Whirlpool FIS-175/F, FIS-160/F, CW 782/2 User Manual

Do not throw the packing into the garbage: first sort out the different materials (i.e.: steel, cardboard, polystyrene), fol­lowing local regulations.
Conformity declaration
This appliance incorporates parts intended to come into con­tact with foodstuffs in compliance with EEC directive 89/109/CEE.
This appliance is free of CFC’s (refrigerant circuit contains R134a) or free of HFC’s (refrigerant circuit contains R600a - Isobutane). For more details, please refer to the rating plate on the appliance.
For appliances with Isobutane (R600a)
The refrigerant Isobutane is a natural gas of high environmen­tal compatibility but which is inflammable. Therefore, it is es­sential to ensure that the ducts of the refrigerant circuit do not get damaged.
The refrigerator you have just purchased allows you to store fresh foods. If equipped with a low temperature compartment, it al­lows the storage of frozen foods and the production of ice cubes as well. Please read the following instructions carefully. The inclu­de a full description of your appliance and useful hints to enable you to achieve the correct performances required to store foods.
(Fig. 1)
A) Thermostat (Depending on the model)
1) Light switch
2) Temperature control knob for both compartments (thermostat)
3) Low temperature compartment
4) Adjustable shelves (in height)
5) Crisper drawers
6) Inner door liner with shelves
7) Butter and eggs compartment
8) Defrosting button
This appliance is for building-in and do not install it as a free­standing unit.
- Please ensure that your appliance is undamaged. Any tran­sport damage must be reported to your dealer within 24 hours of receipt.
- Do not install the appliance near to heat sources such as cookers, central heating, boilers, sunlight, etc. It must how­ever be located in a well ventilated dry space.
- To install this appliance in a column, please follow the sepa­rate instructions supplied.
- Make sure that the column is provided with an air inlet at the front and an air outlet at the rear (Fig. 2).
- Leave the appliance to stand for 1 h prior to connecting it to the mains. In the meantime clean the compartments (see chapter "Maintenance") and fit the accessories (Fig. 3).
Please check that the voltage indicated on the rating plate si­tuated inside the compartment (Fig. 5) corresponds to the voltage in your home (Fig. 4).
The earthing of this appliance is compulsory by law. The manufacturer will accept no liability for injury to person or damage to objects arising from the non-ob­servance of this requirement.
If the mains lead of this appliance is fitted with a BS 1363A 13 amp fused plug, to change a fuse in this type of plug use an A.S.T.A. approved fuse to BS 1362 type and proceed as fol­lows:
1. Remove the fuse cover (A) and fuse (B)
2. Fit replacement 13A fuse into fuse cover
3. Refit both into plug. IMPORTANT: The fuse cover must be refitted when chang-
ing a fuse and if the fuse cover is lost the plug must not be used until a correct replacement is fitted. Correct replace­ments are identified by the colour insert or the colour embos­sed in words on the base of the plug. Replacement fuse covers are available from your local electri­cal store.
If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket outlet, then it should be cut off and disposed of in order to avoid a possible shock hazard should it be inserted into a 13A socket elsewhere. A suitable alternative plug should then be fitted to the cable. The wires in this mains lead are coloured, in accordance with the following code: BLUE-“NEUTRAL" ("N") BROWN-"LIVE" ("L") GREEN AND YELLOW - "EARTH" ("E")
1. The GREEN AND YELLOW wire must be connected to the ter­minal in the plug which is marked with the letter "E" or by the Earth symbol or coloured green or green and yellow.
2. The BLUE wire must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter "N" or coloured black.
3. The BROWN wire must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter "L" or coloured red.
For the Republic of Ireland only
The information given in respect of Great Britain will frequen­tly apply, but a third type of plug and socket is also used, the 2-pin, side earth type. In this case, the wire which is coloured GREEN AND YELLOW must be connected to the EARTH con­tact, and the other two wires to the two pins, irrespective of colour. The supply to the socket must be fitted with a 16 amp fuse.
BLUE Connection to a typical 13 amp plug
If the plug and the wall socket do not comply, have the socket replaced by a qualified electrician. He should also check that the section of the socket wires can withstand the power absorbed by the appliance. The use of the adapters, multipole sockets and extension cords is not advisable. If absolutely necessary, use simple or multiple adapters and ex­tension cords in compliance with local safety regulations paying attention not to exceed the maximum amperage, whi­ch is marked on the simple adaptors and on extension cords and that of the total power marked on the multiple adapters. When the appliance is plugged in, the interior light should co­me on when the door is opened. Turn the thermostat control knob as indicated in chapter "Thermostat". The refrigerator is now ready for use.
The thermostat (Fig. 1/A) controls the temperature inside the appliance. Position indicates that the operation of the appliance is in­terrupted and the interior light is off. To obtain the best storage of foods, we suggest you adjust the thermostat control knob to an intermediate position. To obtain colder temperatures inside the appliances, turn the thermostat control knob towards the higher settings. Contrarily, should the inside temperature be too cold, turn the thermostat control knob towards settings 2-1. We remind you that internal temperatures are affected by the location of the appliance, the temperature of the surrounding air, the frequency of door opening. The setting of the thermo­stat may have to be varied to allow for these factors.
In the refrigerator compartment the temperature varies depen­dent on the section. The coldest one is near the crispers and the rear wall. In the compartment, if provided, a temperature of
-18°C is reached, allowing the storage of frozen foods for so­me months. The storage time depends on the nature of the foods and is generally given on the frozen foods packets. If foods start to thaw, they must not be refrozen, but used within the least possible delay. All items stored in the refrigerator compartment should be wrapped in cling film, aluminium foil or kept in a covered con­tainer. This prevents foods from becoming dry on the surface and al­so stops strong smells and flavours being transferred from one food to another. The space inside the appliance can be organised to suit your needs by moving the shelves. We suggest you store foods as illustrated in Fig. 6.
Attention: Do not store glass containers in the
com­partment nor warm foods in the refrigerator compartment. Fizzy drinks should not be frozen and some products, such as flavoured water ices, should not be consumed too cold.
(for appliances provided with a low temperature compartment)
Three-quarters fill the ice cube trays with water and place them in the low temperature compartment.
If the trays stick to the bottom of the compartment, do not detach them with sharp or cutting instruments which could damage the appliance. Use, if required, the handle of a spoon. To allow removal of cubes from the plastic trays, twist the trays slightly.
Attention: Do not eat ice cubes or ice lollies immediately after removal from the low temperature compartment as they may
give rise to cold burns
- If your appliance is not provided with the low temperature compartment, defrosting is automatic.
During the defrost cycle water droplets drip along the rear wall, the water is then conveyed to a tray situated on the compressor casing where it evaporates.
- If your appliance is provided with the compartment, to keep energy consumption low, we recommend that you perio­dically remove excessive ice and frost from the inside of the compartment. Never use sharp or cutting instruments. We suggest you defrost when the layer of frost has attained a 3 mm thickness
(Fig. 7).
To defrost, proceed as follows:
- disconnect the appliance from the mains (Fig. 8);
- empty the
- turn the thermostat control knob to position ●;
- dry defrost water with a sponge or a cloth (Fig. 9). At completion of defrosting, dry the compartment walls, con­nect the appliance to the mains, turn the thermostat control knob to the position required, referring to chapter "Adjustment of the temperature". Also for this model, the defrosting of the refrigerator compart­ment is automatic.
We suggest you defrost when the layer of frost reaches a 3 mm thickness (Fig. 7).
To defrost:
Ensure that the drip tray is emptied and placed under the drain. Empty the low temperature compartment. It is not necessary to empty the refrigerator compartment. Defrosting can be carried out in two ways:
Accelerated defrosting
Disconnect the appliance from the mains (Fig. 8). Place a bowl with warm water (50°C approx.) in the low tem­perature compartment and leave the refrigerator door open (Fig. 10). If required, change the water. When the frost has melted, clean the inside and reconnect the appliance to the mains supply.
Normal defrosting
Press the button (8) in the centre of the thermostat control knob and close the door. When the frost has melted, the switch will return to its origi­nal position and the refrigerator will automatically operate. After defrosting, remove the bowl with water and place the ice cubes tray in the low temperature compartment. Note: Do not use sharp or cutting instruments to remove the frost. Do not use electric heaters or other heat sources.
Always disconnect the appliance from the mains supply, prior to any cleaning or maintenance operation. To clean the inside of the appliance and the accessories, we suggest you use a solution of lukewarm water and vinegar. Never use abrasives, detergents or soaps. The shelves are hooked at both sides of the inner door liner. Periodically clean the water tray, situated on the rear compart­ment wall (Fig. 11). Use a pencil or a similar tool. Clean the door gasket with water and dry carefully. Avoid soiling the door gasket with oil or any other grease whi­ch could damage it. After cleaning, reconnect the appliance to the mains.
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