NOTE: The following conditions are necessary for all tests that follow. Y our life, your safety
and the life of your test equipment depend on paying attention to these details.
1) All resistance checks are with the unit STOPPED!
2) All voltage checks are with the engine running.
3) Always start with the highest voltage scale. (600 Volt scale minimun)
4) Check for residual voltage before any disassembly .
5) Don’t disassemble any more than necessary .
6) Mark leads for reassembly .
7) Disconnect loads before residual voltage checks.
8) Write down all your readings.
9) Record Model #, Serial #, and P/N before calling.
(All AC voltage readings are with engine running)
1. Check for Residual output at receptacles WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING. Expect
Minimum of 3 - 5 V AC at the 120V receptacles, double at the 240V recept.
Always start on the HIGHEST ACV Scale. Don’t blow the ohms scale on the first
2. With the engine running, flash the field with 9 VDC dry battery if output is below
5 VAC. Refer to diagram #1
3. Re-Check for output at ALL receptacles.
4. STOP the engine. On WINCO units remove end-cover and disconnect only the
generator output leads G1, G3 and N from the control box leads. Restart engine
and check for output at stator power leads. The DYNA generators cannot be
checked this way , for DYNA units move to step #9.
a. All units with 120 volt capabilities:
G-1 to N = 120 volts AC
Q-1 to Q-2 =170-300 Volts AC (Capacitor W inding)
b. For units with 240 volt capabilities:
G-1 to N = 120 volts AC
G-3 to N = 120 volts AC
G-1 to G-3 = 240 volts AC
Q-1 to Q-2 = 170-300 Volts AC (Capacitor W inding)
5. If you get proper AC voltage from stator leads the generator end is good.Check
receptacle panel for loose wires, shorted receptacles or defective parts.
6. If you get no output from stator leads:
a. For RFB - Rotating Field Brush type excitation - move to #17.
b. For RFL - Rotating Field BrushLess Capacitor excitation - move to #7.
RFL - Rotating field with brushless Capacitor type excitation.
7. Check capacitors.
a. Visually check capacitors for loose or burned wires and leaking caps.
225 South Cordova Ave
Le Center MN 56057
b. Discharge capacitors by momentarily grounding capacitor terminals to
the capacitor case. (Failure to ground capacitors may cause a shock)
c. Disconnect capacitor leads.
d. Using an VOM (ohm meter) set at 200K ohms. Connect meter leads to
the two sets of terminals on one capacitor . Ohm meter should read “0”
and slowly move to an open circuit. (5 to 10 seconds) (the battery in ohm
meter is charging capacitor) Reversing the meter leads will cause the
Ohm meter to count down to zero. Then charge up and move to open
e. Repeat step (d) for any remaining capacitors. (there may be up to three
capacitors depending on the model of generator)
8. Check stator capacitor leads for continuity and grounding.
a. There should be continuity between leads.
b. The resistance values are shown in table #1.
c. There should not be any reading to ground.
9. Check stator output power leads for continuity, resistance and grounding.
a. There should be continuity between leads.
b. The resistance values are shown in table #1.
c. There should not be any reading to ground.
10. Check for continuity between the capacitor leads and power leads in the stator .
a. There should not be continuity between these two sets of leads.
11. Remove stator/shell assembly.
12. Unbolt the diode(s) from mounting bracket or the fan on rotor.
13. Check diode(s) with an ohm meter. Most meters use a special setting for testing
a diode. If your meter does not have special setting use the RX1 ohms scale.
a. Meter leads should be placed on either end of one diode, check meter for
current flow. ( Diode must be unbolted to test)
b. Reverse meter leads, check meter for current flow .
c. Current flow (reading) should be detected in only one direction. If diode
reads current flow in both or neither direction it should be replaced.
d. Depending on model. Repeat step a thru c for the other diode if installed.
NOTE: All of the two diode systems use one forward polarity and one
reverse polarity diode.
14. Check rotor leads for continuity and grounding. Place meter leads on solder end
of diode(s). At least one of the diodes must be disconnected from the rotor to
check continuity and resistance. There should be continuity between leads but no
reading to ground See table #1 for resistance values.
15. Replace any defective parts and reassemble generator .
16. Flash field according to diagram #1.
RFB - Rotating Field with Brush type excitation.
17. Disconnect wires from rectifier and check rectifier .
18. Check rectifier leads from the stator for continuity and grounding.
a. There should be continuity between leads.
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