A. Refrigerator Compartment
Shelves / Shelf area
Plastic shelf “Dual” (depending on the m odel)
Co oler compar tm ent (depe nding on the mo de l)
Rating plate
Hygiene crispe r
Fan with Hygiene + filte r (depending on the m odel)
Removable she lf with a bot tle holder
Door trays
B. Freezer Compart ment
Upper basket (fre ezing zone )
Ice tray
Storage basket for frozen food items
The freezer door trays for pizza or other frozen pr oduct s
with a short stor age time (de pe nding on the mo de l)
C. Control panel
Anti-bacterial protection:
Hygiene+ filter in fan
Hygiene crispers
Door seals
N otes:
Hygiene+ filter
your re frigerat or through co ntinuous purifying of circulating
air from bacteria. Rem ove it fro m the box (found in the
crispe r dr awer (item 5) and inser t into the grille (item 6c)).
Replace t he filter e ver y 6 mont hs.
Remove the filter t ogether with the grille and dispose as a whole.
Replace t he filter and the grille with the new o ne s.
The replaceme nt procedure is attached with the filter.
O ur After-sales Service can supply this type o f filter.
ensure s a highe r level of hygiene in
The fridge-fre ezer is turne d on by me ans o f the thermost at
unit located in the upper se ct ion o f the co mparte me nt
The temperat ure in the refrigerator and freezer
compart ments is adjusted with the therostat
The control panel functions
The therm ostat kno b (depending on the model)
Adjusting temperature inside the appliance:
Kno b in position
Kno b in position
Kno b in position
Recommended thermostat position is Med.
The inte rnal temper ature s ar e affecte d by the room
N ote:
te mperat ure, freque ncy of ope ning the doo rs, as well as location
of the appliance. Adjust the ther mostat knob depending on t he se
: the appliance is
1-min: minimum
7-max: maximum
turned off
coo ling intensity.
cooling intensity.
Fan (depending on the model)
gives more even temper ature distribut ion inside the
re frigerat or compartm ent, allowing bett er pre servation of
sto red food .
Import ant:
Do not obstruct the air intake area (6a) with food items.
Fan with a button
To fit the fan pre ss the button (6b). It is advisable to act ivate
the fan when the ambient air te mperat ure is over 27 ÷ 28°C
or if you pe rceive dro ps of wat er on t he glass shelves o r in the
severe humidity conditions.
Import ant:
The fan will run ONLY when the compressor is in
operation. Remember to turn off the fan when there is
a lower ambient air temperature.
Fan without a button
An electro nic syste m automatically turn on and turn off the fan.
Import ant:
The fan will run ONLY when the compressor is in operation.
- ho w to r eplace the bulb
- The crispers and the door seals
mat erials that inhibit bacter ial grow th.
- The internal temperatures of the appliance
the ambient te mp erat ure, freque ncy of ope ning the doo rs, as
we ll as location of the ap pliance. Take the se factors into
consideration when setting the thermost at knobs.
- The number of shelves
may vary, depending on t he model. All shelves and door trays
are r emo vable.
- The appliance accessories
a dishwashe r.
and configuration of accesso ries
are manufacture d from
depe nd on
are no t suitable for w ashing in
Before replacing the bulb, re move the pow er plug fro m the
mains socket. N e xt:
Hold the diffuser as sho wn and sque eze it slightly.
Slide it t owar ds the r ear of the appliance
Unscre w the light bulb as illustr ated in the pictur e.
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