
Whenever you gain a free turn, you immediately place another piece so
that it touches any other piece on the board. This piece becomes the
new Leader. A free turn often provides a great opportunity to increase your score.
There are ve segments in each shape (Circle or Star) on the board. Whenever a Circle or a Star shape is completed, you score 10 points if you have the most segments in the shape. Advance your scoring peg accordingly. 5 bonus points are awarded to the opponent who completes either shape. If you complete a shape and score its 10 points,
you do not score the 5-point bonus.
You lose a turn if you can’t place a piece (because the grid spaces next to the leader won’t accommodate any of your remaining pieces). If all players lose their turn in succession, the game ends.
• As soon as a player scores 40 or more points, play stops at the end of his turn.
• If no player reaches 40 points, the game ends when one player plays his nal piece (“goes out”) or when no player can play
another piece.
• A player who goes out scores 10 bonus points.
• High score wins. If the game ends in a tie, the player involved who has the most unplayed pieces wins. If still tied, the victory is shared.
The ten spaces around the central Star comprise the “Center Ring.”
Award 15 points to the player who has the most segments among these ten when, and if, the Center Ring is completed. (The 5-point bonus is awarded as well, if a different player completes the Ring.)
• For a longer game, play more rounds until one player ha s scored 100 points.
You’ll discover many eye-opening opportunities for great plays when­ever you play CirHKis, but here are some tips.
1. Your Big Slice pieces are very valuable. Placing one inside a Circle assures you of 10 points should that Circle be completed.
2. Stars are tougher to score because no playing piece lls more than two of the Star’s ve segments. If a Star is evenly divided amongst two opponents, you can score 5 points for completing it and they will each score zero!
3. It is wise to complete a Circle or Star and gain its 5-point bonus even if an opponent scores 10 points, provided you are closer to victory
than your opponent.
4. Be careful not to set up a “5-point bonus” play for an opponent who has 35 points. He will win instantly, unless another player reaches 40 at the same time.
5. It is wise to save your Arrows and Wedges for use late in the game.
6. It is easier to gain a free turn along the edge of the board because
there are fewer adjacent spaces.
We will be happy to hear your que stions or comments about this game. Please write to: Hasbro Game s, Consumer Affairs Dept., P.O. Box 200, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. Tel: 888-836-7025 (toll free).
CIR KIS™ is a trademark of Winning M oves Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used under authorization. © 2009 Winning Moves Inc., Danvers, MA 01923. Made and manufactured by H asbro Inc ., Pawtuc ket, RI 02862.
The HASBRO name and logo are TM, ® & © 20 09 Hasbro, Pawtucke t, RI 028 62. All Rights Reserved. TM & ® denote U.S. Trademarks.
If Purple plays here, he will receive a free turn because all adjacent spaces are lled.
These two spaces are adjacent
to each other.
Sliver Piece
By playing here Red
completes 2 shapes
with one piece!
Red will score 15 points: 10 for having the most segments
in the Star and 5 bonus points for completing the Circle. Green
scores 10 points for having the
most segments in the Circle. (Purple scores no points for his 2 segments in the Star.)
Note: If two players each have two segments in a completed shape, no score is awarded except
the 5-point completion bonus.
There are
ten Circles and
six Stars
on the board.
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