Wilson Electronics 801105, 801106, 801108, 801306, 801365 Installation Manual

In-Building Wireless Smart Technology Signal Booster
Antenna Options and Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Before Getting Started / How It Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Installation Overview .............................3
Installing a Wilson Electronics Outside Antenna ........4
Installing a Wilson Electronics Inside Antenna . . . . . . . . .5
Installing a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster. . . . . . . . . . 6
Powering Up a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster . . . . . . 7
Understanding the Signal Booster Lights . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
Factor Conversions .............................12
Distance Coverage Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Guarantee and Warranty .........................14
Signal Booster Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Back Cover
Electronics, Inc.
Note: This manual contains important safety and operating information.
Please read and follow the instructions in this manual. Failure to do so could be hazardous and result in damage to your signal booster.
Appearance of device and accessories may vary.
Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com. Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
Installation Instructions for the Following Wilson Electronics Signal Boosters:
In-Building Wireless Cellular 50 dB Smart Technology™ Signal Booster
Model # 801105 FCC ID: PWO8011SB IC: 4726A-8011SB
In-Building Wireless Cellular 60 dB Smart Technology™ Signal Booster
Model # 801106 & 801108 FCC ID: PWO8011SB IC: 4726A-8011SB
In-Building Wireless PCS 60 dB Smart Technology™ Signal Booster
Model # 801306 FCC ID: PWO8013SB IC: 4726A-8013SB Model # 801365 FCC ID: PWO8013SB Not for sale in Canada
In-Building Wireless iDEN 50 dB Smart Technology™ Signal Booster
Model # 804005 FCC ID: PWO8040SB IC: 4726A-8040SB
In-Building Wireless iDEN 60 dB Smart Technology™ Signal Booster
Model # 804006 FCC ID: PWO8040SB IC: 4726A-8040SB
In-Building Wireless EGSM 900 MHz 60 dB Smart Technology™ Signal Booster
Model # 801506 FCC ID: PWO274106SB IC: 4726A-274106SB Model # 801606 Not for sale in U.S. and Canada
In-Building Wireless 800 MHz 70 dB Smart Technology™ Signal Booster
Model # 801170 & 801370 Not for sale in the U.S. and Canada. Model # 801176 FCC ID: PWO8011SB Not for sale in Canada
The term “IC” before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.
A 13 dB 800 MHz Yagi Cellular Antenna (301111) B 1900 MHz Yagi PCS Antenna (301124) C 800 MHz Yagi Cellular Antenna (301129) D Wide-Band Panel Antenna (301135) E Dual-Polarity Dome Antenna (301123) F Dual-Band Dome Antenna (301121) G Splitters (see page 5) H 50 Ohm Lightning Surge Protector (859902) I Signal Booster Soft Cases (859909) J Omni-Directional Antenna (301201) K Marine Antenna (301130)
Antenna Options & Accessories
Appearance of device and accessories may vary.
Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com. Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
Before Getting Started
This guide will help you properly install Wilson Electronics In-Building Wireless Smart Technology Signal Boosters. It is important to read through all of the installation steps for your particular application prior to installing any equipment. Read through the instructions, visualize where all the equipment will need to be installed and do a soft installation before mounting any equipment. If you do not understand the instructions in full, seek professional help, or contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support at 866-294-1660.
Inside this Package
Additional Required Equipment (sold separately)
Outside Antenna (Yagi recommended)
• Inside dome, panel or low-profile antenna
• Antenna cable
How it Works
Wilson Electronics Signal Boosters are small, portable, bi-directional devices that deliver service levels consistent with what would be expected in areas of high cell network coverage. They amplify a weak or shadowed signal in mobile, marine and in-building applications.
When using a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster in conjunction with Wilson Electronics antennas, the Outside Antenna will collect the cell tower signal and send it through the cable to the Signal Booster. The signal is then amplified and transmitted from the Inside Antenna to the surrounding area. Cell phones and cellular data cards in that area then communicate with the improved signal. When a cell phone or cellular device transmits, the signal is received by the Inside Antenna, amplified by the Signal Booster and transmitted back to the cell tower through the Outside Antenna.
In-Building Wireless
Signal Booster
AC/DC power supply
(sold separately in 801175)
Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com. Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
Installation Overview
The following steps provide a summary of the Signal Booster/antenna installation process. However, they are not a substitute for the complete installation instructions on the following pages, which you should read thoroughly. Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support
Department with any questions at 866-294-1660.
STEP 1: Install the Outside Antenna
Mount the Yagi antenna so that it points toward the cell tower and away from where the Inside Antenna will be located. Depending on your Signal Booster model, the two antennas will need 50-75 feet of separation (see illustrations on pages 5 and 6). Lightning Surge Protection is recommended for all in-building installations (see page 6).
STEP 2: Install the Inside Antenna
Select a location in the center of where the signal needs to be amplified. Refer to the instructions included with the Inside Antenna. (See illustration on page 5.)
STEP 3: Install the Signal Booster
Position the Signal Booster in a well-ventilated location near a power outlet. Attach the Outside and Inside Antennas to the Signal Booster using Wilson 400 low loss cable (available from Wilson Electronics). See page 6 for more information.
STEP 4: Power up the Signal Booster
IMPORTANT! Before connecting the power supply, ensure that both the Inside and Outside Antenna cables are connected. Also ensure that all cell phones and cellular data cards within 50 feet of the Inside Antenna are turned off. Plug in the supplied power supply into the Signal Booster and then into a AC power strip (power supply sold separately in
801175). See page 7 for more information. Wilson
Electronics recommends that all AC
power supplies for home electronics be plugged into a AC Power Strip with at least a 1000
Joule rating.
STEP 5: Check the Signal Booster Lights
The PWR light should be green, indicating that the Signal Booster has power. If all other lights are also green, the Signal Booster is operating properly; however, if you do not have the desired signal coverage area, refer to pages 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.
Note: If you are using an outdoor Yagi Antenna, it must be adjusted for maximum signal.
Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com. Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
Warning: The Outside Antenna must be installed on an outdoor permanent structure with a separation of at least 20 feet from all persons during normal operation.
Cell Tower
RF Signal
Yagi External Antenna
Warning: Never point the front of the Yagi Antenna toward the Inside Antenna - oscillation will result, causing amber light and gain reduction.
Pointing toward
cell tower
Surge Protector
(sold separately)
Signal Booster
Surge Protector Power Strip recommended for all AC power supplies
To Outside Antenna
Ground Wire
(not included)
To Inside
Select a location on the roof of the building to install the Outside Antenna. Take extreme care to ensure neither you nor the antenna come in contact with any electrical power lines. Using a cell phone in test mode to find the strongest signal from the cell tower. For test mode help, visit www.WilsonElectronics.com or call Technical Support at 866-294-1660. Follow the specific antenna installation instructions included with the Outside Antenna.
A Yagi Antenna must be installed horizontally with the elements vertical and the drip hole on the bottom. Ensure there is three feet of clearance in all directions surrounding the antenna.
Installing a Wilson Electronics Outside Antenna
Installing Lightning Protection
(sold separately)
Install the Lightning Surge Protector (LSP) close to the Signal Booster. Attach the cable from the Outside Antenna to the surge protector, using a short length of low loss cable; attach one end to the LSP and the other to the Outside Antenna connector on the Signal Booster.
the LSP is properly grounded. LSP may be purchased at www.WilsonElectronics.com or call 800-204-4104 (part #859902).
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