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2.1 01/06/2006 Modify some contents and re-order the
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2.4.1 EBI Control Register (EBICON)..................................................................................... 27
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
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Figure 9-4 The relationship between screen, valid window, and OSD window ................................. 117
Figure 9-5 An example to explain how to program the starting address and stride........................... 122
Figure 10-1 Block diagram of Audio Controlle................................................................................... 129
Figure 10-2 AC97 Playback Data in DMA Buffer .............................................................................. 135
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
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Figure 21-3 Make Code and Break Code.......................................................................................... 229
Figure 21-4 Example ISR.................................................................................................................. 233
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
Table 21-6 LED Status byte .............................................................................................................. 235
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The W90P710 16/32-bit RISC micro-controller is a cost-effective, high-performance micro-controller
solution for Ethernet-based system. An integrated Ethernet controller, the W90P710, is designed for
use in managed communication hubs and routers.
The W90P710 is built around an outstanding CPU core: on the 16/32 ARM7TDMI based RISC
processor designed by Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd. The ARM7TDMI core is a low power, general-
purpose integrated circuits. Its simple, elegant, and fully static design is particularly suitable for cost-
sensitive and power-sensitive applications.
The W90P710 offers a 4K-byte I-cache/SRAM, a 4K-byte D-cache/SRAM and one MACs of
Ethernet controller that reduces total system cost. A color LCD controller is built in to support black-and-
white/gray-level/color TFT and low cost STN LCD modules. Most of the on-chip function blocks have
been designed using an HDL synthesizer and the W90P710 has been fully verified in Winbond’s state-
of-the art ASIC test environment.
The other important peripheral functions include one USB host controller, one USB device
controller, one AC97/IIS codec controller, one SD/SDIO host controller, one 2-Channel GDMA, two
smartcard host controller, four independent UARTS, one Watchdog timer, two 24-bit timers with 8-bit
pre-scale, 71 programmable I/O ports, PS/2 keyboard controller and an advance interrupt controller.
The external bus interface (EBI) controller provides for SDRAM, ROM/SRAM, flash memory and I/O
devices. The System Manager includes an internal 32-bit system bus arbiter and a PLL clock controller.
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
On the following chapters, programming note of each chapter will be described in detailed.
• Chapter 2. External Bus Interface Controller
• Chapter 3. Cache Controller
• Chapter 4. Ethernet MAC Controller
• Chapter 5. GDMA
• Chapter 6. USB Host Controller
• Chapter 7. USB Device Controller
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
• Two-way, Set-associative, 4K-byte I-cache and 4K-byte D-cache
• Support for LRU (Least Recently Used) Protocol
• Cache is configurable as an internal SRAM
• Support Cache Lock function
1.1.4 Ethernet MAC Controller
• DMA engine with burst mode
• MAC Tx/Rx buffers (256 bytes Tx, 256 bytes Rx)
• Data alignment logic
• Endian translation
• 100/10-Mbit per second operation
• Full compliance with IEEE standard 802.3
• RMII interface only
• Station Management Signaling
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
• 2-channel General DMA for memory-to-memory data transfers without CPU intervention
• Initialed by a software or external DMA request
• Increments or decrements a source or destination address in 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit data transfers
• 4-data burst mode
1.1.6 USB Host Controller
• USB 1.1 compliant
• Compatible with Open HCI 1.0 specification
• Supports low-speed and full speed devices
• Build-in DMA for real time data transfer
• Two on-chip USB transceivers with one optionally shared with USB Device Controller
1.1.7 USB Device Controller
• USB 1.1 compliant
• Support four USB pipes including one control pipe and 3 configurable pipes for rich USB
• Support USB Mass Storage
• Support USB Virtual COM port with modem capability
• Support Full speed only
1.1.8 SDIO Host Controller
• Directly connect to Secure Digital (SD, MMC or SDIO) flash memory card
• Supports DMA function to accelerate the data transfer between the internal buffer,
external SDRAM, and flash memory card
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
Support for one OSD overlay
Support various OSD function
• Others
Color-look up table size 256x32 bit for TFT used
Dedicated DMA for block transfer mode
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
• AHB master port and an AHB slave port are offered in audio controller
• Always 8-beat incrementing burst
• Always bus lock when 8-beat incrementing burst
• When reach middle and end address of destination address, a DMA_IRQ is
requested to CPU automatically
1.1.11 UART
• Four UART (serial I/O) blocks with interrupt-based operation
• Support for 5-bit, 6-bit, 7-bit or 8-bit serial data transmit and receive
• Programmable baud rates
• 1, ½ or 2 stop bits
• Odd or even parity
• Break generation and detection
• Parity, overrun and framing error detection
• X16 clock mode
• Support for Bluetooth, IrDA and Micro-printer control
1.1.12 Timers
• Two programmable 24-bit timers with 8-bit pre-scalar
• One programmable 24-bit Watch-Dog timer
• One-short mode, period mode or toggle mode operation
1.1.13 Advanced Interrupt Controller
• 31 interrupt sources, including 4 external interrupt sources
• Programmable normal or fast interrupt mode (IRQ, FIQ)
• Programmable as either edge-triggered or level-sensitive for 4 external interrupt sources
• Programmable as either low-active or high-active for 4 external interrupt sources
• Priority methodology is encoded to allow for interrupt daisy-chaining
• Automatically mask out the lower priority interrupt during interrupt nesting
• Automatically clear the interrupt flag when the interrupt source is programmed to be edge-
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
• Beside FCR, all clock and alarm data expressed in BCD code
• Support tick time interrupt
1.1.16 Smart Card Host Interface
• ISO-7816 compliant
• PC/SC T=0, T=1 compliant
16-byte transmitter FIFO and 16-byte receiver FIFO
• FIFO threshold interrupt to optimize system performance
• Programmable transmission clock frequency
Versatile baud rate configuration
• UART-like register file structure
• Versatile 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit time-out counter for Ansswer To Reset (ATR) and
waiting times processing
• Parity error counter in reception mode and in transmission mode with automatic
• Automatic activation and deactivation sequence through an independence
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
• Provide burst mode operation, transmit/receive can be executed up to four times in one transfer
• MSB or LSB first data transfer
• Rx and Tx on both rising or falling edge of serial clock independently
• 2 slave/device select lines
1.1.19 4-Channel PWM
• Four 16-bit timers
• Two 8-bit pre-scalars & Two 4-bit divider
• Programmable duty control of output waveform (PWM)
• Auto reload mode or one-shot pulse mode
• Dead zone generator
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
• Scan up to 16x8 with an external 4 to 16 decoder and 4x8 array without auxiliary component
• Programmable debounce time
• One or two keys scan with interrupt and three keys reset function.
• Support low power mode wakeup function
1.1.21 PS2 Host Interface Controller
• APB slave consisted of PS2 protocol.
• Connect IBM keyboard or bar-code reader through PS2 interface.
• Provide hardware scan code to ASCII translation
1.1.22 Power Management
• Programmable clock enables for individual peripheral
• IDLE mode to halt ARM Core and keep peripheral working
• Power-Down mode to stop all clocks included external crystal oscillator.
• Exit IDLE/Power-Down by interrupts
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
W90P710 supports External Bus Interface (EBI), which controls the access to the external memory
(ROM/FLASH, SDRAM) and External I/O devices. The EBI has seven chip selects to select one
ROM/FLASH bank, two SDRAM banks, and four External I/O banks and 25-bit address bus. It supports
8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit external data bus width for each bank.
The EBI has the following functions :
z SDRAM controller
z EBI control register
z ROM/FLASH interface
z External I/O interface
The base addresses of SDRAM, ROM/FLASH, and External I/O are all programmable. Thus they
can be set in a specified address ranges in memory. The EBI also offer power-on setting to ensure
the system can be boot by from ROM/FLASH.
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The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics and shall not be disclosed,
distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
The major function of EBICON is to control the SDRAM refreshing timing. This register can
control is used to set the refresh period, clock, and valid time of nWAIT signal. Additionally, the EBI
memory format configuration (Big, or Little Endian) can be known got by reading from the EBI control
register. The auto-refresh rate is controlled by the REFRAT , and SDRAM clock is controlled by
There are two SDRAM refresh mode, auto-refresh mode and self-refresh mode. If SDRAM is
operated in auto-refresh mode, SDRAM controller refreshes SDRAM every by a period specified by
REFRAT. If SDRAM is in self-refresh mode, it is refreshed by SDRAM itself. Thus if SDRAM is
operated in self-refresh mode, the CLKEN and REFEN can be disabled to reduce save power
consumption. Another way to save reduce power consumption is just to disabling CLKEN, and
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SDRAM controller still refreshed SDRAM by every each specified refresh period. In this case, SDRAM
is closed not functioning by disabling CLKEN to save for power saving, and but SDRAM controller still
refreshes it to prevent from data lost. In sum, SDRAM is operated as follows :
REFRAT=(proper period)
REFRAT=(proper period)
REFRAT=(don’t care)
2.4.2 ROM/Flash control register
ROM/Flash control register is used to control the configuration of the boot ROM. In this register, the
size, base address, access type and access timing are specified. The base address of the boot ROM
can be set by BASADDR. Although the width of BASADDR is only 13 bits, the real start address of the
boot ROM is calculated as BASADDR << 18. Thus the range of the start address of the boot ROM is
from 0x0 to (2^13-1)*2^18. However, the system memory map should be concerned together when
setting the base address the base address setting should be checked to prevent from using
RESERVED memory address. The system memory map can be found in W90P710 spec data sheet.
After system reset, the EBI controller has uses the special power-on setting to ensure the boot
ROM to be bootable. These setting are as follows:
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
• The EBI controller is select to the boot ROM was selected by EBI controller after reset.
• The reset value of BASADDR of ROM/Flash control register is 0.
• The default size of the boot ROM is 256Kb256KB.
• The default value of tACC is the longest value. This value is supposed to suit support any kind of
• The boot ROM/Flash data bus width is determined by the data bus signals D [13: 12] in power-
on setting. The external hardware has the responsibility to weak needs to do the pull-up, or pull-
down setting on the D [13: 12] according to the boot ROM/Flash types.
• PGMODE is set in normal ROM mode.
By the configurations shown above, the instruction fetch can be sure to be performed can be
fetched from the start of the boot ROM. However, if the boot ROM/Flash has more others functions, ex:
such as PGMODE, or more with larger size, the software has the responsibility to correct the setting
boot up program should configure the of ROM/Flash control register to let it work correctly after boot.
The ROM/Flash interface is designed for the boot ROM and it is supposed only to before read
operations. However, if a flash is attached to the ROM/Flash interface, it still can be written by the
writing programming command provided by of the flash. The ROM/Flash interface doesn’t hold the
writing command to the ROM/Flash. Thus the boot ROM/Flash is still programmable if the boot
ROM/Flash allows to be written. Thus, the attached Flash can be updated also by the programming
interface/sequence provided by the Flash.
2.4.3 SDRAM configuration registers
The SDRAM configuration registers enable software to set a number of operating parameters for
the SDRAM controller. There are two configuration registers SDCONF0, SDCONF1 for SDRAM bank 0,
bank 1 respectively. Each bank can have been set to different configurations. W90P710 also offers the
flexible timing control registers to control the generation and processing of the control signal and can
suit to control the timing of different speed type of SDRAMs. These timing control registers are
SDTIME0 and SDTIME1 for SDRAM bank 0, bank 1 respectively each.
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
The configurations of SDCONF and SDTIME are dependent on the SDRAM types attached to the
EBI interface. Thus the software should have the information about the SDRAM attached to the EBI
interface before set the SDCONF and SDTIME according to the timing of SDRAM types. The SDRAM
components supported by W90P710 can be found in W90P710 spec data sheet.
The base address of SDRAM bank 0 and bank 1 are also programmable. By BASADDR of
SDCONF, the SDRAM bank can be place in a specific address location. BASADDR is 13 bits, and the
base address is calculated as BASADDR << 18. Thus the range of the base address each SDRAM
bank is from 0x0 to (2^13-1)*2^18. Whenever setting the SDCONF register, the MRSET bit should be
set. If this bit doesn’t set when setting SDCONF, the SDRAM controller won’t issue a mode register set
command to SDRAM and the setting will be invalid. The SDRAM controller offers auto pre-charge mode
of SDRAM for SDRAM bank0/1. If this mode is enabled, the SDRAM will issue a pre-charge command
to SDRAM when for each access.
2.4.4 External I/O cont rol registers
The W90P710 supports an external device control without glue logic. It is very cost effective
because provides address decoding and control signals timing logic are not needed. The control
registers can control special external I/O devices for providing the low cost external devices control
solution. For instance, if there is a SRAM is attached to the external I/O bank 0. Then the SRAM can be
access as memory after setting the external I/O control register of external I/O bank 0. By the way, the
flash ROM also can be attached to the external I/O. There are four external I/O banks relative to four
control registers called EXT0CON, EXT1CON, EXT2CON, and EXT3CON. The base address of each
external I/O bank can be set by BASADDR of external I/O control register. BASADDR is 13 bits and the
base address is calculated as BASADDR << 18.
2.4.5 A system memory initialization example flow chart
Figure 2-2 System Memory Map Setting Flow
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distributed or reproduced without permission from Winbond.
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