winbond W78E52C, W78E052C User Manual

W78E52C/W78E052C Data Sheet
Table of Contents-
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 2
2. FEATURES ................................................................................................................................. 2
3. PIN CONFIGURATIONS ............................................................................................................ 3
4. PIN DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................... 4
5. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Timers 0, 1, and 2........................................................................................................... 5
5.2 New Defined Peripheral.................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Watchdog Timer ............................................................................................................. 7
5.4 Clock ............................................................................................................................... 9
5.5 Power Management........................................................................................................ 9
5.6 Reset............................................................................................................................... 9
6. SECURITY BITS ....................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Lock Bit ......................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 MOVC Inhibit................................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Encryption ..................................................................................................................... 10
7. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS......................................................................................... 11
7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................................................................................... 11
7.2 D.C. Characteristics...................................................................................................... 11
7.3 A.C. Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 13
8. TIMING WAVEFORMS ............................................................................................................. 16
8.1 Program Fetch Cycle .................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Data Read Cycle........................................................................................................... 16
8.3 Data Write Cycle........................................................................................................... 17
8.4 Port Access Cycle......................................................................................................... 17
9. TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS ........................................................................................ 18
9.1 Expanded External Program Memory and Crystal ....................................................... 18
9.2 Expanded External Data Memory and Oscillator ......................................................... 19
10. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS......................................................................................................... 20
10.1 40-pin DIP ..................................................................................................................... 20
10.2 44-pin PLCC ................................................................................................................. 20
10.3 44-pin PQFP ................................................................................................................. 21
11. REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................22
Publication Release Date: November 6, 2006
- 1 - Revision A4
The W78E052C is an 8-bit microcontroller which can accommodate a wider frequency range with low power consumption. The instruction set for the W78E052C is fully compatible with the standard 8051. The W78E052C contains an 8K bytes Flash EPROM; a 256 bytes RAM; four 8-bit bi-directional and bit-addressable I/O ports; an additional 4-bit I/O port P4; three 16-bit timer/counters; a hardware watchdog timer and a serial port. These peripherals are supported by eight sources two-level interrupt capability. To facilitate programming and verification, the Flash EPROM inside the W78E052C allows the program memory to be programmed and read electronically. Once the code is confirmed, the user can protect the code for security.
The W78E052C microcontroller has two power reduction modes, idle mode and power-down mode, both of which are software selectable. The idle mode turns off the processor clock but allows for continued peripheral operation. The power-down mode stops the crystal oscillator for minimum power consumption. The external clock can be stopped at any time and in any state without affecting the processor.
Fully static design 8-bit CMOS microcontroller
Wide supply voltage of 4.5V to 5.5V
256 bytes of on-chip scratchpad RAM
8 KB On-chip Flash EPROM
64 KB program memory address space
64 KB data memory address space
Four 8-bit bi-directional ports
One extra 4-bit bit-addressable I/O port, additional
(available on 44-pin PLCC/QFP package)
Three 16-bit timer/counters
One full duplex serial port(UART)
Watchdog Timer
Eight sources, two-level interrupt capability
EMI reduction mode
Built-in power management
Code protection mechanism
Lead Free (RoHS) DIP 40: W78E052C40DL
Lead Free (RoHS) PLCC 44: W78E052C40PL
Lead Free (RoHS) PQFP 44: W78E052C40FL
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Publication Release Date: November 6, 2006
- 3 - Revision A4
EXTERNAL ACCESS ENABLE: This pin forces the processor to execute out of
external ROM. It should be kept high to access internal ROM. The ROM address and data will not be presented on the bus if
within on-chip ROM area.
PROGRAM STORE ENABLE: address/ data bus during fetch and MOVC operations. When internal ROM access is
performed, no
ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE: ALE is used to enable the address latch that separates the address from the data on Port 0.
RESET: A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device.
CRYSTAL1: This is the crystal oscillator input. This pin may be driven by an external clock.
CRYSTAL2: This is the crystal oscillator output. It is the inversion of XTAL1.
GROUND: Ground potential
POWER SUPPLY: Supply voltage for operation.
PORT 0: Port 0 is a bi-directional I/O port which also provides a multiplexed low order
address/data bus during accesses to external memory. The Port 0 is also an open­drain port and external pull-ups need to be connected while in programming.
PORT 1: Port 1 is a bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The bits have alternate functions which are described below:
T2(P1.0): Timer/Counter 2 external count input
T2EX(P1.1): Timer/Counter 2 Reload/Capture control
PORT 2: Port 2 is a bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. This port also provides the upper address bits for accesses to external memory.
PORT 3: Port 3 is a bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. All bits have alternate functions, which are described below:
RXD(P3.0) : Serial Port receiver input TXD(P3.1) : Serial Port transmitter output
INT0 (P3.2) : External Interrupt 0
INT1(P3.3) : External Interrupt 1
T0(P3.4) : Timer 0 External Input T1(P3.5) : Timer 1 External Input
WR (P3.6) : External Data Memory Write Strobe
(P3.7) : External Data Memory Read Strobe
PORT 4: Another bit-addressable bidirectional I/O port P4. P4.3 and P4.2 are alternative function pins. It can be used as general I/O port or external interrupt input sources
INT2 /INT3 ).
PSEN strobe signal outputs from this pin.
pin is high and the program counter is
enables the external ROM data onto the Port 0
- 4 -
The W78E052C architecture consists of a core controller surrounded by various registers, five general purpose I/O ports, 256 bytes of RAM, three timer/counters, and a serial port. The processor supports 111 different opcodes and references both a 64K program address space and a 64K data storage space.
5.1 Timers 0, 1, and 2
Timers 0, 1, and 2 each consist of two 8-bit data registers. These are called TL0 and TH0 for Timer 0, TL1 and TH1 for Timer 1, and TL2 and TH2 for Timer 2. The TCON and TMOD registers provide control functions for timers 0 and 1. The T2CON register provides control functions for Timer 2. RCAP2H and RCAP2L are used as reload/capture registers for Timer 2.
The operations of Timer 0 and Timer 1 are the same as in the W78C51. Timer 2 is a special feature of the W78E54B: it is a 16-bit timer/counter that is configured and controlled by the T2CON register. Like Timers 0 and 1, Timer 2 can operate as either an external event counter or as an internal timer, depending on the setting of bit C/T2 in T2CON. Timer 2 has three operating modes: capture, auto­reload, and baud rate generator. The clock speed at capture or auto-reload mode is the same as that of Timers 0 and 1.
5.2 New Defined Peripheral
In order to be more suitable for I/O, an extra 4-bit bit-addressable port P4 and two external interrupt
, INT3 has been added to either the PLCC or QFP 44 pin package. And description follows:
Two additional external interrupts, INT2 and INT3 , whose functions are similar to those of external interrupt 0 and 1 in the standard 80C52. The functions/status of these interrupts are determined/shown by the bits in the XICON (External Interrupt Control) register. The XICON register is bit-addressable but is not a standard register in the standard 80C52. Its address is at 0C0H. To set/clear bits in the XICON register, one can use the "SETB (/CLR) bit" instruction. For example, "SETB 0C2H" sets the EX2 bit of XICON.
XICON - external interrupt control (C0H)
PX3: External interrupt 3 priority high if set
EX3: External interrupt 3 enable if set
IE3: If IT3 = 1, IE3 is set/cleared automatically by hardware when interrupt is detected/serviced
IT3: External interrupt 3 is falling-edge/low-level triggered when this bit is set/cleared by software
PX2: External interrupt 2 priority high if set
EX2: External interrupt 2 enable if set
IE2: If IT2 = 1, IE2 is set/cleared automatically by hardware when interrupt is detected/serviced
IT2: External interrupt 2 is falling-edge/low-level triggered when this bit is set/cleared by software
Publication Release Date: November 6, 2006
- 5 - Revision A4
Eight-source interrupt information:
External Interrupt 0 03H 0 (highest) IE.0 TCON.0
Timer/Counter 0 0BH 1 IE.1 -
External Interrupt 1 13H 2 IE.2 TCON.2
Timer/Counter 1 1BH 3 IE.3 -
Serial Port 23H 4 IE.4 -
Timer/Counter 2 2BH 5 IE.5 -
External Interrupt 2 33H 6 XICON.2 XICON.0
External Interrupt 3 3BH 7 (lowest) XICON.6 XICON.3
Another bit-addressable port P4 is also available and only 4 bits (P4<3:0>) can be used. This port address is located at 0D8H with the same function as that of port P1, except the P4.3 and P4.2 are
alternative function pins. It can be used as general I/O pins or external interrupt input sources (
INT3 ).
Example: P4 REG 0D8H MOV P4, #0AH ; Output data "A" through P4.0−P4.3.
MOV A, P4 ; Read P4 status to Accumulator. ORL P4,#00000001B ; Set bit P4.0
ANL P4,#11111101B ; Clear bit P4.1
INT2 ,
Reduce EMI Emission
Because of on-chip ROM, when a program is running in internal ROM space, the ALE will be unused. The transition of ALE will cause noise, so it can be turned off to reduce the EMI emission if it is useless. Turning off the ALE signal transition only requires setting the bit 0 of the AUXR SFR, which is located at 08Eh. When ALE is turned off, it will be reactivated when the program accesses external ROM/RAM data or jumps to execute an external ROM code. The ALE signal will turn off again after it has been completely accessed or the program returns to internal ROM code space. The AO bit in the AUXR register, when set, disables the ALE output. In order to reduce EMI emission from oscillation circuitry, W78E052C allows user to diminish the gain of on-chip oscillator amplifiers by using programmer to clear the B7 bit of security register. Once B7 is set to 0, a half of gain will be decreased. Care must be taken if user attempts to diminish the gain of oscillator amplifier, reducing a half of gain may affect the external crystal operating improperly at high frequency above 24 MHz. The value of R and C1,C2 may need some adjustment while running at lower gain.
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***AUXR - Auxiliary register (8EH)
- - - - - - - AO
AO: Turn off ALE output.
Power-off Flag
***PCON - Power control (87H)
- -
POF: Power off flag. Bit is set by hardware when power on reset. It can be cleared by software to determine chip reset is a warm boot or cold boot.
GF1, GF0: These two bits are general-purpose flag bits for the user.
PD: Power down mode bit. Set it to enter power down mode.
IDL: Idle mode bit. Set it to enter idle mode.
The power-off flag is located at PCON.4. This bit is set when V be used to determine if a reset is a warm boot or a cold boot if it is subsequently reset by software.
DD has been applied to the part. It can
5.3 Watchdog Timer
The Watchdog timer is a free-running timer which can be programmed by the user to serve as a system monitor, a time-base generator or an event timer. It is basically a set of dividers that divide the system clock. The divider output is selectable and determines the time-out interval. When the time-out occurs a system reset can also be caused if it is enabled. The main use of the Watchdog timer is as a system monitor. This is important in real-time control applications. In case of power glitches or electro­magnetic interference, the processor may begin to execute errant code. If this is left unchecked the entire system may crash. The watchdog time-out selection will result in different time-out values depending on the clock speed. The Watchdog timer will de disabled on reset. In general, software should restart the Watchdog timer to put it into a known state. The control bits that support the Watchdog timer are discussed below.
Watchdog Timer Control Register
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Mnemonic: WDTC Address: 8FH
ENW : Enable watch-dog if set. CLRW : Clear watch-dog timer and prescaler if set. This flag will be cleared automatically WIDL : If this bit is set, watch-dog is enabled under IDLE mode. If cleared, watch-dog is disabled under IDLE mode. Default is cleared.
Publication Release Date: November 6, 2006
- 7 - Revision A4
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