Manufacturer’s Cer ti fi ca te ................1
Im por tant No tes ..............................1
War ran ty .................................1
In tro duc ti on ........................3
About this ma nu al .............................3
In stal la ti on of COM7 and COM8 .............4
In stal la ti on in the BEET LE /XL ......................4
In stal la ti on in the BEET LE /60, BEET LE /L ................5
In stal la ti on in the BEET LE /M .......................5
I/O Adres ses ........................6
In ter rupts..........................7
As signment of COM Port Ad dres ses and In ter rupts ..9
Ad ding COM ports un der Wind ows NT .................10
Ad ding COM ports un der Wind ows 9x ..................11
Using sha red in ter rupts for COM ports with Wind ows NT ........12
Using sha red in ter rupts for COM ports un der Wind ows 9x .......13
Using COM ports un der Wind ows 3.x ..................13
Using COM ports un der DOS ......................13
PIN As signment .....................14
Tech ni cal Data ......................16