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1 2014
To my wife Bonnie Gorshe, and sons Alex and Ian Gorshe; S.D.G.
Steve Gorshe
To the Lord, in the spirit of Karma Yoga.
Arvind Raghavan
To my wife, Marilynn Starr.
Thomas Starr
To Tobey and Hannah.
Stefano Galli
About the Authorsxv
List of Abbreviations and Acronymsxix
1Introduction to Broadband Access Networks and Technologies1
17Fourth Generation Systems: LTE and LTE-Advanced353
17.1.1LTE Standardization353
17.1.2LTE Requirements354
17.2Release 8: The Basics of LTE355
17.2.1Network Architecture355
17.2.2PDN Connectivity, Bearers, and QoS Architecture358
17.2.3Protocol Architecture360
17.2.4Layer-1: The Physical Layer361
17.2.5Layer-2 and Cross-Layer Algorithms370
17.2.6Layer-3: Radio Resource Control (RRC)380
17.3Release 9: eMBMS and SON383
17.3.1Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS)384
17.3.2Self-Organizing Networks (SON)386
17.4Release 10: LTE-Advanced386
17.4.1Carrier Aggregation388
17.4.2Heterogeneous Networks with Small Cells391
17.5Future of LTE-Advanced: Release 11 and Beyond395
17.5.1Cooperative Multi-Point (CoMP)396
17.5.2Release 12 and the Future of LTE398
17.6IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX Systems399
Further Readings402
18Conclusions Regarding Broadband Access Networks and Technologies403
About the Authors
Steve Gorshe
Steve Gorshe is a Distinguished Engineer in the CTO organization of PMC-Sierra, Inc., where his work
since 2000 has included technology development and telecommunications standards. He received his
BSEE from the University of Idaho (1980) and both his MSEE (1982) and PhD (2002) degrees from
Oregon State University. Since 1983, he has worked in product development, applied research, and
systems architecture of telecommunications access and transport systems. His standards activity includes
over 300 contributions across six standards bodies, serving as technical editor for nine North American
and international standards, and currently serving as Associate Rapporteur for the Q11 group of ITU-T
Study Group 15.
Steve is a Fellow of the IEEE. His IEEE activities include Communications Magazine Editor-inChief (2010–2012), Associate Editor-in-Chief (2006–2009), and Broadband Access Series co-editor
(1999–2006). He has also served as the IEEE Communications Society Director of Magazines and
Chair of the Transmission, Access and Optical Systems Technical C ommittee.
Steve has 37 patents issued or pending, over 24 published papers, and is co-author of two textbooks and
co-author of chapters in three other textbooks.
Arvind R. Raghavan
Arvind R. Raghavan heads research and development at Blue Clover Devices, where he is involved with
the design and implementation of innovative products for the Internet of Things, with current emphasis on
Bluetooth Low Energy technology. Before joining Blue Clover Devices, he was part of the Radio
Technology and Strategy group at AT&T Labs, where his work focused on the impact of QoS on LTE,
design and analysis of heterogeneous networks, and advanced MIMO techniques for standardization in
3GPP. Prior to joining AT&T Labs, he played a lead role in the Systems Engineering group at
ArrayComm, LLC, where they developed specifications for their multi-antenna signal processing
products, conducted performance analyses, and made contributions to the standardization of WiMAX
systems. Arvind holds MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Clemson University.
Thomas Starr
Thomas Starr is a Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Laboratories in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.
Thomas is responsible for the development and standardization of local access and home networking
technologies for AT&T’s network. These technologies include ADSL, HDSL, SHDSL, VDSL and
In 2009, Thomas received the prestigious AT&T Science and Technology Medal. He serves as Chairman
of the Broadband Forum and has also served as a member of the Board of Directors since its inception as
the ADSL Forum in 1994. Thomas has been a distinguished fellow of the Broadband Forum From 1988 to
2000, has served as Chairperson of ANSI accredited standards working group T1E1.4, which develops
xviAbout the Authors
xDSL standards for the United States, received the Committee T1 Outstanding Leadership Award in
2001, and now serves at ATIS COAST-NAI Chairman. In the ITU-T SG15, Thomas serves as Chairman
of Working Party 1, addressing fiber, DSL, and home networking standards, and participates in the ITU
SG15 Q4 group on xDSL international standards.
Thomas is a co-author of the books DSL Advances, published by Prentice Hall in 2003, and
Understanding Digital Subscriber Line Technology, published by Prentice Hall in 1999. Thomas is
also the author of the Science Fiction novel Virtual Vengeance. Thomas previously worked for 12
years at AT&T Bell Laboratories on ISDN and local telephone switching systems, and twenty US
patents in the field to telecommunications have been issued to him. Thomas holds a MS degree in
Computer Science and a BS degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois in Urbana,
Stefano Galli
Stefano Galli received his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rome
“La Sapienza” (Italy) in 1994 and 1998, respectively. He is currently the Director of Technology Strategy
of ASSIA – the leading developer of automated management and diagnostics tools for broadband
networks. Prior to this position, he held the role of Director of Energy Solutions R&D for Panasonic
Corporation and Senior Scientist at Bellcore.
Dr. Galli is serving as Chief Information Officer of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc),
director of Smart Grid activities for the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Power Line Communications, member of the Energy and Policy Committee of IEEE-USA, and as Editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Communications and the IEEE Communications Magazine. Dr. Galli is also serving as
Rapporteur for the ITU-T Q15/15 “Communications for Smart Grid” standardization group. Past
positions include serving as Co-Chair of the “Communications Technology” Task Force of IEEE
2030 (Smart Grid), Leader of the “Theoretical and Mathematical Models” Group of IEEE 1901
(Broadband over Power Lines standard), Coexistence sub-group Chair of the SGIP/NIST PAP 15,
elected Member-at-Large of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Board of Governors, and a
variety of other leadership positions in the IEEE. He has also served as Founder and first Chair of the IEEE
ComSoc Technical Committee on Power Line Communications.
Dr. Galli is a Fellow of the IEEE, has received the 2013 IEEE Donald G. Fink Best Paper Award for his
paper on Smart Grid and Power Line Communications, the 2011 IEEE ComSoc Donald W. McLellan
Meritorious Service Award, the 2011 Outstanding Service Award from the IEEE ComSoc Technical
Committee on Power Line Communications, and the 2010 IEEE ISPLC Best Paper Award. He holds
several issued and pending patents, has published over 90 peer-reviewed papers, has co-authored three
book chapters on power line communications, and has made numerous standards contributions to the
IEEE, the ITU-T, the Broadband Forum, and the UK NICC.
Thanks are given to the experts who provided assistance for the chapters on DSL technology: George
Ginis, Ken Kerpez, Vladimir Oksman, Craig Schelp, Massimo Sorbara, and Arlynn Wilson. Thanks also
are given to Marilynn Starr for her support and assistance.
Steve would like to thank the following people for their generous help, excellent comments and reviews
for portions of his chapters: Frank Effenberger, Alon Bernstein, Chris Look, Onn Haran, Jeff Mandin,
Lior Khermosh, Bob Murray, Valy Ossman, and Jim Dahl. Steve also wants to thank PMC-Sierra for
allowing some of his white paper material to be adapted for this book.
Arvind would like to acknowledge the significant contributions of his wife, Sanchita Shetty, for
painstakingly generating all the figures in the wireless chapters, and her unwavering support throughout
the writing of this book. He would also like to express his heartfelt gratitude to Paul Chiuchiolo, Rich
Kobylinski, Milap Majmundar, and Tom Novlan, for reviewing the wireless section of the book and
providing excellent feedback for improving the quality and accuracy of the manuscript. Finally, he would
like to thank his family and all his wonderful friends in Austin for their love and encouragement.
ABSAlmost Blank Subframes
ACAlternating Current
ACAccess Category
ACMAdaptive Coding and Modulation
ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter
ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line specified in ITU-T G.992.1
ADSL2Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2 specified in ITU-T G.992.3
ADSL2plusAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2plus specified in ITU-T G.992.5
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AFEAnalog Front End
AICHAcquisition Indicator Channel
AMAcknowledged Mode
AMIAdvanced Metering Infrastructure
A-MPDUAggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone System
AMRAutomatic Meter Reading
A-MSDUAggregate MAC Service Data Unit
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APAccess Point
APDAvalanche Photo Diode
APSAutomatic Protection Switching
ARIBAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses
ARPAllocation and Retention Priority
ARQAutomatic Repeat Request, Retransmission
ASAccess Stratum
ASEAmplified Spontaneous Emission
ASFDOCSIS Aggregated Service Flow
A-TDMAAdvanced TDMA (used with DOCSIS)
ATISAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode protocol
BBBroad Band
BCCHBroadcast Control Channel
BCHBroadcast Channel
BEBest Effort service
BEMSBuilding Energy Management System
BERBit Error Rate (or Ratio)
BIPBit Interleaved Parity
BMCBroadcast Multicast Control
BMSCBroadcast Multicast Service Center
BPLBroadband over Power Lines
B-PONFSAN/ITU-T Broadband PON protocol specified in the ITU-T G.983 series
BRI-ISDNBasic Rate Integrated Services Digital network
BSSBasic Service Set
BTSBase Transceiver Station (for a wireless network)
CACarrier Aggregation
CAPEXCapital Expense
CAPWAPControl and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points
CATVCommunity Access Television
CBRConstant Bit Rate
CBSCommitted Burst Size
CCComponent Carrier
CCAClear Channel Assessment
CCCHCommon Control Channel
CCKComplementary Code Keying
CCOCapacity and Coverage Optimization
CDDCyclic-Delay Diversity
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CENELECEuropean Committee for Electotechnical Standardization
CEPCAConsumer Electronics Powerline Alliance
CESCircuit Emulation Service
CFPContention Free Period
CIFCarrier Indicator Field
CIRCommitted Information Rate
CMCable Modem
CMCIDOCSIS Cable Modem CPE Interface
CMTSDOCSIS Cable Modem Terminating System
CNCore Network
COTelephone company Central Office
CoMPCooperative Multi-Point
CPContention Period
CPCyclic Prefix
CPCContinuous Packet Connectivity
CPECustomer Premises Equipment
CPICHCommon Pilot Channel
List of Abbreviations and Acronymsxxi
CPRICommon Public Radio Interface
CQIChannel Quality Information
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
CRECell Range Expansion
CRSCell-specific Reference Signal
CSCircuit Switched
CSChannel Sensing
CSACarrier Serving Area
CS/CBCoordinated Scheduling/Coordinated Beamforming
CSGClosed Subscriber Group
CSI-RSChannel State Information Reference Signal
CSMCollaborative Spatial Multiplexing
CSMA/CACarrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CSOCell Selection Offset
CTCHCommon Traffic Channel
CTSCommon Technical Specification for G-PON
CVCode Violation
C-VIDCustomer VLAN Identifier (Ethernet)
CWDMCoarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
DACDigital-to-Analog Converter
DASDistributed Antenna System
dBDecibel, ten times the common logarithm of the ration of two powers
DBADynamic Bandwidth Assignment
DBCDynamic Bonding Change (in DOCSIS 3.0)
DBGDownstream Bonding Group (in DOCSIS 3.0)
DBRDynamic Bandwidth Report
DCDirect Current
DCCHDedicated Control Channel
DCFDistributed Coordination Function
DCHDedicated Channel
DCSDownstream Channel Set (in DOCSIS 3.0)
DELTDual Ended Line Test
DEMARCCarrier owned Demarcation device between the carrier and the CPE
DERDistributed Energy Resources
DFEDecision Feedback Equalizer
DFTDiscrete-time Fourier Transform
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIFSDistributed Interframe Spacing
DLCDigital Loop Carrier
DLLData Link Layer
DL-SCHDownlink Shared Channel
DM-RSDemodulation Reference Signal
DMTDiscrete Multi Tone modulation
DOCSISData Over Cable Service Interface Specification
DownstreamData flowing towards the customer
xxiiList of Abbreviations and Acronyms
DPBDynamic Point Blanking
DPCCHDedicated Physical Control Channel
DPDCHDedicated Physical Data Channel
DPoEDOCSIS Protocol over Ethernet protocol
DPSDynamic Point Selection
DPSKDifferential Phase Shift Keying
DQPSKDifferential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
DRDemand Response
DRXDiscontinuous Reception
DSDirect Sequence
DS1Digital Signal level 1 in the North American asynchronous telephone network
DS-CDMADirect Sequence Code Division Multiple Access
DSCPDiffServ Code Point
DSIDDownstream Service ID (in DOCSIS 3.0)
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
DSLAMDSL Access Multiplexer
DSMDynamic Spectrum Management (in DSL)
DSMDemand Side Management (in Smart Grid)
DSPDigital Signal Processing
DSSSDirect Sequence Spread Spectrum
DTXDiscontinuous Transmission
DVBDigital Video Broadcast
DVB-RCSDigital Video Broadcast Return Channel via Satellite
DVB-S2Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite - Second generation
DWDMDense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
E-AGCHEnhanced Absolute Grant Channel
EBSExcess Burst Size
ECHEcho Cancelled Hybrid
eCMembedded Cable Modem
EDCAEnhanced Distributed Channel Access
E-DCHEnhanced Dedicated Channel
EDFAErbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
EDGEEnhanced Data-rates for GSM Evolution
E-DPCCHEnhanced Dedicated Physical Control Channel
E-DPDCHEnhanced Dedicated Physical Data Channel
E-HICHEnhanced HARQ Indicator Channel
eICICEnhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
EIRExcess Information Rate
eMBMSEnhanced Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service
EMCElectro-Magnetic Compatibility
EMSElement Management System
EOElectrical to Optical signal conversion
eOAMExtended OAM messages used in DPoE
EOCEmbedded Operations Channel
EONTEmbedded ONT
eNodeBEvolved Node-B
EPCEvolved Packet Core
List of Abbreviations and Acronymsxxiii
EPONEthernet Passive Optical Network (1 Gbit/s rate)
EPSEvolved Packet System
E-RGCHEnhanced Relative Grant Channel
eSAFEembedded Service/Application Functional Entity
ESPEthernet Service Path
ESSExtended Service Set
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute
E-UTRANEvolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
EVCEthernet Virtual Circuit
EVSEElectric Vehicle Supply Equipment
FACHForward Access Channel
FBIFeedback Information
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FCSFrame Check Sequence
FDDFrequency Division Duplexing
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access
F-DPCHFractional Dedicated Physical Channel
FECForward Error Correction
FeICICFurther Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
FEXTFar End crosstalk
FFTFast Fourier Transform
FHFrequency Hopping
FH-CDMAFrequency Hopping Code Division Multiple Access
FHSSFrequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FITLFiber in the Loop
FNFiber Node (in a HFC network)
FSANFull Service Access Network industry consortium
FSKFrequency Shift Keying
FTTCFiber to the Curb
FTTCabFiber to the Cabinet
FTTCellFiber to the Cell site
FTTHFiber to the Home
FTTNFiber to the Node
FTTOFiber to the Office
FTTPFiber to the Premises
G.hnITU-T G.9960/9961 home networking standard
G.hsITU-T G.994.1 DSL handshake protocol
G.liteITU-T G.992.2 reduced complexity ADSL
G.ltITU-T G.996.2 standard for DSL line test functions
G.testITU-T G.996.1 standard for testing of DSL modems
GBRGuaranteed Bit Rate
GEGigabit/s Ethernet
GEMG-PON Encapsulation Method
GERANGSM Edge Radio Access Network
GFPGeneric Framing Procedure specified in ITU-T G.7041
GGSNGateway GPRS Support Node
xxivList of Abbreviations and Acronyms
GMSCGateway Mobile Switching Center
GPGuard Period
G-PONFSAN/ITU-T Gigabit-capable PON protocol specified in the ITU-T G.984 series
GPRSGSM Packet Radio System
gPTPgeneralized Precision Timing Protocol
GSMGlobal System for Mobile communications
GTCG-PON Transmission Convergence
HANHome Area Network
HARQHybrid Automatic Repeat Request
HCFHybrid Coordination Function
HD-PLCHigh Definition Power Line Communication
HDRHigh Data Rate
HDSLHigh bit rate Digital Subscriber Line
HDSL2High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line, 2 wire version
HDSL4High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line, 4 wire version
HEHead End
HECHeader Error Check
HEMSHome Energy Management System
HetNetHeterogeneous Network
HFHigh Frequency
HFCHybrid Fiber-Coaxial cable network
HLRHome Location Register
HSDPAHigh Speed Downlink Packet Access
HS-DPCCHHigh Speed Dedicated Physical Control Channel
HS-DSCHHigh Speed Downlink Shared Channel
HSPAHigh Speed Packet Access
HS-PDSCHHigh Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel
HS-SCCHHigh Speed Shared Control Channel
HSSHome Subscriber Server
HSUPAHigh Speed Uplink Packet Access
HVHigh Voltage
IADIntegrated Access Device
ICICInter-cell Interference Coordination
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IEDIntelligent Electronic Devices
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
IFSInter-Frame Spacing
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
IMTInternational Mobile Telecommunications
IPInternet Protocol
IP-HSDDOCSIS IP High-Speed Data service
IPPInter-PHY Protocol
IPTVTelevision delivered over Internet Protocol
IPv6Internet Protocol version 6
IRIncremental Redundancy
List of Abbreviations and Acronymsxxv
IRCInterference Rejection Combining
IS-54A second generation cellular standard
IS-136A second generation cellular standard, an improvement on IS-54ISI Intersymbol
ISIInter-symbol Interference
ISMIndustrial, Scientific, and Medical
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISPInternet Service Provider
ISPIEEE 1901 Inter System Protocol
ITU-TInternational Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication Standardization Sector
JPJoint Processing
JTJoint Transmission
kftkilofeet (length of wire)
LANLocal Area Network
LDPCLow Density Parity Check
LDRLow Data Rate
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LFLow Frequency
LLIDEthernet Logical Link Identifier
LOFLoss Of Frame
LoSLine of Sight
LOSLoss Of Signal
LSBLeast Significant Bit
LTELong Term Evolution (mobile telephone standard)
LVLow Voltage
MACMedium Access Control
MANMetro Area Network
MBMS-GWMultimedia Broadcast Multicast Service Gateway
MBRMaximum Bit Rate
MBSFNMulticast Broadcast Single Frequency Network
MCCAMCF Controlled Channel Access
MCEMulticell/Multicast Coordination Entity
MCFMesh Coordination Function
MCSModulation and Coding Scheme
MEFMetro Ethernet Forum
MELTMetallic line test
MFMedium Frequency
MF-TDMAMulti-Frequency Time Division Multiple Access
MIBManagement Information Base
MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Out
MLBMobility Load Balancing
xxviList of Abbreviations and Acronyms
MLMEMAC Layer Management Entity
MMEMobility Management Entity
MMSEMinimum Mean Squared Error
MoCAMultimedia over Coax Alliance
ModemModulator/Demodulator, a transceiver
MPCPDUMulti-Point Control Protocol PDU
MPDUMAC Protocol Data Unit
MPEGMotion Picture Experts Group video compression standards
MRCMaximal Ratio Combining
MROMobility Robustness Optimization
MSBMost Significant Bit
MSCMobile Switching Center
MSDUMAC Service Data Unit
MSOMultiple System Operator (cable network operator)
MTAMultimedia Terminal Adapter
MTLMulti-Conductor Transmission Line
MU-MIMOMulti-user Multiple Input Multiple Output
MVMedium Voltage
NACKNegative Acknowledgement
NASNon-Access Stratum
NAVNetwork Allocation Vector
NBNarrow Band
NENetwork Element
NEXTnear end crosstalk
NG-PONFSAN/ITU-T Next Generation PON protocol
NINetwork Interface
NIDNetwork Interface Device
NMSNetwork Management System
Node-BBase Station in a third generation cellular system
nrt-PSNon-real-time Poling Service (DOCSIS)
NRZNon-Return to Zero line code
NSRNon-Status Reporting
NTUNetwork Termination Units
OAMOperations, Administration and Maintenance
OAM&POperations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning
OBSAIOpen Base Station Architecture Initiative
ODNOptical Distribution Network
OEOptical to Electrical signal conversion
OEOOptical to Electrical to Optical signal conversion (repeater)
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OFDMAOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
OLTOptical Line Terminal
OLUOptical Line Unit
OMCCONU Management and Control Channel
OMCIONU Management and Control Interface
ONTOptical Network Terminal
ONUOptical Network Unit
List of Abbreviations and Acronymsxxvii
OTNOptical Transport Network (ITU-T G.709)
OVSFOrthogonal Variable Spreading Factor
PAMPulse Amplitude Modulation
PAPPriority Action Plan
PBCHPhysical Broadcast Channel
PBRPrioritized Bit Rate
PCBPhysical layer Control Block
PCCPrimary Component Carrier
PCCHPaging Control Channel
PCCPCHPrimary Common Control Physical Channel
PCFPoint Coordination Function
PCFICHPhysical Control Format Indicator Channel
PCHPaging Channel
PCIPre-coder Indicator
PCMMPacket Cable Multi-Media protocol
PCRFPolicy and Charging Rules Function
PDCCHPhysical Downlink Control Channel
PDCPPacket Data Convergence Protocol
PDFAPraseodymium Doped Fiber Amplifier
PDNPacket Data Network
PDNPremises Distribution Network
PDSCHPhysical Downlink Shared Channel
PDUProtocol Data Unit
PEINProlonged Electrical Impulse Noise
PFProportionally Fair
P-GWPDN Gateway
PHEVPlug-in (Hybrid) Electric Vehicles
PHICHPhysical HARQ Indicator Channel
PHSPayload Header Suppression
PHYPhysical Layer
PIFSPCF Inter-Frame Spacing
PINPhoto diode constructed with P-type, Intrinsic, and N-type semiconductor regions
PLPower Line
PLCPower Line Communications
PLCPPhysical Layer Convergence Procedure
PLIPayload Length Indicator
PLOPhysical Layer Overhead
PLOAMPhysical Layer OAM
PMCHPhysical Multicast Channel
PMDPhysical Medium Dependent sublayer
PMIPrecoding Matrix Indicator
PMS-TCPhysical media specific transmission convergence sublayer
PONPassive Optical Network
POTSPlain Old Telephone Service
PRACHPhysical Random Access Channel
PRBPhysical Resource Block
PRIMEPowerline Related Intelligent Metering
PSPacket Switched
xxviiiList of Abbreviations and Acronyms
PSBPhysical Layer Synchronization Block
PSDPower Spectral Density
PSSPrimary Synchronization Signal
PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
PTIPayload Type Indicator
PTPPrecision Timing Protocol
PUCCHPhysical Uplink Control Channel
PUSCHPhysical Uplink Shared Channel
QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation
QCIQoS Class Identifier
QoSQuality of Service
RACHRandom Access Channel
RANRadio Access Network
RATRadio Access Technology
RBResource Block
RCSRipple Carrier Signaling
RDIRemote Defect Indication
REResource Element
REINRepetitive Electrical Impulse Noise
RFRadio Frequency
RFIRadio Frequency Interference
RFoGRadio Frequency over Glass
RIRank Indicator
RITRadio Interface Technology
RLCRadio Link Control
RMS-DBRoot Mean Square - Delay Spread
RNCRadio Network Controller
RoFRadio over Fiber
RoHCRobust Header Compression
R-ONURFoG Optical Network Unit
RPReception Point
RRCRadio Resource Control
RRHRemote Radio Head
RSReed Solomon
RSOAReflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
RTRemote Terminal
RTDRound Trip Delay
rt-PSReal-time Poling Service (DOCSIS)
RTTRound Trip Time
SASystem Architecture
SAESociety of Automotive Engineers
SAIServing Area Interface
SCADASupervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCBSingle Copy Broadcast Ethernet frame
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