Whistler TOTAL BAND PROTECTION 560, XTR-325, TOTAL BAND PROTECTION 425, XTR-425, XTR-560 Owner's Manual

The Whistler Group Corporate Headquarters
13016 N. Walton Blvd. ï Bentonville, AR 72712
Tel 479.273.6012 ï Fax 479.273.2927
Customer Return Center
1201 N. Dixieland Rd. ï Rogers, AR 72756
Customer Service Tel 800.531.0004
P/N 260015, REV3 ©2007 The Whistler Group, Inc.
Total Band Protection™Plus Ku
Dear Whistler Owner, If you have questions concerning the operation of
this Whistler product please call:
Monday - Friday ï 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CT
or visit our website
Please keep the receipt in a safe place. You may regis­ter your product online
at www.
com. For
verification purposes, a copy of your dated store receipt must still accompany any unit sent in for warranty work. If the unit is returned without a dated store receipt an out of warranty service charge applies.
YYoouurr wwaarrrraannttyy ppeerriioodd bbeeggiinnss aatt tthhee ttiimmee ooff ppuurr-- cchhaassee.. TThhee wwaarrrraannttyy iiss vvaalliiddaatteedd oonnllyy bbyy tthhee ddaatteedd s
sttoorree rreecceeiipptt!!
Now is the time to record the serial number of the unit in the space provided in the war­ranty section of the manual.
To fully acquaint yourself with the operation of your Whistler and to better understand the differences between detecting radar, laser and safety radar sig­nals, we recommend reading this entire manual or visit our FAQ page on our website www.whistler­group.com
Enjoy your Whistler detector and please drive safely. Sincerely, The Whistler Group, Inc.
Model Features Summary .................... 2 - 3
Installation ........................................... 3 - 5
ïChanging T rim Rings 3 - 4 ïMounting Guidelines 4 ïW indshield Mounting 5 ïPower Connection and Fuse Replacement 5
Operation .......................................... 5 - 14
ïPr ogrammable Text Display 5 ïPr ogrammable Audio Tones 6 - 8 ïPower On and Self-T est 8 ïSetting Saver 8 ïFeatur e Engaged Confirmation 8 ïAudio Level Adjustment 8 ïAuto Quiet Mode 9 ïQuiet Mode 9 ïT each/Tutorial Mode 9 ïHighway Mode 9 ïCity/City 1/ City 2 Mode 10 ïEngaging/Disengaging VG-2 10 ïBacklight Setting 11 ïDim/Dark Mode 11 ïIntelli-cor dô 12 ïBattery Saver Mode 12 ïExternal Audio Jack 12 ïOption Select Mode 1 3 ïStay Alert Feature 14
Safety Warning System™ ......................... 14
POP™Mode Alerts ................................. 15
Laser/Radar Alerts ................................. 15
ïSpeed Radar Audio/Visual Alerts 15 ïLaser Audio/V isual Alerts 15 ïPulse Pr otection
VG-2 Alerts ............................................ 16
ïAlert Priority 16
Reset Features ....................................... 16
Troubleshooting Guide .......................... 17
Care and Maintenance ........................... 18
Are Detectors Legal? ............................. 18
FCC Information ..................................... 19
Speed Monitoring ............................ 19 - 22
ïRadar Facts 19 ïPOPôMode 19 ïT otal Band Protection
ïLaser Facts 20 ïOther Speed Detection Systems 21 -22
Warranty Information ....................... 22 - 25
Specifications ......................................... 25
Accessories ............................................ 26
• Locate the tab near the button openings and insert this end first into the unit.
• Gently snap in the other tabs as you work your way to the back of the unit.
Mounting Guidelines
• Mount the unit as low as possible near the center of the windshield.
• Do not mount your unit behind wipers, ornaments, mirrored sunscreens, etc. These obstructions have metal surfaces which can affect radar and laser signals and reduce critical warning time. (Regular tinted glass does not affect reception.)
• Some windshields have an Instaclear™or Electriclear™type coating, which affect radar signals. Consult your dealer or the vehicle’s owner’s manual to
determine if your windshield has this coating.
• Avoid placing unit in direct contact with windshield.
• Avoid placing unit in direct sunlight.
• To reduce the possibility of theft, conceal your unit when not in use.
Windshield Mounting
• Install the two suction cups and rubber bumper onto the bracket by fitting them into their holes.
Press the suction cups onto the windshield at the location you have chosen.
Slide the detector onto the bracket until it locks into
• If necessary, the unit may be leveled by bending the windshield bracket.
• Press the bracket release button and remove the detector before bending.
Windshield Bracket Kit, Straight Power Cord & 2 Trim Rings
6. Rear Laser Antenna – An integrated optical
waveguide provides superior detection of laser signals transmitted from behind.
7. City Button - Reduces the annoyance of false alerts typically encountered in urban driving areas.
8. Quiet/Menu Button - Pressing QUIET before a signal is detected engages Auto Quiet Mode. Pressing QUIET during a radar/laser encounter silences audio alerts.(Pressing and holding for 2 seconds allows you to enter Option Select Mode— see page 13)
9. Power/Dim -Turns unit on/off and engages Backlight settings (press and hold).
10. Volume Down Button – Adjust volume down.
11. Volume Up Button – Adjust volume up.
12a. Blue Backlit LCD Programmable Text
Display – Provides distinct visual confirmation of
signals detected, signal strength, and indicates engaged modes of operation.
12b. Seven Segment Icon Display – Provides band
and numeric signal strength indicators
13. Power Jack – Provides connection for the power cord.
14. Removable Trim Ring – Allows changing the trim ring to one of the other colors.
15. External Audio Jack – Permits easy connection of an external speaker/headset to the XTR 560.
16. Microphone – Allows recording of audio tones in model XTR-560
Trim Ring Removal/Installation
To change the trim ring to another color, follow these simple steps:
• Locate the tab on the trim ring at the top of
the mounting bracket location.
• Using your fore finger, lift up on the trim ring
and the ring will pop out.
Rubber Bumper
NOTE: Not all units share all the features listed Whistler’s ergonomic and user-friendly design pro-
vides a new level of operating convenience. Special features include:
1. Bracket Release Button – Provides quick and easy release of the mounting bracket.
2. Speaker – Provides distinct audio warnings for X, K, Ka, Ku band radar, safety radar, laser and VG-2.
3. Mounting Bracket Location – Slot holds mounting bracket firmly.
4. Radar Antenna – Compact, high-efficiency antenna receives radar signals.
5. Front Laser Antenna – High gain optical lens provides increased sensitivity and field of view for leading-edge laser detection
Power Cord Connection
Plug the small end of the power cord into the
unit’s power jack.
• Plug the large end into the vehicle’s cigarette lighter.
The cord fits tightly into detector. When
installing the cord, expect some resistance.
Fuse Replacement
The lighter socket plug is equipped with a replaceable 2 amp 3AG fuse located behind the silver ti p. To replace the fuse, carefully unscrew the tip of the plug. IImmppoorrttaanntt::
Unscrew slowly. The tip contains a spring which may fly out when disassembling. Insert the new fuse with the spring and screw on the tip. With use, the screw cap on plug may loosen. Retighten it occasionally.
Unscrew the tip of the lighter socket plug carefully when replacing the 2 amp fuse.
Programmable Text Display
(XTR 425/560 only)
The above models have the ability to modify the standard laser/radar detector’s display. “WHISTLER”, “HIGHWAY”, “CITY”, “CITY 1”, and “CITY 2” can be changed to display your name, or any combination of 8 characters. For example, “HIGHWAY” can be changed to “GO 4 IT”.
Note: A space is counted as a character. WARNING!!! Programming the text display or
the audio is not intended to be done while you are driving. You should not use any device in a vehicle that may distract you from observing the road ahead.
To Modify the Text
• Press and hold the Quiet button to enter Option mode (see page 13 ). Once “USER TEXT” is displayed simultaneously press and release the VOL UP and VOL DOWN buttons each time to scroll through the text that can be customized. When a text is selected, (use WHISTLER for example) the display will indicate “WHISTLER” with a blinking cursor under the letter “W”.
Note: The blinking cursor indicates that this is the first letter ready to be changed.
• Press the Volume Up button to advance to the next letter/character/symbol/space to be displayed.
• Press the Volume Down button to select the previous letter/character/symbol/space to be displayed.
• Press the Quiet button to advance to the next position in the current word.
• Press the City button to go back to the previous position in the current word
• Press and hold the City button to change the character set (A, a, 9, ! etc.).
• Press PWR to exit User Text Mode and return to OPTION Mode.
• Press PWR again to exit OPTION Mode.
Programmable Audio Tones
(XTR 560 Only)
Model XTR 560 also has the ability to modify the standard laser/radar detector’s audio tones. Audio tones such as “X Band”, “K Band,” “Ka Band” “Ku Band” and “Laser” can be changed to play up to 15 seconds of a favorite tune, phrase, saying, almost anything you like. When the unit detects K band, for example, the K band voice will now be followed by what was recorded for K band.
TIP: Turn off the voice option to have the unit respond only with the custom recordedalerts.
To Modify the Audio, Part 1
Press and hold the Quiet button to enter Option
Mode (see page 13 ). Once “USER TONE” is displayed, simultaneously press and release the VOL UP and VOL DOWN buttons to allow for selection of Normal Tones or Custom Tones. (Display shows “ X - Norm” or “ X - Cust”) The Vol Up button selects Custom Tone and Vol Down button selects Normal Tone. The Quiet button advances the menu to the next band selection. “X - Norm”—› “K - Norm”—› “Ka - Norm” —› “Ku - Norm” —› “L - Norm”
The PWR button exits User Tone Mode, but still remains in Option Mode. Press the PWR button again to exit Option Mode.
To Modify the Audio, Part 2
IMPORTANT: Unit does not detect radar or
laser signals during recording or while playing a tone.To ensure a quality recording, the source should be approximately 1” away from the microphone.
To record or play a message (Record/Playback Mode):
• Press both volume buttons for less than 2 seconds and release. The unit will beep once; this enters Custom Mode. Display shows: CUSTOM The display shows the word PLAY and REC with accompanying arrows to indicate the buttons to control these functions (Start/Stop Play = PWR and Start/Stop Rec = City).
• The display then indicates: CUST--X as X is the first band ready to record up to 15 seconds of audio.
• Press and release the Quiet/Record button advances the recording feature to the next band.
• Press both volume buttons for less than 2 seconds and release to exit Record/Playback mode.
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