Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All
the trade marks of products and companies mentioned in this data sheet belong to
their respective owners.
These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or
systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result
in personal injury. Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in
such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for
any damages resulting from such improper use or sales.
1.1 FEATURES ........................................................................................................................................... 1
5.2.1 Direct Register Addressing ............................................................................................................. 80
5.2.2 General I/O.....................................................................................................................................81
5.2.3 Programmable System Clock ..........................................................................................................81
The following convention is used in the pin description table below:
(I)denotes an input
(O)denotes an output
(OZ)denotes a tri-state output
(OD)denotes an open-drain output
(I/O)denotes a bi-directional signal
I/OZHost Data Bus - Signals enable data transfer between the host
and W88113A.
IHost Address Bus - Signals to access various ATAPI registers.
I/ODDrive Active/Drive 1 Present - A time-multiplexed signal
indicating whether a drive is active, or Drive 1 is present.
IHost Chip Select 1 - A low-active input signal used to select the
host Control Block Registers.
IHost Chip Select 0 - A low-active input signal used to select the
host Command Block Registers.
I/ODPassed Diagnostics - A signal asserted by Drive 1 to indicate to
Drive 0 that diagnostic is completed.
OD16-bit I/O Select - A low-active output signal to indicate a 16-bit
data transfer.
OZHost Interrupt - A signal to request an interrupt service from
IDMA Acknowledge - A low-active input signal used for DMA
transfer by the host when DMARQ is ready.
OZI/O Channel Ready - When device is not ready for a data
transfer request, this signal is negated for extension of the host
data transfer cycle within any host register access.
IHost I/O Read - A low-active read strobe signal.
IHost I/O Write - A low-active write strobe signal.
OZDMA Request - A high-active signal asserted for DMA data
transfer when device is ready to transfer data to or from the
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DSP Interface
LRCK8IL/R Channel Clock - Left and right channels are distinguished by this
SDATA9ISerial Data - Serial data from DSP is received from this input.
SDATA172ISerial Data - Second Serial data from DSP is received from this
BCK10IBit Clock - Bit clock from DSP is received from this input.
C2PO11IC2 Pointer - C2 error flag from DSP is received from this input.
Subcode Interface
SCSD17ISubcode Serial Data - Subcode serial data from DSP is received from
this input.
WFCK18IWrite Frame Clock - Write frame clock from DSP is received from
this input.
SCSYN19ISubcode Sync - Subcode sync from DSP is received from this input.
EXCK20I/OExternal Clock - A pin programmed as input or output to supply bit
clock for subcode.
External RAM Interface
12, 7, 24, 5, 4,
91, 94, 86, 78,
79, 77, 76, 81,
82, 87, 85
91, 92, 93, 95,
96, 97, 2, 100,
99, 98
3, 83
OExternal RAM Output Enable - A low-active output signal
OExternal RAM Write Enable - A low-active output signal
I/ORAM Data Bus - Data bus for external RAM.
2RA3ORAM Address6mA
3CASHOHigh Byte Column Address Strobe6mA
4RD11I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
5RD12/ALE1I/ORAM Data/Address Latch Enable6mA, PU
6ABCKOAudio Bit Clock6mA, PU
7RD14I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
8LRCKIL/R Channel Clock6mA, PU
9SDATAIDSP Serial Data
10BCKIDSP Bit Clock
11C2POIDSP C2 Pointer
12RD15/DJI/ORAM Data/Drive Jumper6mA, PU
17SCSBISubcode Serial Data
18WFCKIWrite Frame Clock
19SCSYNISubcode Sync
20EXCKI/OSubcode External Clock6mA, PU
21HRSTbI/ODHost Reset/GIO16mA, PU
22UD0I/OuP Data6mA, PU
23UD1I/OuP Data6mA, PU
24RD13I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
25UD2I/OuP Data6mA, PU
26UD3I/OuP Data6mA, PU
27UD4I/OuP Data6mA, PU
28UD5I/OuP Data6mA, PU
29UD6I/OuP Data6mA, PU
49IORDYOI/O Channel Ready12mA
50HRDbIHost Read StrobePU
52HWRbIHost Write StrobePU
53DMARQODMA Request12mA
54DD15I/OHost Data12mA, PU
55DD0I/OHost Data12mA, PU
56DD14I/OHost Data12mA, PU
57DD1I/OHost Data12mA, PU
58ASD0OAudio Serial Data 06mA
59DD13I/OHost Data12mA, PU
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1.5 Pin Table, continued
61DD2I/OHost Data12mA, PU
62DD12I/OHost Data12mA, PU
63DD3I/OHost Data12mA, PU
64ALE2IAddress Latch Enable
65DD11I/OHost Data12mA, PU
67DD4I/OHost Data12mA, PU
68DD10I/OHost Data12mA, PU
69DD5I/OHost Data12mA, PU
70DD9I/OHost Data12mA, PU
71DD6I/OHost Data12mA, PU
72SDATA1IDSP Serial Data 1
73DD8I/OHost Data12mA, PU
74DD7I/OHost Data12mA, PU
75CRSTbIChip ResetPU
76RD4I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
77RD5I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
78RD7I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
79RD6I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
81RD3I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
82RD2I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
83CASLOLow Byte Column Address Strobe6mA
84ROEB/ASD1ORAM Read Strobe/Audio Serial Data 16mA, PU
91RD10/RA9I/ORAM Data/RAM Address6mA, PU
92RA8ORAM Address6mA, PU
93RA7ORAM Address6mA, PU
94RD9I/ORAM Data6mA, PU
95RA6ORAM Address6mA
96RA5ORAM Address6mA
97RA4ORAM Address6mA
98RA0ORAM Address6mA
99RA1ORAM Address6mA
100RA2ORAM Address6mA
1.6 Definitions
Asserted and activated mean that a signal is driven to its true state.
This term refers to the data in one logical block. The block size depends on the parameter of packet
Block-Offset/Linear Address:
The block-offset address is an indirect mapping to the external RAM. The offset range is limited by
the block size. The linear address is a direct mapping to the external RAM.
Command Packet (CP):
The command packet is the structure used to communicate commands from a host computer to an
ATAPI device. All CD-ROM command packets are 12 bytes in length.
Data-in/Data-out Transfer:
During the data-in transfer, the data is transferred from device to host. During the data-out transfer,
the data is transferred from host to drive.
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Decrement means that a value minus 1. Increment means that a value plus 1.
Negated and de-activated mean that a signal is driven to its false state.
This term refers to the data contained by one frame time (1/75s for 1x).
Ultra DMA:
Ultra DMA is a data transfer protocol that applies to the Ultra DMA data burst only.
Ultra DMA burst:
An Ultra DMA burst is defined as the period from an assertion of DMACKb to the subsequent
negation of DMACKb when Ultra DMA has been enabled by the host.
Ultra DMA CRC:
Cyclical Redundancy Check is used for the Ultra DMA protocol to check the validity of the data that
has been transferred during last Ultra DMA burst.
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IR - Index Register (read/write)
If DRA (5Bh.1) is high, the Index Register is latched at the falling edge of pin ALE1 (5) or pin ALE2
(64) depending on the setting of ALE2 (5Ch.3).
If DRA (5Bh.1) is low and pin URS (32) is low, the Index Register can be accessed by the
microprocessor. The value in IR specifies which internal register to be accessed by microprocessor
when pin URS (32) is high.
Note that the 4 least significant bits of IR will increment following each read or write to any register except for PFAR (00h,r). Since IR
does not automatically increment from 00h to 01h, consecutive reads to address 00h will repeatedly read register PFAR (00h,r). This
feature accelerates read operation of ATAPI Command Packet.
PFAR - Packet FIFO Access Register - (read 00h)
While SCoD (20h.2) is high, the ATAPI Command Packet issued from host is received by the 12-byte
Packet FIFO. Flag TENDb (01h.r6) is used to check if the Packet FIFO is full. The microprocessor
can read the ATAPI Command Packet by repeatedly read register PFAR (00h,r). Once the FIFO
becomes empty, the value FFh will be returned if microprocessor read PFAR.
The Packet FIFO can also be used to receive command parameter less than 12 bytes. First, the
control bit SCoD (20h.2) is set high to select the Packet FIFO to be addressed by the ATAPI Data
port. When DRQ (37h.3) changes from 0 to 1, the lower 4 bits of ATBLO (34h) is latched as the FIFO
threshold. Upon the number of bytes in the FIFO reaches the threshold, flag TENDb (01h.r6)
becomes active-low and flag FPKT (30h.r1) becomes active-high. Once FPKT becomes high, any
data writes to the ATAPI Data port is rejected.
INTCTL - Interrupt Control Register - (write 01h)
Bit 7:PFNEEN - Packet FIFO Not Empty Interrupt Enable
Pin UINTb (36) is activated when PFNEb(01h.r7) becomes active-low if this bit is high.
Bit 6:TENDEN - Transfer End Interrupt Enable
Pin UINTb (36) is activated when TENDb (01h.r6) becomes active-low if this bit is high. This
bit is also automatically enabled if the host issues the Packet Command (A0h) while HIIEN(2Eh.w7) is high and drive is selected.
Bit 5:SRIEN - Sector Ready Interrupt Enable
Pin UINTb (36) is activated when SRIb (01h.r5) becomes active-low if this bit is high. This bit
is clear to 0 after chip reset, host reset, firmware reset and decoder reset.
- 13 - Revision 0.61
Publication Release Date: Mar. 1999
Bits 4, 3, 2: Reserved
Bit 1:DTEN - Data Transfer Enable
Set this bit high enables the data transfer logic. This bit should be set before trigger any data
transfer. In order to reduce the interference of microprocessor, this bit is also automatically
enabled during the following operation:
• Trigger ADTT (17h.w2)
• Host issues ATAPI Packet Command (A0h) while APKTEN (18h.7) is enabled and drive is
In case of un-recoverable transfer error, setting this bit low will terminate the current data
transfer immediately.
Bit 0: Reserved
INTREA - Interrupt Reason Register - (read 01h)
Bit 7:PFNEb - Packet FIFO Not Empty Interrupt Flag
This bit becomes active-low after Packet FIFOs receive any data issued by the host through
ATAPI Data port. Pin UINTb (36) is activated when this bit becomes active-low if PFNEEN (01h.w7) is enabled. This flag is deactivated after the last byte is read by microprocessor
through register PFAR (00h,r).
Bit 6:TENDb - Transfer End Interrupt Flag
This bit becomes active-low at the end of data transfers. Flag TDIR (30h.r5) and FPKT
(30h.r1) can be used to determine which type of transfer end occurs. Pin UINTb (36) is activated when this bit becomes active-low if TENDEN (01h.w6) is enabled.
If RMSRI (5Ch.0) is low, this bit is used to indicate that one sector is ready to be accessed. If
RMSRI (5Ch.0) is high, this bit is generated only by STAERR (80h.r6), BIN0 (80h.r5), DSFULI
(80h.r4), LASTBK (80h.r3), LTTI (80h.r2), TNFI (80h.r1) or HCEI (80h.r0).
Reading register STAT3 (0Fh,r), LSTA3 (4Bh,r) or TARSTA (80h,r) deactivates this flag.
Transfer End ReasonAcknowledge register
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Bit 4:HCIb - Host Command Interrupt Flag
This bit is activated by the following events:
• Host issues ATAPI Soft Reset Command, if ARSTIEN(2Fh.1) is enabled
• Host issues command to a non-exist slave drive, if SHIEN(2Eh.2) is enabled
• Host issues Execute Drive Diagnostics Command, if HIIEN(2Eh.7) is enabled
• ATAC(2Fh.6) becomes active-high, if HIIEN(2Eh.7) is enabled
• Host set bit SRST in ATAPI Device Control Register, if HIIEN(2Eh.7) is enabled
Bit 3:TBSYb - Transfer Busy Flag
This bit becomes active-low when the data transfer to host is triggered by the following
• Writing any value to register THTRG (06h,w)
• Setting bit ADTT (17h.w2) high
After host read the last byte to be transferred, this flag is deactivated.
Bit 2:APIb - Audio Playback Interrupt Flag
If APOUT (90h,1-0) are not zero, this bit is used as audio-playback-interrupt flag.
Bit 1:DFRDYb - Data FIFO Ready
After data transfer is triggered, the 32-byte Data FIFOs is automatically filled. This bit is used
to indicate that the Data FIFOs is ready to be read by the host for debugging. The Data FIFO
is automatically cleared in any of the following conditions:
• Chip reset, host reset and firmware reset
• DTEN (01h.w1) is 0
• DINB (1Fh.w1) is 1
• DFRST (2Bh.w3) is 1
• The end of data-in transfer
Bit 0:SCIb - Subcode Interrupt Flag
If SCIEN (2Ch.w4) is enabled, this bit becomes active-low when one of the following events
• ISS (22h.r0) becomes active-high
• NESBK (22h.r1) becomes active-high
• MSS (22h.r2) becomes active-high
When Subcode Interrupt is activated, the microprocessor can read register SUBSTA (22h,r)
to determine the reason of interrupt. Writing register SCIACK (22h,w) deactivates this flag
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TWCL - Transfer Word Counter Low- (read/write 02h)
Before triggering data transfer, the number of words to be transferred should be set through 12-bit
Transfer Word Counter (TWC). The number of words minus 1 should be written to this counter while
using standard ATAPI 16-bit data transfer. After host read one word, the counter is decreased by
one. Transfer End Interrupt Flag, TENDb (01h.r6), is activated when this counter becomes zero.
Bit 7-0: TWCH[7:0] - Transfer Word Count Low
TWCH - Transfer Word Counter High - (read/write 03h)
Bit 7: LATXF - Linear Address Transfer Enable
If this bit is high, the Linear Address Transfer is enabled. In this case, the data stored from
the address specified by RAC (2Dh,1Dh,1Ch) are transferred to host after trigger. The size of
transfer data is limited by TWC (03h/02h). Setting this bit high cause UTBY (1Fh.r7) high to
inhibit uP to access RAMRD (1Eh,r) or RAMWR (1Eh,w).
If this bit is low, the Block-Offset Transfer is enabled. In this case, the data stored from the
address specified by TBH/L (25h/24h) and TACH/L (05h/04h) are transferred to host after
trigger. The address of data warps around at the block boundary, so the size of transfer data
is limited by block size.
Bit 3-0: TWCH[3:0] - Transfer Word Count High
TACL/TACH - Transfer Address Counter - (write 04h/05h)
Before triggering block-offset data transfer, the external RAM address of data to be transferred should
be set through TACH/L (05h/04h,w). This number in this counter specifies the first available data
address relative to the beginning of the block. The block number should also be specified through
Transfer Block registers TBH/L (25h/24h). After one word is read by host, TACH/L are incremented to
the next available data address. The following equation illustrates the relation between block-offset
and linear address:
linear address = (block number × block size) + address offset
THTRG - Transfer to Host Trigger Register - (write 06h)
This register is used to trigger data transfer regardless of what value is written. If DINB (1Fh.1) is low,
triggering this register automatically fills the Data FIFO and then flag DFRDYb (01h.r1) becomes
active-low when the Data FIFO becomes ready. If DINB (1Fh.1) is high, data-out transfer is enabled,
e.g., parameter of mode-select command. A more convenient way is set ADTT (17h.w2) high and
then trigger hardware data transfer sequence.
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TACK - Transfer Acknowledge - (write 07h)
Writing this register deactivates flag TENDb (01h.r6) and its corresponding interrupt regardless of
what data is written.
HEAD0 to HEAD3 - Header Registers - (read 03h to 07h)
These four registers are used to hold the information of Header Bytes of each sector. Header
Registers should be read soon after STAVAb (0Fh.r7) becomes active-low. Note that the header
bytes are distrustful if wrong mode is set while ECC is enabled. If bit SHDEN (0Bh.w0) is enabled,
registers HEAD0-3 are used to hold subheader bytes instead.
If control bit QMSF (80h.w4) is set high, the corresponding MSF bytes in Q-channel information
would be automatically loaded into HEAD0-2 (04h-06h,r) when each byte is ready from DSP. Notice
that the value in register HEAD3 (07h,r) and SUBH0-3 (14h-17h,r) are not available in this case.
The rule for configuration is that the first byte of the sector is stored at
BIAH/L(09h/08h) - 0Ch
Before enabling the external RAM buffering through CTRL0 (0Ah,w), BIAH/L should be set to control
the location of the first byte follows data sync for each data sector. The RAM block for buffering is
controlled by the number in registers DDBH/L(29h/28h) plus one. For convenience of following data
transfer, the microprocessor may set proper value to BIAH/L after the mode is determined so that the
first user data byte will locate at offset 00h of each data block.
After enabling the external RAM buffering, Buffering Write Counter is automatically increased by two,
beginning from the value specified by BIAH/L (09h/08h,w), every time a data word is buffered.
EIAH/L are used to hold the initial address offset of the data block to be corrected. The content of
BIAH/L (09h/08h,w) will be automatically loaded to EIAH/L at the beginning of each data sync,
making it unnecessary to read or write EIAH/L during normal operation. The RAM block for ECC is
controlled by the number in registers DDBH/L (29h/28h).
CTRL0 - Control Register 0 - (write 0Ah)
This register is 0 after chip reset, host reset, firmware reset and decoder reset.
Bit 7:DECEN - Decoding Logic Enable
Setting this bit high enables the decoding logic.
Bit 6:RTEDC - Real Time EDC Checking Enable
Setting this bit high enables the real-time-EDC-checking logic. The RSPC error correction is
performed only when the result of real time EDC check is error. This function could save
about 2/3 of DRAM bandwidth compared with conventional decoder.
Bit 5:EDCEN - Error Detect and Correct Enable
Setting this bit high enables the ECC and EDC logic. Change of this bit takes effect after next
Bit 4:ACEN - Automatic Correction Enable
If both M2RQ (0Bh.w3) and this bit is high, the type of error correction is automatically
determined by FORM bit in the subheader byte. If only M2RQ (0Bh.w3) is high, the type of
error correction is controlled by F2RQ (0Bh.w2). If M2RQ (0Bh.w3) is low, this bit does not
affect the correction of mode 1 data.
Bit 3:PKTINH - obsolete
Bit 2:BUFEN - Buffering Enable
Setting this bit high enables incoming DSP data buffering. When this bit is high, the values
of register HEAD0-3(04h-07h) and SUBH0-3(14h-17h) are retrieved from external RAM rather
than from incoming serial data. When BUFEN is low, any setting of QCEN or PCEN is
meaningless. Change of this bit takes effect after next sync.
Bit 1:QCEN - Q-codeword Correction Enable
When this bit is high, Q-codeword RSPC correction logic is enabled. Change of this bit takes
effect after next sync.
Bit 0:PCEN - P-codeword Correction Enable
When this bit is high, P-codeword RSPC correction logic is enabled. Change of this bit takes
effect after next sync.
Note that if ATMSEN (9Ah.6) is high, the decoder logic will operate in Disk-monitor mode before the
target is found. When the target is found, the setting of register CTRL1 (0Bh,w) will be automatically
loaded into decoder logic.
Q → P → CRC
no operation
CTRL1 - Control Register 1 - (write 0Bh)
This register is 0 after chip reset, host reset, firmware reset and decoder reset.
Bit 7:SIEN - Sync Insertion Enable
When this bit is high, the sector boundary is determined by internal sync insertion logic.
Bit 6:SDEN - Sync Detection Enable
When this bit is high, the sector boundary is determined by sync bytes of incoming serial
data. This bit should not set for reading CD-DA data.
Bit 5:DSCREN - Descrambler Enable
Setting this bit is high enables the descramble logic. This bit should not set for reading CDDA data.
Bit 4:CWEN - Corrected Data Write Enable
Setting this bit high enables corrected data to be written to the external RAM. This bit is
normally set when correction is enabled by QCEN (0Ah.w1) or PCEN (0AH.w0).
Bit 3:M2RQ - Mode 2 ECC Request
Setting this bit to high enables the CD-ROM XA mode 2 correction logic. Yellow book Mode
1 correction will be performed if this bit is low.
Bit 2:F2RQ - Form 2 Request
Setting this bit high request the data to be processed by the CD-ROM XA mode-2 form-2
format if M2RQ (0Bh.3) is high. If M2RQ (0Bh.3) is high and this bit is low, the CD-ROM X1
mode-2 form-1 correction will be performed. This bit is not effective if ACEN (0Ah.w4) is
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Bit 1:MCRQ - Mode Byte Check Request
When this bit is high, ECC logic will check the 4th header byte with the setting of M2RQ
(0Bh.3) to determine if ECC correction to be performed.
Bit 0:SHDEN - Subheader Switch Enable
When this bit is high, registers HEAD (04h-07h,r) are used to provide subheader bytes.
disc formatSIEN
yellow book Mode 1
yellow book Mode 2
STAT0 - Status Register 0 - (read 0Ch)
Bit 7:CRCOK - Cyclic Redundancy Check OK
This bit is used to indicate that the Cyclic Redundancy Check of the latest available sector is
Bit 6:ILSYN - Illegal Sync Pattern
If SDEN (0Bh.w6) is high, this bit becomes high when a sync pattern is detected less than
2352 bytes after last sync pattern was detected/inserted.
Bit 5:NOSYN - No Sync Pattern
If SIEN (0Bh.w7) is high, this bit becomes high when a sync pattern is not detected at 2352
bytes after last sync pattern was detected/inserted.
Bit 4:LBKF - Long Block Flag
If SIEN (0Bh.w7) is low, this bit becomes high when a sync pattern is not detected at 2352
bytes after last sync pattern was detected/inserted.
Bit 3:WSHORT - Word Short
This bit becomes high when the incoming serial data rate is too high to be processed.
Bit 2:SBKF - Short Block Flag
If SDEN (0Bh.w6) is low, this bit becomes high when a sync pattern is detected less than
2352 bytes after last sync pattern was detected/inserted.
N (0Bh.5)
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Status Flag
Bit 1: reserved
Bit 0:UEBK - Uncorrectable Errors in Block
This bit is used to indicate that at least one data is corrected in the latest available data block.
x1re-synchronize internal sync logic
1xinternal sync logic provide internal sector boundary
0xinternal sync logic do not provide internal sector
This bit is high if there is at least one erasure flag detected in header bytes excluding mode
byte. Erasure in mode byte will cause RMOD (0Eh.r7-4) all become high.
Bit 0:SHDERA - Subheader Erasure
This bit is high if erasure flags are detected for both bytes in at least one subheader bytepairs.
Erasures are latched from pin C2PO it BUFEN (0Ah.w2) is disabled. Otherwise, header and
subheader bytes are retrieved from external RAM while the following sector is being buffered.
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DHTACK - DRAM to Host Transfer Acknowledge - (write 0Eh)
Writing DHTACK, regardless of what data is written, deactivates TENDb (01h.r6) that caused by datain transfer.
STAT2 - Status Register 2 - (read 0Eh)
Bit 7-4: RMOD[3:0] - Raw Mode Bit
RMOD2-0 are directly latched from bit 2-0 from the 4th header byte and RMOD3 is high if
any one of the other 5 bits in the mode byte is high. RMOD3 is also high if a mode byte
erasure is detected.
Bit 3:MODE2 - Mode 2 Selected Flag
This bit reflects the setting of M2RQ (0Bh.w3).
Bit 2:NOCOR - No Correction
If ECC logic is enabled by bit EDCEN (0Ah.w5), and QCEN (0Ah.w1) or PCEN (0Ah.w0), this
bit becomes high if ECC logic is interrupted the followings:
• CWEN (0Bh.w4) is disabled.
• Mode mismatch is detected while MCRQ (0Bh.w1) is enabled.
• Mode erasure is detected while MCRQ (0Bh.w1) is enabled. A mode erasure occurs if the
incoming C2PO flag is set for the fourth header byte, indicating unreliable mode data.
• Form 2 enabled while ECC logic is set to mode 2. Form 2 blocks should not be corrected.
Form 2 can be enabled by control bit F2RQ (0Bh.w2), or by the Form bit in the Subheader
byte if ACEN (0Ah.w4) is enabled.
• Form bit erasure while ECC logic is set to mode 2 and ACEN is enabled. A form bit
erasure is detected if the incoming C2PO flags are set for both Form bits in the Subheader
• ILSYN (0Ch.r6) becomes high while SDEN (0Bh.w6) is enabled
Bit 1:RFERA - Raw Form Erasure
This bit becomes high when a form bit erasure was detected. A form bit erasure is detected if
the incoming C2PO flags are set for both Form bits in the Submode bytes (bit 5 in byte 18
and 22). RFERA becomes valid when SRIb (01h.r5) becomes active-low, and remains valid
until the next block sync.
Bit 0:RFORM - Raw Form Bit
This bit is high if the Form bit is high in the Submode bytes of the incoming serial data.
RFORM becomes valid when flag SRIb (01h.r5) becomes active-low, and remains valid until
the next block sync.
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FRST - Firmware Reset Register - (write 0Fh)
Writing this register, regardless of what value is written, trigger a firmware reset. Flag FRST (2Fh.r1)
is set by firmware reset.
STAT3 - Status Register 3 - (read 0Fh)
Bit 7:STAVAb - Valid Status Valid
This bit is used to indicate that the header, pointer, and status registers about decoder logic
are available. This bit should not be used if BICEN (9Ah.7) is high.
Bit 5:ECF - Error Corrected Flag
This bit is used to indicate that there is at least one byte was corrected in the latest available
Bit 1:C2DF - C2 Detected in Block Flag
If C2WEN (10h.w2) is high, C2DF becomes high when there is at least one C2PO flag was
detected in the previous block.
Bit 6,4,3,2,0: Reserved
CTRLW - Control-Write Register - (write 10h)
This register is 0 after chip reset, host reset, firmware reset and decoder reset.
Bit 7: reserved
Bit 6:SWEN - Synchronized Write Enable
If this bit is high, the change of BUFEN (0Ah.w2) will be synchronized to the end of next
sector sync. The buffering of C2PO flags is also controlled by this bit if C2WEN (10h.w2) and
BUFEN (0AH.w2) are both enabled. This function prevents buffering of an incomplete block.
Bit 5:SDSS - Subcode and DSP Sync Synchronization
This bit provides synchronization of CD-DA format data. If this bit is high, the writing of
incoming serial data to the external RAM will start at the first left-channel lower-byte following
the end of subcode block. Note that this bit should not be used when subcode logic is not
Bit 4:DCKEN - DSP Clock Enable
If this bit is high, clock from DSP is used by internal decoder logic. DCKEN should be set
high before DECEN (0Ah.w7) is set high.
Bit 3,0: reserved
Bit 2:C2WEN - C2 Flag Write Enable
If this bit and BUFEN (0Ah.w2) are both high, the C2 flags of incoming serial data will be
latched into the external RAM. This operation is synchronized to the end of sync if SWEN (10h.w6) is high.
Publication Release Date: Mar. 1999
- 23 - Revision 0.61
Bit 1:DRST - Decoder Reset
Setting this bit to high resets decoding logic, including:
• SRIEN (01h.w5) ← 0
• CTRL0 (0Ah,w) ← 00h
• CTRL1 (0Bh,w) ← 00h
• CTRLW (10h,w) ← 00h
• STAT0-2 (0Ch-0Eh,r) ← 00h
• STAT3 (0Fh,r) ← 80h
• TARSTA (80h,r) ← 00h
DRST is automatically cleared by itself.
CRTRG - Correction Retry Trigger - (write 11h)
Writing register CRTRG, regardless of what data is written, triggers the decoding logic to perform
another correction sequence to the same block.
Bit 7-1: Reserved
Bit 0:CRRL - Correction Retry Register Load
Setting this bit high while writing register CRTRG (11h,w) re-loads the setting of EDCEN
(0Ah.w5), QCEN (0Ah.w1), or PCEN (0Ah.w0) to decoding logic.
Decoder ParameterUpdated at the end of syncUpdated by writing CRRL
MBTC0 - Multi-Block Transfer Control 0 - (read/write 12h)
The host interface supports multi-block transfer without microprocessor intervention by following
• MBC (12h.4-0) ← the number of block to be transferred minus 1 (ex. 3)
• TWCH/L (03h/-2h) ← the number of words to be transferred in each block minus 1 (ex.
• TACH/L (05h/04h) ← the starting point of the block (ex. F4h, FFh)
• TBH/L (25h/24h) ← the RAM block number of the first block to be transferred (ex. 5)
• ATBHI/LO (35h/34h) ← the total bytes to be transferred (ex. 9408)
• ADTT (17h.w4) ← 1
PS: STWCEN (18h.3) should not be set in multi-block transfer operation.
When ADTT is set, host will receive HIRQ, check status, and then start to read data.
After the last word of one block (except the last one) is read by the host, the following hardware
sequence is executed:
• TWCH/L (03h/02h) ← reload
• TACH/L (05h/04h) ← reload
• TBH/L (25h/24h) ← auto-increment
• MBC0 (12h.4-0) ← auto-decrement
Flag TENDb (01h.r6) only becomes active at the end of data transfer of the last block. This register is
0 after chip reset, host reset and firmware reset.
data transfer
transfer triggerstatus complete
<Multi-Block Transfer Flow Example>
Publication Release Date: Mar. 1999
- 25 - Revision 0.61
Bit 7:MBVAb - Multi-Block Counter Valid Flag
This bit is used to indicate that MBC (12h.4-0) is stable enough to be monitored by
microprocessor. There is no need to monitor this bit in normal operation.
Bit 6:MBINC - Multi-Block Increment Flag
This bit becomes active-high if microprocessor sets INCMBC (13h.w0) and multi-block
number increment has not completed. There is no need to monitor this bit in normal
Bit 4-0: MBC[4:0] - Multi-Block Counter
Before triggering multi-block transfer, the number of blocks to be transferred minus 1 should
be written to MBC (12h.4-0). Single block transfer is performed if MBC (12h.4-0) is zero.
There is no need to monitor this counter normal operation.
MBTC1 - Multi-Block Transfer Control 1 - (read/write 13h)
This register is for debug only. This register is 0 after chip reset, host reset and firmware reset.
Bit 7-3: Reserved
Bit 2:MBTIEN - Multi-Block Transfer Interrupt Enable
If MBTIEN and MBTFEN are both enabled, pin UINTb (36) will activate at the end of data
transfer of each block if the block count in MBC (12h.4-0) is not zero. There is no need to set
this bit in normal operation.
Bit 1:MBTFEN - Multi-Block Transfer Interrupt Flag Enable
If this bit is high, MBTI (30h.r4) will be activated at the end of data transfer of each block if
the block count in MBC (12h.4-0) is not zero. There is no need to set this bit in normal
Bit 0:INCMBC - Increment Multi-Block Counter
Setting this bit high increments MBC (12h.4-0). This function is useful in data transfer to host
by DMA mode. Because data byte count is not specified in DMA mode transfer, the number
of block to be transferred can be incremented when a new block becomes available before
the transfer is completed.
ECTRL - Enhanced Control Register - (write 14h)
Bit 7-2: Reserved
Bit 1:IR7F - Provide Flag UTBY at IR7
When this bit is high, flag UTBY (1Fh.r7) can be monitored by read bit-7 of the Index
- 26 - Revision 0.61
Publication Release Date: Mar. 1999
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