Whirlpool LA5700XKW0, LA5705XKW0 Owner’s Manual

Models LA5700XK;
Use& Care Guide
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(from the plate LJnder the lid near the range} 2 Purchase dae tr¢._rTisales sl_p (or date _nstalled]
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spaces• Keep this book in the Laundr'y
information Center with your Laundry
Guide. sales slip and warranty
Before using your Washer
Please tea] ms r_ookle+x t,e
L_urevDur wasmor t, i' S?O! ed and usec
properly I_wil nep yO_ 3eT the bes* resb fsan3 oggest !fe VC'4Jrwasher w<]s
ctes gr eo to :gwe
You are personally responsi-
ble for making sure that your washer...
S i IS ailed _v 3 ] Jc]ifP] iqstaller
!s pro©er!,i _rsiohed (]r_d leveled or a floor that cars SLspl)ors the web(...]ht
sco'rectedt( !le _ti]tklrYJofoutiet elec r:c St DDly ,_,(] er sJpbV and drat_
is pr >perh, ele( tr( (]!l_ grouqdud s s hs@(J oily lot i)bs IorrlldtlY
eXDLCte(_ of ha!! e (]dhDT_Ot C WOsgers
Isproperly rout _lqtr_@ ;
Is p olected from !he ,ueother
Is rot run .by oh lurer, sr ]r]yone dnob!e to operate it pro©or y
Remove the ('o'_s Jrner Buy OUlOe abel It w.I be ,_oser to re_ove oefore the wash_2r s _sed
You may wast _o vvpe out the basket with o dor",r" cloth before usr]g
foremove dusttr:r" store@ or shppr%;
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: See the Laundry Guide for tips on deteh
gents, other laundry aids and instructions for washing special
_ee the I _so IoI( _,It s _ _. her s k'r
Colx plete r#orrnot or
CAUTION: Store laundry deter- gent and additives in a cool, dry
place where children can't reach lhem.
Before Using Your Washer Loading Your Washer Understanding Your Washer
Cleaning the Lint Filter 3 Using Your Washer 4
Waler Levels and Load Sizes 5 Liquid Bleach Dispenser }
lmportantDelergent nformal_on o For Rinsing Only Using theSUDS-MISER System For Spinning Only Cycle Operation
pE'_ff'ANFNT Dr-,r q _ 6 KN TS GEN-_E o
REGULA9 HEAVY 8 SOAK :v(}[ [ 10
F'_I2_WASil 10
If You Need Service or Help 1O
I Before }a ,r_fo_Servico 10 2 f'VOd Need _ervce "::
3 t VOd _avea Problerr '2
Loading your Washer
For best washing results and
energy savings, sort the laundry
carefully I. Sort the Laundry into Loads.
Group the laundry into loads that can be washed and dried together.
See the Laundry Guide for informa
tion and samples at typical loads
Try to mix large and small items for best movement in *he washer
2. Measure Detergent; Add to Washer Basket.
See detergent intormahon on page 6and in Section lV of the Laundry
' Add dry bleach or water condi-
tioner (not fabric softener) if used
Follow the package directions carefully.
3. Load the Washer.
Spread the load evenly (Don't pul
all the towels on one side and a few wash clolhs on lhe other.) An unbal-
anced load can causelhe washer to shake during spinning
Load without packing so items can move freely lor best cleaning and
least wrinkling.
4, Pour Liquid Bleach into the Dispenser,
Seepage5 and the Laundry Aids section of the Laundry Guide for more information
5. Add Diluted Fabric Softener only to the Deep Rinse Cycle.
THE WASH. Fabric softeners can cor'n-
bine with soap or detergent to make greasy stains on fabrics
your Washer
This automatic washer has cycle
_!,_gs with different ag,*at on and spin
,p eeds _or d fferem faerc *ypes tar ,,,ample, the REGULAR tEAVYCycle '_as nigh agitation and h_gh sp_n ,Beeds ThePERMANENI PRESS Cycle,
nasnighagtationsr)ee_s but iewspin
_e wasner has a LOAD SIZE
SELECTORthat ets you w;;ust the wa_er ie,-elto r_"arch lhe size or the load
L Select the vvasl and rnse wa*er
:err B>erc3h!res _>est f_r tn_- i3RTQURTof
r _!c]_sd fabric l,_,pe IF' @(Jch load
Sechops _nthis Usc F<Care Our,d(.,
,_> _rlo detaP oc_ -be what and why
i each set÷rag ,_ead ths and "he Laun
;_,, ;u,,,_e careful y to get the r}esf
?iea _lrhg rosa ts
Cleaning the Lint
Water furs through the lint filter
whenever the washer agitates Check it ,fen to make sure it's cean and filter
_,g at its Des1
"o remove it for cleaning, press
bereleasearapulistraigntout Instruc hans for clearing are printed on the
bottom of the fiter
Using your Washer
Your autoFnqJtic _<]sr_er IS easy *o
use -o make ii even e(]sler, read the
follow ng steps before starting your first
Startyour washer o!ter you pot n
dete,gent, the loaa, and any other launary aids according to _nformotion
on page 3 and page 6 I. Set the LOAD SIZE SELECTOR.
Selec +the water level tK_l matches the size of lhe load See page 5 for
more information
IMPORTANT: For the best cleaning results with the least wrinkling, make
sure lhe load has enough ware for teT_S to move fleely
Match the wash ard nnse water fern peratures to the type of fabnas and soils
Doing washed See the nslructions ander the washer lid anct on page 14 in your Laundry Guide
Be sure 1o use a cold nrse for PERMA NfNi PRESS and KNITS GF.N__E Cycles
3. Select a Cycle and Start the
Push the Cycle Control Knob n and _urn it to the right (clocKwise)
Stop when "he pointer is on d-e hum
Let (of rn/r_utes Of washing yOL wort
n the cyce you want
nstruct ons for which cycles to use for each fabric lype are under the Iic_.
To starl fine wasner, pull tne Cyce Car trol Knob oul When the cycle is
over the washer will stop
To stop the washer at any time
during a cycle, push the Control Knob in. Pull it out to restar_ the washer
To change a setting, push the Con
rd Kn,ob in to stop the washer Then turn
he Control KroD "o the right [clockwise} o _ese*tingVouwarl Pull lhe knob
out to starl the washer
_ages8 11 showwha'happensln each cycle
+ 8 hidden pages