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Before beginning installa tion, carefully read these instructions, This will simplify the installation and ensure the washer is installed
correcdy and safely. Leave these instructions near the washer after installation for future reference.
NOTE: The electrical service to the washer must conform with focal codes and ordinances and the latest edition of the National
Electrical Code, AN$1/NFPA 70 or in Canada, CSA C22,1 Canadian Electrical Code Part 1,
A vant de commencer, fire a ttentivement le pr#sent document. Cela simplifiera t'insta #at ion et assurera ta pose correct e et s#cuHtMre
de la laveuse. Apr#s I'instMladon, laisser ce document a proximit# de la laveuse pour r#f#rence future.
REMARQUE : L"Mimenta tion #lectrique de la ta veuse doit respecter les codes et ordonnances Iocaux ainsi que I'#didon la plus r#cen te du
Code AN$1/NFPA 70, ou au Canada, le Code canadien d'#lectridt#, ACNOR C22.1, pattie 1.
Antes de comenzar la instMaddn, lea estas instrucdones con atencion. Le facilitar#n la instalacidn y asegurar#n que la lavadora sea
instalada correctamente y de manera segura. Guarde estas instrucciones cerca de la lavadora una vez terminada la instalacidn para
refeHrse a e#as en el futuro.
NO TA: el suministro el#ctrico de su lavadora debe estar conf orme con los cddigos y ordenanzas IocMes y la edicidn m#s reciente del
National Electrical Code (Cdd_go El#ctrico NacionaO, ANSI/NFPA 70, o en Canada, la edicion m#s reciente del Canadian Electrical Code
(Cddigo El#ctrico de Canada).
For your safety the
information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion or to prevent property damage,
personal injury or loss of life,
Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquid in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance,
Do not try to light any applk_nce.
Do not touch any electrical switch; do
not use any phone in your building,
Clear the room, building or area of
all occupants,
immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone, Follow the
gas suppliers instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department,
Installation and service must be performed
by a qualified installer, service agency or the
gas supplier.
Pour votre securite,
suivre les directives donnees dans le present
guide afin de minimiser les risques d'incendie,
d'explosion, de dommages materiels, de
blessures et de mort,
Ne pas entreposer ni utiliser d'essence ou
d'autres vapeurs ou liquides inflammables a
proximite de cette secheuse ou de tout autre
appareil electromenager.
N'allumer aucun appareil electrique.
Ne toucher aucun commutateur
electrique; ne pas utiliser le telephone
dans I'immeuble,
Faire sortir tousles occupants de la piece,
de I'immeuble ou de la zone avoisinante.
Appeler la compagnie de gaz
immediatement en utilisant le telephone
d'un voisin. Suivre les instructions de la
compagnie de gaz.
S'il est impossible dejoindre la
compagnie de gaz, appeler les pompiers.
L'installation et les reparations doivent etre
effectuees par un technicien qualifie, un agent
de service ou la compagnie de gaz.
_,__ Para su seguridad,
siga la informacion contenida en este
manual para minimizar elriesgo de incendio
o explosion o para evitar danos materiales,
lesiones personales o la muerte.
- No guarde ni utilice gasolina u otros
vapores y Iiquidos inflamables en las
cercanias de este ni cualquier otro
No trate de encender ningun
No toque ningun interruptor
electrico no use ningun telefono de
su edificio.
Haga que todo el mundo salga del
cuarto, edificio o _rea.
Llame inmediatamente al proveedor
del gas desde el telefono de un
vecino. Siga las instrucciones del
proveedor del gas,
Si no puede ponerse en contacto con
el proveedor del gas, Ilame a los
La instalacion y el servicio deben set hechos
pot un instalador capacitado, una agencia
de servicios o el proveedor del gas,
Printed in U.S,A, P/N134127900B (0507)

Prednstallation Requirements 2
Electrical Requirements 2
Grounding Requirements 2
Water Supply Requirements 2
Drain Requirements 2
Roughdn Dimensions 3
Location Of Your Washer 3
Unpacking 3
Installation 4
Replacement Parts 4
Tools Required for Installation:
1, 1/4 in. nut driver
2, 3/8 in, socket with ratchet,
3. 3/8 in. open end wrench.
4. 7/16 in. socket with ratchet.
5. 9/16 in. open end wrench.
6. Channel-lock adjustable pliers.
7. Carpenter's level.
CIRCUIT- Individual, properly polarized and grounded
15 amp. branch circuit fused with 15 amp. time delay
fuse or circuit breaker,
POWER SUPPLY- 2 wire, with ground, 120 volt, single
phase, 60 Hz, Alternating Current, NOTE: The use of
this washer with power created by gas powered
generators, solar powered generators, wind powered
generators or any other generator other than the local
utility company is not recommended,
into an appropriate, copper wired receptacle that is
properly installed and grounded in accordance with
all local codes and ordinances or in the absence of
localcodes, with the National Electrical Codes, ANSI/
NFPA70 (latest edition). If in doubt, call a licensed
electrician, DO NOTcut off or alter the grounding
prong on the power supply cord, In situations where
a two-slot receptacle is present, it is the owner's
responsibility to have a licensed electrician replace
it with a properlygroundedthree prong grounding
type receptacle,
Hot and cold water faucets MUST be installed within
42 inches (107 crn) of your washer's water inlet, The
faucets MUST be 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) garden hose type
so inlet hoses can be connected, Water pressure MUST
be between 10 and 120 pounds per square inch
(maxirnum unbalance pressure, hot vs. cold, 10 psi,)
Your water department can advise you of your water
pressure, The hot water temperature should be about
140 degrees F (60 degrees C).
1. Drain capable of eliminating 17 gals (64,3 L) per
2. A standpipe diameter of 1-1/4 in. (3.18 cm)
3. The standpipe height above the floor should be:
Minimum height: 24 in. (61cm)
Maximum height: 96 in. (244cm)
OUTLET RECEPTACLE- Properly grounded 3-prong
receptacle to be located so the power supply cord is
accessible when the washer is in an installed position.
NOTE: GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter) receptacle is not
Improper connection of the equipment
grounding conductor can result ina risk of electricalshock.
Check with a licensed electrician if you are in doubt as
to whether the appliance is properly grounded,
1, The washer MUST be grounded, In the event of
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of electricalshock bya path of leastresistance
for electrical current,
2, Sinceyour washer isequipped with a power supply
cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and
a grounding plug, the plug MUSTbe plugged
24 in.
(61 orn)
Drain hose attached to the washer can reach a 58
in. (147 cm) high standpipe. For higher standpipe
use hose P/N 131461201, available from an
authorized parts distributor. If drain is less than
24 in. (61 cm), install a siphon break kit, available
at your local hardware store.
96 in.
(244 cm}

24 3¼
inch (cm)
Adjustable Legs
"_ (67.9)
If an under counter* installation is desired, the washer MUST have a
top sheet kit installed, P/N 131 445600.
Kit is available from an authorized parts distributor,
_Custom sized countertop is required,
inch (cm) Adjustable Legs
_'_ (67.9)
._ 60
1. In an area exposed to dripping water or outside weather
conditions. The ambient temperature should never be below 60
degrees F (15.6 degrees C) for proper washer operation.
2. In an area where it will come in contact with curtains or drapes,
3. [n an area (garage or garage-type building) where gasoline of
other flammables are kept or stored (including automobiles),
4. On carpet. Floor MUSTbe solid with a maximum slope of 1/2 in.
per foot (1.27 cm per 30.5 cm). To ensure vibration or movement
does not occur, reinforcement of the floor may be necessary,
When installed in alcove or closet:
Sides, Rear - 0 in. (0 cm)
Top - 0 in, (0 cm) Front Console Model
Top - 15 in, (38.1 cm) Rear Console Model
When lnstalledln closet: Front 1 in, (2.54 cm)
Closet door ventilation required:
2 Iouvered openings each 60 in 2
(387 cm2), 3 in. (7.6 cm) from top
and bottom of door.
1. Cut the shipping carton
along the dotted line along
the base of the unit,
2, While in the carton
carefully Jaythe washer
on its back side,
3. Remove the styrofoam
4. Carefully return the
washer to an upright
position and remove
the carton,
5. Carefully move the
washer to within 4 feet BOLT
(122cm) of the final location. (_
6, Remove the following from
the back side of the washer: (_
3 bolts, (}LAMP
3 yellow plastic spacers,
2 or 3 metal "P" clamps
7. Remove the service panel from
the front of the washer,
8. Remove the 4 nuts and
6 large washers that attach
the 2 yellow shipping braces
to the drum and the
base, Lift up on the
drum and remove
the braces (a yellow
ribbon surrounds the
items to be removed), (_)
These braces must be (_
removed to allow the
power supply cord to
be released from the
shipping ring,
9, Remove the large
styrofoam block located
under the drum, Lift up on the
drum, tilt the base of the foam block inwards toward the rear of
the washer until free, then pull it out.
10, Remove and discard the yellow ribbon and label from the
front of the washer,
11, From the rear of the washer, carefully pull out the power supply
cordthrough the hole in the backsheet,
12, Replace the service panel and screws,
NOTE; If the washer is to be transported at a later date, the shipping
support hardware must be reinstalled to prevent shipping damage,
Retain the hardware in the plastic bag provided

Run some water from the hot
and cold faucets to flush the
water lines and remove
particles that might (;log up the
water valve screens,
Remove the inlet hoses and
rubber washers from the
plastic bag and install the
rubber washers in each end
of the inlet hoses.
Carefully connect the inlet hose
(90 ° elbow end) marked "HOT"
to the outside "H" outlet of the
water wflve. Tighten by hand, then
tighten another
2/3 turn with pliers.
Carefully connect the other inlet hose to the inside "C"
outlet of the water valve. Tighten by hand, then tighten
another 2/3 turn with pliers, Do trot erossthread of
over-tighten the_a _ne_iot_.
Connect the inlet hose ends to the HOT and COLD water
faucets tightly by hand, then tighten another 2/3 turn with
pliers, Turn the water on and check for leaks,
NOTE: Use only new hoses,
Carefully move the washer to its final location,
NOTE: Do not use the dispenser drawer or door to lift
With the washer in its final position, place a level on top of
the washer, no rocking of the washer should exist, Adjust the
front leveling legs up or down to ensure the washer is resting
solid, Rear leg adjustment is accessible through the front
service panel, Turn the lock nuts on each leg up towards the
base of the washer and snug with a wrench,
NOTE: Keep the leg extension at a minimum to prevent
Form a U shape on the end of the drain hose with the hose
pointed toward the drain, Place in a laundry tub or standpipe
and secure with the cable tie provided in the enclosure
NOTE: If the drain hose is placed in a standpipe without
excessive vibration, The farther out the legs are
extended the more the washer will vibrate,
forming a U shape, a siphoning action could occur.
There must be an air gap around the drain hose, A
snug hose fit can also cause a siphoning action.
8, Plug the power cord into a grounded outlet,
NOTE: Check to ensure the power is off at a circuit
breaker/fuse box before plugging the power
cord into an outlet,
9, Turn on the power at a circuit breakedfuse box,
10, Read the Operating Instructions and Owner_ Guide provided
with the washer, They contain valuable and helpful
information that will save you time and money,
17, Run the washer through a complete cycle, Check for water
leaks and proper operation,
12, If your washer does not operate, please review the
"Avoid ,Service Checklist" in your Owner's Guide before
calling for service,
Place these instructions in a location near the washer
for future reference.
A wiring diagram is located inside the washer on
the service panel,
If replacements parts are needed for your washer,
contact the source where you purchased your washer
or call 1-800-944-9044 for the Frigidaire Company
Authorized Parts Distributor nearest you,
Destroy the carton and plastic bags
after the washer isunpacked, Children might use them
for play, Cartons covered with rugs, bedspreads, or
plastic sheets can become airtight chambers causing
suffocation, Place all materials in a garbage container
or make materials inaccessible to children,
Cable Tie
The instructions in this manual and all
other literature included with this washer are not meant
to cover every possible condition and situation that
may occur, Good safe practice and caution MUST be
applied when installing, operating and maintaining any
Maximum benefits and enjoyment are achieved
when all the Safety and Operating instructions are
understood and practiced as a routine with your
laundering tasks,