WIKA UT-11 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

Operating instructions Betriebsanleitung Mode d'emploi Manual de instrucciones
indicator module model A-IUR-1
Unitrans Anzeigemodul Typ A-IUR-1
module d'achage type A-IUR-1
módulo indicador modelo A-IUR-1
Unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-1
Operating instructions model A-IUR-1 Page
Betriebsanleitung Typ A-IUR-1 Seite
Mode d'emploi type A-IUR-1 Page
Manual de instrucciones modelo A-IUR-1 Página
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Prior to starting any work, read the operating instructions! Keep for later use!
Vor Beginn aller Arbeiten Betriebsanleitung lesen! Zum späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren!
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3 - 14
15 - 26
27 - 38
39 - 50
WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-12
14040124.01 04/2012 GB/D/F/E
1. General information 4
2. Safety 5
3. Specications 9
4. Design and function 10
5. Transport, packaging and storage 10
6. Commissioning, operation 11
7. Maintenance and cleaning 13
8. Faults 13
9. Dismounting, return and disposal 13
Declarations of conformity can be found online at www.wika.com.
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WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-1 3
1. General information
1. General information
The indicator module described in the operating instructions has been manufactured using state-of-the-art technology. All components are subject to stringent quality and environmental criteria during production. Our management systems are certied to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
These operating instructions contain important information on handling the instrument. Working safely requires that all safety instructions and work instructions are observed.
Observe the relevant local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations for the instrument's range of use.
The operating instructions are part of the product and must be kept in the immediate vicinity of the instrument and readily accessible to skilled personnel at any time.
Skilled personnel must have carefully read and understood the operating instructions prior to beginning any work.
The manufacturer's liability is void in the case of any damage caused by using the product contrary to its intended use, non-compliance with these operating instructions, assignment of insuciently qualied skilled person­nel or unauthorised modications to the instrument.
The general terms and conditions contained in the sales documentation shall apply.
Subject to technical modications.
Further information:
- Internet address: www.wika.de / www.wika.com
- Application consultant: Tel.: (+49) 9372/132-0 Fax: (+49) 9372/132-406 E-mail: info@wika.com
WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-14
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1. General information / 2. Safety
Explanation of symbols
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that can result in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that can result in light injuries or damage to equipment or the environment, if not avoided.
… points out useful tips, recommendations and information for ecient and trouble-free operation.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation in the hazardous area that can result in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
2. Safety
Before installation, commissioning and operation, ensure that the appropriate instrument has been selected in terms of measuring range, design and specic measuring conditions. Non-observance can result in serious injury and/or damage to equipment.
Further important safety instructions can be found in the individual chapters of these operating instructions.
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WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-1 5
2. Safety
2.1 Intended use
This indicator module should only be connected as an addition to the
Unitrans and IUT-11, and used as a display. Retrotting to instruments with dust Ex approval (Ex II 1/2D IP6X T) is not permitted. It must only ever be used with the built-in connection cable with the appropriate connector.
The indicator module has been designed and built solely for the intended use described here, and may only be used accordingly.
The technical specications contained in these operating instructions must be observed. Improper handling or operation of the instrument outside of its technical specications requires the instrument to be taken out of service immediately and inspected by an authorised WIKA service engineer.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on opera­tion contrary to the intended use.
2.2 Personnel qualication
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel are understood to be personnel who, based on their techni­cal training, knowledge of measurement and control technology and on their experience and knowledge of country-specic regulations, current standards and directives, are capable of carrying out the work described and independ­ently recognising potential hazards.
UT-10 and UT-11 products or, in the Ex ia version, to model IUT-10
WARNING! Risk of injury should qualication be insucient!
Improper handling can result in considerable injury and damage to equipment.
The activities described in these operating instructions may only be carried out by skilled personnel who have the qualica­tions described below.
Keep unqualied personnel away from hazardous areas.
WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-16
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2. Safety
2.3 Additional safety instructions for instruments per ATEX
Non-observance of these instructions and their contents may result in the loss of explosion protection.
EC type-examination certicate Directive: 94/9/EC
Electrical, mechanical and thermal parameters for connection to an intrinsi­cally safe circuit with the following maximum values:
Voltage Ui: DC 9.2 V Strength of current I Max. power
for temperature class T4: 0.133 W
for temperature class T5: 0.133 W
for temperature class T6: 0.066 W
: 115 mA
Eective internal inductance L Eective internal capacitance C
: Negligible
: 2 µF
Specic conditions for safe use. The indicator is suitable for use in the following ambient temperature ranges:
Temperature class T4: -20 ... +70 °C
Temperature class T5 and T6: -20 ... +60 °C
The mounting of the indicator to intrinsically safe electrical equipment must be tested and certied; after mounting, an ingress protection of IP 20 in accordance with EN 60529 must be ensured for the entire equipment.
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WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-1 7
2. Safety
2.4 Special hazards
Observe the information given in the applicable type examina­tion certicate and the relevant country-specic regulations for
2.5 Labelling/Safety marks
Product label
installation and use in hazardous areas (e.g. IEC 60079-14, NEC, CEC). Non-observance can result in serious injury and/or damage to equipment. For additional important safety instructions for instruments with ATEX approval see chapter 2.3 "Additional safety instructions for instruments per ATEX".
S# Serial no. P# Product no.
Explanation of symbols
Before mounting and commissioning the instrument, ensure you read the operating instructions!
CE, Communauté Européenne
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the relevant European directives.
ATEX European Explosion Protection Directive
(Atmosphère = AT, explosible = EX) Instruments bearing this mark comply with the requirements of the European directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) on explosion protection.
WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-18
Date of manufacture
14040124.01 04/2012 GB/D/F/E
3. Specications
3. Specications
Dimensions in mm:
Digital interface I
Instrument: 71 x 71 x 11.5
Display: 45 x 45
Power supply: DC 4.7 ± 0.3 V
Permissible temperature ranges:
Ambient: -20 ... +70 °C
Storage: -20 ... +70 °C
Reference temperature: 25 °C
Supply limits: DC 4.4 ... 5.0 V
Response time: 150 ms
Viewing angle:
CR ≥ 2 at 30° (3, 6 and 9 o'clock)
CR ≥ 2 at 10° (12 o'clock)
CR = contrast ratio
For further specications see the order documentation.
For further important safety instructions for the operation in hazardous areas see chapter 2.3 "Additional safety instructions for instruments per ATEX".
Additional data for Ex instruments
See chapter 2.3 "Additional safety instructions for instruments per ATEX"
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WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-1 9
4. Design and function / 5. Transport, packaging ...
4. Design and function
4.1 Description
The indicator serves as intrinsically safe electrical equipment for the visuali­sation of process data. The electronic components are built into a plastic case. This case serves as a cover for the later intrinsically safe equipment.
4.2 Scope of delivery
Case with window
Built-in electronics with LC display
Mounting screws for indicator module
Mounting screws for the retaining string
5. Transport, packaging and storage
5.1 Transport
Check the indicator module for any damage that may have been caused by transport. Obvious damage must be reported immediately.
5.2 Packaging
Do not remove packaging until just before mounting. Keep the packaging as it will provide optimum protection during transport (e.g. change in installation site, sending for repair).
5.3 Storage
Permissible conditions at the place of storage:
Storage temperature: See chapter 3 "Specications"
Store the indicator module in its original packaging in a location that fulls the conditions listed above. If the original packaging is not available, pack and store the instrument as described below:
1. Wrap the instrument in an antistatic plastic lm.
2. Place the instrument, along with shock-absorbent material, in the packaging.
3. If stored for a prolonged period of time (more than 30 days), place a bag containing a desiccant inside the packaging.
WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-110
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6. Commissioning, operation
6. Commissioning, operation
6.1 Mounting the indicator module
Loosen the screws  and remove the blind cover or display.
When changing out the display, after pressing in the securing hook, pull the connection cable out.
Disconnect the retaining string from the transmitter.
Connect the retaining string from the new indicator module to the same point.
Plug the connection cable into the corresponding socket
Place the indicator module on the transmitter and screw it on.
Connection cable Retaining string
When placing the indicator module, do not kink or pinch the connection cable or the retaining string. If the connection cable is damaged, it may not operate properly and the Ex protection of the instrument will be made void.
The indicator module can be oriented when mounting by rotating in 4 x 90° steps.
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WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-1 11
6. Commissioning, operation
6.2 Illustration
Display mode
Tendency display
Error code
Display of additional information
Bar graph display
Measured value display
Unit, row 1 Row 2 Row 3
Setting mode
Menu navigation
The measured value display has 4 digits and an additional sign.
Underneath, you will nd row 1 for the error code and the unit of the measurement signal. The unit can be selected by the user. Measured values over 9999 cannot be correctly displayed, so care should be taken in the selection of units (e.g. 9999 Pascal is the same as 0.09999 bar).
On rows 2 and 3 further additional information can be displayed.
In the setting mode, rows 1 ... 3 are used for the menu navigation, using plain text.
The operation and setting of the instrument can be found in the operating instructions for the Unitrans
WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-112
process transmitter.
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7. Maintenance and cleaning / 8. Faults
7. Maintenance and cleaning
7.1 Maintenance
This indicator module is maintenance-free. Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer.
8. Faults
Errors Causes Measures
No display No power supply Check connection cable
Cable correctly inserted
Cable not damaged
If faults cannot be eliminated by means of the measures listed above, the indicator module must be shut down immediately, and it must be ensured that signal is no longer present, and it must be prevented from being inadvertently put back into service. In this case, contact the manufacturer. If a return is needed, follow the instructions given in chapter 9.2 "Return".
9. Dismounting, return and disposal
9.1 Dismounting
Follow the instructions in chapter 6.1 "Mounting the indicator module", as far as step three.
9.2 Returns
When returning the instrument, use the original packaging or a suitable transport package.
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WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-1 13
9. Dismounting, return and disposal
To avoid damage:
1. Wrap the instrument in an antistatic plastic lm.
2. Place the instrument, along with shock-absorbent material, in the packag­ing.
Place shock-absorbent material evenly on all sides of the shipping box.
3. If possible, place a bag containing a desiccant inside the packaging.
Enclose the completed returns form with the instrument.
The return form can be found under the heading 'Service' at www.wika.com
9.3 Disposal
Incorrect disposal can put the environment at risk. Dispose of instrument components and packaging materials in an environ­mentally compatible way and in accordance with the country-specic waste disposal regulations.
This marking on the instruments indicates that they must not be disposed of in domestic waste. The disposal is carried out by return to the manufacturer or by the corresponding municipal authorities (see EU directive 2002/96/EC).
WIKA operating instructions unitrans indicator module model A-IUR-114
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1. Allgemeines 16
2. Sicherheit 17
3. Technische Daten 21
4. Aufbau und Funktion 22
5. Transport, Verpackung und Lagerung 22
6. Inbetriebnahme, Betrieb 23
7. Wartung und Reinigung 25
8. Störungen 25
9. Demontage, Rücksendung und Entsorgung 25
Konformitätserklärungen nden Sie online unter www.wika.de.
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WIKA Betriebsanleitung Unitrans Anzeigemodul Typ A-IUR-1 15
1. Allgemeines
1. Allgemeines
Das in der Betriebsanleitung beschriebene Anzeigemodul wird nach den neuesten Erkenntnissen gefertigt. Alle Komponenten unterliegen während der Fertigung strengen Qualitäts­und Umweltkriterien. Unsere Managementsysteme sind nach ISO 9001 und ISO 14001 zertiziert.
Diese Betriebsanleitung gibt wichtige Hinweise zum Umgang mit dem
Gerät. Voraussetzung für sicheres Arbeiten ist die Einhaltung aller angege­benen Sicherheitshinweise und Handlungsanweisungen.
Die für den Einsatzbereich des Gerätes geltenden örtlichen Unfallverhü­tungsvorschriften und allgemeinen Sicherheitsbestimmungen einhalten.
Die Betriebsanleitung ist Produktbestandteil und muss in unmittelbarer Nähe des Gerätes für das Fachpersonal jederzeit zugänglich aufbewahrt werden.
Das Fachpersonal muss die Betriebsanleitung vor Beginn aller Arbeiten sorgfältig durchgelesen und verstanden haben.
Die Haftung des Herstellers erlischt bei Schäden durch bestimmungs­widrige Verwendung, Nichtbeachten dieser Betriebsanleitung, Einsatz ungenügend qualizierten Fachpersonals sowie eigenmächtiger Verände­rung am Gerät.
Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen in den Verkaufsunter­lagen.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
Weitere Informationen:
- Internet-Adresse: www.wika.de / www.wika.com
- Anwendungsberater: Tel.: (+49) 9372/132-0 Fax: (+49) 9372/132-406 E-Mail: info@wika.de
WIKA Betriebsanleitung Unitrans Anzeigemodul Typ A-IUR-116
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