Whirlpool RF370PXY, RF365PXY User Manual

nmm ol’
Note To You 2
Parts And Features 6 Using Your Range 7 Using The Setf-
Cleaning Cycle 20
Caring For
Your Range
Warranty 32
1-800-253-l 301
Call us with questions or comments.

A Note To You

Thank you for buying a WhirlpooP appliance.
You have purchased a quality, worMclass home appliance. Years of engineering experience have gone into its manufacturing. To ensure that you will enjoy many years of trouble-free operation, we have developed this Use and Care Guide. lt is full of valuable information on how to operate and maintain your appliance properly and safely. Please read it carefully. Also, please complete and mail the Ownership Registration Card provided with your appliance. This will help us not-e you about any new information on your appliance.
Your safety is importalnt to us.
This guide contains safety symtols and statements. Please pay special attention to these symbols and follow any instructions given. Here is a brief explanation of the use of each symbol.
Our Consumer Assistalnce Center number, 1-800-253-1301, is toll-free, 24 hours a day.
If you ever have a question concerning your appliance’s operation, or if you need service, first see “If You Need Assistance Or Service” on page 29. If you need further help, feel free to call our Consumer Assistance Center. When calling, you will need to know your appliance’s complete model number and serial number. You can find this information on the model and serial number plate (see diagram on page 6). For your convenience, we have included a
handy place below for you to record these numbers, the purchase date from the sales slip and your dealer’s name and telephone number. Keep this book and the sales slip together in a safe place for future reference.
Model Number
Serial Number Purchase Date
Dealer Name
Dealer Phone

Important Safety Instructions

To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the range, follow basic precautions, including the following:
oRead all instructions before
using the range.
Install or locate the range only in accordance with the pro-
vided Installation Instructions.
*WARNING: To reduce the risk
ping of the appliance, the
of ti
app iance must be secured by a proper1 installed anti-tip
o check if the bracket is installed properly, see “The anti-tip bracket” on page 19.
QZAUTION: Do not store things
children mi range. Chil
ht want above the
% ren could be burned or injured while climb­ing on it.
Do not leave children alone or unattended in area where the range is in use. They should never be allowed to sit or stand
on an could
Do not operate the range if it
part of the range. They
e burned or injured.
is damaged or not working properly.
*Do not use the range for
warming or heatin
Persons could be
the room.
% urned or
injured, or a fire could start.
@Use the range only for its-in-
t;;M;fluse as described In this
ADO not touch surface units,
areas near units, heating ele­ments or interior surfaces of oven. Surface units and heating elements may be hot even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface units and
interior surfaces of an oven become hot enou burns. During an 2
h to cause
after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact surface units, areas near units, heatin elements or interior surfaces 0 oven until
9 they have had sufficient time to cool. Other surfaces of the
range, such as the oven vent opening, the surface near the vent o oven oor and window, could
ening, the cooktop, the
8 also become hot enough to cause burns.
.Do not wear loose or hanging
garments when using the range. They could ignite if they touch a hot surface unit and you could be burned.
~. .
continued on next page 3
4Jse only d potholders. Moist
or damp po holders on hot sur-
faces may result in bums from
steam. Do not let potholder
touch hot heating elements. Do
not use a towel or bul foOnr~~!otholder. It coul catch
.Keep range vents unobstructed. @Do not heat unopened contain-
ers. They could explode. The hot contents could cause burns and container particles could cause
*Do not store flammable materi-
als on or near the range. The fumes can create an explosion and/or fire hazard.
When using the cooktop
l Check to be sure lass cook-
ing utensils are sa e for use on
the range. Only certain types
of glass, glass-ceramic, ce­ramic, earthenware or other glazed utensils are suitable for
cooktops without breaking due to the sudden change in temperature.
eNever leave surface units
unattended at high heat set­tings. A boilover could result
and cause smoking and
gre;.y sprllovers that may
.Make sure the reflector bowls
are in place during cooking. Cookin % without reflector bowls may su ject the wiring and components underneath them to damage.
@Do not line reflector bowls with
aluminum foil or other liners.
Improper installation of these liners ma electric s ock or fire.
result in a risk of
*Select a pan with a flat bottom
that is about the same size as the surface unit. If pan is smaller than the surface unit, some of the heating element will be
exposed and may result in the i 8 niting of clothing or potholders.
orrect pan size also improves
cooking efficiency.
l Tum pan handles inward, but
not over other surface units. This will help reduce the chance of burns, i niting of flammable materia s, and
9 spills due to bumping of the pan.
When usina the oven
Always position oven rack(s) in desired location while oven is cool. If a rack must be re­moved while oven is hot, do not let potholder contact hot heating element in oven.
4Jse care when opening oven
door. Let hot air or steam escape before removing or replacing food.
l Grease is flammable. Do not
allow grease to colleci around cooktop or in vents. V\c’ipe spill­overs immediately.
Do not use water on grease iires. Never pick up a flaming Ian. Smother flamin range by coverin ! fitted lid, cookie s eet or flat
WI h
pan on
a well-
:ray. Flaming grease outside of Dan can be extin uished with Daking soda or, i ? available, a nultipurpose dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
:are and cleaning
l Small amounts of formaldehyde
and carbon monoxide are iven off in the Self-Cleaning cyc e
from fiberglass insulation and
food decomposition. Si 9 nificant exposure to these subs antes can cause cancer or rleproduc-
tive harm. Exposure can be
minimized by venting $with a hood or open window and wipin out excess food spills pnor 0 self-cleaning. ?
@Do not use oven cleaners. No
commercial oven cleaner or
oven liner any kind s
rotective coating of
ould be used in or
around any part of the oven.
*Before self-cleaning the oven.,
remove broiler
oven racks an
an, broiler
other utensl s.
Do not use your oven to clean miscellaneous parts unless you are instructed to do so in this
Use and Care Guide.
*Do not soak removable heating
elements in water. The element will be damaged and shock or fire could result.
*Do not clean door heat seal. It
is essential for a good seal.
Care should be taken not to rub, damage or move the seal.
Clean only parts recommended
in this Use and Care Guide.
*Do not repair or replace any
part of the range unless specifi­cally recommended in this manual. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.
*Disconnect the electrical supply
before servicing the range.

Parts And Features

This section contains captioned illustrations of your range. Use them to become familiar with the location and appearance of all parts and features.
Oven vent
Control panel -
Plug-in surface
unit with chrome reflector bowl Model RF365
Control panel
Left Left front control
rear control knob
MEALTIMER’= clock/Minute Stop light
Manual oven Oven
time switch control knob selector
tor light
temperature Oven
Surface unit marker

Using Your Range

In This Section
Using the surface units . . . ,.................. 7
Positioning For best
Using aluminum foil for baking . . . . . . . 10
Setting the clock Using
Baking/roasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..m................ 12
tt$juJ;ng the oven tempelrature
To obtain the best cooking results possible, you must operate your range properly. This section gives you important infotmation for efficient and safe use of your range.
racks and pans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
air circulation
the Minute Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..m
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
. . . . . . . . . . . . ..I................
Broiling . . . . . . . . . ..m..........................w.......
Broiling tips . . ..m..................................
Energy saving tips
Using the MEALTIMER’“clock . . . . . . . . . 16
The oven vent
The storage drawer The anti-tip bracket Optional door panel
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..a............
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . ..m............
pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Using the surface units

Push in control knobs before Wrning
them to a setting. You can set them any­where between HI and OFF.
13 15 15
16 18 19
Surface unit markers
The solid dot in the surface unit marker shows which surface unit is turned on by
that knob.
Surface heating indicator light
The SURFACE HEATING Indica:tor Light on the control panel will glow when a surface
unit is turned on.
Burn and Fire H~KI
Be sure all control knobs are turned to OFF and all indicator lights are OFF when you are not cooking.
Someone could be burned or a fire could start if a surface unit is alxiden­tally left ON.
Until you get used to the settings, use
the following as a guide.
start cooking at the high setting; then turn the control knob down to continLle cooking.
For b’est results,
[opposite OFF) icing.
To start foods cooking.
To bring liquids to a boil.
To hoM a rapid boil.
To fry chicken or pan­cakes.
For gravy, puclding and
To cook large amounts of vegetables.
To keep food cooking after starting ii on
higher setting.
To keep food warm until
readv to sews!.
Cookware tips
Select a pan
that is about the same size
as the surface unit.
NOTE: For best results and greater
energy efficiency,
use only flat-bottomed
cookware that makes good contact with the surface units. Cookware with rounded, warped, ribbed (such as some porcelain
enamelware) or dented bottoms could cause severe overheating, which damages the cookware ancVor surface unit.
You can, however, use the newer cookware available with slightly indented bottoms or very small expansion channels. This cookware is specially designed to provide the good contact needed for best cooking results.
Also, woks, canners and teakettles with flat bottoms suitable for use on your cooktop are now available in most stores that sell housewares.
The pan
should have straight sides and a
tight-fitting lid.
Choose medium to heavy g;ruge
ness) pans that are fairly lightrveight.
should be made of sturdy, heat­resistant material and be securely attached to the pan.
The pan material
(metal or glass) affects how fast heat transfers from the surface unit through the pan material
and how
evenly heat spreads over the pan bottom. Choose pans that provide the best cooking resufts.
Product Damage Hazard
If a surface
time, the bottom of the pan is not flat enough or is too small for the surface unit. Prolonged usage of incorrect utensils could result in damage to the surface unit, cooktop, wiring and surrounding areas. To prevent dam­age, use correct utensils, start cooking on HI and turn control down to con­tinue cooking.
Do not leave an empty utensil, or one which has boiled dry, on a hot surface unit. The utensil could overheat and could damage the utensil or surface unit.
unit stays red for a long
Home canning informaation
To protect your range:
flat-bottomed canners/pans for best
Use the largest surface unit for best
results. Also, use a canner/pan which can be centered over the surface unit and
which does not extend more than one inch outside surface unit area. Largle diameter canners/pans, if not property centered, trap
heat and can cause damage to the cooktop.
Do not place canner on two
at the same time. Too much heat will build
up and will damage the cooktcp.
Start with hot water. This
time the control is set on high. Reduce
heat setting to lowest position needed to
keep water boiling.
Keep reflector bowls clean
To prolong the life of the elements:
- Prepare small batches
- Do not use elements
surface units
reduces the
for best heat
at a time.
for canning all
Optional canning kit
The large diameter of most water-bath or pressure canners combined with high heat settings for long periods of time can shorten the life of regular surface units and cause damage to the cooktop.
If you plan to use the cook-top for canning, we recommend the installation of a Canning Kit. Order the kii (Part No. 242905) from your Whirlpool dealer or authorized WhirlpoolSM service company.

Positioning racks and pans

For baking/roasting with one
the rack so the top of the food will be centered in the oven.
Rack placement for specific foods:
Frozen pies, large roasts, turkeys
Angel and bundt cakes, most quick breads, yeast breads, casseroles, meats
Cookies, biscuits, muffins, cakes, non-
frozen pies
When baking on
on bottom and third level from bottom.
wrack, place
Lowest level or 2nd level from bottom
2nd level from bottom
2nd or
3rd level
from bottom
arrange racks
when broiling, see “Broiling rack position chart” on page 14.
Always position oven rack(s) in desired location before turning oven on. Be sure the rack(s) is level.
If rack(s) must be moved while oven is hot, use potholders or oven mitts to protect hands.
Failure to follow the above precautions could resutt in personal injury.
For recommended rack placement
Personal injury Hazard

For best air circulation

The hot air must circulate around the pans in the oven for even heat to the oven. This results in better baking.
the pans so that one is not directly
over the other.
For best results, allow
(4-5 cm) of space around each pan and between pans and oven walls. There must be a minimum space of 1 inch (2.5 cm).
only one cookie sheet in the oven at
one time.
Use the following as a guide t13 determine where to place the pans:
One pan
Place in the center of the oven rack.
Two pans
Place in opposite corners of the oven rack.
Three or four pans
Place in opposite corners on each oven rack. Stagger pans so no pan is directly over another.
all parts of
1 l/z to 2 inches

Using aluminum foil for baking

Use aluminum foil to catch
from pies or casseroles:
the foil on the oven rack below the
rack with the food.
sure foil is about 1 inch (3 cm) larger all around than the dish holding the food.
Do not cover
num foil. It will reduce air circulation and
cause poor cooking results.
Do not line oven bottom or entire oven rack with foil or other liners. Paor baking
will result.
Turn up foil edges and
the entire rack with alumi-
Electrical Shock and Fire Hazard
Do not allow foil to touch the heating elements.
Failure to follow this precautic’n could result in electrical shock or fin: hazard and damage to the elements.
+ 22 hidden pages