EN_s282-283_Haemmer-Inhalt_2012 14.02.12 19:32 Seite 282
Wiha soft-face hammers.
Wiha makes it possible: Optimum power transmission even in confined spaces.

EN_s282-283_Haemmer-Inhalt_2012 14.02.12 19:32 Seite 283
Soft-face hammers range
Wiha Safety soft-face hammer.
Perfect safety in every detail.
Wiha dead-blow hammer.
A star in the world of recoilless tools.
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284 – 289
290 – 291
All Wiha soft-face hammers
carry the GS Mark.
Wiha Info
Explanation of the colour-code system
Wiha makes it easy to differentiate between
different levels of hammer face hardness
with it’s colour coding system.
Application Material Hammer face
For sensitive materials:
Window construction, light metal construc tion, furniture and interior fittings industry,
light assembly, tradeshow construction
For sturdy applications:
Tile laying, paving, curbstone setting,
pre fabricated house construction,
light gardening and landscaping setting
For universal applications:
Tool and machine construction, metal
wor king, automobile repairs, panel beating,
sheet metal and assembly work.
For heavy-duty:
Assembly and disassembly, sheet metal
work, building and construction work,
workshop tasks
For striking power:
Building and construction industry, foundry,
mould making, road work, forestry and
agricul ture, gardening and landscaping
Elastomer soft
Rubber medium-soft
Polyurethane medium-hard
Cellulose acetate hard
Polyamide very hard
= Round face
= Square face