The WilsonPro 1000 cell signal booster
is Wilson’s fl agship amplifi er system
providing signifi cantly enhanced voice
and data coverage, including 4G LTE,
inside large homes and commercial
buildings where cell signals may not
otherwise penetrate. The result for your
clients are no more dropped calls or lost
connections, faster uploads/downloads and a reliable, up to 32x stronger signal. The
WilsonPro 1000 delivers maximum FCC-allowed downlink power to provide the largest
possible indoor signal coverage.
The WilsonPro 1000 also includes Wilson Electronics’ state-of-the-art XDR (Extra
Dynamic Range) technology that prevents signal overload conditions which can, in
accordance with FCC regulations, force a booster to shut down.
When the WilsonPro 1000 senses that any incoming cell signal is too strong and
threatens to overload the system, XDR automatically reduces signal gain to compensate
for this overload condition while maintaining signal coverage throughout the building. In
contrast, competing signal boosters shut down when they reach a maximum incoming
signal strength threshold, causing the indoor cell signal to drop out. Both antenna ports
are located on the top of the booster unit for easy installation. Like all WilsonPro cell
signal boosters, the WilsonPro 1000 booster system is universal: it works for all cellular
devices, all services including 4G LTE, and all U.S. and Canada cell phone carriers.
The 1000 Delivers Maximum Downlink Power