Windtech kinetik User Manual

w w w . w i n d t e c h . e s
> index
> congratulations –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 05
> warning & liability ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 06 > design materials ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 06
> best glide ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 08
-- un-powered flight –––––––––––––––––––––––––– 08
-- powered flight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 09
> flight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 09
-- inflation and take off ––––––––––––––––––––––– 10
> flying in turbulence –––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12
-- asymmetrical tuck/collapse–––––––––––––––––––– 12
-- front/symmetrical tuck collapse ––––––––––––––– 13
-- asymmetric stall (spin) ––––––––––––––––––––––––– 13
-- landing –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 14
> weather to fly ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 14
> emergency procedures & quick descent techniques – 14
-- big ears ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 15
-- spiral drive ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 15
-- b stall ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 16
> maintenance –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 17
> warranty ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 17
> technical specifications ––––––––––––––––––––––– 18
> line measurements ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 20
> flight log ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 24
> congratulations
Congratulations on the purchase of your new KINETIK .
The KINETIK has been carefully thought out and designed to make paramotor flying as simple and enjoyable as possible.
We strongly recommend that before you fly the KINETIK you carefully read this manual in order to be aware of any limitations, performances, take off and flight characteristics, landing procedures, emergency situation and maintenance.
We always appreciate your feedback, so please send us your comments, positive or nega­tive, in regard to the
You are the best feedback and support for future products, and please remember that we are always happy to give you any help & advice.
Best winds
> warning & liability
We have produced this manual so that you can get to know your KINETIK better, with some helpful tips to help you feel comfortable with it from the very first day.
assumes that the purchasing pilot has the appropriate pilot's licence, has
taken a training course, and has the suitable ability and enough experience to safely fly the KINETIK.
THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL IS NOT INTENDED AS A “TEACH YOURSELF PARAMOTORING” BOOKLET. We have to make it very clear that to fly this wing safely and proficiently IT IS NOT ENOUGH JUST TO READ THIS MANUAL, and that you, the pilot, MUST complete a suitable paramotor flying course, and gain a good understanding of the concepts of flight, both powered and un-powered. It is also imperative that you gain a good unders­tanding of the weather and flying conditions, so that you know when it is safe to fly, and WHEN IT IS NOT SAFE TO FLY.
This manual cannot be used for operational purposes. The flight log & registration card must be filled and stamped by the dealer & returned to
in order to
claim on the guarantee.
The use of this paragli­der is entirely at the user's own risk. As with any adventure sport paragliding is a high risk activity-especially without taking the appropriate precau­tions- therefore it must be absolutely understo-
od that
the dealer do not accept any responsibility for accidents, losses, injuries, direct or indi­rect damage following the use or misuse of this product.
> design materials
The KINETIK is a glider that offers total security with beautiful handling & perfoman­ce. The performance is very high due to a well-defined structure with 52 cells, with an internal structure comprised of diagonals of different types, depending on the width of the cell and an optimized line layout to reduce the overall number of lines.
This specifically designed paramotor wing has been reinforced in key areas of the wing, especially at all of the attachment points on both the under-surface and the cell walls.
-- cloth
The upper and lower panels are made with 45 gr. Porcher Marine Skytex nylon. The ribs are made with stronger nylon of to prevent airofoil deformation, even after several years of intensive use. Rib (cell wall) reinforcements are made of Dacron 310 &180 gr. Line attachment points are made of polyester.
-- lines
The KINETIK‘s lines are made from the highest quality Kevlar, with a polyester outer sheath to protect the inner Kevlar core from abrasion and UV. The main (lower cascade) “A” and “B” lines are 2.2mm, rated at 240kg, and the main “C” and “D” lines, are 1.7mm.
-- risers
WWe have designed the KINETIK‘s paramotor riser system to help overcome the various complexities that powered flight entails.
The risers are shorter than usual (42cm), to allow for the different flying position and help minimise the effects of the chassis of the engine.
The construction and materials of the wing have been made stronger, especially the stit­ching of the main attachment points of the wing.
The big-ears can be operated with one hand easily and without strain.
The travel of the webbing of the trimmers is on a pulley system, which means a greatly reduced chance that they will slip (a big pro­blem with normal trimmers) in normal flight or after a sudden shock or under high pressu­re, such as a collapse or steep turn, offering a greater amount of security with a very effec­tive and easy to use system.
The ‘trimmers’ are used to set the ‘trim speed’ of the wing, and have been carefully designed to give the best combination of efficiency and stability across the whole speed range. When
Speed Bar Hook
the trimmers are pulled fully ON (pulled all the way through the ratchet, so that the rear risers are effectively pulled down to their shortest position) the glider will fly at full slow trim speed. When the risers are released all the way OFF (ratchet pressed, so that the webbing slips all the way and the rear risers are in their longest position) the glider will fly at full fast speed. It is vitally important that that you fully understand all of the effects and implications of flying at different trim speeds, as this changes the handling, safety and performance characteristics of any wing.
There are two lines of stitching on the webbing of the trimmers which are set at “nor­mal” trim and a faster “powered flying” position. When the trim is set to the first stit­ching line (normal trim), this is the speed that should be used for taking off, landing and flying in turbulence.
If you then raise the trimmers up to the second line of stitching, this is the faster “powe­red flying” trim position (the actual speed will depend a lot on wing loading), in which
the trimmers are set to compen­sate for the pitching back effect caused by the push of the motor, bringing the wing into a more overhead position and giving increased speed and performance. Of course, caution should always be used when low down and one should always fly with the trim­mers in the “normal” trim position in turbulence and when near the ground.
The trim travel will continue slightly further than the “powered flying” setting, to “full trim
speed”, but one should only ever use this trim position in very smooth conditions, and with plenty of height, due to the greatly reduced angle of attack of the wing. If the pilot requires more speed in turbulent conditions, we recommend that the pilot leaves the glider in “normal” trim position and makes use of the speed system.
> best glide
-- un-powered flight
Best glide in nil wind, and still air, is obtained at “trim” speed that is brakes fully relea­sed and no accelerator (speed bar) applied. It is always best to fly with a light pressure on the brakes, keeping a “feel” on the wing in case of unexpected turbulence.
Normal Position
Powered flying position
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