Whirlpool MHE10RW, MHE10VW User Manual

Microwave Hood
Use and
Care Guide
Appliances MHElOVW
Thank you for choosing a Roper Appliance.
This Use and Care Guide will help you operate and maintain your new, quality­built Roper microwave hood combina­tion. Keep this Use and Care Guide in a safe place for future reference.
Complete and mail the Product Registration Card.
This card enters your warranty into our warranty system that ensures efficient claim processing, can be used as a proof of purchase for insurance claims and helps Roper to contact you immediately in the unlikely event of a product-safety recall.
Please remember
It is your responsibility to be sure that your microwave oven:
. Has been installed where it is protected
from the weather.
should be at a temperature above (WC) for proper operation.
. Has been properly connected to elec-
trical supply and grounded. (See Installation Instructions.)
1 Is not used by children or anyone
unable to operate it properly. 1 Is properly maintained. 1 Is used only for jobs expected of a home
microwave oven.
The microwave oven
P&s and Features. Before You Install Your
Mlcrowave Oven. . . . .
Before You Use Your Mlcrowave Oven. Precautions to Avold Possible
Exposure to Excessive
Mlcrowave Energy . . . . .
Important Safety Instructions. . . .
Using Your Mlcrowave Oven
Microwave Oven Controls . . .
Digital display/clock and
indicator lights . . . . . . . . ,
Command pads . . .
Number pads . . . . . . . . .
Fan and light pads..
Audible Signals Setting the Clock . . Cooking in Your Microwave Oven
01990 Whirlpool Corporation

Parts and features

Models MHEIOVW I wifh fresh air vent)
with recirculafing air vent)
Cooking at High Cook Power.. Cooking at Lower Cook Powers Defrosting Using KEEP WARM Using DELAY START . . Other Operating Hints Minute Timer . . .
Accessory Kits.. . . .
Caring for Your Microwave Oven
Cleaning the Microwave Oven
Caring for the Filters . . . . . .
Replacing the Cooktop and Oven
Lights . . . . . .
Operattng Safety Precauttons Before You Call for Servlce Defrosttng Chart Mlcrowave Oven Warranty
How to Get Service or Assistance
Model and serial number label
/ I
8 10 14 15 17 18 19 19 19 19
22 24 25 28
Fill out and return the Microwave Registration Card
missing, please send the model number and serial number of Your microwave oven with your name and address to...
Whirlpool Corporation Microwave Registration Department Administrative Center 2000 M-63 Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022
This information will help us reach you if there is ever a need to pass along information about Your
microwave oven.
included with your oven.
If the card is

Before you install your microwave oven

Read and carefully follow the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS packed with your oven.

Before you use your microwave oven

Read this Use & Care Guide carefully for important use and safety information
Store in a convenient place for future use.
ate this oven with the door oven if it is damaged. It is open since open-door op­eration can result in harm- the oven door close ful exposure to microwave properly and that there is energy. It is important not to no damage to the defeat or tamper with the (1) Door (bent), safety interlocks. (2) Hinges and latches
between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces. door window is broken.
attempt to oper-
place any object
particularly important that microwave leakage by
(3) Door seals and sealing
microwave oven if the
operate the
(broken or loosened), surfaces.
operate the
The microwave oven should be checked for
qualified service personnel after a repair is made.
The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.
microwave oven with
the outer cabinet removed.
operate the


Microwave ovens have been thoroughly tested for safe and eftlcient operatlon. However, as with any appliance, there are special installation and safety precautions which must be followed to ensure safe and satisfactory operation and prevent damage to the unit.
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the microwave oven, follow basic precautions, including the following:
1. Read all instructions before using
4. Install or locate this appliance only in
appliance. accordance with the provided Installation
2. Read and follow the specific “PRECAU- instructions TIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO
EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY” found sealed containers - for example, closed on page 3.
3. This appliance must
be grounded. Con- be heated in this oven.
nect only to properly grounded outlets. See
5. Some products such as whole eggs and glass jars - may explode and should not
Use this appliance only for its intended “GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS” found in the use as described in this manual. Installation Instructions.
continued on
next page
7. As with any appliance, close supervi-
sion is necessary when used by children.
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped. Electric shock, fire or other haz­ards may result.
9. This appliance should be serviced only by qualified service personnel. Call an au-
thorized Whirlpools” service company for examination, repair or adjustment.
Do not cover or block any opening on
the appliance, fire may result.
Follow door surface and interior clean-
ing instructions on page 19.
To reduce the risk of fire in the oven
cavity: a. Do not overcook food. Carefully attend
appliance if paper, plastic, or other com-
bustible materials are placed inside the
oven to facilitate cooking. Paper can char or burn, and some plastics can melt if used when heating foods.
b. Do not deep fry in the oven. c. Test dinnerware or cookware before
using. See page 24. Some dishes (melamine, Centura,@ etc.) absorb micro­wave energy, becoming too hot to handle and slowing cooking times. Remove wire
twist-ties from paper or plastic bags before
placing bag in oven. Cooking in metal containers can damage the oven. So can containers with hidden metal (twist-ties, foil lining, staples, metallic glaze or trim.]
d. If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep oven door closed, turn oven off, and disconnect the power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
Do not heat, store or use flammable materials in or near the oven. Fumes can create a fire hazard or explosion.
14. Read and follow “Operating Safety Pre­cautions” starting on page 22.
Because of the automatic exhaust fan feature, the following cautions must be observed:
a. Do not leave the area when using your cooktop at a high setting. Accidental fires from boilovers or spattering on the surface unit could spread, especially if the exhaust fan is operating.
b. Do not allow grease and soil to build up in the grease filter. Exhaust fan efficiency
will decrease and fire may result. Clean often following the filter cleaning instruc­tions on pages 19 and 20.
c. Do not change the cooktop or oven lights without turning the power off at the main power supply, (see page 21). Elec­trical shock may result.
d. Do not flame foods on a cooktop surface below this unit. The fan, if operating, may spread the flame and cause personal in­jury or property damage.

Using your microwave oven

Microwave Oven Controls

There are four parts in the control section:
-The Digital Display/Clock and Indicator Lights
- Command Pads
- Number Pads
- Fan and Light Pads Instructions for each control are covered on the
following pages. Read them carefully.
When you first plug in the oven, a tone sounds and the Display will show 88:88. If after you set the Clock (page 61, the Display again shows all 8’s; your electricity was off for a whlle. Reset the Clock.
fl Display/Clock
and Indicator em
When you are not usInS
the mlcrowave oven, It
Is an
Clack. When you are using the mlcrowave
oven, It displays time
setttngs, cook powers and lndlcatar Lights.
, Command Pads
1 P Touch Command Pads
to tell the mlcrowave oven what to do and In what order. A few examples:
- CLOCK tells the oven you are golng to set the clack.
- START tells the clock to start.
See page 6 for Infor­matton on the tone you hear when touching any pad.
Each Command Pad (except START and CLEAR) lights an Indlca­tar Llght an the dlgltal display

Number Pads

Fan and Light Pads

control the P-Speed Exhaust Fan and the Cook-
top Light.
Touch Fan Pad for the desired fan speed.
(NOTE: If the temperature gets too hot around
the mlcrowave oven, the exhaust tan In the
vent hood will automatically turn on or
Once you’ve touched a Command Pad to tell the oven what you want It to do, you’ll touch
Number Pads to tell it...
-a time.
-a Cook Power.
change to the HIGH sefflng to protect the oven. lt may stay on up to an hour to cool the oven. When this occurs, the Fan Pad will not
turn the tan off.)
Touch Light Pad for the desired cook-top or
countertop lighting.

Audible Signals

Audlble signals are avallable to guide you when setting and using your oven. (A programmlng tone will sound each ttme you touch a pad. Two beeps will sound between cycles. A remtnder tone will sound every 60 seconds after cooklng Is done to remind you that something has been left in the oven. 4 beeps slgnal the end of the Minute Tlmer fun&ton.) If you don’t hear a tone, It Is because of incorrectly entered Instructions or because the tones have been removed. For example, a tone will not sound If you touch a Number Pad before you touch a Command Pad.
To remove the programmlng tone and reminder tone:
Open the door.
Programmlng and remlnder tones will
be cancelled.
then touch START.
To replace the tones:
Repeat the steps above.
To remove all tones:
Open the door.
All audible tones (including Mlnute Timer signal) will be cancelled.
touch 0, then touch START.
NOTE: Do not remove all tones If you use the Minute Timer.
To replace the tones:
Repeat the steps above.
NOTE: It your electrlclty goes off, the tones will be replaced when the electrlclty comes back on.

Setting the Clock

When the oven Is first plugged in, a tone sounds and the Display shows “88:881’ If the electric power ever goes off, the Display will again show all 8’s when the power comes
back on. You can cook or use the Minute Timer without setting the Clock, but the Display will be
blank after cooklng.
1. Touch
The Display will show a “0” and the colon will start to flash. The flrsl
Number Pad must be touched wlthln 5 seconds or the Display will go blank.
again and continue.
If this happens, touch CLOCK
2. Touch Number Pads for the correct time of day.
The colon will stop flashing. The Clock is set.
Touch START.
NOTE: To Etthe Clock, touch CLOCK. The current time will show on the Display and
the colon will flash. Contlnue to set the Clock as shown above.

Cooking in Your Microwave Oven

Important things to remember to get the best cooklng results:
ALWAYS cook food for the MINIMUM recommended cooking time. If necessary, add time
in one or two minute periods, then check for doneness to avoid overcooking the food.
Stir, turn or rearrange the food being cooked about halfway through the cooking time for most even doneness with all recipes.
If a glass cover is not available, use waxpaper, paper towels or microwave approved plastic wrap. Turn back a corner to vent steam during cooking.
For further information about microwave cooking, refer to a reliable microwave
cookbook. For defrosting foods, see Defrosting Chart on page 25.

Cooking at High Cook Power

Follow these steps to cook at HIGH power.
Put food in the oven and close the door.
3. Touch Number Pads tor cooklng tlme you want.
Touch START.
The display will show the numbers you touched
30 seconds.
The oven will automattcally cook at HIGH Cook Power.
The TIME Indicator Light will stay on to show that the oven is cooking In the cycle.
The Display counts down the time to show how much cooking time is left.
When the cooking time ends, “End” will show on the Display and 4 beeps will sound. (You can stop the beeplng
by opening the door or by touching
CLEAR.] “End” will remain on the
Display and a remtnder tone will sound every 60 seconds (to remind you that food is left in the oven) until the door is opened or CLEAR is touched. The Dtsplay will then show the time of day
In the order you touched
The example shows 1 minute,
Changing the Cooking Time
Cooking time can be changed any time before touching START or during the cycle:
1. Touch TIME.
2. Touch numbers for the new time.
3. Touch START.
Oven will continue cooking for the new time.

Cooking at Lower Cook Powers

For best results, some recipes call for lower Cook Powers. The lower the Cook Power, the slower the cooking. Each Number Pad also stands for a different percentage of Cook Power. Recipes in cookbooks and magazines may tell you by name (HI, MED, LO, etc.) or percentage (lO%, 50%, 80%, etc.).
The following chart gives the percentage of Cook Power each Number Pad stands for, and Cook Power name usually used.
automatic 100% of full power HIGH
9 =
90% of full power
8 =
80% of full power
7 =
70% of full power MED-HIGH
6 =
60% of full power
5 = 50% of full power MED
4 = 40% of full power 3 = 30% of full power MED-LOW 2 = 20% of full power
1 = 10% of full power LOW
0 = no power [fan and light will be off)
Put food In the oven and close the door.
Touch TIME.
3. Touch Number Pads for the cooklng time you want.
. . .
The TIME Indicator Light will come on and the Display will show four 0’s.
The Display will show the numbers
6. Touch START.
The Display will show what you touched. This example shows you touched Number Pad 5 for 50% of full power.
The TIME and POWER Indicator Llghts
will stay on to show that the oven Is
cooklng at a Cook Power other than HIGH.
The Display counts down the time to show how much cooking time is left.
For 2 of every 10 seconds, the Display will show the Cook Power you selected.
continued on next page
+ 19 hidden pages