The new Proportional Regulator is designed to quickly and accurately
adjust and maintain a set output pressure.
The unit will operate regardless of flow, in response to an electronic
control signal. The media can be compressed air or an inert gas.
Applications for this technology are virtually unlimited; from paint spray
control, paper manufacturing and printing to weaving and laser cutting
control; in fact anywhere that requires accurate remote pressure control.
In the field of general automation, the need to control processes or
movement via electronic signals is of paramount importance. The
Proportional Regulator unit provides the facility to incorporate pressure
control into a fully integrated control system.
Packaging and Food
The Packaging and Food industry provides another ideal area for
application of the Electronic Proportional Regulator, where fine control
of tension on wrapping foils and paper is required. The degree of control
and the ability to manually change parameters makes this unit ideally
suited to the varying requirements of this industry.
Applications for this innovative product in the Automotive industry can
be seen in major manufacturers’ “body-in-white” lines.
The control of clamping and welding forces during panel assembly is
an ideal application, also accurate control in paint dipping and spraying
can be achieved.
The Difference Between Open or
Closed Circuit Control
Standard pressure regulators go a long way towards
meeting customers needs. In most cases these
regulators work well in general pneumatic and
automation applications. However, sometimes the
application calls for more precise pressure control.
The effects of time, cycling, input, back pressure or
pressure and flow variation can all cause inconsistencies
in pneumatic systems. Proportional Regulators are
designed to eliminate those inconsistencies.
Open Control Circuit
In a normal pressure regulated control system, the inlet
pressure (p1) is converted into the output pressure
(p2) by the regulator. The set pressure (set value) is
usually manually set by adjusting the control knob and
in normal circumstances the regulator maintains the
output pressure (actual value).
No facility for monitoring the output pressure is
provided and there is consequently no way of checking
that the set value and the actual value are the same.
Also, no account is taken of external influences such as
air consumption by the system, which can drastically
alter the actual value.
Closed Loop Control Circuit
The input signal (Electronic Control Signal) is
converted into the output value (P2 Output Pressure).
This output value is continuously measured and
compared with the input signal. If they are different, the
unit adjusts the output value to correspond to the set
value, to close the loop.
Proportional Pressure Regulators
The Proportional Regulators provide all the advantages
of a closed circuit regulated system. When a set value
is defined via the input signal (e.g. 0-10 V), the pressure
regulator sets the corresponding output pressure (e.g.
0-150 PSI/0-10 bar). At the same time the integrated
pressure sensor measures the actual pressure at the
unit’s outlet (actual value).
If the electronic regulation system finds that the actual
value has deviated from the set value, it immediately
corrects the actual value. This is a continuous process
ensuring fast, accurate pressure regulation.
Typical Application in Automotive Body in
White Welding Pressure Control
Port Size Order Code Control Signal Output Signal Output Pressure
1/4 ER09-02-00C00 - 10 V Digital PNP Only 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/4 ER09-02-00000 - 10 V Digital PNP Only 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)
1/4 ER09-02-0PC00 - 10 V Digital PNP or 0-10V 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/4 ER09-02-0P000 - 10 V Digital PNP or 0-10V 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)
1/4 ER09-02-0NC00 - 10 V Digital NPN or 0-10V 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/4 ER09-02-0N000 - 10 V Digital NPN or 0-10V 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)
1/4 ER09-02-0MC00 - 10 V 4-20mA Analog Only 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/4 ER09-02-0M000 - 10 V 4-20mA Analog Only 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-00C00 - 10 V Digital PNP Only 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-00000 - 10 V Digital PNP Only 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-0PC00 - 10 V Digital PNP or 0-10V 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-0P000 - 10 V Digital PNP or 0-10V 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-0NC00 - 10 V Digital NPN or 0-10V 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-0N000 - 10 V Digital NPN or 0-10V 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-0MC00 - 10 V 4-20mA Analog Only 0-29 PSIG (0 -2 bar)
1/2 ER19-04-0M000 - 10 V 4-20mA Analog Only 0-145 PSIG (0 -10 bar)