Wind Hover Lighten Up Instruction Manual

Lighten Up!
Welcome to a new way of waking up, with Lighten Up!
Lighten Up! can help wake you up on dark mornings, with jet lag or those winter blues,
night shift work, or anytime you need to wake up while it is still dark! Lighten Up! works by turning on your lamp over a period of about 30 minutes, simulating a morning sunrise and helping you wake up in a more natural way.
1. Plug your lamp into your Lighten Up!
3. You may use up to a 100-watt light bulb in your lamp, however, we recommend a
40-60 watt bulb to better simulate a morning sunrise.
4. Use only incandescent light bulbs with Lighten Up! A fluorescent or LED will not operate properly and may damage the unit. Do not use a switched outlet.
5. Plug your Lighten Up! into the wall outlet 8 hours before you want your sunrise to BEGIN.
Example: for a 6:00 a.m. wake up, plug the Lighten Up! unit in at 9:30 p.m. the night before. Sunrise will BEGIN at 5:30 am the next morning; it will be at full bright at 6:00 am when you are ready to awaken.
6. You only need to do step #5 one time. You will automatically have a 30-minute sunrise in your room the next morning and every morning thereafter until you unplug your Lighten Up!
7. Your lamp will brighten and dim twice, quickly, when you plug it in to indicate it has been activated.
8. Your lamp will remain on for an ADDITIONAL HOUR after each sunrise.
9. If you want to turn Lighten Up! off, simply turn off your lamp, BUT
REMEMBER to turn the lamp back on when you need the sunrise the next time.
10. If you are not going to be using Lighten Up! for an extended period of time, it is best to unplug the unit.
11. If there is an interruption in power or if you unplug the unit, you must reset your Lighten Up! by repeating step #5.
Lighten Up! IS NOT an alarm. It will only supplement your normal method of
waking up, NOT replace it.


1. Experiment with light placement. We prefer a location at the head of the bed below eye level.
2. Try different color lights. Some people prefer a pale blue bulb or filter to more closely match dawn's glow.
3. Is your room dark? It needs to be for you to get good sleep! If you sleep during the day or your room is quite bright at night, try some heavy curtains.
4. Try setting your timer at the same time as sunrise on the longest day of the year. That way you will never notice that the days are getting shorter and that winter is approaching. But remember to reset the timer at the end of daylight savings or you will be ready to get up 1 hour too early!
5. The unit may be used with a separate timer to eliminate programming changes due to power outages or to vary the times for weekends. Plug Lighten Up! into the timer, plug the lamp into Lighten Up and set the timer to come on 8 hours before you want sunrise to start.
If you think of any other helpful tips let us know and we will pass your ideas on to other Lighten Up! users.
If you should have any troubles we would like to know so that we can eliminate those problems. We want to produce the best product possible.

Customer service: Wind Hover Mfg.

P.O. Box 8032
Medford, OR 97501

Comments by Users:

"It really helps me wake up when the mornings are dark. When I couldn't wake up, I would oversleep, miss work, and sleep large portions of time. ALL OF WHICH REALLY MADE ME DEPRESSED. I felt nonfunctional. Now I'm back in the game. I'm me again."
"I am so glad you made this. I love it!"
From a teenager: "I hate it, it makes me wake up in the morning. I wanted to sleep in!" (She covered the light with a pillow and slept in!)