WiLife, Luk, Luk Camera, Werks Software, LukWerks, and My LukWerks are trademarks of WiLife Inc. Microsoft
.NET Framework, Microsoft, Windows, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows 2000 are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.
Portions of the WiLife hardware and software have pending patents.
USING THE WERKS APPLICATION..................................................................................................... 16
Title Bar Controls.............................................................................................................................. 16
Main Feature Buttons ...................................................................................................................... 16
Live View ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Inspect the Video Windows.............................................................................................................. 17
Choose a Multiple-Camera View...................................................................................................... 17
Use the Camera Activity Panel......................................................................................................... 17
Enable and Disable Alerts................................................................................................................ 18
Switch Cameras On and Off............................................................................................................. 18
Open the Video Context Menus....................................................................................................... 18
Print or Save Live Video Frames...................................................................................................... 18
Delete a Camera............................................................................................................................... 18
Status Lights ......................................................................................................................................... 58
CONFIGURING YOUR FIREWALL ....................................................................................................... 59
Microsoft Firewall ................................................................................................................................. 60
Norton Internet Security 2001 - 2005 ................................................................................................ 62
Norton Personal Firewall 2006............................................................................................................ 64
Validate the Setup............................................................................................................................ 64
Thank you for purchasing the LukWerks Video Surveillance
As you already know, LukWerks is a robust video monitoring
system for your home or small business allowing you to view
live, streaming video from up to six cameras.
State-of-the-art Luk Cameras capture digital-streaming, fullcolor video and transmits the live feed to the Werks software
application, which provides a user interface that is both userfriendly and powerful.
Homeplug® technology uses your electrical wiring to create a
high-speed network for communicating with each camera
without the complexity of wireless networks and without the
need to run network cables.
There are many great features offered in this LukWerks
system. For example, consider these:
15-minute installation of the entire system.
Monitor and record up to six locations in real-time.
Search for, view, and manage recorded video events.
Receive email alerts when a camera detects motion.
Set motion detection zones for each camera.
View video over the Internet or on Smart Phones.
The ability to customize camera settings is highlight of the Werks application. Setup controls allow you to view
and modify settings for cameras, motion detection, video, system statistics, email, recording schedule, recently
recorded video segments, and disk usage.
Moreover, the system's portable viewing architecture; unique capturing, storing, and reporting functionality;
and ability to customize camera settings make it one of the most versatile, usable, and affordable surveillance
systems in the industry today.
Here are a few great monitoring applications:
• Monitor your small business
• Watch over a second property
• Record people at your front door
• Monitor the children
• Keep an eye on your pets
Overview of LukWerks
LukWerks has three primary components: Smart Cameras, Powerful Software, and Remote Viewing. Luk is the
name of our cameras and Werks is the name of our software, together they make LukWerks. We call remote
viewing My LukWerks.
At the center of the Werks software are components to view live camera video; search for, and view recorded
video; and tools to configure system options. These components, respectively, are Live Mode, Search Mode,
and Setup.
Welcome to LukWerks LukWerks User Guide
Before we dive into the overviews and how-to’s, let’s spend a few minutes explaining some basic concepts of
the LukWerks system.
1. Easy Setup
One of our first design goals was to deliver a system that you could setup in 15 minutes without
special tools, drilling holes, running wires, or configuring networking equipment. It is important to us
that you have a great experience right out of the box – one that exceeds the capabilities possible even
with a professionally installed home video system.
You complete the setup process in four easy steps:
Step 1 – Install the Werks Software
Step 2 – Connect the USB Receiver module
Step 3 – Mount Your Luk Cameras
Step 4 – Register for Remote Viewing
With these easy steps you are up and going. Jump to the chapter on Getting Started for more details
on the LukWerks setup process. One key to our system is our use of Homeplug technology. Homeplug
allows you to turn your existing wiring into a powerful network capable of delivering rich live video from
around your property to your PC and from there anywhere you need it.
2. Powerful Cameras
At the heart of each Luk Camera is an imbedded computer that actively encodes, adjusts, and
manages your video feed – Luk Cameras are the smartest surveillance cameras available. Because
our cameras are so powerful, they provide you with rich features without overwhelming the CPU on
your PC.
Some of the one-of-a-kind features available on the Luk Camera include:
High-quality video imaging
Digital motion detection
User definable motion detection zones
Auto-image lighting management
Onboard Windows Media Video encoding
Consider these system scenarios:
Camera A new way to look
Camera 1 It looks out over the driveway, has Auto Brightness set to on
Camera 2 It looks out over the backyard, has a defined Motion Detection Zone
Camera 3 It monitors the front door and has an Email Alert set, whicl will send
allowing it to automatically adjust to changing light conditions.
set allowing it to capture motion only along the top of the fence line.
a notification if anyone comes into the house e.g. when the kids
come home from school.
Setup allows you set each camera differently, based on its mission.
3. Powerful Software
At the center of the LukWerks system is the Werks software. It is the most powerful video surveillance
software available. Werks can manage full-motion video from six concurrent cameras. Providing you
Welcome to LukWerks LukWerks User Guide
with stunning live views into every camera while simultaneously recording any motion or scheduled
Additionally, Werks uses a powerful alerts engine that communicates with your email server to notify
up to ten e-mail addresses or cell phones that a camera has detected and recorded motion. When
Werks detects motion on a specific camera, Werks will send out an email message, and at your option,
you can set Werks to attached either a frame from the captured video or the video segment. The
Werks alerts are excellent news for you, but perhaps bad news for your sixteen-year-old son who wants
to play around with your new sports car. Your garage camera can send you an email alert if anyone
gets close to the car.
Some of the great features of Werks include:
6-Camera live view
Concurrent recording of video from all cameras
User definable email and cell phone alerts
Automatic disk storage management
Powerful video archive search and playback
Password system security
Werks uses a portion of the disk space on your PC to store the video captured by your Luk Cameras. In
the default setup, Werks only records video when there is motion detected by a camera or during
times when you have set a fixed recording schedule. In either case, Werks stores each video event as
a separate clip to your PC hard drive. Some of these clips may be only a few seconds, while others
could last hours. As a Setup option, you specify the maximum amount of disk space allocate to Werks.
Once Werks reaches this limit, it makes space for new video clips by removing the oldest clips. With
the default camera settings, a typical home system with four cameras will use approximately 2GB of
disk space per week.
4. Anywhere Anytime Access
Werks coupled with our My LukWerks services deliver a unique Internet services component, which
powers the ability for you to view live video from your cameras over the Internet and on video enabled
cell phones. At the center of My LukWerks is the LukWerks Remote Viewing Service, which intelligently
links you to all of your cameras at each site where you have installed a LukWerks system.
To access the video you first create a My LukWerks user account at www.lukwerks.com. This is part of
the normal process of registering you product. With each new LukWerks setup, you register the new
site with your existing account. Then when you want to check in on your property, simply login to your
My LukWerks account from a Web browser or Windows Mobile cell phone and link to the video feed.
With My LukWerks it is easy to monitor your Home, Office, Cabin, or even Grandma's House – anytime
anywhere – all from your My LukWerks account.
The following chapters describe in detail each component of the LukWerks system. Two chapters in this book
describe in full each of these modules— Chapter 3: Using the Werks Application and Chapter 4: Werks
Application Setups, which introduces you to the Werks Setup dialogs.
We have also provided you with online help and support and service pages on our website. In any case, we are
committed to your success.
We are glad to share with you our passion for build great video surveillance products. Over the next months
and years, you can expect to see additional cameras, services, and software targeted at giving you – a whole
new way to look. Welcome to LukWerks.
System Components
Welcome to LukWerks LukWerks User Guide
Luk Cameras are the smartest cameras on the market. At their core is a 400MHz
processor. Using the processor they perform automatically adjust the video picture for
changing light conditions (auto-brightness), detect motion, and encode video using
Windows Media 9 Video file format.
When the camera detects motion within zones you specify it alerts Werks to record the
event, which it saves to the LukWerks Video folder.
The camera lens sits on bubble, which you can move to change its viewing angle.
Additionally, you can adjust the focus by gently turning the lens clockwise or counterclockwise as necessary. You should find the focus setting works for most locations.
We designed this Luk Camera for indoor use. However, we specifically designed it to peer out of a window to
monitor the out-of-doors using the included suction cup, which you can mount to the front or the back of the
camera. Luk cameras can also sit on top a desktop, bookshelf, wall or ceiling using the Desktop Mount or Wall
The Werks application supports up to six cameras.
The power supply connects to the camera using the provided CAT 5e cable. It serves two
First, the power supply provides power for the camera. Second, it is the network bridge
connecting the digital video feed from the camera to the PC running Werks.
There are a few rules you should know about using this unit.
Do not plug the power supply unit into a surge suppressor, a UPS, or some other filtering
unit. It can be plugged into a regular extension cord or non-surge power strip.
Likewise, do not connect the power supply unit or the WiLife camera into other Ethernet or Power-OverEthernet (POE) hardware. The Luk Camera and the Luk Camera power supply operate as a pair.
The camera will not operate with non-WiLife POE equipment.
The unit is designed to be used indoors.
The CAT 5e Cable carries DC power from the Camera Power Supply to the camera and provides the network
connection for digital data communications to and from the camera. The cable supplied with the LukWerks
system was specifically selected because it was small, flexible, and unobtrusive, in comparison to a typical CAT
5e cable.
Note: You can find longer CAT 5e cable cables in our online store at www.lukwerks.com.
The Receiver module provides the interface between the PC and the power line data link. It
communicates with the PC via the USB. The PC sends commands to the cameras to configure
and control them. It receives status from these units, as well as the compressed video streams.
The receiver is not powered by the plug.
The USB connects the Receiver to your PC allowing the network to communicate with the Werks application. It
transfers configuration commands to the cameras and receives compressed video streams from them.
Communication with the PC is accomplished using a standard USB 1.1 interface.
Welcome to LukWerks LukWerks User Guide
Use the large suction cup to hanging the camera in a window. The suction cup connects to the
back or front of the camera. If you screw the suction cup onto the back, the camera's lens
points into the house. If you screw the suction cup onto the front of the camera, the camera's
lens can be directed to monitor a zone outside of the house.
The Desktop Mount Base included in the installation kit is used to place the Luk camera on a
flat surface such as on a windowsill, bookshelf, or any other place that is flat and stable.
Using a few screws, the Wall Mount allows you to hang the Luk camera from a wall, ceiling, or other surface to
watch a room from a discrete location.
User’s Guide Chapters
We designed this manual to be the ultimate resource for learning, understanding, and using the multi-faceted
features within the Werks application to meet your personal or small business expectations.
The content of the User’s Manual is laid out into five chapters, the first of which you have nearly completed.
Here is a brief description of the remaining chapters:
Chapters Descriptions
Ge t t i n g S tar te d Th i s c h a p t e r provides comprehensive i n s t a l l a t i o n i ns tr u ct ions for the Werk s
so f t w a r e an d the Luk Cameras.
Us i n g t h e We rks
Ap p l i c a t i o n
Se t t i n g
Ap p l i c a t i o n
Op t i o n s
Tr o u b l e sh o o t in g We d o n o t expect you will have a n y t r o u b l e . H ow ever, if you do have a p r o b l e m ,
Co n f i g u r i n g Your
Fi r e w a l l
Ap p e n d i c e s Fi n a l l y , w e include a few appendix c h a p t e r s t h a t c ov er other topics like: S y s t e m
Co m p l e t e d e scr i pt ion of the great fea tur e s b e h i n d t he Live and Search m ode
sc r e e n s . A d di tionally, this chapter in c lude s “ h o w t o ” i n s tructions to assist you
in l e a r n i n g the system more easily.
This chapter introduces you to the Setup and its comprehensive set of configuration options.
Here you will learn how to setup:
motion detection
video capture
yo u c a n f in d man y useful solutions in t h i s c h a p t er.
Mo s t P C f ir ewa l ls automatically prompt you t o a l l o w W erks to access the
ne t w o r k . N ev er the less, if you fin d a n y p r o b l e ms this chapter walks you
th o r o u g h b oth automatic and manual co n fig u r a t i o n o p t i o ns.
Sp e c i f i c a t i o n s; So ftware License a nd H a r d w a r e W a rran ty; and Safety a n d
Re g u l a t o r y
email alerts
remote viewing
and other options
The Werks Help System
Click on the [?] icon in the upper-right corner of Werks in order to access the online Help System. The Help
System allows you to view topics by clicking through a table of contents, by searching for them using the
Search option, or by locating them via a comprehensive Index.
Getting Started
WiLife’s Werks application is very easy to deploy because of an installation process that we designed to be
user-friendly. Depending on how comfortable you feel installing the application, you can choose to use the
QuickStart instructions (found in the Installation Kit) or the comprehensive installation instructions provided in
this chapter.
Once Werks has been setup, all you need to do is plug in the cameras and you are on your way to using your
security system. The Werks application automatically discovers all the cameras throughout the home and
displays the live video stream.
System Requirements
Below you can find the mi n i mum requirements for systems using cameras set to the factory default
configuration; recommended systems include faster CPU’s, more computer RAM, and more video RAM.
Cameras 1 2 3 4 5 6
Compatible CPU Minimum
Computer RAM (MB)Minimum
Video Card: (VRAM MB)
DirectX 9 compatible
Display Resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher
Hard Drive Space (MB): 100 MB for program and a minimum of 200+ MB with
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or;
USB: One free USB port
Media Player: Microsoft Windows Media® Player 9
Other: CD ROM drive for installation
700 MHz
1.4 GHz
700 MHz
1.4 GHz
10+ GB recommended for video recording
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition,
XP Professional or, XP Media Center Edition
900 MHz
1.8 GHz
900 MHz
1.8 GHz
1.0 GHz
2.0 GHz
1.2 GHz
2.4 GHz
Before you begin the installation process, please review the contents of the kit to verify that all of the
components necessary for a successful install are inside. If any of these listed items are not in the kit, please
contact WiLife Customer Support for assistance.
Getting Started LukWerks User Guide
Werks Installation CD
Quick Start Guide
USB Receiver
USB Cable (8 ft.)
Luk Camera
Camera Power Supply
Cat5 Cable (8 ft.)
Camera Suction Cup
Cable Suction Cup
Desktop Mount
Wall Mount
Window Decals
Installation Procedures
The following procedures assume that you verified that all of the components of the installation kit are
accounted for and that your PC and operating system meet the system requirements described above.
Installing Werks in four easy steps:
1) Run the Setup Wizard
2) Install the USB Receiver Module
3) Place your Luk Cameras
4) Register for Remote Viewing
It is that simple – 1, 2, 3, 4 and you are done.
Step 1 - Run the Set-up Wizard
Insert the Werks PC Software CD into your PC’s
CD-ROM drive. The LukWerks setup menu will
automatically start.
Note: If the Install Wizard does not automatically load, you can manually start the wizard by doubleclicking on the setup.exe file on the CD-ROM (i.e. D:).
Review the menu choices (as shown) and click “Install Werks Software” options.
The Werks install is ready to start. Simply click the NEXT> button to begin.
Getting Started LukWerks User Guide
The Microsoft .NET Framework is a collection of tools used by many software programs. Some
computers already have Microsoft's .NET Frame installed as part of other applications. For those that
do not yet have .NET installed, we will install it now. (Note that installing .NET will require a restart of
your computer.)
The first screen you will see in the Microsoft .NET
Framework Wizard is it’s license agreement screen, as
shown in this graphic.
Complete the License Agreement by clicking on the “I
agree” radio button, followed by the INSTALL button.
The system downloads .NET Framework in preparation to
moving on with the installation process. A status bar
displays, allowing you to view the progress of the .NET
Framework install. The install will take several minutes.
When the .NET Framework download is complete, you will
need to click the OK button to continue with the LukWerks
Install wizard.
Follow the on screen instructions of the Werks
installation wizard. Click the NEXT> button to advance
through the installation process.
One of the early steps is the LukWerks License
Agreement screen.
Please take a moment to review the license
agreement. If you accept the terms of the agreement,
click the “I accept the terms in the license agreement”
radio button and then click NEXT>. If you do not agree
with the terms of the agreement, click the “I do not
accept the terms in the license agreement” radio
button and the installation will be terminated.
Note: A copy of the license agreement can be found in two places: 1) In this user guide; and 2) on the
program CD. The filename is License.htm.
Step 2 - Install the USB Receiver Module
Now, with most of the software installed, you are ready to plug in the receiver and camera. The install
will prompt you to plug the receiver into the wall and connect it to a USB port on your PC.
1) Plug the USB Receiver Module directly into a wall
outlet near your PC.
Note: The USB Receiver Module has built in surge protection
and must be plugged directly into your wall outlet. It is highly
recommended that you do not plug the USB Receiver Module
into a surge protected power strip. Plugging the USB
Receiver Module into a surge protected power strip may
reduce the quality and performance of the LukWerks system.
Getting Started LukWerks User Guide
2) Use the included USB Cable to connect the USB Receiver Module to one of the available USB ports
on your PC.
3) Click the NEXT> button when you are done.
Step 3 - Mount the Luk Camera
With the receiver connect to your electrical outlet; you
are ready to connect your cameras.
1) Start by installing your cameras in a location near
your PC. This makes it easier to adjustment focus if
necessary. Once you have configured your camera,
select a new location for the camera and use one of
the convenient mounting options to place your
camera on a desktop, window, or wall.
Installation Note: If mounting the camera on a window, clean
the area of the window where the suction cup will be
attached. Let the area dry completely before mounting
The Window Mount Suction Cup has been tested and proven to hold the weight of objects heavier than
the camera for extended periods of time. To ensure long term connection, you can spread a very small
drop of vegetable or olive oil on the under-side of the cup before applying it to the window. This
increases the suction power of the cup.
CAUTION: The Luk camera should be mounted indoors or in a weatherproof enclosure. Additionally, you
should not point the camera directly at the sun. Failing to follow either of these warnings will damage
your camera
2) Plug the Camera Power Supply into a nearby outlet. Then, use the included Camera Cable (8 ft.
Standard Ethernet Cable) to connect the power supply to the camera.
Note: The Camera Power Supply has built in surge protection and must be plugged directly into your wall
outlet. Plugging the Camera Power Supply into a surge protected power strip may reduce the quality and
performance of the LukWerks system.
3) Click the NEXT> button to proceed.
You are now ready to run the Werks application.
Step 4 - Start Using Werks
1) The install program will automatically start Werks
When Werks runs for the first time, the Werks Initial
Setup screen opens, allowing you to configure the
system to meet your home or small business needs.
2) Review the disk storage options by accepting the
default settings recommended by the setup.
If you wish, you can modify the Werks Video Location
and the Max Werks Space. Ideally, you want a drive
and location where you have plenty of disk space to
record the video. Werks is smart enough to only
record when there is motion and to automatically delete old clips to make room for new ones.
Getting Started LukWerks User Guide
Firewall Setup
It is very likely that you have one of many Firewall applications running on your computer. These applications
protect your computer from unwanted network connections, which sometimes are the result of viruses.
Because Werks creates a new network using your home wiring and uses your Internet connection for email and
remote viewing, you will need to configure your firewall to allow these connections.
We have provided an entire chapter on the subject name Configuring your PC Firewall. If you find the steps
below are insufficient, please use this chapter as an aid.
Most firewalls will prompt you to Allow or Block access to the network by Werks. You should always choose
Allow when the program reads “Werks.”
ATTENTION: If you are using Norton Firewall or Norton Internet Security, you must review the Norton Internet Security by Symantec section of the chapter Configuring your PC Firewall. Simply accepting the
automated prompts is insufficient.
If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2, the Windows Security Alert screen may appear. Click on
the Unblock button to allow Werks to run properly. (A sample screen shot of the Windows Security Alert
displays below.)
If McAfee Personal Firewall Plus or Standard is running on your Windows XP, a warning message is
going to display as Werks starts. This message is going to inform you that Werks wants access to the
Internet. You need to click "Grant Access" in order for Werks to run properly. (A sample screen shot of
this McAfee Firewall message displays below.)
If you are using other anti-virus or firewall software, similar warning messages may appear, asking you
whether you want to allow Werks to perform certain functions. You should allow the requested
permissions so that Werks runs properly.
If you find you are having problems reference the chapter on Configuring your PC Firewall.
Getting Started LukWerks User Guide
Getting Started LukWerks User Guide
Windows Firewall Auto-Alert McAfee Auto-Alert Message
Create Your My LukWerks Account
Before you can start using remote viewing, you need to create a My LukWerks account and register your
installation. In addition to remote viewing, registering gives you access to these benefits:
Updates to Werks software and Luk Camera firmware
Access for warranty and support service, if necessary
News on upcoming cameras and events
To register, follow these instructions:
1) Go to www.lukwerks.com/register
2) Follow the instructions
Additional Cameras
You can have up to six Luk Cameras in each LukWerks system. Adding new cameras is easy and you can watch
our website for new types of cameras that we will release over the next months.
a. Select a location for your camera.
Use one of the convenient mounting options to secure your camera to a desktop, window or wall.
Note 1: If mounting the camera on a window, clean the area of the window where the suction cup will be
attached. Let the area dry completely before mounting the camera.
Note 2: The Window Mount Suction Cup has been tested and proven to hold the weight of objects
heavier than the camera for extended periods. To increase the suction power of the cup, spread a small
drop of vegetable or olive oil on the underside of the cup before applying it to the window.
b. Plug the Camera Power Supply into a nearby outlet.
Use the included Camera Cable (8 ft. standard Ethernet cable) to connect the power supply to the
Note: The Camera Power Supply has built-in surge protection and must be plugged directly into your wall
outlet. Plugging the Camera Power Supply into a surge-protected power strip may reduce the quality and
performance of the LukWerks system.
There are two choices of setup paths – a and b. So, read both before moving on with the procedure:
a. You did NOT set a custom password
If you have NOT set a custom camera password, then you do not need to do anything more. Werks will
automatically recognize the camera within 1-2 minutes.
Once the camera appears, you can change its configuration, set a name, or adjust the picture options.
(See the chapter on Setting System Options for information on these settings.)
Getting Started LukWerks User Guide
b. You did set a custom password
If you HAVE set a custom camera password, you need to complete a few additional tasks. This is
necessary because new cameras are shipped with no password (different from the custom password
you have set). Therefore, Werks will not automatically identify it.
Follow these instructions to include the new camera into your Werks system:
1) Go to the Werks > Setup > Advanced dialog screen.
2) Click the Add New camera button.
3) Wait 1-2 minutes while Werks locates the camera.
If after a few minutes, Werks does not recognize the camera, turn to the Specifications chapter
located in the online user guide or at www.lukwerks.com/support.
Note: We recommend that you set a custom password because a custom camera password provides
you with security from others having access to your streaming video.
Camera Focus and Aim
The factory default settings work great for most applications. However, if you find you need to adjust the
camera it only takes a few minutes. It is easiest to focus and adjust the camera from an outlet near your
computer. The Luk Cameras have two components that allow you to adjust the camera’s viewpoint and focus:
the camera eyeball and the lens.
On the back panel, you will notice an adjustable eyeball. Use this ball to change the angle of the camera lens.
To adjust the focus, gently twist the lens on the front of camera to the right or left. You may find it easiest to
take your camera back to your PC to do this work – saving you the trouble of walking back and forth.
Product Support
If you have any questions about the installation procedures, please check out the support section of our
website for the most recent information. If you still need help contact LukWerks Technical Support via email at
support@lu k w erks.com, or by phone at 877- LUKWERKS [(877) 585-9375] (for customers within the
United States and Canada) .
LukWerks User Guide
Using the Werks Application
Werks provides a powerful-but-simple interface for managing cameras, recording video, tracking alerts, and
configuring remote viewing. Once you learn a few of the basic elements, most operations are easy and
The Werks application has two operating modes: Full and Background. In Full Mode, Werks provides you with a
complete Windows interface, making it easy to monitor and manage your video feeds. In Background Mode,
Werks closes its Windows interface and displays a small icon in the system tray. While running in Background
Mode, Werks continues to record video, using very little CPU. This allows you to use all of your normal
applications, even on a minimally configured machine. Background Mode is another great feature of the
LukWerks system.
The Werks Windows interface has two main views: Live
and Search. The Live View allows you to monitor and
manage the live camera feeds. The Search View allows
you to find, view, and manage recorded video segments.
The title bar and the main feature buttons Setup,
Live/Search, and Web, appear in both the Live and
Search Views.
View live video Play video clips
Arm email alerts Delete segments
Turn cameras on/off Protect segments
Email a current image Print images
Some Application Features
Live View Search View
Title Bar Controls
The Werks Title Bar in the upper-right corner of the application lets you view Help, Hide the on screen controls,
Minimize Werks, or run Werks in Background Mode.
Open Werks Help Hide/Show Controls
When you click the X button, Werks changes to Background Mode. A system message will let you know that
Werks is still running and recording in the background.
Minimize to Taskbar Close – run in Background
Main Feature Buttons
These three buttons control some of the key functions of the Werks
application. The SETUP button opens the Setup Control Panel where you
control all of the configuration options. The Search/Live button switches
between the Search View and the Live View. (Notice that in Live View, the
middle button reads SEARCH, and when in Search View, the middle button
reads LIVE – thus allowing you to switch back and forth.) The WEB button takes you to the LukWerks website,
where you can login to your My LukWerks account. (See the Werks Setup chapter to learn more about camera
and program configuration options.)
Using the Werks Application LukWerks User Guide
Live View
The Live View is the first screen that appears when you open Werks. From here, you can monitor live video
feeds, change screen layouts, and enable and disable cameras and email alerts. This is a screen shot of the
Live View, showing the components of the screen.
Inspect the Video Windows
Werks can display between 1 and 6 video windows depending on your choice of Viewing Modes. Each video
window in the Live View displays live feeds from your cameras. The text in each video window shows the
camera order (C1-C6), camera name, and camera status. If the camera is recording, the status message reads
(Live/Rec) in place of just (Live).
Choose a Multiple-Camera View
Werks allows you to select between 3 viewing modes: single-camera,
quad-camera, and six-camera. Video feeds are tiled and sized to fit in the available display area. Quickly
switch between multi- and single-camera views by clicking on the
video window.
Use the Camera Activity Panel
The Camera Activity Panel allows you to monitor all your
cameras at a glance. It shows you which cameras are
connected, set for email alerts, and recording. From this panel
you can also quickly turn cameras on/off and enable/disable
email alerts.
Blue circle shows email alerts are disabled;
click to enable.
Green light shows camera is connected
Red light shows Camera is recording
Red circle shows email alerts are enabled;
click to disable.
Grey (no light) shows camera is not
Grey (no light) shows camera is not
Camera is ON; click to turn OFF
Camera is OFF; click to turn ON
Using the Werks Application LukWerks User Guide
Enable and Disable Alerts
Once you setup your email alerts you can quickly set the alert state
from the main view. This feature is great for enabling email alerts as
you leave for work or on a vacation, and turning them back off once
you get home (no need getting email indicating you’re moving around
your house).
From the main Live View you Enable and Disable Email Alerts by clicking on the camera number – . When
the outer circle is blue, email alerts are disabled. When the outer circle is red, email alerts are enabled. You
can also enable and disable alerts from the Enable Alerts checkbox from the Setup…Email options dialog. (See
Email Options in the Werks Setup chapter for more details.)
Click Enable and Disable
Switch Cameras On and Off
At times, you may want to easily turn cameras off. Perhaps you are
having a family party in the backyard and there is no reason to record
all the activity. To turn a camera On and Off, click the On/Off button
below the camera number. When the button reads On – – the
camera is operating normally. When the button reads Off – – the
camera video feed is disabled until you click the button again.
Click On and Off
Open the Video Context Menus
Werks provides quick access to common functions through context menus on the Video Windows and Camera
Alerts buttons. To access the context menus simply right-click on the object and choose between the various
commands. Here’s what they look like:
Video Window Context Menu Camera Alerts Context Menu
Print or Save Live Video Frames
Using the Video Window context menu (right-click on live window), you can choose to print or save the current
image in the window. When choosing Save, Werks will let you choose the location and filename for the image,
which it stores as a JPEG. By default, Werks will choose your My Pictures folder. Werks uses the Windows print
spooler, which automatically adjusts the picture to match your printer’s capabilities. You find these options only
on the Live View context (right-click) menu.
Delete a Camera
From time to time, you may remove a camera from your system. Werks, by default, saves the settings and
position of this camera, expecting that you may add it back to your system later.
There are two methods for permanently deleting a camera. First, you can go to the Setup…Camera dialog box,
and click the DELETE CAMERA button. Second, you can use the Live Windows context (right-click) menu and
choose Delete Camera.
Using the Werks Application LukWerks User Guide
Search View
Search View allows you to find, view, and manage your recorded video segments, which Werks stores in a
database on your computer. Your cameras create these segments according to your settings. By default, each
camera is set to record when motion is sensed. You can also set the camera to record continuously during
specific times using the Recording Scheduler. (See Recording Options in the Application Setup chapter for
more details.)
Review Stored Video Segments
The Search Navigation window provides fast access to recorded video segments using the mouse or keyboard.
Each camera has a row on the screen. Each recorded segment is displayed as a green bar. A vertical red line
shows the current position of playback.
To navigate through the segments, use one of these operations:
Click on the desired date and time
Click and drag the red position line to the left or right, beyond the edge of the window
Click on a date in the calendar
Use and to step forward and backward through video segments
See the section on Hot Key Assignments for more keyboard controls.
The top of the Search Navigation window displays dates and times for each
time division. These divisions can be easily changed to zoom in to specific
minutes of a day or zoom out to view an entire day.
Using the Werks Application LukWerks User Guide
Change the time focus by clicking on the timeframe guide to select your focus. A tool tip message informs you
of the time division you have selected. Notice the position of the focus indicator (blue ball) in these examples:
4-hour time focus
1-minute time focus
30-minute time focus
5-second time focus
When playing video segments, you can select one, several, or all cameras for review. By default, all cameras
are selected. Selecting only a few cameras reduces the volume of video that must be loaded into memory
before playing clips. This may improve performance on minimally configured machines. Here are a few
All cameras on
Garage camera off, others on
Garage camera on, others off
To turn on or off the video for a camera, click the green button next to the camera
In Search mode, the Calendar is on the right side of the display. The current day is
circled in red. Days in which video segments were recorded appear bold. You can click
on any of those days to display all of the video segments in the time grid.
The Calendar has arrow buttons at the top to navigate forward or backward through
the months.
Play Video with Onscreen Controls
Like any DVD player, the Playback Controls allow you to play, pause, adjust speed,
and step-through your video segments. You use the controls by clicking on each one.
If you hold your mouse over the control, Windows will display a tool tip, indicating the
name of each control. We also provide keyboard controls which we describe below.
Use the following list of icons and descriptions to help you understand how to
navigate through recorded video segments.
Button Description Button Description
Play video
Go to the start of the last video segment
Go back one step
Video slow motion
(turn jog dial counter-clockwise)
Pause video
Go to the start of the next video
Go forward one step
Video fast motion
(turn jog dial clockwise)
Using the Werks Application LukWerks User Guide
Use Keyboard Playback Controls
Werks has several keyboard shortcuts, which allow you to quickly navigate through video clips. Some
navigation features are only available through the keyboard controls.
Hot Key Description Hot Key Description
P or
C or
SHIFT + PLAY FASTER. Increase playback speed SHIFT - PLAY SLOWER. Reduce playback speed
- or
CTRL , , or
PAGE UP NEXT DAY. Move timeline to next day. PAGE DOWN
SWITCH MODE. Change to Search
Mode from Live Mode
PLAY and PAUSE. Start and stop playing
recorded video.
CENTER CURSOR. Sets timeline origin
so cursor is centered
NEXT SEGMENT. Move cursor to start
of next later recorded segment
SLIDE CHART LATER. Slide time chart
to later time
JUMP CHART LATER. Move timeline one
screen later in time
PREVIOUS DAY. Move timeline to
previous day
Open the Context Menu
While playing through recorded video segments in Search Mode, you
can right-click on an active video window to access the context menu.
This menu allows you to perform some operations that are not
available from any other screen. These choices include options for
managing segments, printing and saving, and emailing.
Each of these operations applies to executes the current video
segment. To manage a different video segment, click on the segment
in the Search Navigation window.
Playback Window Context Menu
Protect a Recorded Video Segment
Werks automatically deletes old files when it reaches its disk storage
limit. The oldest video is deleted to make room for the new video. In
some cases, you may have a video segment that you want to protect for an extended length of time.
To protect a segment, navigate to the segment so that it is paused in the playback
window. Next, right-click on the video window to reveal the playback context menu and
choose Protect Video Segment. You can easily identify a protected video segment
because it will show red rather than green in the navigation window. (See Managing Disk Usage in the chapter on Werks Options for more details on disk space usage.)
Delete Recorded Video
To quickly delete a video segment that you do not want to keep in your library,
navigate to the segment so that it is paused in the playback window. Next, right-click
on the video window to reveal the playback context menu and choose Delete Video
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