Wicab BrainPort V100 Device User Manual

V100 Device
User Manual
BrainPort V100 User Manual 2
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 ..................................................................... 5
General Information ........................................................ 5
Purpose of Device (Indications for Use) ............................. 5
Description of BrainPort® V100 ......................................... 6
When NOT TO USE the Device (Contraindications) .............. 7
Risks of Use ................................................................... 7
General Warnings ........................................................... 7
Precautions .................................................................. 12
Clinical Experience ........................................................ 13
Product and Package Labeling ........................................ 14
CHAPTER 2 Using the BrainPort® V100 ....................... 17
User Interface Description .............................................. 19
Contrast ................................................................... 19
Status ...................................................................... 19
Image Mode .............................................................. 20
Lock ......................................................................... 20
Test ......................................................................... 20
Volume .................................................................... 20
Power ...................................................................... 20
Intensity and Invert ................................................... 20
Zoom ....................................................................... 21
Camera Tilt ............................................................... 21
Battery Compartment ................................................ 21
Quick Start: Turning on the BrainPort V100 ...................... 24
Starting vRemote .......................................................... 25
Device Announcements.................................................. 26
Batteries ...................................................................... 28
Battery Charger ............................................................ 29
Battery Precautions ....................................................... 30
Care and Maintenance ................................................... 31
CHAPTER 3 Troubleshooting ........................................ 32
Problems with Battery Power .......................................... 33
Controller Troubleshooting ............................................. 35
Headset Troubleshooting ............................................... 37
vRemote Troubleshooting .............................................. 37
CHAPTER 4 Product Specifications and Technical
References ................................................................... 38
General Specifications ................................................... 38
BrainPort V100 User Manual 3
User Profile .................................................................. 40
Electromagnetic Compatibility ........................................ 41
Warranty ..................................................................... 48
Appendix A Cleansers ................................................... 49
Appen dix B Clinical Safety I nformation ........................ 50
BrainPort V100 User Manual 4
Using this Manual
This manual is in tended f or us e af ter you hav e be en trained o n the o peration o f the B rainPort
V100. T his manual serves as a reference to supplement your training and to address any questions you may have when you use the device at home.
The m anual c ontains ge neral i nformation o n s afety, operation, and troubleshooting. Please read it thoroughly and become familiar with its contents.
This manual is written in an accessible format.
Chapter 1 describes the BrainPort V100 and the risks
and benefits of using it.
Chapter 2 explains how to use the BrainPort V100.
Chapter 3 includes troubleshooting procedures to use
in the event of problems with the BrainPort V100.
Chapter 4 lists product specifications and technical
Attention, consult accompanying documents
This label is a reminder for you to consult
this manual or other material you received with the device for important safety
Rx only
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
BrainPort V100 User Manual 5
General Information
The BrainPort V100 is a non-surgical electronic assistive prescription device for profoundly blind individuals to aid in orientation, mobility and object recognition. The BrainPort V100 is indicated as an adjunct to other assistive devices, such as the white cane and guide dog. It translates digital information from a video camera to gentle electrical stimulation patterns on the surface of the tongue. Users describe the experience as streaming images drawn on their tongue with small bubbles. With training, users are able to interpret the shape, size, location and motion of objects in their environment.
The BrainPort V100 does not replace the cane or guide dog. T he BrainPort V 100 is i ntended to aug ment, rathe r
than re place, o ther assistive t echnologies such a s t he white cane or guide dog.
Training is required before using the
BrainPort V100.
Purpose of Device (Indications for Use)
The BrainPort V100 is intended for use as an electronic assistive prescription device for profoundly blind individuals to aid in orientation, mobility and object recognition. The BrainPort V100 is indicated as an adjunct to other assistive devices, such as the white cane and guide dog.
BrainPort V100 User Manual 6
Description of B rainPort® V100
A digital video camera is mounted on a pair of sunglasses at the nose bridge. The camera is capable of working indoors and o utdoors i n t ypical lighting c onditions. T he camera’s f ield o f v iew is us er-controlled and v aries f rom narrow to wide angle views. There are two cables permanently attached to the l eft e ar pi ece: T he I OD assembly and the headset cable.
Intra Oral Device (IOD)
The IOD (tongue electrode array) contains electrodes that act as “pixels” for the tongue. The flat side with the electrodes should be in contact with the front top surface of the tongue. Close your lips around the thin stem, maximizing to ngue contact wi th the e lectrodes. T he stimulus p attern o n the electrode array corresponds t o the s cene c aptured by the c amera. T here i s o ne c able exiting the th in s tem o f the IOD that is pe rmanently attached to the ear piece of the headset.
The Controller contains the battery as well as the user control features for the BrainPort V100. The Controller is generally handheld. A belt clip is provided for hands free operation.
Battery Charger
A battery charger with factory instructions is included.
Training and Training PC
Training is required before you use the BrainPort V100. The trainer may use an accessory personal computer during training. When the personal computer is in use:
Do not touch the personal computer or your trainer, and
Do not come into contact with any device plugged into a
wall circuit.
Your BrainPort V100 does not include or require a personal computer.
BrainPort V100 User Manual 7
When NOT TO USE the Device (Contraindications)
You should not use the BrainPort V100 if you have any of the following conditions:
Numbness or lack of feeling of your tongue
History of injuries that impair sensation or use of your
Any n eurological c ondition t hat c auses im paired
sensitivity to your tongue or loss of consciousness
Risks of Use
Potential risks arising from the use of the BrainPort V100 include:
Electrical an d e lectromagnetic s afety hazards
associated with battery-operated devices
Allergic reaction to the materials in the device
Irritation o f y our t ongue f rom the e lectrodes or
excessive stimulation
You can manage these risks by setting the stimulus level according to your preferred comfort level, adhering to the instructions in this manual, and applying the training you received for the proper and safe use of the device.
General Warnings
Long-term use . Limited data are available on the long-
term effects of electrical stimulation of the tongue. Long-term ef fects (b eyond on e y ear) h ave n ot b een evaluated in clinical trials.
Device Usage. Limited data is available on use of the
device exceeding an average of between 250 and 400
BrainPort V100 User Manual 8
minutes per month, and a maximum of 1550 minutes per month. Wicab recommends that you tailor your use of the device to be within these time limits since long-term effects (beyond one year) exceeding this usage have not been evaluated in clinical trials.
Trainers. Potential trainers o f us ers o f th e B rainPort
V100 s hould h ave r elevant ex perience, s uch a s experience working with the blind or visually impaired. Trainers may have professional credentials, such as certification as a Certified Low Vision S pecialists (CLVS), C ertified O rientation and Mobility S pecialist (COMS) or Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI). All potential trainers will be trained by Wicab according to W icab pro cedures and o nly tho se who hav e successfully completed the training will be considered qualified to train users of the BrainPort V100.
Supervision. T he BrainPort V 100 should o nly be us ed
after you have completed training. Do not give the device to untrained individuals for use.
Use only Wicab supplied components and procedures.
Using controls, adjustments, components, or procedures o ther than tho se s pecified in this m anual may damage the BrainPort V100, increase risk, or decrease benefit.
Oral Health. L imited d ata is a vailable o n s timulation
sensitivity f or individuals w ith oral conditions s uch as oral u lcerations, he rpes s implex, o ral t hrush, and geographic to ngue. I f us e o f the de vice c auses discomfort, discontinue use.
Oral Health. I ndividuals w ith h igh, nar row p alatal
vaults should discontinue use of the device if use causes discomfort
Oral Health. Individuals w ith m axillary o r m andibular
tori that interfere with the IOD placement such that full contact with the tongue is prevented should seek
BrainPort V100 User Manual 9
additional training to gain the most benefit of the device.
Dental Appliances (orthodontic appliances, removable
partial or full dentures, lingual amalgam alloy restoration, metal crowns, etc.) Electrical stimulation
of t he t ongue w hen m etal a ppliances/surfaces are present m ay c hange results and/ or c ause unintended stimulation. If the stimulation causes discomfort, remove the IOD from your mouth and discontinue use of the device. If you notice a change in your dental device or appliance (warmth or looseness), discontinue the use of the device and contact your dentist.
Dental Implants. The B rainPort de vice ha s no t b een
thoroughly evaluated in the presence of dental implants. T he s afety o f de ntal implants in B rainPort users i s u nknown. The use o f this d evice p otentially may cause heating of dental implants; chronic use of this device potentially may result in loosening and failure of dental implants.
Condition of device. Before EACH use, tactilely inspect
the device for damage, for example, anything rough or loose on the IOD, disconnected cables, worn cables, cracked or broken glasses, cracked or broken handset, etc. If you find these or similar issues, contact Customer Support and DO NOT use the device. Using a damaged device could expose sharp edges and/or the dam age c ould pr event no rmal o peration, the reby increasing the risk of use.
Proper environment for use. T he BrainPort V 100 is
intended for use as a supplemental assistive device.
o Do not use it in environments that could put you in
o Do not operate the device in hot or cold conditions
(below 0°C/32°F or above 40°C/104°F). Maintain conditions between 5% and 95% relative humidity.
BrainPort V100 User Manual 10
The device is intended for operation under normal atmospheric pressures (700 hPa to 1060 hPa)
o If the controller becomes uncomfortably warm, or
when the ambient temperature exceeds 35°C/95°F, use the belt clip to carry the device.
o The controller, camera, and other headset
components are not waterproof. Do not use the device in environments that will allow liquids (such as rain and snow) to enter these components.
o Electrical shock. To avoid electrical shock, do
not immerse the BrainPort V100 or the battery charger in liquids.
o Do not use where flammable gases are present. o Do not come into contact with any device w hich is
plugged into a wall circuit or any person using such a device.
o Follow the gui dance o utlined i n CHAPTER 4 –
Product Specifications and Technical References
regarding the intended electromagnetic use environment.
o Contact W icab if y ou hav e que stions o r co ncerns
about a particular use environment.
Discomfort. Using the BrainPort V100 should not cause
discomfort. I f you ex perience a ny p ain, n umbness or discomfort including burning or stinging, please stop using the device. If the symptoms are temporary, you may re sume us ing the de vice b y re ducing the stimulation le vel t o a c omfortable le vel. I f t he condition re curs, s top us ing the de vice and s eek professional help.
Risk of Strangulation. Take care in arranging cables to
avoid the r isk o f s trangulation. Small c hildren m ay become entangled in the cables. Do not allow children to use the device. Store the device out of reach of small children.
BrainPort V100 User Manual 11
Choking. The B rainPort V 100 c ontains s mall par ts.
Check the device for loose or missing parts before each use. Do not use the device if parts are missing. Do no t al low c hildren to us e th e de vice. S tore th e device out of reach of small children.
Discomfort. Use of the BrainPort V100 may be
contraindicated for young individuals or people with narrow dental arcades of the upper palate – it may be difficult to comfortably place the IOD on the tongue for these individuals.
Care and Maintenance. Use only the procedures in this
manual to care for your device.
Intended Purpose. Do not use the BrainPort V100 for
any purpose other than that stated in the Indications for Use.
Personal Computer. When us ing a pe rsonal c omputer
with vRemote:
o Do not allow the user to touch the personal
o Do no t to uch the pe rsonal c omputer and the us er
at the same time;
o Do not allow the user to come into direct or indirect
contact with any device plugged into a wall circuit;
o Do not use a power strip or extension cord to
power the personal computer;
o The personal computer used to run vRemote is an
accessory that i s us ed o nly by trainers or us ers’ sighted c ompanions, and is no t a m edical de vice when o perated standalone. I t becomes part o f a medical device system when used for training and
the precautions listed inside the BrainPort V100 Device User Manual must be followed to insure client safety.
BrainPort V100 User Manual 12
Signal Stimulation. A djust the s timulation to a
comfortable level that allows you to clearly feel and respond to the signal. Increasing beyond this point does n ot i mprove ef fectiveness. If the s timulation causes discomfort, reduce the stimulation setting to a comfortable level. If discomfort continues, remove the IOD f rom y our m outh and discontinue u se o f t he device.
Sensitivity to stimulation. Although the BrainPort V100
is de signed to m inimize the r isk o f injury due to stimulation s trength, i f y ou re act ne gatively to the stimulation from the BrainPort V100, remove the IOD from your mouth and discontinue use of the device.
Oral health. If you currently have or develop open
lesions, sores or abrasions in your mouth, discontinue use of the BrainPort V100 until the situation has resolved.
Mouth injuries/Dental Trauma. The IOD is intended to
be held in the mouth during use. Take care so that the cables do no t be come entangled, p ulling t he I OD out of your mouth potentially injuring your mouth, teeth or lips.
Choking. The IOD is intended to be held in the mouth
during us e. T o m inimize the r isk o f c hoking o n the IOD, make certain it is securely connected to the flexible c able and th at the I OD i s positioned p roperly in the mouth. Do not use the device if the IOD is damaged.
Neck Trauma. Take c are s o that y ou do not be come
entangled in the c ables that run f rom the he adset to the c ontroller. A s udden y ank c ould c ause ne ck trauma.
Batteries. Do n ot u se t he d evice with the batte ry
compartment door open. Inspect the battery prior to use. Do not use the battery if it appears damaged,
BrainPort V100 User Manual 13
corroded, is leaking, or is swollen.
Connections. Do not attempt to connect the headset
to equipment other than the BrainPort V100 controller. Doing so may d amage the BrainPort V 100, i ncrease risk, or decrease benefit.
Connections. Do not attempt to connect anything
other than the headset that came with your unit to the BrainPort V 100 c ontroller. D oing s o may damage the BrainPort V100, increase risk, or decrease benefit.
Clinical Experience
The BrainPort V100 device was evaluated in a single arm, open label clinical study of 75 enrolled blind/profoundly blind subjects from 7 s ites i n the U .S. and C anada. Subjects unde rwent 2 -3 day s ( 10 ho urs) o f tra ining followed by in-home use over the span of 12 months for the study.
The p rimary s afety endpoint was no o ccurrence o f a clinically s ignificant device-related a dverse e vent. A clinically s ignificant device-related adv erse e vent wa s defined as any e vent that resulted i n to ngue b urns attributed to use of the BrainPort V100 device, an allergic reaction requiring medical care, or negatively altered changes in taste or numbness that was sustained and/or resulted in withdrawal from the study. The primary efficacy e ndpoint w as su ccess i n a t est of ob ject recognition of at least 50%. The secondary endpoints measured success rates of at least 50% in tests of word identification a nd at l east 3 5% i n s ign identification i n a mobility task. Effectiveness e ndpoints we re m easured at 12 month follow up, and safety events were captured throughout the study.
Study results demonstrated that the safety objective was achieved, with no clinically significant d evice-related adverse e vents thro ughout the s tudy. There w ere n o serious device-related adverse events. Two (2.67%) of
BrainPort V100 User Manual 14
the s tudy s ubjects re ported m ild/moderate e vents possibly/probably related to the device that led to decrease i n d evice u se or d iscontinuation of d evice u se. One subject reported worsening sinus drainage that was considered a po ssible m etal a llergy and p ossibly re lated to the device. Device use was discontinued for this subject. One subject reported tongue soreness that wa s considered pro bably related to the de vice. D evice us e decreased for this subject. Both subjects recovered. For a complete list of device-related adverse e vents that occurred in the clinical study of the device, see Appendix B.
In te rms o f e ffectiveness, the pri mary e fficacy o bjective was achieved with more than 50% of subjects achieving success o n the object re cognition tas k. Results o f the secondary efficacy endpoints similarly confirmed device performance, where approximately 44% of subjects were able to successfully complete the word identification and mobility tasks (where subjects with missing data were counted as failures for a conservative analysis). Based on all av ailable data at the e nd o f the s tudy, i.e., the “pe r protocol” subjects who completed 12 month follow up,
57.9% of the study subjects successfully completed the word identification and mobility tasks.
Overall, evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the BrainPort V100 device demonstrated a low-risk safety profile with no serious device-related adverse events, and strong effectiveness results confirming d evice performance in the intended user population.
Product and Package Labeling
The labels on the back of the BrainPort V100 controller and on its packaging provide important information. You will ne ed the m odel nam e, model num ber, r eference number, and s erial num ber if y ou call W icab for assistance. See t he inside bac k c over o f t his m anual for contact information.
BrainPort V100 User Manual 15
Product Label
Explanation of Symbols
Important safety information is contained in the documents that accompany the device.
Year of manufacture
The BrainPort V100 includes RF transmitters
Keep the BrainPort V100 dry.
Dispose of in accordance with WEEE
Serial Number
Reference Number
BrainPort V100 User Manual 16
Package Label
Explanation of Symbols
Humidity range for transportation and storage
Temperature range for transportation and storage
Keep dry
Important safety information is
contained in the documents that
accompany the device.
Year of manufacture
Dispose of in accordance with WEEE
BrainPort V100 User Manual 17
CHAPTER 2 Using the BrainPort® V100
This chapter explains how to set up and use the BrainPort V100.
(Refer to Figure 1: BrainPort V100 and/or the verbal descriptions below)
Using procedures other than those specified in
this manual may damage the BrainPort V100, increase risk of injury, and decrease benefits of use.
Before EACH use, tactilely inspect the device
for damage, for example, anything rough or loose on the IOD, disconnected cables, etc. If you find any of these problems, contact Customer Support and DO NOT use the device.
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