Wilo TWI - 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” Models
Installation and Operating Instructions
Read this Owner’s Manual thoroughly before
operating the equipment. Keep it with the
equipment at all times. Replacements are available.
1290 N 25th Ave
Melrose Park, IL 60160
Toll Free - 866-945-6872
Fax - 708-338-9455
Web - www.wilo-usa.com

1 General Information
1.1 Uses
1.2 Technical characteristics
2 Safety
3 Transport and interim storage
4 Product and accessory description
4.1 Description
4.2 Pump
4.3 Motor
4.4 Accessories
5 Assembly / Installation
5.1 Assembly
5.2 Hydraulic connection
5.3 Electrical connection
6 Operation
6.1 Controlling the direction of rotation:
6.2 Operation
7 Maintenance
8 Problems, Causes and Solutions
WILO USA LLC 1290 N 25th Ave Melrose Park, IL 60160 Toll Free - 866-945-6872 Fax - 708-338-9455 Web - www.wilo-usa.com

1 General Information
Installation and service by qualified personnel only!
Submersible pumps of theTWI series are suitable for drawing groundwater from deep
wells, for industrial use and f o r supplying water.
1.2 Product data
1.2.1Rating plate
1.2.2Technical characteristics
Temperature range: +37
Max. Flow rate: 1320 [gpm]
Max. immersion depth: 1148 ft
Maximum permissible sand content 50 g/m
Pressure pipe connection: 2" to 6", depending on size of pump
Max. pump lift: 650 ft to 1300 ft, depending on size of pump
Sub Pump - TWI4.05-26
Sub End - Pump End Only
Sub Pump - Complete Unit
Sub Mtr - Subersible Motor
(Only for Navision Entry)
Wilo SS Submersible
(Tauchpumpen Wilo Inox)
Pump Dia. (inches)
Flow in USGPM
# of Stages
F(3°C) to +86°F(30°C)
2 Safety
These instructions contain important information which must be f ollowed when installing
and operating the pump. These operating instructions must therefore be read before
assembly and commissioning by the installer and the responsible operator. Both the
general safety instructions in the “Safety precautions” section and those in subsequent
sections indicated by danger symbols should be carefully observed.
2.1 Danger symbols used in these operating instructions
Safety precautions in these operating instructions which, if not followed, could cause
personal injury are indicated by the symbol:
when warning of e lectrical voltage with
The f ollowing symbol is used to indicate that by ignoring the relevant safety instructions,
damage could be caused to the pump/machinery and its functions:
2.2 Staff training
The personnel installing the pump must have the appropriate qualifications for this
WILO USA LLC 1290 N 25th Ave Melrose Park, IL 60160 Toll Free - 866-945-6872 Fax - 708-338-9455 Web - www.wilo-usa.com

2.3 Risks incurred by failure to comply with the safety precautions
Failure to comply with the safety precautions could result in personal injury or damage
to the pump or installation. Failure to comply with the safety precautions could also
invalidate any claims for damages.
In particular, lack of care may lead to problems such as:
Failure of important pump or machinery functions,
Personal injury due to electrical, mechanical and bacteriological causes.
Damage to property.
2.4 Safety precautions for the operator
Existing regulations for the prevention of a ccidents must be followed.
Dangers caused by electrical energy are to be excluded. Directives issued by the local
electrical code and the local electricity supply companies are to be observed.
2.5 Safety information for inspection and assembly
The operator must ensure that all inspection and installation work is carried out by
authorised and qualified specialists who have carefully studied these instructions.
Work on the pump/machinery should only be carried out when the machine has been
brought to a standstill.
2.6 Unauthorized modification and manufacture of spare parts
Alterations to the pump or installation may only be carried out with the m anufacturer's
consent. The use of original spare parts and accessories authorised by the
manufacturer will ensure safety. The use of any other parts may invalidate claims
invoking the liability of the manufacturer for any consequences.
2.7 Unauthorized operating methods
The operating safety of the pump or installation supplied can only be guaranteed if it is
used in accordance with paragraph 1 of the operating instructions. The limiting values
given in the catalogue or data sheet must neither be exceeded nor allowed to fall below
those specified.
3 Transport and interim storage
Upon delivery, please check that the device has survived the journey undamaged. If
you find any damage, the normal routine measures are to be initiated with the shipping
During transport and in storage the pump must be protected against
moisture, frost and mechanical damage. Store horizontally in shockproof
4 Product and accessory description
4.1.Description (see fig. 1)
1 Pump Wilo-TWI 4"/6"/8"/10” 9 Mains connection/power supply
2 Immerson electrode mass 10 Manometer
3 Low-water immerson electrode (off) 11 Pressure vessel/reservoir
4 Immerson electrode upper level (on) 12 Shut-off valve
5 Connecting extension cable 13 Non-return valve
6 Dynamic level (pump running) 14 Motor connecting cable
7 Static level (pump switched off) 15 Cable connection between pos. 14 and pos. 5
8 Switch box (with dry-run protection)
WILO USA LLC 1290 N 25th Ave Melrose Park, IL 60160 Toll Free - 866-945-6872 Fax - 708-338-9455 Web - www.wilo-usa.com