Compass quick guide
When working with very young childr e n, it is not always possible to obtain all of the information
necessary for an accura te hearing aid fitting. To that end, W idex has developed the ChildFit procedur e
which differs f rom our usual fitting procedure. Child F it g ives you a very p r ecise estimated first f itting
based on only a fe w item s of information about the child. And in addition to our new ChildFit procedure,
the Widex Baby hearin g a id has been especially designed for inf a nts and young children.
Widex Baby
Follow the procedu r e below to perform a binaural fitting of W id ex Baby hearing aid s . For details re:
choosing the correct earwire size and assembly, see Compass video.
Step 1: Removal of the Baby hea r ing aid battery doors is required in order to attach the programming
cables. Please see instructions and pictures 1a, 1b, 1c , and 1d below:
I. Using tool open battery door (1a) and gently position the programming cable wire at the edge of
the door (1b)
II. Proceed to close the door, holding the cable firmly in place as shown below (1c)
1b 1c
III. The door should gently pop off. Please do not attempt to remove door in any other manner to
avoid breakage.
IV. The programming adaptor is connected at the hinge area in the same manner as replacing a
battery door (1d).

Compass quick guide
Before the fitting session
Audiometric information mus t be obtained before you f it hearing aids. For young children, this may have
been done by means of auditory brainstem au diometry (ABR), auditory steady state responses (ASSR),
or it may have been possible to meas ure a few behavioral thre s holds for the audiogram.
You can prepare for the fitting session in order to make it as short and easy for the child as possible.
Before your client arrives, you can do the following:
1. Select your client in your database, and open Compass.
2. Connect the hearing aids.
3. Select Detect connected hea r ing aid(s). Compass finds the hearing aids and displays the Online
communication window.
4. Select OK to open the Preconditions window, where you can change any of the conditions used in
connection with the fitting. For example, you may wish to change the information about the
conditions used for establishing the audiogra m in the database, or you may choose to change
the default Widex Pediatric Rationale to the Desired S ensation Level approach (DSLv5).
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Compass quick guide
5. When you have finished defin in g the preconditions, select OK. Compass uses the age,
audiometric, an d pr e c ondition informa tion to estimate the fitting data and display it in the Fitting
window. The sound is turned on in the hearing aids at this poin t.
6. If you wish to obtain an in-situ RECD measurement, select th e RECD button to open the RECD
wizard. Then select Widex in-situ RECD to continue. When you have connected the hearing aid
parts and positioned the RECD probe, you are ready to calibrate and obtain the RECD
measurement. The calibra tion m a y be per formed as part of the hearing a id pre-fitting. From the
Fitting window, you can also open the Sensogram window or the Feedback test window , so that
you can obtain this informa tion.
The ChildFit procedure
When your client arrives f or the fitting session, do the following:
1. Explain the hearing aid fitting procedure to the parent ( or older c hild).
2. Make sure that Compass is open, and that the hearing aids are connected. If you wish to mute
the hearing aids, you can do this by means of the mute icons in the toolbar.
3. Place the hearin g a ids on the child’s ears, and make sure that the correct size of eartip or mold is
4. If it is possible, you should perform an in-situ RECD measurement and a feedback test.
Depending on the child’s age, it may also be possi ble to obtain a Sen s og r a m.
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