Before you start...
Proper installation IS your tesponslbtllty
A qLallf(ed lechnlclan should Install this
range Make sure you have everythIng
necessary for correct lnstallatlon It 1s
the responslblllfy of the installer to
cornply with the lnstallatlon clearance
specified on the serlal/ratlng plate The
ser~al/ratlna alate 1s localed behlnd
the mlcrov&e oven door on the front
frame of the microwave oven
Rerrove all aackaalna
maierla from microwave
over cavity Check the
over area for damogesee For Your Safety If any
damage IS evident do
not operate microwave
over until 11 IS checked by
outhorlred WhIrlpool seruce technicIan
- -
Clearances specified
ore for combustible
wall and materials
that have Q density of
20 or more pounds
per cubic foot. No
evaluation of
clearances has been
mode for instollotions
adjacent to materials
that ore less than 20
pounds per cu. ft. or to
plostlc tiles and
Tools needed
for installation.
Mobile home installation
The installation of this ranae must
conform to the Manufact&d Home
Construction and Safety Standards, Title
24 CFR. Part 3280 (formerly the Federal
Standard for Mobile Home Construction
and Safety, Title 24, HUD, par-l 2801.
Four-wire power supply cord must be
used and the appliance wiring must be
revised See Electrical requirements,
When this range is installed in a mobile
home, it must be secured to the floor
durrng transit. Any method of securing
the range is adequate as long as it
conforms to the standards listed above
Copies of the standards listed may be
obtained from:
*National Fire Protectton
Ratterymarch Pork
Qulncy, Massachusetts 02169
Save Installation Instructions for
the local electrical Inspector’s
A power supply cord Is not
supplled with this appliance but
is available through your local
electrical supply houses.
Ponet A
Cabinet opening dimensions that are
shown must be used Given dimensions
are mlnimum clearances and provide
required V clearance.
*,,. ,1,
Important: Observe all
crovernina codes and
Electrical Shock Hazard
Electrlcal ground Is required on
thts appliance.
tmproper connection of the
conductor can result In
electrical shock.
. Check wlth a quallfled
electriclan If you are in doubt
as to whether the appliance Is
properly grounded.
Only a power supply cord klt
rated at 240 volts, 50 amperes
and lnvestlgated for use wlth
ranges shall be used.
Do Not use an extension cord
wlth thls appliance. Such use
may result In a fire, electrical
shock or other personal Injury.
Do Not have a fuse in the
neutral or graundlng clrcult. A
fuse In the neutral or grounding
clrcult could result In electrlcal
Do Not plug the ‘pigtall” power
cord into a-live receptacle
before the cord Is permanently
connected to the terminal
block. To do so may result In
electrical shock.
Failure to follow these instructions
could result In an electrtcal shock.
This appliance mud be
Connected to the proper
electrical voltage and frequency as
specified on the &al/rating plate. All
models require a separate 50 amp
circuit. Fuse both sides of the line. Do
Not fuse the neutral. A time-delay fuse
or circuit breaker Is recommended.
Check the serial/rating plate located
behind the mIcrowaG oven door on
the front frame for the required voltage
and frequency
It is the personal responsibility
w and obligation of the customer
to contact a qualified electrlclan to
assure that the electrlml installation is
adequate and is in conformance with
Grounded elo-‘-‘--I
outlet is requircu. ~xi=
Electrical requirements.
Personal Injury Hazard
It Is the customer’s responslbllitv:
. To contact a qualified
electrical Installer.
. To assure that electrlcal
installation Is adeauate and in
conformance wlth’lrlatlonal
Electrlcal Code, ANSllNFPA 70.
latest editlon: and local
Failure to follow these Instructions
could result in an electrical shock.
Cabinet storage above the
cooklng surface should be
Reaching over a heated cooklng
surface could result In a
serious burn.
Do not attempt to operate
the microwave oven wlth the
door open.
Do not tamper wlth or defeat
the safety Interlocks.
Do not place objects between
the microwave oven front face
and door.
. Da not allow sol1 or cleaner
residue to accumulate on
sealing surface of the
mlcrowave oven door.
. Da not operate the mlcrowave
oven If damaged.
. Do not use the mlcrowave oven If
- door Is bent.
- hlnges and latches are broken
or loose.
- door seals, sealing surfaces or
alass are broken.
The mlcmwave oven door must
close properly to pmvlde safe
Only have a quallfled repair
person adjust. repalr and check
microwave oven for mlcmwave
leakage after a repalr Is made.
. Do not use mlcmwave for
commercial purposes.
The mtcmwave oven In thls unlt Is
to follow these lnstructlo~s
could result In exposure to
excessive mlcmwave energy.
the National Electrical Code ANSVNFPA
70.latest edition,’ and local codes and
All wires ending at the
appliance must terminate in
ring type terminals.
Local codes may permit the
use of a three-wire. flexible-type.
U.L.-listed power supply cord (pigtailj
with the proper ampere rating. This cord
contains three. No.-10 copper wires and
matches a three-wire receptacle of
NEMA typelo-5OR. shown in Figure 1. A
U.L.-listed strain relief must be provided
at the point the power supply cord
enters the appliance.
The range may be connected
. directly to the fused disconnect
(or cirwit breaker) box through
flexible, armored or non-metallic
sheathed, copper cable. Allow at least
4 feet mlnlmum slack in the line between
the wall and the appliance so that it
can be moved if servicing is ever
necessary A U.L.-listed stmin relief must
lx provided at each end of the power
supply cord. NIB sizes [COPPER WIRE
ONLY] and connectors must axlform
with the rating of the appliince as
specified on the serial/mtlna plate.
For mobile home or other fourwire Installations. the
appliance wlrtng must be
Figure 1