Whirlpool RSD2000, RSD2200, RSD2400 User Manual

About Your Maytag ............................................................................................... i
For Future Reference .......................................................................................... 1
Consumer Publications ........................................................................................ 1
Installation .............................................................................................................. 2
General Features .................................................................................................. 3
Operating the Refrigerator ................................................................................. 4
Temperature Controls .................................................................................. 4
Warm Cabinet Surfaces ............................................................................... 4
Energy"Saving Tips....................................................................................... 4
Adjusting the Refrigerator and Freezer Interiors ......................................... 5-6
Sure-Lock Shelves ................................................................................... ,5
Meat/Cheese Drawer Shelf .................................................................... 5
Gallon Door Bins..................................................................................... 5
Keepers .................................................................................................... 5
Freezer Interior ............................................................................................ 6
Freezer Shelves ....................................................................................... 6
Freezer Baskets ....................................................................................... 6
Special Storage Areas ........................................................................................... 6-8
Crispers ......................................................................................................... 6
Meat/Cheese Drawer ................................................................................... 7
Wine Rack..................................................................................................... 7
Covered Dairy Compartment ...................................................................... 8
Egg Cradle .................................................................................................... 8
Food Storage Tips ................................................................................................. 8 11
Fresh Food Storage ...................................................................................... 8-9
Frozen Food Storage .................................................................................... 9
Food Storage Chart ...................................................................................... 10-11
Ice Service .............................................................................. :............................... 12
Twist Ice Cube Trays .................................................................................... 12
Automatic Ice Maker ................................................................................... 12
Care and Cleaning ................................................................................................ 13-14
Refrigerator Exterior and Interior ............................................................... 13
Cleaning Under the Refrigerator ................................................................ 13
Cleaning the Condenser .............................................................................. 13
Cleaning the Defrost Pan............................................................................. 13
Replacing Interior Lights ............................................................................. 13
Cleaning Chart ............................................................................................. 14
Non-Use Periods .................................................................................................... 15
Vacations ....................................................................................................... 15
Moving .......................................................................................................... 15
Important Personal Safety Instructions ........................................................... 15
To Avoid Unnecessary Service Calls .................................................................. 16
Warranty ................................................................................................................. 17
Model: RSD2400, RSD2200, RSD2000
Installation ................................................. 1 Congratulations on your choice ofa Maytag refrigerator!
General Features ...................................... 2 As yon use your new refrigerator we know you will
Operating the Controls ........................... 3 appreciate ti_e many, features that provide excellent
Adjusting the Interior .............................. 4-5 performance, ease of cleaning, convenience and
Special Storage Areas ............................... 56
Food Storage Tips ..................................... 6-9
Ice Service .................................................. 10 will find a wealth of information regarding all aspects of
Care and Cleaning ................................... 11-12 ),our refrigerator. By following the instructions carefully,
Non-Use Periods ....................................... 13 you will be able to fully"enjoy and properly maintain
Consumer Publieations ............................ 13 your Maytag refrigerator.
To Avoid Unnecessary Serviee Calls ..... 14 Should you have any questions about using your Ma_ag
dependability. It is important to understand how )our new refrigerator
operates before you use it. On the following pages you
refrigerator, contact us. Be sure to provide the model and serial number of your refrigerator.
1. To prevent possibility of hazard due to electrical (515) 791-8911
sbock, never plug the refrigerator into a receptacle (Mon. Fri., 8 am-5 pm Central Time)
which has not been grounded adequately and in
accordance with the local and national electrical NOTE: For service information, see pagel4.
codes. See the grounding instructions on page 1. [ IMPOBTAdV_ Keep your sales slip or cancelled
2. Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning the eheck forwarrantyserviee. Proof of original date of
condenser or replacing a light bulb. I
3. In ease of power failure, minimize door openings. If ,
the power failure is of a long duration, protect the food by placing blocks of dry ice on top of the FOR FUTURE REFERENCE
packages or check with a local frozen foods locker For future reference we suggest you retain this manual plant about temporary storage. Frozen foods which after recording the model nmnber, serial number (six
bave thawed completely should not be reffozen, numbers and two letters) and revision number of this
4. Any electrical service cord that becomes frayed or refrigerator in the spaces provided belo_
damaged should be ilmnediately repaired or This information can be found on the data sticker replaced. Never unplug your applianee by' pulling on located at the top front interior of the refrigerator
the power cord. compartment. (See example below.)
5, Your refrigerator should not be operated in the c
presenee of explosive fumes. /MAY'TAG _gD,,L,_.
6. Remove tlre doors from any' out-of-use refrigerator usa 5o2o8 _o'_,_d'_'_................... °' c(_
to prevent child entrapment and suftbcatiou.
7. Children should not climb, }rang or stand on the ModelNumber SerialNumber RevisionNumber
shelves of this refrigerator.
purchase is needed.
Remove and discard tile cantilever shelf packing clips located just above each shelf where it hooks onto the
frame. To remove the plastic clips, wiggle the clips TURNCLOCKWISETO sideways and pull straight out. RAISECABINETCORNER
Locating Your Refrigerator
1. Allow a free flow"of air through the front base grille.
2. Your model should not be installed where the room
temperature will go below 55 degrees F., because it COUNTER- will not run frequently enough to maintain proper CLOCKWISETO
temperature in the freezer. CORNER
3. For ease of installation, you should leave a space of about i/2 inch between the refrigerator and adjacent 3. It is not necessary to lock the refrigerator in place.
walls or cabinets. If the refrigerator is placed with the hinge side against a wall, you may want to leave locking feet clocl_dse. They arc located near the
additional space so the door can be opened wider. (Refer to the installation instructions for more If the floor is not level and it is necessary to raise the
detail.) rear of the cabinet, we suggest rolling the rear wheels
Howexer, if that is desirable, turn one or both of the
onto a piece of pl}_vood or other shim n/aterial.
Important Leveling Information 4. To replace, center the clips iu file cut out areas and
Your refrigerator is equipped with front and back rollers push in until the base grille snaps into place. so it can be moved away from the wall fbr cleaning. The
front rollers are adjustable and should be positioned so
Connecting the Appliance
the refrigerator sits firmly on the floor aud is level. ] W_g/NG} '_tlis appliance is designed to operate
I on a nominal 1:15"_01t, 15 amp, 60 eycte _ne. There
To adjust the front rollers: / should' be ase arate, ?oundedi_ircuit seMng this
1. Remove the base grille by grasping the ends, lift and / apptia6ce0nly.D6 n6t use a3aextension cord.
pull out.
This appliance is equipped with a three-pronged
electrical shock hazards. It nmst be plugged into a grounding receptacle. Where a standard two-prong wall
IO1 grounding p]ng tbr vour protection against possible
. responsibility and obligation of the customer to have it
-'- replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wail _ receptacle. Do not under any cireulnstaoces, cut or
2. To level the refrigerator, use a screwdriver and turn roller adjusting screws clocGvise to raise the cabinet Do not use an adapter plug.
or couuterclockavise to lower the cabinet.
receptacle is encountered, it is the personal
remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
P g ,
Ice Bin Twist Ice Cube )r Lights Refrigerator
Trays Control
Freezer Temperature Sure-Lock
Control Shelves
Freezer ;;; -- ustable
Light Door Bins
Adjustable J Drawer
Shelf Bottle
Door Bins ....... / Keeper
Freezer Basket
Adjustable Base Grille Front Rollers
Features may vary according to model.
Your new refrigerator has two controls: one for the refrigerator compartment and one for the fieczer compartment. These controls are located at the top, back wall of the refrigerator compartment.
Initial Setting of Controls Refrigerator too cold--Turn the refrigerator Freezer Control: This control has settings from A control to the next lower number. For example, turn
(warmest) to G (coldest). Initially set this control to the control front 6 to 5.
D. Warm Cabinet Surfaces
Some portions of the cabinet may he warm to the
touch. This is a normal fnnction of the refrigerator which helps prevent moisture from condensing on the
Refrigerator Control: This control has settings from cabinet. This condition _411be more noticeable when
1 (warmest) to 11 (coldest). Initially set this control to you first start your refrigerator, during hot weather and
6. The refrigerator may run for several hours when you after excessive or lengthy door openings. first start it. This is normal.
Let the refrigerator run at least 8 to 12 hours Energy Saving
before adding food. A day or so after adding food, you 1. Locate the refrigerator away ti'oin heat producing
may decide one or both compartments should be colder appliances snch as the range or dishwasher, heat or warmer. If so, adjust the control(s) as instructed vents and direct sunlight.
below. '2. Level the refrigerator and do not block ventilation Adjusting the Temperature Controls around the front grille.
Except when starting the refrigerator, do not change 3. Keep the fi'eezer full to near capacity so less cold air either control more than one number or letter at will escape dnring door openings. When less than a time. Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize two-thirds full, place milk cartons half fidl of water in
before resetting. Changing either control will have the freezer. some effect on the temperature of the other
compartment 4. Let hot dishes cooI slightly before putting into the
refrigerator or freezer.
Freezer too warm--Turn the freezer control to the succeeding letter. For example, turn the control 5. Cover liquids.
from D to E. 6. Clean the refrigerator condenser coils once a year. Freezer too cold--Turn the freezer control to the more often if you have pets (see page 12).
preceding letter. For example, turn the control front
7. Wipe moisture from the outside of"containers before D to C. placing them into the ref?dgerator. Refrigerator too warm--Turn the refrigerator
control to the next higher number. For example, 8. Avoid opening the doors too often. turn the control from 6 to 7.
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