Direct Connect
Signal Boosters
How it Works ...................................1
Before Getting Started ............................2
In-Vehicle Wilson Installation
Outside Antenna ..............................3
Signal Booster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Lightning Surge Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
In-Building Wilson Installation
Outside Antenna ..............................7
Signal Booster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Powering Up a Wilson Signal Booster ................8
Warnings and Recommendations ...................9
Guarantee and Warranty .........................10
Signal Booster Specications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Back Cover
Electronics, Inc.
Note: This manual contains important safety and operating information.
Please read and follow the instructions in this manual. Failure to do
so could be hazardous and result in damage to your Signal Booster.

800 MHz Yagi Cellular Antenna (301111)
1900 MHz Yagi PCS Antenna (301124)
800 MHz Yagi Cellular
Antenna (301129)
Contact Wilson Electronics Tech Support with any questions at 866-294-1660
Or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7am to 6pm MST.
12v DC
Power Supply
Installation Instructions for the Following Wilson Electronics Signal Boosters
Direct Connect 800/1900 MHz with GPS amplication – Model # 2B1401
FCC ID: PWO2B1401SA IC: 4726A-2B1401SA
The term “IC” before the radio certication number only signies that Industry Canada technical
specications were met.
Antenna Options and Accessories
How it Works
Wilson Electronics Signal Boosters are small, portable, bi-directional devices that deliver
service levels consistent with what would be expected in areas of high cell network
coverage. They amplify a weak or shadowed signal in mobile, marine, M2M and in-building
When using a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster in conjunction with Wilson Electronics
antennas, the outside antenna will collect the cell tower signal and send it through the
cable to the Signal Booster adapter. Cell phones and cellular data cards (laptops) then
communicate with the improved signal. When a cellular device transmits, the signal is
amplied by the Signal Booster and broadcasted back to the cell tower through the outside
Lightning Surge Protector
75 Ohm (859902)
Lightning Surge Protector
50 Ohm (859988)

Contact Wilson Electronics Tech Support with any questions at 866-294-1660
Or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7am to 6pm MST.
Before Getting Started
This guide will help you properly install Wilson’s Direct Connect Signal Boosters in both
in-vehicle and in-building applications. It is important to read through all of the
installation steps for your particular application prior to installing any equipment.
Read through the instructions, visualize where all the equipment will need to be installed
and do a soft installation before mounting any equipment. If you have any questions
contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support at 866-294-1660.
Inside this Package
• Direct connect Signal Booster
• DC plug-in power supply
• 6’ inside antenna extension cable
Note: Products may vary due to product kit purchases.
Additional Required Equipment
• Outside antenna for in-vehicle or in-building use (required)
(NOTE: Specically tuned iDEN antennas available)
• Cell phone or data card specic external antenna adapter (required)
• AC/DC power supply (required for in-building use)
In addition to Dual-Band cellular signal amplication, the 811201 Dual-Band Direct
Connect Signal Booster incorporates GPS signal amplication. The amplied GPS
signal enhances the performance of any GPS applications which your phone may
support, including the E911 emergency location feature if your phone is so
equipped. In emergencies, E911 enabled phones provide caller location to 911
call centers.
Direct Connect
Signal Booster
6‘ inside
DC plug-in power

Contact Wilson Electronics Tech Support with any questions at 866-294-1660
Or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7am to 6pm MST.
The outside antenna must be installed
vertically. Signal performance will be
degraded if the antenna is not vertical.
Run the antenna cable through the door to
the Signal Booster.
For a more professional looking installation,
run the antenna cable under the door seal.
Carefully pull down the door seal. Run the
cable through the seal and push the seal
back into place. This prevents constant
wear and tear on the cable as the door
opens and closes.
The antenna cable is small enough to easily
tuck under the door seal or plastic molding.
Optional Magnet-
Mount Antenna
Pull Down
Door Seal
Run Cable
Tuck Cable
Under Seal
Installing a Wilson Outside Antenna
To receive the best cell signal, select a location in the center of the vehicle’s roof at least 12
inches away from any other antennas and free of obstructions.
Follow the specic antenna installation instructions included with the outside antenna (sold
NOTE: See RF Safety Warnings (p. 9)

Contact Wilson Electronics Tech Support with any questions at 866-294-1660
Or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7am to 6pm MST.
Select a location to install the Signal
Booster that is away from excessive heat,
direct sunlight, moisture and that has proper
Recommended installation locations for
in-vehicle are:
• Under the seat
• In the trunk
• Under the dash
Run the cable from the outside antenna and
attach it to the connector labeled “Outside
Antenna” on the Signal Booster.
Installing a Wilson Signal Booster
Signal Booster
DC Power
Cell Phone
Warning: Do not plug in the DC Power
Supply until the Outside Antenna and
external adapter cables are attached to
the Signal Booster.

Contact Wilson Electronics Tech Support with any questions at 866-294-1660
Or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7am to 6pm MST.
NOTE: Depending on your
specic cell phone, the adapter
socket may be located beneath a
rubber plug.
Figure 1
Installing a Wilson External Adapter
An external adapter is required to connect the cell phone or cellular data card to the Signal
Booster. The external adapter is cell phone/data card-specic and may be purchased
through a local retailer.
Refer to Wilson’s Adapter Guide to identify
the right adapter for your cell phone or
cellular data card. The adapter guide is
available through a local retailer or visit
The external adapter plugs into the included six-foot extension cable and directly into a
socket on the cell phone or cellular data card as shown in Figure 1. (NOTE: See the user’s
manual for your specic phone or data card to determine the socket location.)
Run the extension cable from the external adapter on the cell phone or cellular data card
and attach it to the connector labeled “Inside Antenna” on the Signal Booster.

Contact Wilson Electronics Tech Support with any questions at 866-294-1660
Or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7am to 6pm MST.
5’ Extension Cable RG58U
Low Loss Coax
10’ Extension Cable RG58U
Low Loss Coax
15’ Extension Cable RG58U
Low Loss Coax
20’ Extension Cable RG58U
Low Loss Coax
20’ Extension Cable Wilson 400
(9913 Equivalent)
Ultra Low Loss Coax
30’ Extension Cable Wilson 400
(9913 Equivalent)
Ultra Low Loss Coax
50’ Extension Cable Wilson 400
(9913 Equivalent)
Ultra Low Loss Coax
Extension Cable Chart
The following Wilson extension cables are available to help you customize your installation
for peak performance.
75’ Extension Wilson 400
(9913 Equivalent)
Ultra Low Loss Coax
100’ Extension Wilson 400
(9913 Equivalent)
Ultra Low Loss Coax
2’ Extension Wilson 400
(9913 Equivalent)
Ultra Low Loss Coax
(N-Male to N-Male Ends)
2’ Extension RG58U Low
Loss Coax (N-Male to FMEFemale)
RG58U - FME connectors / 9913 - N connectors
Installing Lightning Protection
Install the Lightning Surge Protector (LSP) close
to the Signal Booster. Attach the cable from the
outside antenna to the surge protector. Using a
short length of low loss cable, attach one end to
the LSP and the other to the outside antenna.
Ensure the LSP is properly grounded. (For RG6
cable use #859988-75 Ohm, For 50 Ohm use Part
From the
Ground Wire
Lightning Surge
To the Signal Booster

Contact Wilson Electronics Tech Support with any questions at 866-294-1660
Or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7am to 6pm MST.
Installing a Wilson Signal Booster
Select a location to install the Signal Booster that is away from excessive heat, direct
sunlight, moisture and that has proper ventilation. Ensure the Signal Booster is installed
within six feet of where the cellular device will be used (to accommodate the six-foot
adapter extension cable). Run the cable from the outside antenna and attach it to the
connector labeled “Outside Antenna” on the Signal Booster. Connect the power supply
(sold separately) to the power input labeled “12V DC” on the Signal Booster.
Recommended installation locations for
in-building are:
• On a wall
• On the ceiling
• Near a power outlet
Installing a Wilson Outside Antenna – In-Building
Select a location on the roof of the building to install the outside antenna that has the most
unobstructed line of sight to the cell tower.
A Yagi antenna must be installed horizontally with the elements vertical and the drip hole
on the bottom. Ensure there are three feet of clearance in all directions surrounding the
Follow the specic antenna installation instructions included with the outside antenna.
Lightning protection is recommended for all in-building installations. Take extreme care to
ensure neither you nor the antenna come in contact with any electrical power lines.
To obtain maximum performance, the antenna should point toward the cell tower. Follow
the instructions included with the outside antenna.
Cell Tower
RF Signal
Yagi Outside Antenna
NOTE: See RF Safety Warnings (p. 9)