Wilcoxon iT300, iT301 Installation And Operating Manual

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91457 Rev. C
Please read this manual thoroughly before making electrical connections and applying power to the module. Following the instructions in this manual will ensure the transmitter delivers optimum performance.
Newer versions of firmware may occasionally be released to address known bugs or add new features. Make sure you always use the latest firmware version and product documentation. Both can be found at www.wilcoxon.com.
iT300 Series
Intelligent Configurable Transmitters
Installation and Operating Manual
Models iT300 and iT301
Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies an Amphenol Company Germantown, MD 20876 USA Page 1 of 59
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91457 Rev. C
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2 Description .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Key features ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 General features (all models) ...................................................................................................................................................7
3.2 iT301 advanced features ..........................................................................................................................................................7
4 Abbreviations used in this manual ...................................................................................................... 8
5 Safety Regulations and Installation Notes ........................................................................................... 8
5.1 Safety summary ........................................................................................................................................................................8
5.2 Declaration of conformity ........................................................................................................................................................8
6 iT300 family overview ......................................................................................................................... 9
7 System diagrams ................................................................................................................................. 9
7.1 Major system components ......................................................................................................................................................9
7.2 Basic circuit diagram .................................................................................................................................................................9
7.3 Isolation diagram ......................................................................................................................................................................9
8 Front panel LEDs ............................................................................................................................... 10
8.1 Operating modes ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
9 IO ports and signal assignments ........................................................................................................ 11
9.1 Terminal block locations and pin numbers ........................................................................................................................... 11
9.2 Terminal block pin and signal assignments .......................................................................................................................... 11
10 Electrical connections and wiring ...................................................................................................... 12
10.1 ESD precaution .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
10.2 Pluggable terminal blocks ................................................................................................................................................. 12
10.3 Sensor/transducer connections ....................................................................................................................................... 12
10.4 4-20 mA current loop connections ................................................................................................................................... 13
10.5 Dynamic output connections ........................................................................................................................................... 13
10.6 Signal relay connections (iT301) ....................................................................................................................................... 13
10.7 Power supply input connections ...................................................................................................................................... 13
10.8 Cable shielding and earth ground connections ............................................................................................................... 14
11 Power-up .......................................................................................................................................... 14
12 IO ports – detailed description .......................................................................................................... 15
12.1 Vibration sensor input ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
12.1.1 Constant current IEPE power source ........................................................................................................................... 15
12.1.2 BOV acceptable range and sensor fault detection ...................................................................................................... 15
12.2 Temperature sensor input ................................................................................................................................................ 16
12.3 4-20 mA current loop outputs .......................................................................................................................................... 16
12.3.1 Loop error state when sensor fault detected .............................................................................................................. 16
12.3.2 Loop force mode (test mode) ...................................................................................................................................... 16
12.4 Power supply input ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
12.5 BNC dynamic signal output............................................................................................................................................... 16
13 TBUS ................................................................................................................................................. 17
13.1 Stacking modules .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
13.2 Powering via the TBUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
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14 DIN rail assembly and removal .......................................................................................................... 17
14.1 Requirements for installation ........................................................................................................................................... 17
14.2 DIN rail mounting .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
14.3 Preparing the DIN rail TBUS connectors........................................................................................................................... 18
14.4 Installing the module onto the DIN rail ............................................................................................................................ 18
14.5 Removing the module from the DIN rail .......................................................................................................................... 18
15 HTTP web server ............................................................................................................................... 19
15.1 10/100 Ethernet ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
15.2 Browser support ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
15.3 Establishing a network connection (PC, Laptop) ............................................................................................................. 19
15.3.1 Adjusting network adapter settings ............................................................................................................................. 20
15.4 Establishing a network connection .................................................................................................................................. 21
15.5 Accessing the web server ................................................................................................................................................. 21
16 User Interface (UI) ............................................................................................................................. 21
16.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21
16.2 Layout................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
16.3 Sample UI ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
16.4 Configurable parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 24
16.5 Default configuration ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
17 Configuring the transmitter ............................................................................................................... 25
17.1 Access control .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
17.2 Restoring factory defaults ................................................................................................................................................. 25
17.3 Typical configuration flow ................................................................................................................................................. 25
17.4 Parameter interdependencies .......................................................................................................................................... 26
17.5 Highlighting of altered settings ......................................................................................................................................... 26
18 User-configurable parameters ........................................................................................................... 27
18.1 Machine information ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
18.2 Sensor input and averaging time ...................................................................................................................................... 27
18.2.1 Sensor type.................................................................................................................................................................... 27
18.2.2 Sensitivity ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
18.2.3 Averaging time .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
18.2.4 Sensor power source .................................................................................................................................................... 27
18.2.5 Serial number ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
18.3 Frequency range ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
18.3.1 F
18.3.2 F
18.4 Processing bands ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
18.4.1 Output type ................................................................................................................................................................... 28
18.4.2 F
18.4.3 F
18.4.4 Detector type ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
18.5 True peak detection .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
18.5.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29
18.5.2 True peak detector response and decay times ........................................................................................................... 29
18.6 Measurement results ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
18.6.1 Vibration measurement results ................................................................................................................................... 30
18.6.2 Temperature measurement ......................................................................................................................................... 30
18.6.3 BOV monitor ................................................................................................................................................................. 30
................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
............................................................................................................................................................................... 28
................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
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91457 Rev. C
18.7 4-20 mA current loops ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
18.7.1 Loop driving source ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
18.7.2 Loop full scale ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
18.7.3 Destination .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
18.7.4 Loop status .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
18.7.5 Testing the loops using force mode ............................................................................................................................. 31
18.8 Alerts and alarms (iT301) .................................................................................................................................................. 32
18.8.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
18.8.2 Result status alerts ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
18.8.3 Alert limits ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
18.8.4 Alarm Delay time .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
18.8.5 Alarm Hold time ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
18.8.6 Alarm Status .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
18.8.7 Clearing alarms ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
18.9 Signal relay (iT301) ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
18.9.1 Mapping alarms to the relay ........................................................................................................................................ 33
18.9.2 Testing the relay using force mode .............................................................................................................................. 33
18.9.3 Example – Alarm behavior ........................................................................................................................................... 34
19 User-action controls .......................................................................................................................... 35
19.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
19.2 Saving the current configuration to a file ......................................................................................................................... 35
19.3 Loading a configuration from a file ................................................................................................................................... 35
19.4 Changing the user name and password ........................................................................................................................... 35
19.5 Restoring factory default settings ..................................................................................................................................... 36
19.6 Updating the module firmware ........................................................................................................................................ 36
20 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 37
20.1 Fault conditions ................................................................................................................................................................. 37
20.2 Unexpected behavior ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
21 Application example ......................................................................................................................... 39
22 Maintenance and calibration ............................................................................................................ 40
23 Warranty ........................................................................................................................................... 40
24 Technical assistance and customer service ........................................................................................ 40
24.1 Module information .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
24.2 Technical assistance........................................................................................................................................................... 40
24.3 Customer service ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
25 Accessories ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix A: Technical data ........................................................................................................................ 41
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91457 Rev. C
Appendix B: Modbus (iT301) ..................................................................................................................... 44
Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Modbus-TCP ............................................................................................................................................................................... 44
RS485 serial interface modes .................................................................................................................................................... 44
RTU mode .............................................................................................................................................................................. 44
ASCII mode ............................................................................................................................................................................. 45
RS485 serial data bus ..................................................................................................................................................................... 45
RS485 connections ..................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Activating the RS485 termination resistor ................................................................................................................................ 46
Line Polarization ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
RS485 serial interface configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 47
Slave address .............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
RTU/ASC II format ...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Baud rate .................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Parity ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Stop bits ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Object types .................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Discrete Inputs ........................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Input Registers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Holding Registers ........................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Function Codes ............................................................................................................................................................................... 48
02 - Read input status ................................................................................................................................................................ 48
03 - Read holding registers ........................................................................................................................................................ 48
04 - Read input registers ............................................................................................................................................................ 48
Data types ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Boolean ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Binary .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Bitwise ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 49
ASCII ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 49
Floating point ............................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Byte ordering .................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Examples – reading Modbus registers........................................................................................................................................... 50
Reading a discrete input ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
Reading discrete inputs.............................................................................................................................................................. 51
Reading input registers .............................................................................................................................................................. 51
Reading holding registers .......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Reading holding registers .......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Reading the module IP address ................................................................................................................................................. 53
Reading the module IP address via Modbus-TCP ..................................................................................................................... 54
RS485 Modbus troubleshooting guide.......................................................................................................................................... 55
Modbus Register tables.................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Discrete Inputs (1X references) - Alerts, Alarms, Status ........................................................................................................... 56
Input Registers (3X references) - Measurement results, module information ....................................................................... 56
Holding Registers (4X references) - User configurable parameters ......................................................................................... 57
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91457 Rev. C
Diagrams & Figures
Figure 1 - Major system components .................................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 2 - Basic circuit diagram ..........................................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 3 - Isolation diagram................................................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 4 - IO port and terminal block locations .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 5 - Sensor connections .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6 - 4-20 mA current loop connections .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 7 - Dynamic output connections .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8 - Relay connections ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9 - Power supply connections ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 10 - Maximum input signal swing with 12V BOV................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 11 - RC coupling circuit ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 12 - Stacking modules ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 13 - User Interface (1 of 2) .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 14 - True Peak detector behavior ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 15 - Effect of Alarm Delay and Hold times on alarm behavior ........................................................................................................... 34
Figure 16 - Application example ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 17 - RS485 terminal block connections ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 18 - RS485 TBUS terminal locations ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 19 - Proper RS485 terminations ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 20 - RS485 termination DIP switch location ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 21 - Big endian byte ordering ............................................................................................................................................................... 49
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91457 Rev. C
1 Introduction
This document contains information on the installation, configuration and operation of the iT300 Series of Intelligent Transmitters. The vibration transmitters are designed and manufactured in the USA by Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies, Germantown, Maryland.
2 Description
The iT300 Series of configurable transmitter modules perform acquisition and processing of dynamic vibration signals. The transmitters are field configurable. Configurable parameters include: input signal type, measurement bandwidth, detector type, output type, English or metric measurement units, 4-20 mA driving source and full-scale range. Configuration may be performed in the field, using a common web browser. No custom or proprietary software is required. There are no hardware jumpers to set.
The iT300/301 transmitters accept vibration signals from piezoelectric (IEPE-type) accelerometers, piezovelocity transducers (PVT™) and other sensors with comparable electrical characteristics. They also feature an input for connection to a Model 786T-type (or compatible) temperature sensor.
The iT300/301 transmitter module conditions, digitizes and processes the input signal using powerful DSP technology. All filtering, frequency selection, sub-sampling and power detection is performed digitally, for consistent, reliable results. Selected measurement results are then scaled and converted to dual 4-20 mA analog outputs. On iT301 models, measurement results and operational status are also mapped to Modbus digital outputs.
iT300/301 transmitters are housed in a durable plastic enclosure with a 35 mm DIN rail mount. The transmitter front panel features multiple LEDs, a BNC connector for the buffered sensor output, a “factory restore” push-button switch, and a standard RJ45 jack for the Ethernet connection. The LEDs provide at-a­glance operational status and indicate when power, sensor and 4-20 mA loops are correctly connected to the transmitter and working properly. Removable, uniquely-keyed terminal blocks allow for easy wiring and ensure correct terminal block installation into the various transmitter IO ports.
3 Key features
3.1 General features (all models)
Field configurable via standard web browser 0.2 Hz – 20 kHz signal bandwidth (-3.0 dB, -0.1 dB) 20 V p-p sensor input range, >90 dB dynamic range DSP signal processing with 1,600-line FFT Built-in 4.5 mA constant current source for IEPE sensors Buffered sensor output on the front-panel BNC connector Buffered, dynamic signal outputs on terminal block RMS, peak and peak-to-peak detection Fast, true-peak detector for capturing short transients and
Dual, 4-20 mA active current loop outputs with diagnostic
test mode
Two configurable frequency bands Digital acceleration-to-velocity or velocity-to-displacement
conversion, based on sensor type
Selectable English or metric measurement units 6-way isolated (500 VAC) IO ports to prevent ground loops Wide, 11-32 VDC power supply input with reverse polarity
and transient protection
TBUS power and data buses ESD and short circuit protection on all ports Pluggable, individually-keyed terminal blocks with screw
terminals on all ports
Multiple front panel LED status indicators Front panel factory restore switch Auto-MDIX 10/100 Ethernet with HTTP web server Field upgradable firmware 35 mm DIN rail mounting, stackable on TBUS 4-terminal wide (22.5 mm) modular housing Wide operating temperature range of -40 °C to +70 °C CE approvals, RoHS compliant
3.2 iT301 advanced features
Configurable alarms Relay output with NO/NC contacts and test mode Modbus over RS485 Modbus TCP over Ethernet
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91457 Rev. C
4 Abbreviations used in this manual
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange BOV Bias Output Voltage (DC) BPS Bits Per Second DCS Distributed Control System DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung DSP Digital Signal Processor/Processing EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility ESD Electrostatic Discharge FFT Fast Fourier Transform HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEPE Integrated Electronics Piezo Electric IO Input-Output IPS Inches Per Second LAN Local Area Network LED Light Emitting Diode mA milliamps ms milliseconds mV millivolts MDIX Medium Dependent Interface Crossover NC Normally closed NO Normally open PLC Programmable Logic Controller RMS Root-mean-square RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive RTU Remote Terminal Unit SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SNR Signal-to-Noise-Ratio UI User Interface
5 Safety Regulations and Installation
WARNING: This symbol indicates a caution or warning that, if ignored, could cause damage to the product or connected equipment.
This symbol indicates a technical tip or advice on operation that provides helpful information on how to use or configure the module.
WARNING: Risk of electric shock
During operation, certain parts of this device may carry
hazardous voltages. Disregarding this warning may result in damage to equipment and/or serious personal injury.
Provide a switch/circuit breaker close to the device, which is
labeled as the disconnect device for this device or the entire control cabinet.
Provide overcurrent protection (I ≤ 6 A) in the installation.
Disconnect the device from all power sources during
maintenance work and configuration (the device can remain connected to SELV or PELV circuits).
5.1 Safety summary
Because this product is designed to be used in an industrial
environment, personnel involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this instrument should be familiar with all plant safety requirements before using this product. Only qualified personnel should perform installation and service.
The transmitter must not be opened. There are no user
serviceable parts within the product. Do not attempt to repair or modify the module. Replace the module only with an equivalent device.
The IP20 ingress protection rating (IEC 60529/EN 60529)
implies the module is intended for installation and use only in a clean and dry environment. The module must not be subjected to stresses or thermal conditions which exceed the specified limits.
The device is not designed for use in atmospheres with a
danger of dust explosions. If dust is present, the module must be installed within an approved housing, whereby the surface temperature of the housing must be taken into consideration.
Use common sense and avoid haste during installation and
operation of this product.
5.2 Declaration of conformity
This product complies with the standards for:
Electrical safety according to EN61010-1 Limits and methods of measurement of radio
disturbance characteristics
Limits for harmonic current emissions RoHS Directive, 2011/65/EU
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91457 Rev. C
Sensor/transducer inputs
Buffered, dynamic outputs
Signal relay contacts*
4-20 mA current loop outputs
Power input / RS485 serial interface*
LED indicators
Factory restore / alarm clear button
Ethernet connection
Buffered sensor output BNC connection
TBUS card-edge connector
DIN rail
12 3 4
6 iT300 family overview
iT300 Base model. Accepts input from IEPE
accelerometers or velocity transducers. Temperature sensor input.
iT301 Same as iT300, but adds: alarm capability, signal
relay output, Modbus over RS485, Modbus-TCP.
7 System diagrams
7.1 Major system components
Figure 1 - Major system components
7.2 Basic circuit diagram
Shown below are the major functional blocks of the transmitter.
Figure 2 - Basic circuit diagram
7.3 Isolation diagram
The transmitter features 500 VAC functional isolation between six zones: 1.) power input, 2.) sensor input, 3.) 4-20 mA outputs,
4.) Ethernet-LAN, 5.) RS485, 6.) signal relay. Figure 3 shows the isolation zones.
*iT301 only
Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies an Amphenol Company Germantown, MD 20876 USA Page 9 of 59
Figure 3 - Isolation diagram
CAUTION! Functional or operational isolation is necessary
only for the correct functioning of the product. It does not protect or isolate against electrical shock.
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91457 Rev. C
8 Front panel LEDs
8.1 Operating modes
Multiple LEDs, located on the front panel, indicate the module’s operating modes.
The green PWR LED indicates power and test mode status.
OFF Unit not powered ON Normal operating mode BLINKING One or more test modes active (4-20 mA loops or signal relay)
RLY (iT301) The yellow RLY LED indicates the relay status.
OFF Relay not energized
(NO contacts = open, NC contacts = closed)
ON Relay energized
(NO contacts = closed, NC contacts = open)
The red ERR LED indicates system and connection faults.
OFF No faults – normal operation ON Sensor fault (priority) BLINKING 4-20 mA loop fault
See section 20 “Troubleshooting” for information about correcting fault conditions.
RS485 (iT301) The yellow RS485 LED indicates RS485 data activity.
OFF Non-matching address/RS485 idle FLASH RS485 Modbus packet with matching slave
address received
The RS485 LED will flash each time the module receives a Modbus packet that contains a matching slave address. Data packets not addressed to the module are ignored and do not cause LED activity.
Ethernet Status
Green and yellow LEDs, located on the RJ45 jack, provide status of the Ethernet interface.
Yellow (Link speed)
OFF 10 Mbps ON 100 Mbps
Green (Link/activity)
OFF No link ON Link established (blinks with link activity)
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91457 Rev. C
IO Port
Terminal numbers and
signal assignments
Vibration sensor
1 – No connection 2 – Temperature sensor in (T+) 3 – Signal in / Sensor Power (IN+) 4 – Circuit Common (COM)
Temperature dynamic output
5 – Circuit Common (COM) 6 – Temperature out (T)
Sensor dynamic output
7 – Circuit Common (COM) 8 – Sensor out (SENS)
Signal relay*
9 – Normally closed (NC) 10 – Relay common (COM) 11 – Normally open (NO) 12 – Relay common (COM)
4-20 mA Loop B
13 – B­14 – B+
4-20 mA Loop A
15 – A­16 – A+
Power input
17 – P­18 – P+
19 – (D)A 20 – (D)B
5 8 6
1 4 2
12 9 11
9 IO ports and signal assignments
9.1 Terminal block locations and pin numbers
*iT301 only
Figure 4 - IO port and terminal block locations
9.2 Terminal block pin and signal assignments
* iT301 only
Table 1 - Terminal numbers and signal assignments
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91457 Rev. C
Signal Out/Power in (A)
Common (B)
Temperature out (C)
(3) Signal in/Sensor power
(4) Common
(2) Temperature in
10 Electrical connections and wiring
10.1 ESD precaution
CAUTION! electrostatic discharge
Although the transmitter contains ESD suppression devices on all IO ports, components still can be damaged or destroyed by large magnitude electrostatic discharge. When handling the module or making electrical connections, observe the necessary safety precautions against ESD according to EN 61340-5-1 and IEC 61340-5-1. This will reduce the possibility of damage caused by ESD.
10.2 Pluggable terminal blocks
CAUTION! Electrical connections should not be made
with power applied to the module.
All electrical connections to the transmitter are made using pluggable terminal blocks. The removable terminal blocks have screw terminals for easy wiring and are uniquely keyed to ensure correct installation into the various transmitter IO ports.
10.3 Sensor/transducer connections
Connect the IEPE vibration sensor as shown in ”Figure 5 - Sensor connections”.
Figure 5 - Sensor connections
A 786T accelerometer with a temperature output utilizes the temperature input on terminal #2. The temperature portion of the sensor is powered by the accelerometer circuit.
Note: Connection of a temperature sensor is optional.
The terminal blocks accept 12 AWG through 24 AWG size wire (cable cross section: 0.2...2.5 mm²).
To make a connection to a terminal block:
1. Strip wire to 0.25” (6.4 mm)
2. Optionally, install a ferrule onto the wire and crimp securely
3. Insert the wire into the terminal block
4. Use a flat-blade screwdriver to tighten the screw to a torque
of 0.6 Nm (2.1 oz/in)
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91457 Rev. C
(16) LOOP A OUT+
(15) LOOP A OUT− 
(14) LOOP B OUT+
(13) LOOP B OUT− 
PLC, DCS, etc
(9) NC
(10) COM
(11) NO
(12) COM
Monitoring Equipment
(7) COM
(5) COM
Monitoring Equipment
Power Supply
24 VDC+
(18) P+
 (17) P−
10.4 4-20 mA current loop connections
Route the Loop A and Loop B 4-20 mA outputs to a compatible monitoring system as shown, being careful to use a properly sized load resistor. The transmitter sources the voltage and current for both loops.
Figure 6 - 4-20 mA current loop connections
Caution: The 4-20 mA outputs will not work with
externally powered loops.
Tech tip! If a 4−20 mA output is not required by the
application or is to remain unconnected, the loop must be disabled, via the UI, to prevent a current loop fault from being indicated by the transmitter. By default, Loop A is enabled and Loop B is disabled. See section 18.7, “4-20 mA current loops” for information on how to configure the current loop outputs.
10.5 Dynamic output connections
A buffered, unfiltered version of the AC vibration sensor signal, riding on the BOV, is available as a terminal block output. This output is in parallel with the front-panel BNC connector.
A buffered and low-pass-filtered version of temperature sensor signal is also available as a terminal block output.
All dynamic outputs are short circuit protected and have a 50 Ω output impedance.
Figure 7 - Dynamic output connections
10.6 Signal relay connections (iT301)
A mechanical relay provides both normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC) contacts on a single terminal block. The contacts can be wired to the monitoring equipment, as required by the application. The operation of the relay is configured via the UI.
Figure 8 - Relay connections
The relay contacts are rated 30 volts DC, 2A and are electrically isolated from all other internal circuits.
Tech tip! The relay “COM” terminals are simply the center
pole of the relay contacts. They are not connected to any other circuit “common.”
10.7 Power supply input connections
Connect a 24-volt DC (11 – 32 volts, allowable) power source to the power input terminals, as shown. Optionally, the module may be powered via the TBUS.
Figure 9 - Power supply connections
WARNING: The supply voltage must not exceed 33 volts or
damage to the module may occur.
WARNING: The maximum current handling capacity of the power supply input terminals is 4 amps. When using these terminals to supply power to the TBUS, do not exceed the 4-amp rating.
WARNING: The iT300 TBUS is NOT compatible with older Wilcoxon Research iT100/200, iT401 or iT501 series modules. When connecting modules via the TBUS, connect only iT300 series modules together on the same bus. Do not connect any other types of modules or devices to an iT300 TBUS. Doing so may result in damage to the modules.
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10.8 Cable shielding and earth ground connections
Shielding and proper earth grounding are important for the mitigation of interference and proper operation of the transmitter. A good shield connection prevents egress of transmitted signals and ingress of interfering sources. Faulty shield connections, along with the presence of external sources of interference, can adversely affect signal integrity. Ensure all cable shields are properly terminated and connected correctly, as required by the application.
There is no “shield” or earth ground connection on the transmitter module. Cable shields should be properly connected to protective earth (PE) ground external to the transmitter, as called for by the application. For best electrical performance, cable shields should be terminated as close as possible to the transmitter.
Wilcoxon provides enclosures with integrated grounding bus bars that are located in proximity with the DIN rail. The bus bar should be connected to a central earthing point using short, low­impedance connections with a large surface area.
To facilitate connecting cable shields to earth ground, DIN-mount shield connection clamps and grounding terminal blocks are available from Wilcoxon. See section 25, “Accessories” for a complete list of items to complement the installation and operation of the transmitter.
The type of shield connection should be determined by the expected operating environment:
Connecting the shield at only one equipment end works to
suppress interference caused by electrical fields.
Connecting the shield at both equipment ends works to
suppress interference caused by dynamic magnetic fields. When connecting the shield at both ends, the possibility of ground loops must be considered; galvanic disturbances along the reference potential can interfere with the signal, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the shielding.
11 Power-up
After all wires are connected, power can be applied to the module. The module begins its power-up sequence immediately after power is applied. There is no on-off switch.
During power-up, all front-panel LED indicators will illuminate for three seconds while a self-check is performed. After the unit has completed its self-check, the green PWR LED will remain on. If the transmitter passes its self-test and the sensor and primary 4­20 mA loop are connected correctly, the red ERR LED will be off.
See section 8, “Front panel LEDs” for detailed explanation of LEDs and unit operating status.
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Tel: +1 800 WILCOXON
Fax: +1 (301) 330-8873
91457 Rev. C
-3dB frequency
10 µF
6 Hz
47 µF
1.2 Hz
100 µF
0.6 Hz
330 µF
0.2 Hz
12 IO ports – detailed description
12.1 Vibration sensor input
The transmitter has been designed to accept signals from piezoelectric (IEPE-type) accelerometers, velocity transducers and other compatible sensors that have a BOV of approximately 12 volts. This allows the maximum input signal swing without clipping. If the BOV deviates significantly from 12 volts, the maximum allowable input signal swing and dynamic range will be reduced accordingly. The analog input circuitry is powered by +24 VDC.
Figure 10 - Maximum input signal swing with 12V BOV
12.1.1 Constant current IEPE power source
12.1.2 BOV acceptable range and sensor fault detection
The module continuously monitors and reports the BOV of the sensor signal. If the DC level falls outside the acceptable range, a sensor fault will be indicated. When a sensor fault is detected, the UI will display “Fault” next to the BOV reading and the front- panel ERR LED will illuminate. A sensor fault will cause the 4- 20 mA loop current to be set to 2 mA on each enabled loop. A loop current of less than 4 mA conveys the fault condition to the 4-20 mA monitoring equipment. This complies with NAMUR NE43.
For the iT300, the acceptable range for the BOV is 5 to 16 volts and is not user adjustable. For the iT301, the acceptable range for the sensor BOV can be adjusted via UI.
If a sensor fault is indicated, the sensor BOV should be checked with an isolated (hand-held) DC voltmeter at the BNC connector and verified it is within the acceptable range. The BOV is also displayed on the UI. See section 20, ”Troubleshooting” for more information on sensor faults.
The built-in current source (IEPE Power) is enabled by default and supplies a nominal 4.5 mA to the attached sensor. The current source can be disabled, via the UI, to allow the connection of an external voltage.
Tech tip! In all cases, the input signal must have a DC bias of
at least +5.5 volts. Signal sources not compliant with this requirement can use the biasing circuit shown below. If more information is required, contact Wilcoxon technical support.
Figure 11 - RC coupling circuit
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Tel: +1 (301) 330-8811
Tel: +1 800 WILCOXON
Fax: +1 (301) 330-8873
91457 Rev. C
12.2 Temperature sensor input
The transmitter supports a 786T-type (or similar) accelerometer with temperature sensor with a sensitivity of 10 mV/°C. The input range for the temperature signal is 0 VDC to +1.2 VDC. Before being passed to the processing circuitry and dynamic output terminals, the temperature input signal is low-pass filtered to remove noise and high frequency content.
Connection of a temperature sensor is optional. If a temperature sensor is not connected, the transmitter will read a temperature of approximately 0 °C (32 °F).
12.3 4-20 mA current loop outputs
The transmitter provides two analog, 4-20 mA current loop outputs. The outputs are usually wired to a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or a Distributed Control System (DCS). The loop current is proportional to the measurement result that is mapped as the loop driving source. Measurement results (process variables) are mapped to the current loops via the UI.
Both current loop outputs are “active.” That is, the outputs source the voltage and current for the loops and are designed to be connected to a passive, resistive load. The total loop resistance, including the load resistor, should not exceed 500 Ω.
If the loop resistance is too high or if an output is unconnected, a loop fault will be detected by the module. When a loop fault is detected, “Fault” will be displayed in the Level (mA) field on the UI and the ERR LED on the front panel will blink. If a loop is not needed in the application or is to remain unconnected, it should be disabled via the UI. Disabling the loop will set the current to 0 mA and prevent a loop fault from being indicated.
By default, the primary loop (Loop A) is enabled and the secondary loop (Loop B) is disabled. These settings may be
changed via the UI.
Loop compliance voltage is 15 volts, ±5%. The current loop outputs are electrically isolated from all other internal circuitry and are protected from short circuits.
Caution: The 4-20 mA outputs will not work with
externally powered loops.
12.3.1 Loop error state when sensor fault detected
The transmitter complies with Namur NE43 recommendations for indicating a sensor fault to a control system by means of the 4-20 mA signal. If the transmitter detects a fault with the
vibration sensor input, the current in the enabled loops will be set to 2 mA. This conveys the condition of a sensor fault to the 4­20 mA monitoring equipment. See section 12.1.2, “BOV acceptable range and sensor fault detection”.
12.3.2 Loop force mode (test mode)
A loop test function is provided to allow loop current to be forced to any value between zero and 20 mA. This feature permits testing of the loops and receiving equipment using various, user-defined currents. When either loop is placed in test mode, a green indicator on the UI and the PWR LED on the front panel will both blink. Test mode is controlled via the UI. See section 18.7.5 for details.
12.4 Power supply input
A 24-volt DC power source is normally used to power the transmitter. To provide greater installation flexibility, the power source voltage may range from 11 volts to 32 volts DC. This allows the use of power supplies with outputs other than 24 volts. The power inputs are protected from a reverse polarity condition and are electrically isolated from all other internal circuitry.
WARNING: The power supply voltage must not exceed 33
volts or damage to the module may occur.
WARNING: The maximum current handling capacity of the power supply input terminals is 4 amps. When using these terminals to supply power to the TBUS, do not exceed the 4-amp rating.
12.5 BNC dynamic signal output
A buffered sensor output is available on the front-panel BNC connector. This allows live, on-line signal analysis and testing of the sensor. This analog output is a buffered version of the raw, unfiltered sensor signal allowing full spectrum analysis.
The BNC output is short circuit protected and has an output impedance of 50 Ω.
Note: When connecting a portable data collector or online monitoring system to the dynamic outputs the external meter’s internal constant current source, if so equipped, should be turned off. Failure to do so may result in a corrupted waveform.
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Tel: +1 (301) 330-8811
Tel: +1 800 WILCOXON
Fax: +1 (301) 330-8873
91457 Rev. C
The TBUS allows multiple modules to be interconnected without the need for external wiring. Connection to the TBUS is made via a recessed board-edge connector, located on the rear of the module, and a IT032 connector. The board-edge fingers plug directly into the connector.
WARNING: The iT300 TBUS is NOT compatible with older iT100/200, iT401 or iT501 series modules. When connecting modules via the TBUS, connect only iT300 series modules together on the same bus. Do not connect any other types of modules or devices to an iT300 TBUS. Doing so may result in damage to the modules.
13.1 Stacking modules
Multiple modules can be connected together through the TBUS. This allows power to be supplied to all modules on the bus. For iT301 models, the RS485 serial interface is also available on the TBUS.
Figure 12 - Stacking modules
13.2 Powering via the TBUS
Power can be bused to all modules via shared P+ and P- supply rails on the TBUS card-edge connector. This allows one module to supply power to other modules on the bus. The location of the terminal is shown below. The positive TBUS terminal (P+) is nearest the power input terminal block.
WARNING: The maximum current handling capacity of the power supply input terminals is 4 amps. When using these terminals to supply power to the TBUS, ensure the 4 amp rating is not exceeded.
14 DIN rail assembly and removal
14.1 Requirements for installation
To protect the module from harsh conditions, it is recommended to install the unit in a suitable enclosure (NEMA 4 type, or equivalent) with the appropriate degree of environmental protection. In all cases, the enclosure must meet the requirements of the installation.
14.2 DIN rail mounting
The iT300 Series of modules are designed to mount to a standard 35 mm DIN rail. The rear of the module has a spring­loaded metal foot catch that holds the module securely in place. The module is installed onto the rail by simply snapping it into place.
Each module is 22.5 mm wide and therefore occupies 22.5 mm of DIN rail space.
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Tel: +1 (301) 330-8811
Tel: +1 800 WILCOXON
Fax: +1 (301) 330-8873
91457 Rev. C
14.3 Preparing the DIN rail TBUS connectors
Connect the required number of connectors by pushing them together, as shown.
Attach the connectors to the DIN rail by hooking the latch of the connectors over the top of the rail and then snapping the bottom of the connectors onto the rail.
The completed connector assembly on the rail.
14.4 Installing the module onto the DIN rail
With the module tilted up, as shown, hook the top lip of the module onto the top of the rail while carefully aligning the DIN rail connector with the card edge slot on the rear of the module. Gently push the module downward and toward the rail. Firmly seat the module so the DIN TBUS connector fully engages the module card edge connector. The metal foot catch should audibly snap onto the rail. The module is now mechanically secured to the rail.
WARNING: The iT300 TBUS is NOT compatible with older iT100/200, iT401 and iT501 series modules. When connecting modules via the TBUS, connect only iT300 series modules together on the same bus. Do not connect any other types of modules or devices to an iT300 TBUS. Doing so may result in damage to the modules.
14.5 Removing the module from the DIN rail
Locate the metal foot catch on the bottom rear of the module. The catch is spring loaded. To remove the module from the rail, insert a small, flat-blade screwdriver or other suitable tool into the foot catch slot. (The blade must be less than ¼ inch (6 mm) in width to fit into the slot on the latch.) Using the screwdriver as a lever, gently push the screwdriver upward, as shown, to release the locking mechanism. With the catch released, tilt the module upward and remove it from the rail and connector.
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