Wincor Nixdorf BEETLE AT COM Board User Manual

User Guide
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Herausgegeben von/Published by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH
D-33094 Paderborn
Bestellnummer/Order No. 0175 0000 183G
Printed in Germany
AT COM Board
User Manual
Edition April 2008
Co py right© Win cor Nix dorf In ter na tio nal GmbH, 2008
The re pro duc ti on, trans mis si on or use of this do cu ment or its con tents is not per mit ted wit hout ex press aut ho ri ty. Of fen ders will be li ab le for da ma ges. All rights, in clu ding rights crea ted by pa tent grant or re gi stra ti on of a uti li ty mo del or de sign, are re ser ved. De li very sub ject to avai la bi li ty; tech ni cal mo di fi ca tions pos si ble.
All brand and pro duct na mes men tio ned in this do cu ment are tra de marks of their re spec ti ve owners
BEET LE™ is a re gis te red tra de mark of Win cor Nix dorf In ter na tio nal GmbH
Manufacturer’s Cer ti fi ca te ................1
Im por tant No tes ..............................1
War ran ty .................................1
In tro duc ti on ........................3
About this ma nu al .............................3
In stal la ti on of COM7 and COM8 .............4
In stal la ti on in the BEET LE /XL ......................4
In stal la ti on in the BEET LE /60, BEET LE /L ................5
In stal la ti on in the BEET LE /M .......................5
I/O Adres ses ........................6
In ter rupts..........................7
As signment of COM Port Ad dres ses and In ter rupts ..9
Ad ding COM ports un der Wind ows NT .................10
Ad ding COM ports un der Wind ows 9x ..................11
Using sha red in ter rupts for COM ports with Wind ows NT ........12
Using sha red in ter rupts for COM ports un der Wind ows 9x .......13
Using COM ports un der Wind ows 3.x ..................13
Using COM ports un der DOS ......................13
PIN As signment .....................14
Tech ni cal Data ......................16
Manufacturer’s Certificate
This device meets the requirements of EU Guidelines 2004/108/EC “Electromagnetic Compatibility“ and 2006/95/EC ”Low Voltage Directive.“
Therefore, the device carries the CE designation on the rear or the packaging.
Important Notes
The data cables must not be plugged or unplugged during storms.
Repairs to the BEETLE AT COM board should only be carried out by authorized, trained personnel. Repairs carried out inexpertly or by those not authorized to do so are not just potentially very dangerous; you also lose the right to make warranty and liability claims.
After the service life has expired, the COM Board must be disposed of in accordance with environmental protection regulations.
Win cor Nix dorf gua ran tees ge ne ral ly a war ran ty en ga ge ment for 12 months be gin ning with the date of de li very resp. the date of acceptance. This war ran ty en ga ge ment co vers all tho se da ma ges which oc cur de spi te a nor mal use of the pro duct.
Da ma ges be cau se of
n im pro per or in suf fi cient main ten an ce,
n im pro per use of the pro duct or un aut ho ri zed mo di fi ca tions of the product,
n ina de qua te lo ca ti on or sur roun dings
will not be co ver ed by the war ran ty.
For de tails plea se con sult your con tract do cu ments.
+ 15 hidden pages