The Top Ten Tips for
great Worm Composting
The following tips represent the result of a great deal of experience in worm-assisted composting.
Please read them carefully and try to follow their advice. If you follow them properly you will have
a contented stock of worms which, in due course, will produce for you a steady stream of rich
dark compost.
Don’t try to rush things: it will take several months for the worms to produce their first Tray full of
compost. Initially, when adding waste, do not add large amounts at one time, little bits of food at
frequent intervals is the best recipe. However, worms can eat half their own weight in food every
day so, as the kit becomes established and the worms start breeding, add more waste each day.
Do not pile up fresh waste to a depth greater than 50–100mm (2–4”) at any one time. You can add
waste as long as you can see worms working in the top layer of waste, just under the surface within a few centimetres of the moisture mat.
At least 25% of what you add to the wormery needs to be dry material. Cardboard, egg boxes and
shredded paper are great - these will help keep the wormery aerated.
If your worms get behind in their feeding and uneaten waste begins to build up in the bin, stop
feeding for a few days. (Remember, though, worms do not have teeth and therefore the waste
must start to go slightly mouldy before the worms can eat it.) Start feeding again when the worms
are working in the top layer. Large quantities of uncomposted waste will start to putrefy. Putrefied
waste will upset the worms and its smell will upset you, but not the rats and flies it will attract!
Try many different foods. Just like us, worms enjoy variation in their meals. If certain types of
food prove unpopular and don’t get eaten, try to avoid including them in future feedings. Once
every few weeks add in a handful of Wiggly Wigglers Worm Treat (a special mixture of all the
things that worms love best), it will give your composting a boost.
Grass clippings and leaves cannot be composted in your kit. Grass will heat up in the bin and
release ammonia before the worms can act on it, both conditions will harm your worms.
Worms are not happy in conditions that are acidic (pH less than 6). If you have a pH meter check
the contents regularly, pH7 is ideal, pH6 to 8 is acceptable. To prevent acidity avoid adding any
very acidic wastes such as citric fruits or onions. Sprinkle a handful of Wiggly Wigglers Lime
Mix onto the surface of the waste every couple of weeks, this will counteract the natural acidity of
much kitchen waste.
Worms like dark moist conditions so keeping a moisture mat on top of the freshest waste will
ensure that your worm composter doesn’t start to dry out. Don’t allow the contents to become
waterlogged (see Tip 9) as this will lead to a lack of air in the bin. The contents of your Urbalive
should be as moist as a freshly wrung sponge.
It will take a couple of months for the liquid feed to build up but then you should drain the sump
in the Collector Tray frequently, depending on how much liquid you are getting, by opening the
Tap. The liquid that you drain off makes an excellent houseplant and tomato feed. Dilute it with
ten parts water before use.
If too much water gets into your kit and the contents become waterlogged you will need to drain
off the excess liquid from the sump. Then try to dry out the contents by mixing in some shredded
newspaper or cardboard (glossy magazine style paper is bad, toilet roll centres are good). As you
mix in the paper try to ‘fluff up’ the contents to aerate the system. If your kit is producing a lot of
liquid fertiliser, or rain water gets into the kit, it can be a good idea to leave the tap open with a
container underneath. (Rainwater may occasionally get in as the lid is not airtight).
Avoid all oral contact with the bin’s contents and remember to wash your hands afterwards.