W986408CH is a high speed synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM) , organized as 2M words x 4 banks x
8 bits. Using pipelined architecture and 0.20um process technology, W986408CH delivers a data bandwidth of up to 133M ( -
75) bytes per second. To fully comply to the personal computer industrial standard, W986408CH is sorted into two speed
grades: -75 and -8H. The -75 is compliant to the PC133 specitication, The -8H is compliant to the PC100/CL2 specification
Accesses to the SDRAM are burst oriented. Consecutive memory location in one page can be accessed at a burst length of
1, 2, 4, 8 or full page when a bank and row is selected by an ACTIVE command. Column addresses are automatically generated
by the SDRAM internal counter in burst operation. Random column read is also possible by providing its address at each clock
cycle. The multiple bank nature enables interleaving among internal banks to hide the precharging time.
By having a programmable Mode Register, the system can change burst length, latency cycle, interleave or sequential burst
to maximize its performance. W986408CH is ideal for main memory in high performance applications.
Key Parameters
SymbolDescriptionmin/max-75 (PC133)-8H (PC100)
tCKClock Cycle Timemin7.5ns8ns
tACAccess Time from CLKmax5.4ns6ns
tRPPrecharge to Active Commandmin20ns20ns
tRCDActive to Read/Write Commandmin20ns20ns
ICC1Operation Current ( Single bank )max65mA60mA
ICC4Burst Operation Currentmax115mA110mA
ICC6Self-Refresh Currentmax1mA1mA
16WE#Write EnableReferred to RAS#
39DQMinput/output mask
38CLKClock InputsSystem clock used to sample inputs on the rising edge of clock.
37CKEClock Enable
1, 14, 27VCCPower ( +3.3 V )Power for input buffers and logic circuit inside DRAM.
28, 41, 54VSSGroundGround for input buffers and logic circuit inside DRAM.
3, 9, 43, 49VCCQ
6, 12, 46, 52VSSQ
4, 7, 10, 13,
15, 36, 40, 42,
45, 48, 51
A0~ A11Address
DQ0 ~ DQ7
NCNo ConnectionNo connection
Data Input/
Row Address
Column Address
Power ( + 3.3 V )
for I/O buffer
Ground for I/O
Multiplexed pins for row and column address.
Row address : A0 ~ A11. Column address: A0 ~ A8.
Select bank to activate during row address latch time, or bank
to read/write during address latch time.
Multiplexed pins for data output and input.
Disable or enable the command decoder. When command
decoder is disabled, new command is ignored and previous
operation continues.
Command input. When sampled at the rising edge of the clock,
RAS#, CAS# and WE# define the operation to be executed.
Referred to RAS#
The output buffer is placed at Hi-Z(with latency of 2) when DQM
is sampled high in read cycle. In write cycle, sampling DQM
high will block the write operation with zero latency.
CKE controls the clock activation and deactivation. When CKE
is low, Power Down mode, Suspend mode, or Self Refresh
mode is entered.
Separated power from VCC, used for output buffers to improve
Separated ground from VSS, used for output buffers to improve
tRCRef/Active to Ref/Active Command Period6568
tRASActive to precharge Command Period4510000048100000ns
tRCDActive to Read/Write Command Delay Time2020
tCCDRead/Write(a) to Read/Write(b)Command Period11cycle
tRPPrecharge to Active Command Period2020
tRRDActive(a) to Active(b) Command Period1520
tWRWrite Recovery TimeCL*=21010
tCKCLK Cycle TimeCL*=2101000101000
tCHCLK High Level width2.53
tCLCLK Low Level width2.53
tACAccess Time from CLKCL*=266
tOHOutput Data Hold Time2.73
tHZOutput Data High Impedance Time2.77.538
tLZOutput Data Low Impedance Time00
tSBPower Down Mode Entry Time07.508
tTTransition Time of CLK (Rise and Fall)0.5100.510
tDSData-in Set-up Time1.52
tDHData-in Hold Time0.81
tASAddress Set-up Time1.52
tAHAddress Hold Time0.81
tCKSCKE Set-up Time1.52
tCKHCKE Hold Time0.81
tCMSCommand Set-up Time1.52
tCMHCommand Hold Time0.81
tREFRefresh Time6464ms
tRSCMode register Set Cycle Time1516ns
DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 3.3V ± 0.3V, Ta=0°~70°C)
tCK=min , tRC=min
Active Precharge command cycling
without Burst operation
tCK=min , CS#=VIH
Bank : inactive state
BANK : inactive state
BANK : active state (4 banks)
tCK = min
Read / Write command cycling
tCK = min
Auto Refresh command cycling
Self Refresh mode
CKE = 0.2V
1 bank operationICC165603
CKE = VIHICC245403
CKE = VIL (Power Down mode)ICC2P113
CKE = VIL (Power Down mode)ICC2PS11mA
CKE= VIL (Power Down mode)ICC3P33
-75 (PC133)-8H (PC100)
( 0V ≤ VIN ≤ VCC , all other pins not under test = 0V )
( Output disable , 0V ≤ VOUT≤ VCCQ )
( IOUT = -2mA )
( IOUT = 2mA )
Notes: (1) v= valid x = Don't care L= Low Level H= High Level
(2) CKEn signal is input level when commands are provided.
(3) These are state of bank designated by BS0, BS1 signals.
(4) Device state is full page burst operation.
(5) Power Down Mode can not be entered in the burst cycle.
When this command asserts in the burst cycle, device state is clock suspend mode.
The default power up state of the mode register is unspecified. The following power up and initialization sequence need to be
followed to guarantee the device being preconditioned to each user specific needs.
During power up, all Vcc and VccQ pins must be ramp up simultaneously to the specified voltage when the input signals are
held in the "NOP" state. The power up voltage must not exceed Vcc+0.3V on any of the input pins or VCC supplies. After power
up, an initial pause of 200us is required followed by a precharge of all banks using the precharge command. To prevent data
contention on the DQ bus during power up, it is required that the DQM and CKE pins be held high during the initial pause
period. Once all banks have been precharged, the Mode Register Set Command must be issued to initialize the Mode Register.
An additional eight Auto Refresh cycles (CBR) are also required before or after programming the Mode Register to ensure
proper subsequent operation.
Programming Mode Register
After initial power up, the Mode Register Set Command must be issued for proper device operation. All banks must be in a
precharged state and CKE must be high at least one cycle before the Mode Register Set Command can be issued. The Mode
Register Set Command is activated by the low signals of RAS, CAS, CS and WE at the positive edge of the clock. The address
input data during this cycle defines the parameters to be set as shown in the Mode Register Operation table. A new command
may be issued following the mode register set command once a delay equal to tRSC has elapsed. Please refer to the next page
for Mode Register Set Cycle and Operation Table.
Bank Activate Command
The Bank Activate command must be applied before any Read or Write operation can be executed. The operation is similar to
RAS# activate in EDO DRAM. The delay from the Bank Activate command is applied to the first read or write operation can
begin must not be less than the RAS to CAS delay time (tRCD). Once a bank has been activated it must be precharged before
another Bank Activate command can be issued to it. The minimum time interval between successive Bank Activate commands
to the same bank is determined by the RAS cycle time of the device (tRC). The minimum time interval between interleaved Bank
Activate commands (Bank A to Bank B and vice versa) is the Bank to Bank delay time (tRRD). The maximum time that a bank can
be held active is specified as tRAS(max).
Read and Write Access Modes
After a bank has been activated , a read or write cycle can follow. This is accomplished by setting RAS high and CAS low at the
clock rising edge after minimum of tRCD delay. WE pin voltage level defines whether the access cycle is a read operation (WE
high), or a write operation (WE low). The address inputs determine the starting column address.
Reading or writing to a different row within an activated bank requires the bank be precharged and a new Bank Activate
command be issued. When more than one bank is activated, interleaved bank Read or Write operations are possible. By using
the programmed burst length and alternating the access and precharge operations between multiple banks, seamless data access
operation among many different pages can be realized. Read or Write Commands can also be issued to the same bank or
between active banks on every clock cycle.
The Burst Read command is initiated by applying logic low level to CS and CAS while holding RAS and WE high at the rising
edge of the clock. The address inputs determine the starting column address for the burst. The Mode Register sets type of burst
(sequential or interleave) and the burst length (1, 2, 4, 8, full page) during the Mode Register Set cycle. Table 2 and 3 on the
next page explain the address sequence of interleave mode and sequential mode.
Burst Write Command
The Burst Write command is initiated by applying logic low level to CS, CAS and WE while holding RAS high at the rising
edge of the clock. The address inputs determine the starting column address. Data for the first burst write cycle must be applied
on the DQ pins on the same clock cycle that the Write Command is issued. The remaining data inputs must be supplied on each
subsequent rising clock edge until the burst length is completed. Data supplied to the DQ pins after burst finishes will be
Read Interrupted by a Read
A Burst Read may be interrupted by another Read Command. When the previous burst is interrupted, the remaining addresses
are overridden by the new read address with the full burst length. The data from the first Read Command continues to appear on
the outputs until the CAS latency from the interrupting Read Command the is satisfied.
Read Interrupted by a Write
To interrupt a burst read with a Write Command, DQM may be needed to place the DQs (output drivers) in a high impedance
state to avoid data contention on the DQ bus. If a Read Command will issue data on the first and second clocks cycles of the
write operation, DQM is needed to insure the DQs are tri-stated. After that point the Write Command will have control of the
DQ bus and DQM masking is no longer needed.
Write Interrupted by a Write
A burst write may be interrupted before completion of the burst by another Write Command. When the previous burst is
interrupted, the remaining addresses are overridden by the new address and data will be written into the device until the
programmed burst length is satisfied.
Write Interrupted by a Read
A Read Command will interrupt a burst write operation on the same clock cycle that the Read Command is activated. The DQs
must be in the high impedance state at least one cycle before the new read data appears on the outputs to avoid data contention.
When the Read Command is activated, any residual data from the burst write cycle will be ignored.
Burst Stop Command
A Burst Stop Command may be used to terminate the existing burst operation but leave the bank open for future Read or Write
Commands to the same page of the active bank, if the burst length is full page. Use of the Burst Stop Command during other burst
length operations is illegal. The Burst Stop Command is defined by having RAS and CAS high with CS and WE low at the rising
edge of the clock. The data DQs go to a high impedance state after a delay which is equal to the CAS Latency in a burst read
cycle interrupted by Burst Stop. If a Burst Stop Command is issued during a full page burst write operation, then any residual data
from the burst write cycle will be ignored.
Data 0n BL= 2 (disturb address is A0)
Data 1n + 1 No address carry from A0 to A1
Data 2n + 2 BL= 4 (disturb addresses are A0 and A1)
Data 3n + 3 No address carry from A1 to A2
Data 4n + 4
Data 5n + 5 BL= 8 (disturb addresses are A0, A1 and A2)
Data 6n + 6 No address carry from A2 to A3
Data 7n + 7
. Addressing Sequence of Sequential Mode
A column access is performed by increasing the address from the column address which is input to the
device. The disturb address is varied by the Burst Length as shown in Table 2.
. Addressing Sequence of Interleave Mode
A column access is started in the input column address and is performed by inverting the address bit in the
sequence shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Address Sequence of Interleave Mode
Data 0
Data 1
Data 2
Data 3
Data 4
Data 5
Data 6
Data 7
If A10 is set to high when the Read or Write Command is issued, then the auto-precharge function is entered. During autoprecharge, a Read Command will execute as normal with the exception that the active bank will begin to precharge
automatically before all burst read cycles have been completed. Regardless of burst length, it will begin a certain number of
clocks prior to the end of the scheduled burst cycle. The number of clocks is determined by CAS latency.
A Read or Write Command with auto-precharge can not be interrupted before the entire burst operation is completed. Therefore,
use of a Read, Write, or Precharge Command is prohibited during a read or write cycle with auto-precharge. Once the precharge
operation has started, the bank cannot be reactivated until the Precharge time (tRP) has been satisfied. Issue of Auto-Precharge
command is illegal if the burst is set to full page length. If A10 is high when a Write Command is issued, the Write with AutoPrecharge function is initiated. The SDRAM automatically enters the precharge operation one clock delay from the last burst
write cycle. This delay is referred to as Write tDPL. The bank undergoing auto-precharge can not be reactivated until tDPL and tRP
are satisfied. This is referred to as tDAL, Data-in to Active delay (tDAL = tDPL + tRP). When using the Auto-precharge Command, the
interval between the Bank Activate Command and the beginning of the internal precharge operation must satisfy tRAS(min).
Precharge Command
The Precharge Command is used to precharge or close a bank that has been activated. The Precharge Command is entered when
CS, RAS and WE are low and CAS is high at the rising edge of the clock. The Precharge Command can be used to precharge
each bank separately or all banks simultaneously. Three address bits, A10, A12, and A13, are used to define which bank(s) is to
be precharged when the command is issued. After the Precharge Command is issued, the precharged bank must be reactivated
before a new read or write access can be executed. The delay between the Precharge Command and the Activate Command must
be greater than or equal to the Precharge time (tRP).
Self Refresh Command
The Self Refresh Command is defined by having CS, RAS, CAS and CKE held low with WE high at the rising edge of the
clock. All banks must be idle prior to issuing the Self Refresh Command. Once the command is registered, CKE must be held
low to keep the device in Self Refresh mode. When the SDRAM has entered Self Refresh mode all of the external control
signals, except CKE, are disabled. The clock is internally disabled during Self Refresh Operation to save power. The device will
exit Self Refresh operation after CKE is returned high. A minimum delay time is required when the device exits Self Refresh
Operation and before the next command can be issued. This delay is equal to the RAS cycle time plus the Self Refresh exit time.
Power Down Mode
The Power Down mode is initiated by holding CKE low. All of the receiver circuits except CKE are gated off to reduce the
power. The Power Down mode does not perform any refresh operations, therefore the device can not remain in Power Down
mode longer than the Refresh period (tREF) of the device.
The Power Down mode is exited by bringing CKE high. When CKE goes high, a No Operation Command is required on the
next rising clock edge, depending on tCK. The input buffers need to be enabled with CKE held high for a period equal to
tCES(min) + tCK(min).
The No Operation Command should be used in cases when the SDRAM is in a idle or a wait state to prevent the SDRAM from
registering any unwanted commands between operations. A No Operation Command is registered when CS is low with RAS,
CAS, and WE held high at the rising edge of the clock. A No Operation Command will not terminate a previous operation that is
still executing, such as a burst read or write cycle.
Deselect Command
The Deselect Command performs the same function as a No Operation Command. Deselect Command occurs when CS is
brought high, the RAS, CAS, and WE signals become don't cares.
Clock Suspend Mode
During normal access mode, CKE must be held high enabling the clock. When CKE is registered low while at least one of the
banks is active, Clock Suspend Mode is entered. The Clock Suspend mode deactivates the internal clock and suspends any
clocked operation that was currently being executed. There is a one clock delay between the registration of CKE low and the
time at which the SDRAM operation suspends. While in Clock Suspend mode, the SDRAM ignores any new commands that are
issued. The Clock Suspend mode is exited by bringing CKE high. There is a one clock cycle delay from when CKE returns high
to when Clock Suspend mode is exited.