The power amplifier is intended to increase receiver sensitivity and c ompens ate for various line losses (in
the feeder, connectors and cable) as well as signal losses due to electromagnetic radiation, in order to
attain maximum allowable signal emis sion. T he bi-directional amplifier operates in half-duplex mode in
the 2.4 - 2.5 GHz ISM frequency range.
The amplifier assembly consists o f four main components:
1. Low-noise receive amplifier, transmit amplifier, and switching control unit assembled in a sealed
Bandpass filter, which determines the usable frequency band of the amplifier and its sensitivity to
interference outside of the selected RF band.
DC power injector. T he DC power injector s hould be lo cated near a transmitting device, suc h as a
radio modem or a bridge. The power injector c onnects to the transmitting device and the amplifier
assembly via 50 Ohm coaxial cable.
110-220 VAC Power supply.
Technical Characteristics
Receive Amplifier
Gain, dB 25.0 ± 3.0
Nois e fi gure, d B ≤ 3.0
Input saturation power, mW ≅ 10
Transmit Amplifier
Automatic gain & power control
Input power, mW 0.5 – 100
Max Output power, mW 250.00
Switching power, mW 0.5 ± 0.3
Switching time, mks ≤ 0.5
Bandpass Filter
Frequency band (with ripple 0.5 dB ), GHz 2.4 – 2.5
Attenuation in frequency band 2.4–2.5 GHz, (dB) 0.5
Out-of-Band Attenua tion
2 GHz, (dB)
3 GHz, (dB)
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DC Power Injector
Frequency band (with ripple 0.5 dB ), GHz 2.4 – 2.5
Attenuation in frequency band 2.4–2.5 GHz, (dB) 0.6
RF connector type N-female
Powe r Supply
DC out, V 12
Max output power, W 12
DC Connector type BNC – male
Operating temper ature r ange
-50°C — +50°C
The filter determines the frequency cha rac teris tic s of the amplifier. In sta ndard c onfiguration the amplifier
is shipped with a 100 MHz filter, main freque ncy of 2445 MHz, main frequency attenuation of 0.5 dB, and
an input shunt for quasi-direct currents. At the foregoing settings signal attenuation is > 60 dB in the 0 -
2.4 GHz and 2.5 - 18 GHz ranges.
The amplifier/filter set includes the following:
Item Quantity
Amplifier / Filter 1
DC Power injector 1
Power supply 1
Amplifier / filter mounting plate 1
U-shaped mast mounting brackets 2
Grounding strap 1
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