WIKA D-21-9 User Manual

Pressure transmitter with
CANopen Interface
Additional instructions
with integrated
with DIP-switch
D-20-9 / D-21-9 GB
WIKA Alexander
Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG
2092169.02 GB 09/2004
This instruction only contains additional information about the programming of D-20-9/D-21-9 CANopen pressure transmitter. For the standard information please refer to operating instructions No. 2059064.
Operating instruction (No. 2059064)
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Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30 63911 Klingenberg / Germany Tel. (+49) 93 72/132-6108 Fax (+49) 93 72/132-706 E-Mail support-tronic@wika.de www.wika.de
WIKA Additional Instructions Pressure Transmitter with CANopen Interface D-20-9 / D-21-9 2
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1. Process Data Object (PDO) 5 Data Types 5
Change of PDO-Mapping: 6 PDO Transmission Types (Object 1800h, subindex 2) 6
2. Service Data Object (SDO) 7 Read Object 7
Write Object 7 Abort SDO Transfer 7 Abort Codes 7
3. Object Dictionary – Communication Profile Area 8 1000h Device Type 8
1001h Error Register 8 1005h COB-ID SYNC message 9 1008h Manufacturer Device Name 9 1009h Manufacturer Hardware Version 10 100Ah Manufacturer Software Version 10 100Ch Guard Time 11 100Dh Life Time Factor 11 1010h Store Parameters 12 1011h Restore Default Parameters 13 1014h COB-ID Emergency Object 14 1017h Producer Heartbeat Time 14 1018h Identity Object 15 1800h Transmit PDO Communication Parameter 16 1A00h Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter 17
4. Object Dictionary – Manufacturer Specific Area 18 2010h Minimum allowed Pressure 18
2011h Maximum allowed Pressure 18 2020h Min. Value Storage 20 2021h Max. Value Storage 20 2080h Uncompensated AD-Value 20 2090h Process Value as Integer 21 2100h User Device Name 21 2201h Last Calibration Date Year 22 2202h Last Calibration Date Month 22 2203h Last Calibration Date Day 22 2207h Date of Production Year 23 2208h Date of Production Month 23 2209h Date of Production Day 23 2320h Configure Node-ID 24 2321h Configure Bit Timing 24 2330h Auto-Operational 26
5. Object Dictionary – Device Profile Area 27 7100h AI Input FV 27
7120h AI Input Scaling 1 FV 27 6121h AI Input Scaling 1 PV 28
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7122h AI Input Scaling 2 FV 28 6123h AI Input Scaling 2 PV 29 6124h AI Input Offset 29 6125h AI Autozero 30 6130h AI Input PV 30 6131h AI Physical Unit PV 31 6132h AI Decimal Digits 32 6148h AI Span Start 32 6149h AI Span End 33 61A0h AI Filter Type 34 61A1h AI Filter Constant 34
6. Calibration 35 Input Scaling 35
Input Offset 37 Input Autozero 37
7. Filter 38
8. Emergency Object (EMCY) 39
9. Network Management Objects 40 Module Control Services 40
Error Control Services 42 Bootup Service 44
10. Layer Setting Services (LSS) 45 LSS Address 45
Switch Mode Services 45 Configuration Services 45 LSS Protocol Descriptions 46 Example 50
11. References 51
12. Definitions and abbreviations 51
13. History 51
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1. Process Data Object (PDO)
ID DLC Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3
ID 4
process value
The structure of the synchronous and asynchronous PDO is identical. The identifier of the PDO can be set via object 1800h. Factory-set: 180h + NID
Byte 0 to byte 3 contains the currently configured process value. The default settings are configured to object 2090h subindex 0 (process value as integer).
The coding corresponds to DS301, chapter “Signed Integer” The user can switch the mapping to object 6130h subindex 1 (process value as float).
Then the coding corresponds to DS301, chapter “Floating Point Numbers” For further information about the data types see description below.
Data Types
Signed Integer
Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3
Integer32 b7..b0b15..b8b23..b16b31..b
The data is represented as bit sequence of length 32.
The bit sequence b = b0 .. b31 is assigned the value
INTEGER32(b) = b30*2
+ … + b1*21 + b0*20 if b31=0
and, performing two’s complement arithmetic,
INTEGER32(b) = - INTEGER32(^b)-1 if b31=1
Floating Point Numbers
Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3
Real32 b7..b0b15..b8b23..b16b31..b
The data type REAL32 is represented as bit sequence of length 32.
The encoding of values follows the IEEE 754-1985 Standard for single precision floating-point.
The bit sequence b = b0 .. b31 is assigned the value
REAL32(b ) = (-1)S * 2
* (1+F)
S = b31 is the sign. E = b30*27 + …+ b23*20; 0 < E < 255; is the un-biased exponent.
F = 2
*(b22*222 + …+ b1*21 + b0*20) is the fractional part of the number.
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Change of PDO-Mapping:
- the device has to be in the PRE-OPERATIONAL mode
- deactivate currently mapped object by writing 0 to object 1A00h subindex 0
- mapping is deactivated, PDO does not supply any data; DLC = 0
- Write desired object to subindex 1 of object 1A00h (INTEGER32: 2090 00 20h / REAL32: 6130 01 20)
- Finally the mapping has to be reactivated by writing 1 to object 1A00h subindex 0
The physical unit of the process value can be configured via object 6131h “Physical Unit Process Value” The decimal digits can be changed via object 6132h “AI Decimal Digits”
PDO Transmission Types (Object 1800h, subindex 2)
Synchronous Transmission:
A transmission type of n (1 … 240) means that the message is transmitted with every n-th SYNC object.
Asynchronous Transmission: A transmission type of 254 means that the message will be send after the event timer elapses. The event
timer can be configured via object 1800h subindex 5.
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2. Service Data Object (SDO)
With Service Data Objects the access to entries of a device’s object dictionary is provided.
Read Object
Master sends
ID DLC Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7
Transmitter answers
ID DLC Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7
CS =
CS =
00h 00h 00h 00h
Write Object
Master sends
ID DLC Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7
Transmitter answers
ID DLC Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7
CS =
CS =
00h 00h 00h 00h
Abort SDO Transfer
If an error occurred while reading or writing an object, the transmitter answers:
ID DLC Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7
CS =
Abort Code
Abort Codes
0504 0001h Client/server command specifier not valid or unknown 0601 0001h Attempt to read a write only object 0601 0002h Attempt to write a read only object 0602 0000h Object does not exist in the object dictionary 0606 0000h Access failed due to an hardware error 0609 0011h Sub-index does not exist 0609 0030h Value range of parameter exceeded 0800 0020h Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application
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3. Object Dictionary – Communication Profile Area
(according CiA DS301 V4.02)
1000h Device Type
Object description
This object describes the type of device and its functionality. It is composed of a 16-bit field which describes the device profile that is used and a second 16-bit field which gives additional information about optional functionality of the device. The additional information parameter specifies the implemented function blocks.
Entry description
Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value 0002 0194h
Additional Information Device Profile Number
0002h 0194h
Device Profile 404
Analogue Input Block
1001h Error Register
Object description
This object is an error register for the device. The device maps internal errors in this byte. It is a part of an emergency object.
Entry description
Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 8 Default Value 00h
00h 00h 00h
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00h: no error 01h: generic error
not used (always 0)
D-20-9 / D-21-9 GB
1005h COB-ID SYNC message
Object description
This Index defines the COB-ID of the Synchronisation Object (SYNC).
Entry description
Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value 00 00 00 80h
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
always 0 11-bit identifier (80h)
0 : 11-bit identifier 0 : Device doesn’t generate
1008h Manufacturer Device Name
Object description
Contains the manufacturer device name.
Entry description
Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type Visible String Default Value "D2X9"
0 : don’t care (always 0)
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1009h Manufacturer Hardware Version
Object description
Contains the manufacturer hardware version description.
Entry description
Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type Visible String Default Value No
z y x w
Byte 4-7 contain the hardware version: wx.yz
100Ah Manufacturer Software Version
Object description
Contains the manufacturer software version description.
Entry description
Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type Visible String Default Value No
z y x w
Byte 4-7 contain the software version: wx.yz
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100Ch Guard Time
Object description
The objects at index 100Ch and 100Dh include the guard time in milliseconds and the life time factor. The life time factor multiplied with the guard time gives the life time for the Life Guarding Protocol. It is 0 if not used.
Entry description
Access rw* PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 16 Default Value 0
* Write access to this object is only allowed, if object 1017h producer heartbeat time is 0. Changed parameters are not automatically stored, but they have to be stored via object 1010h Store
Parameters. Furthermore the device can be reset to the factory settings via object 1011h Restore Default Parameters.
00h 00h Guard Time in ms
100Dh Life Time Factor
Object description
The life time factor multiplied with the guard time gives the life time for the node guarding protocol. It is 0 if not used.
Entry description
Access rw* PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 8 Default Value 0
* Write access to this object is only allowed, if object 1017h producer heartbeat time is 0. Changed parameters are not automatically stored, but they have to be stored via object 1010h Store
Parameters. Furthermore the device can be reset to the factory settings via object 1011h Restore Default Parameters.
00h 00h 00h
Life Time
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1010h Store Parameters
Object description
This object supports the saving of parameters in non volatile memory. By read access the device provides information about its saving capabilities.
Entry description
Sub-Index 00h Name number of entries Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 8 Default Value 01h
Sub-Index 01h Name save all parameters Access rw PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value 01h
In order to avoid storage of parameters by mistake, storage is only executed when the signature "save" is written to Subindex 1.
On reception of the correct signature in sub-index 1 the device stores the parameter and then confirms the SDO transmission (initiate download response). If the storing failed, the device responds with an Abort SDO Transfer (abort code: 0606 0000h). If a wrong signature is written, the device refuses to store and responds with Abort SDO Transfer (abort code: 0800 002xh).
On read access to Sub-Index 1 the device provides information about its storage functionality with the following format:
00h 00h 00h 01h
Device does not save parameters autonomously Device saves parameters on command
The Storage affects the following objects: 100Ch Guard Time 6114h AI ADC Sample Rate
100Dh Life Time Factor 6121h AI Input Scaling 1 PV 1017h Producer Heartbeat Time 6123h AI Input Scaling 2 PV 1800h Transmit PDO Communication Parameters 6124h Input Offset 1A00h Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter 6131h AI Physical Unit PV 2010h Minimum Allowed Pressure 6132h Decimal Digits 2011h Maximum Allowed Pressure 61A1h AI Filter Constant 2330h Auto-Operational
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1011h Restore Default Parameters
Object description
With this object the default values of parameters according to the communication and device profile are restored. By read access the device provides information about its capabilities to restore these values.
Entry description
Sub-Index 00h Name number of entries Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 8 Default Value 01h
Sub-Index 01h Name restore all default parameters Access rw PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value 01h
In order to avoid the restoring of default parameters by mistake, restoring is only executed when the signature "load" is written to sub-index 1.
On reception of the correct signature in sub-index 1 the device restores the default parameters and then confirms the SDO transmission (initiate download response). If the restoring failed, the device responds with an Abort SDO Transfer (abort code: 0606 0000h). If a wrong signature is written, the device refuses to restore the defaults and responds with an Abort SDO Transfer (abort code: 0800 002xh). The default values are set valid after the device is reset (reset node or power cycled)
On read access to sub-index 1 the device provides information about its default parameter restoring capability with the following format:
00h 00h 00h 01h
Device restores parameters
The Storage affects the following objects: 100Ch Guard Time 6114h AI ADC Sample Rate
100Dh Life Time Factor 6121h AI Input Scaling 1 PV 1017h Producer Heartbeat Time 6123h AI Input Scaling 2 PV 1800h Transmit PDO Communication Parameters 6124h Input Offset 1A00h Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter 6131h AI Physical Unit PV 2010h Minimum A llowed Pressure 6132h Decimal Digits 2011h Maximum Allowed Pressure 61A1h AI Filter Constant 2330h Auto-Operational
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1014h COB-ID Emergency Object
Object description
This Index defines the COB-ID of the Emergency Object (EMCY).
Entry description
Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value 80h + Node-ID
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
always 0 11-bit identifier (80h)
0 : 11-bit identifier 0 : reserved (always 0) 0 : EMCY exists / is valid
1017h Producer Heartbeat Time
Object description
The producer heartbeat time defines the cycle time of the heartbeat in milliseconds. The producer heartbeat time is 0 if it is not used.
Entry description
Access rw* PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 16 Default Value 0
* Write access to this object is only allowed, if object 100Ch Guard Time and 100Dh Life Time Factor are 0. Changed parameters are not automatically stored, but they have to be stored via object 1010h Store
Parameters. Furthermore the device can be reset to the factory settings via object 1011h Restore Default Parameters.
00h 00h
Producer Heartbeat
Time in ms
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1018h Identity Object
Object description
This object contains general information about the device. The Vendor ID (sub-index 1h) contains a unique value allocated to each manufacturer (WIKA: 47h). The manufacturer-specific Product code (sub-index 2h) identifies a specific device version (Product label: P#). The manufacturer-specific Revision number (sub-index 3h) consists of a major revision number and a minor revision number. The major revision number identifies a specific CANopen behaviour. If the CANopen functionality is expanded, the major revision has to be incremented. The minor revision number identifies different versions with the same CANopen behaviour. The manufacturer-specific Serial number (sub-index 4h) identifies a specific device (Product label: S#).
Entry description
Sub-Index 00h Name number of entries Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 8 Default Value 04h
Sub-Index 01h Name Vendor ID Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value 00 00 00 47h
Sub-Index 02h Name Product Code Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value No
Sub-Index 03h Name Revision Number Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value No
Sub-Index 04h Name Serial Number Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value No
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1800h Transmit PDO Communication Parameter
Object description
This object contains the communication parameters for the PDO the device is able to transmit.
Entry description
Sub-Index 00h Name number of entries Access ro PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 8 Default Value 04h
Sub-Index 01h Name COB-ID used by PDO Access rw PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 32 Default Value 180h + Node-ID
Sub-Index 02h Name Transmission Type Access rw PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 8 Default Value 01h
Sub-Index 05h Name Event Timer Access rw PDO Mapping No Data Type UNSIGNED 16 Default Value 0
Changed parameters are not automatically stored, but they have to be stored via object 1010h Store Parameters. Furthermore the device can be reset to the factory settings via object 1011h Restore Default Parameters.
(see also: 1. Process Data Object)
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