WINDTECH Pulsar 27, Pulsar 30, Pulsar 23, Pulsar 25 Flight Manual

w w w . w i n d t e c h . e s
> index
> congratulations –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 05 > warning & liability ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 06 > construction & materials –––––––––––––––––––––– 06 > certification ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 07 > best glide ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 07 > flight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 08
--launch –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 08
--strong wind ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 08
> thermal flying ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 09 > flying in turbulence –––––––––––––––––––––––––– 09
--asymmetric tuck ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 10
--frontal tuck ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 10
--asymmetric stall (spin) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 11
--landing –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 11
> weather to fly ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12 > emergency procedures & quick descent techniques – 12
--big ears –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12
--spiral drive ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12
--b stall ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 13
> maintenance –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 14 > warranty ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 14 > technical specifications –––––––––––––––––––––––– 15 > line measurements –––––––––––––––––– 17-18-19-20 > flight log ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 22
> congratulations
Congratulations on the purchase of your new PULSAR DHV 1-2.
The PULSAR has been designed for intermediate and experienced pilots that are looking for a superb all round performing wing with incredibly sweet, dynamic handling , and
absolutely minimal compromise in stability. The PULSAR's amazing balance of perfor­mance, ease of use and stabilty with give your flying skills and confidence a massive boost, and take you easily to new levels of acheivement!
We strongly recommend that before you even unfold the PULSAR you carefully read this manual in order to be aware of any limitations, performance, take off and flight charac­teristics, landing procedures, emergency situation and maintenance.
We always appreciate your feedback, so please send us your comments, positive or nega­tive, regarding the
You are the best feedback and support for future products, and please remember that we are always happy to give you any help & advice.
Best winds
> warning & liability
This manual has been created to give the pilot help and hints for the correct operation of this wing. By no means is this a substitute of a training course, or appropriate experien­ce gained with years and hours of airtime, nor is this manual intended to give pilot´s kno­wledge regarding flight safety.
assumes that the purchasing pilot has the appropriate pilot's licence, has
taken a training course, and has the ability and experience to safely fly the PULSAR.
This manual cannot be used for operational purposes. The flight log & registration card must be filled out completly and stamped by the dealer & returned to
in order
to make a claim on the guarantee.
The use of this paraglider is entirely at the user's own risk. As with any adventure sport paragliding is a high risk activity-especially without taking the appropriate precautions­therefore it must be absolutely understood that
& the dealer do not accept any responsibility for accidents, losses, injuries, direct or indirect damage following the use or misuse of this product.
> design materials
The PULSAR is a DHV 1-2 glider that offers total security with beautiful handling & performance. The performance is very high due to a well-defined structure with 52 cells, with an internal structure comprised of diagonals of different types, depending on the
width of the cell and an optimized line layout to reduce the overall number of lines.
The upper and lower panels are made with 45 gr. Porcher Marine Skytex nylon. The ribs are made with stronger nylon of to prevent airofoil deformation, even after seve­ral years of intensive use. Rib (cell wall) reinforcements are made of Dacron 310 &180 gr. Line attachment points are made of polyester.
The lines are made of Kevlar covered with polyester she­ath for protection against wear, UV and abrasion. The lower section of the brake lines is made from Dyneema. This material is less prone to failure after repeated use through the brake pulleys. The riser karabiners, also called quick links, are made with stainless steel of 800 Dan. Risers are made of pre-stretched polyester of 900 Dan.
> certification
The PULSAR is a paraglider of an intermediate level that has passed easily the tests of the DHV level 1-2. This glider has successfully passed the DHV shock test with a weight equal to the maximum total (all up) take-off weight. This means that the paraglider is certified to resist to a load of 8 (eight) times the gravitational acceleration (8 G´s).
With regards to the weight range of the glider, ALWAYS be certain that you are within the correct weight range of the glider. To fly under, or overweight can adversely affect the
stability of the PULSAR & flown as such will make it no longer a certified glider.
> best glide
Best glide in nil wind, and still air, is obtained at “trim” speed- that is brakes fully relea­sed and no accelerator (speed bar) applied. It is always best to fly with a light pressure on the brakes, keeping a “feel” on the wing in case of unexpected turbulence.
When flying into (against the) wind a better glide can be obtained by using the speed system. The following is rough guide line as to how much to apply.
With around 10 km/h (6,2 Mph) of head wind, best glide is obtained with 25% accelerator applied.
With around 15-25 km/h (9,3-15,5 Mph) of head wind, best glide is obtained with 50% accelerator.
With around +25 km/h (+15,5 Mph) of head wind, best glide is obtained with 75-100% accelerator.
When flying downwind (wind from behind ) the best glide is obtained between 0% brake and 10% of brake.
1-2 accelerated but using the
accelerator system close to the ground is not advisa­ble & it should be released as soon as turbulent air is encountered.
Note that the glide angle is not affected by the wing loading, but that the security is.
Always fly a glider that is the correct size for you, and remember that if your flying weight is below the stated minimum, the speed range will diminish and inflation problems may appear. Also the handling will degrade in turbulent conditions, and it will be easier to sus­tain collapses. If your flying weight is above the stipulated weight range, this will result in a higher minimum speed and faster landing speed and the stall speed of the glider will also be higher.
> flight
Each and every glider has a checklist note passed though our strict quality control in the factory. This includes line measurement, ground inflation and flight testing. Contact your distributor for more information about this, and if your glider has not been pre-inflated ask them to do so for you. Every glider should be test flown before it is sold.
Note that each glider has a unique sticker attached to the centre cell with the serial num­ber, type of glider, size and weight range.
We recommend that your first flight on your new glider be on a gentle slope in calm con­ditions before making any further higher flights, just to check the glider and for you to get used to flying it.
We also recommended that you use a harness that has an ABS cross strap system and that the maximum width possible for the chest strap is 38 cm between karabiners.
For you own safety, we strongly recommend the use of back protection, helmet and
WindSOS reserve.
> launch
Choose an open space free of any obs­tacles, especially trees and power lines.
Open your glider in a slight horseshoe arc (semi-circle) & thoroughly check that you have no knots or line twists. Make sure your helmet is securely faste­ned & clip into your harness making sure all straps are securely fastened.
Connect risers to your harness making certain that your karabiners are fully clo­sed & you have no twists in the risers.
> strong wind
We do not recommend taking off, or flying, with a wind speed higher than 25 km/h (15,5 Mph); this may change depending of pilot´s experience, but we remind you that flying in poor weather conditions is the single greatest cause or accidents in free-flying.
We recommended that the reverse launch is the best technique when the wind is strong at take off.
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