Wiha magazine bit holder.
Everything in the palm of your hand.
The Wiha magazine bit holderis
ideal for allusers needing several
screw or screwdrivertypes for work
within a shortspace of time.
Thanks to itscompact size itfits into
every toolbox. The ergonomically
designed handle ofsoft, skin-friendly
material guarantees comfortable
handling as well. This newsolution
for storing andextracting bits has
already convinced juries ofexperts,
winning the coveted "red dotdesign
award: best ofthe best".
Small format – great professional
quality: the WihaStubby magazine
bit holder features a clevermagazine
for accommodating sixbits.
With the short-length,ergonomic
handle it allows comfortable working
in confined places.
The bit magazine accommodated by
the handle is swung open with a light
press of the thumb. The bits can then
be quickly and simply changed.
Handy, compact and particularly
suitable for working in confined spaces.
Wiha magazine bit holder.
Unique fold-outmechanism
Eight screwdrivers in one –
for timesaving,
effective working
Magnetic fixing function
Handy & compact
Wiha magazine bitholder
Gets everywhere
Has six bitsin the cap
Fits perfectly inyour hand
Made in Germany
Ideal for professional work
in confined spaces