Wiha Collector.
Everything in one box.
A completely new look,and outstandingly equipped: the newWiha
Collectorsets standards for
convenient application of the bits.
The first impression convinces:
the box is compact, solidand
surprises with an innovative opening
mechanism.The Collector opens
up like a bookwith the easy-to-use
button. The bits areclearlylaid out,
easy to remove andyet sofirmly
held that they cannotfallout if the
boxis accidentally knocked over.
And talking of bits:the assortment
is designed perfectly forall
applications.Whether for special
work in safety areas orfor everyday
tasksin trade andindustry,the Wiha
Collectoris ready and waiting.
Versatile: for up to 60 bits as well as
universal and quick release holders.
Innovative opening, and lots of space:
the new Collector.
Wiha Collector.
tough polycarbonate
Easy to open
With practical unlocking button
– for whenonlyone hand is free
Lots of space
30 premium bitswith bitholder
and hand-held screwdriver or
60 premium bitswith bitholder
Security bits or tried-andtrue Standard bits forall
Optimal seating of bits
Easy to remove andyetstill
firmly held